Mostrando 34 resultados

Descripción archivística
Theatre productions 1824-1896
KLE/2/1 · Unidad documental simple · 1824-1896
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Lists performances of theatre productions at York, Leeds, and London. Information includes register number, title of production, notes and remarks, description, number of acts and scenes, authors, adapters and composers.

Pirates of Penzance programme
KLE/3/7 · Unidad documental simple · 28 April 1903
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of The Pirates of Penzance, by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in aid of York Hospital, at York Theatre Royal.

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Dorothy (1904) programme
KLE/3/8 · Unidad documental simple · 18 April 1904
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of Dorothy by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in aid of York Hospital, at York Theatre Royal. The Society performed Dorothy again in April 1913, see KLE/3/2.

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H.M.S. Pinafore programme
KLE/3/5 · Unidad documental simple · 16 May 1905
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of H.M.S. Pinafore by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, at York Theatre Royal.

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Merrie England programme
KLE/3/10 · Unidad documental simple · 16 April 1906
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of Merrie England by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in aid of York County Hospital, at York Theatre Royal.

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The Gondoliers (1907) programme
KLE/3/11 · Unidad documental simple · 1 April 1907
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of The Gondoliers by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society in aid of York County Hospital, at York Theatre Royal. The Society performed The Gondoliers again in March 1929, see KLE/3/3.

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Theatre productions 1872-1908
KLE/2/5 · Unidad documental simple · 1872-1908
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Performances of various productions in York, Leeds, London, Birmingham, Harrogate, Scarborough, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Blackpool, Douglass, Newcastle, and Paris. Includes pantomimes and ballets in York and Leeds. Includes visits to Savoy Theatre for operas and ballets. Has table of contents.

Killibegs programme
KLE/3/4 · Unidad documental simple · 27 November 1911
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of Killibegs by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, at York Theatre Royal.

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Dorothy (1913) programme
KLE/3/2 · Unidad documental simple · 21 April 1913
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of Dorothy by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society at York Theatre Royal. The Society had previously performed Dorothy in April 1904, see KLE/3/8

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Londesborough Theatre, Scarborough
KLE/3/33 · Unidad documental simple · July 1914
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Brochure for re-opened Londesborough Theatre, Scarborough. Details of refurbishments and promise of performances by 'the very Highest Class of Variety Company' and use of building as a 'Picture House'. Includes photographs of new interior.

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'Fun of the Fayre' review
KLE/2/11 · Unidad documental simple · 7 August 1921
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Newspaper clipping from unidentified newspaper with handwritten date, re a David Garrick comedy 'The Fun of the Fayre' at London Pavilion

Theatre productions 1872-1921
KLE/2/6 · Unidad documental simple · 1872-1921
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Book listing theatre performances in a series of lists with various orders - chronological, alphabetical by title, by location. Includes lists of pantomimes. Locations include York, Leeds, Sheffield, Hull, Bradford, Wakefield, Scarborough, Birmingham, Newcastle, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Paris. Includes loose note at front stating that the volume was examined on the August Bank Holiday 1921 and found 'to be about correct' by Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser.

The Rebel Maid programme
KLE/3/6 · Unidad documental simple · March 5 1923
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of The Rebel Maid by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in aid of York County Hospital, at York Theatre Royal.

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Theatre productions 1872-1923
KLE/2/4 · Unidad documental simple · 1872-1923
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Lists of performances at York, Leeds. Bradford, Sheffield, Wakefield, Scarborough. Paris, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hull, Birmingham , Liverpool, Harrogate and London. Lists plays by locations, venues, and playwright. Also lists of pantomimes.

KLE/2/7 · Unidad documental simple · 1872-1923
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Record of performances of various cultural performances including pantomimes, ballets, spectacles, sketches, operas and Shakespearian productions. Locations include York, Leeds, Bradford and London.

Letter from Compton Comedy Company
KLE/5/1/7 · Unidad documental simple · 30 April 1924
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Sent from Grand Opera House, Scarborough, from Nelson King of the Compton Comedy Company. Replying to Kleiser's enquiry about a performance of 'The Penultimate Slope'.

Diaries of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser
KLE/1 · Serie · 2 January 1918- 28 January 1925
Parte de Kleiser family collection

This series comprises 7 bound volumes, the diaries of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser (1855-1929). They mainly focus on events in York, particularly associated with the theatre and dramatic arts. They are handwritten.

Highwayman Love programme
KLE/3/1 · Unidad documental simple · 2 March 1925
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of Highwayman Love by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society at York Theatre Royal.

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Overture programme
KLE/3/16 · Unidad documental simple · 12 October 1925
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for the performance of Overture by York Everyman Theatre, at the Co-Operative Hall, Railway Street, York,. Note that the year is not included on the front of the programme but 'forthcoming productions' on back page indicate this performance was in October 1925,

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London, Leeds and York visits
KLE/2/3 · Unidad documental simple · 1869-1926
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Lists Cuthbert Kleiser's visits to London, 1869-1911 and attendances at performances of plays and operas in York and Leeds 1872-1926.

Letter from Comic Operas Limited
KLE/5/1/15 · Unidad documental simple · 31 January 1928
Parte de Kleiser family collection

From J. Bannister Howard of Comic Operas Ltd of Fleet Street London. Regarding travels of Aladdin pantomime company through York, Bridlington, Peterborough, King's Lynn, Gusiborough and Lincoln, Next year will be 'Babes in the Woods.' Reply to Kleiser's earlier letter.

Mask and the Face programme
KLE/3/13 · Unidad documental simple · 21 November 1928
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for the performance of The Mask and the Face by The Guild of York Players, at the Art Gallery, York.

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KLE/5/1 · Subserie · 1911-1928
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Correspondence of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser reflecting his personal and business life and his interest in, and support of the theatre in York and further afield. With the exception of KLE/5/1/25, all correspondence is from other individuals to Kleiser. He is sometimes addressed as 'Joseph', 'Joe' or 'Mr J Kleiser', particularly in the more informal letters from friends and family. Indeed, he signs himself 'J Kleiser' in the single piece of correspondence sent by him to Mr Cahill (KLE/5/1/25).

Theatre programmes
KLE/3 · Serie · 1897-1928
Parte de Kleiser family collection

This series includes 37 programmes for theatre and operatic performances by various amateur theatrical and operatic groups, at various venues around York. There is also a menu for a dinner for the Gallery First Nighters' club. The collection was probably compiled by Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser (1855-1929) who had a keen interest in the theatre.

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The Gondoliers (1929) programme
KLE/3/3 · Unidad documental simple · 4 March 1929
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Programme for performance of The Gondoliers by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society in aid of York County Hospital, at York Theatre Royal. The Society had previously performed The Gondoliers in April 1907, see KLE/3/11

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YPS · Fondo · 13th Century- 20th Century

Various documents collected by the Yorkshire Philosophical Society relating to the history of York, York property and land, and prominent York individuals. The collection includes historical notes and accounts, and original documents collected by the society in the course of their antiquarian research. These original documents include estate correspondence and papers, land and property deeds, civic and official documents, guild records, personal and business papers, papers of Eustace Strickland, papers of the Whitehead family, and papers from the Yorkshire Musical Festival.

Notably, the collection includes YPS/5/1 [c. 1525-1550]: The guild's own manuscript copy of The Scrivener' Play, originally performed as part of the cycle of York Mystery Plays, also know as 'The Sykes Manuscript. This is the only known surviving guild copy of a York Mystery Play.

Until 1752, Great Britain used the Julian calendar, with the first day of the new year falling on March 25th. Dates in this catalogue have all been expressed as 'new style' dates, in line with the Gregorian calendar, unless otherwise stated.

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KLE/2 · Serie · c. 1863-late 20th century
Parte de Kleiser family collection

Volumes, lists, and notes regarding theatre performances and other cultural productions in York and Yorkshire and across the country. Compiled by Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser. Includes pantomimes, ballets and operas. Also includes details of his visits to London to attend performances. Also lists productions in Paris, France.
The dates of several of the volumes overlap.
Some of the notes are written in biro, dating their creation to the mid to late 20th century, most likely pre-1989..

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Kleiser family collection
KLE · Colección · 1808-late 20th century

This collection comprises documents, correspondence, volumes, photographs and physical objects created by and relating to the Kleiser family, and related families (particularly the Cundall and Potter families), as well as to the Kleiser clock and watchmaking/jewelers/silversmiths business. . Much of the material relates to York and Yorkshire, but there are references to other national and international locations.
Includes notes in biro, which dates their creation to the mid to late 20th century, most likely pre-1989.

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Freda Freer collection of programmes
FFP · Colección · 1944-2012

Includes programmes for theatrical and musical performances in and around York, principally for choral music, light music, operas, and operettas. Many of the programmes relate to performances by amateur and community groups. These programmes were collected by Freda Freer during the course of her lifetime.

Information contained in each programme varies, but many of the programmes include some information about the society performing the production, information about the production itself, information about the performers and producers, lists of past performances by the society, lists of performances by other societies, and lists of other performances at the same venue.

Many of the programmes contain artwork on the covers and advertisements, in particular those for businesses based in York and for products and services relating to music and drama.

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