Affichage de 114455 résultats

Description archivistique
Second World War Civil Defence
Y/ORD/4/6 · Série · 1939-1954
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Includes civil defence publications, papers relating to wardens, ARP Emergency Committee agendas and minutes, Air Raid Precautions (ARP) correspondence, shelter files, instructions to civilians and papers regarding the welfare of citizens, fire service and fire prevention files, papers relating to the Women's Voluntary Service, papers regarding the billeting of workers, Ministry of Health files, papers regarding air raids and resultant war damage, papers regarding the Halifax bomber crash in York, staff registers, papers regarding training exercises, casualty lists, invasion committee papers, Operations Regional Comissioner correspondence, A.R.P Control Headquarters register of permits and papers relating to German chemical warfare explorations.

File relating to the Home Guard
Y/ORD/4/6/9 · Dossier · 1939-1954
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Includes papers relating to Japanese money, a soldier's service pay book, a photograph of a Home Guard/soldier (presumably) parade, three general letters from the Home Guard and War Office to soldiers (depicting the Great War effort), a booklet of Great E

PIC · Collection · [c1950]-2011

Includes small collections of photographs and other images relating to York. Includes photographic prints, photographic negatives, postcards, drawings, engravings, and other images.

Sans titre
Meeting minutes
SOR/1 · Série · 1981-1996
Fait partie de Records of Soroptimist International of York

Typescript minutes of meetings of the Soroptimist International of York. Also includes copies of correspondence, information for members and statements of accounts.

Sans titre
YFF · Fonds · 1786-1986

Administrative records of the society, including: rules and orders, membership papers, financial records, membership benefits records, administrative papers and correspondence, report and publications, and a small number of photographs and object relating to the society.

The collection includes a small number of account books pre-dating the formal establishment of the society in 1788, and some material relating to the continued administration of funds and remaining members after the society was dissolved in 1977.

Sans titre
YFF/PC/22 · Dossier · 1981-1984
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Includes christmas cards and letters of thanks sent to Miss Sylvia Gray and Mrs Moyra Johnson in thanks for the christmas cards and gift of £1 sent to remaining members. Also includes a number of christmas cards returned because the members had passed away. Four of these cards contain a one pound note. Also includes letters outlining that the 1983 payment will be the final payment to members from the remaining funds, and some letters about the final meeting of members in 1984.

Administrative correspondence, 1977-1984
YFF/PC/21 · Dossier · 1977-1984
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Correspondence between Sylvia Gray and Moyra Johnson, with associated notes, receipts, and papers, relating to the administration of the remaining members and funds of the society after its closure in 1977. Includes lists of members with personal information and annotations noting changes of address and death of members.

Also includes a note from the Archive service noting the deposit of some records.

YFF/PC/18 · Dossier · 1974-1977
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Principally concerning the closing of the society, including a circular letter to members about the dissolution 1975, a list of final payments due to members at disslution, lists of members, and other associated correspondence and papers. Also includes an annual report and balance sheet for account for 1975.

YFF/PC/10 · Dossier · 1970-1974
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Correspondence and associated papers relating to the administration of the society, including that relating to insurance, the management of funds, and payments to members. Also includes a list of pension recipients in 1973, and a rought copy of a meeting agenda and minutes, 1973. Includes some letters from 1970 and 1974.

YFF/PC/4 · Dossier · 1902; c1970s-1984
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Papers created and compiled by Moyra Johnson, including newscuttings, a photograph of the final procession of the society and articles relating to the history of the society. Includes a copy of the 1902 pamphlet by Almyra Gray, 'A Women's Friendly Society' which has additional commentary attached by Moyra Johnson.

Dentistry Pay Tickets
YFF/BE/4/2/1 · Dossier · c1933-1973
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Sick pay tickets used for dentistry treatment, arranged alphabetically and showing the name of the recipient, the address of the recipient, the date payments began, and payments made on various dates. The dates includes on each card varies.

Register of Dental Benefits, 1935-1939
YFF/BE/4/1/1 · Pièce · 1935-1939
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Account book containing information about members in receipt of the benefits, using the following column headings: week ending, claim number, members number, members's name, amount dentist's Account, amount (if any) paid by member, amount paid by society, dentist's name and address, treatment, and remarks. The final two columns have not been filled in.

Sickness Record cards
YFF/BE/3/2/1 · Dossier · 1917-1973
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Completed records cards for members in receipt of sickness benefits, including the following information: name, address, nature of illness, date on which incapacity began and ended, number of weeks.

Sick Pay acocunt book, 1951-1975
YFF/BE/3/1/3 · Pièce · 1951-1975
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Account book kept by the Junior Stewardess, under the column headings: date of entry, name, married or single, certified cause of sickness, year of birth, and columns showing amounts paid fortnightly, and summary amounts paid. Also includes some summary information.

Sick Pay Account book, 1925-1951
YFF/BE/3/1/2 · Pièce · 1925-1951
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Account book kept by the Junior Stewardess, under the column headings: date of entry, name, married or single, certified cause of sickness, year of birth, and columns showing amounts paid fortnightly, and summary amounts paid. Also includes some summary information.

Sick Pay Account book, 1892-1925
YFF/BE/3/1/1 · Pièce · 1892-1925
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Account book kept by the Senior Stewardess, under the column headings: date of entry, name, married or single, certified cause of sickness, year of birth, and columns showing amounts paid fortnightly, and summary amounts paid. Also includes some summary information about the number of members sick, number of weeks of sickness, number of members lying in, special payments made for dentistry, and summary Accounts.

Pension account book, 1967-1975
YFF/BE/2/1/7 · Pièce · 1967-1975; 1973-1984
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Pension account list, showing the names of those in receipt of pensions and the amounts they received, under the headings: name, married or single, year of birth, [year] pension began, amount paid [by quarter], total received, and address.

Also includes a file of administrative notes relating to membership, expenses, and meetings, 1973-1984.

Pension account book, 1961-1966
YFF/BE/2/1/6 · Pièce · 1961-1966
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Pension account list, showing the names of those in receipt of pensions and the amounts they received, under the headings: name, married or single, address, year of birth, [year] pension began, amount paid [by quarter], and total.

Pension account book, 1955-1960
YFF/BE/2/1/5 · Pièce · 1955-1960
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Pension account list, showing the names of those in receipt of pensions and the amounts they received, under the headings: name, married or single, address, year of birth, [year] pension began, amount paid [by quarter], and total.

Pension account book, 1944-1954
YFF/BE/2/1/4 · Pièce · 1944-1954
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Pension account list, showing the names of those in receipt of pensions and the amounts they received, under the headings: name, married or single, address, year of birth, [year] pension began, amount paid [by quarter], and total.

Pension account book, 1937-1943
YFF/BE/2/1/3 · Pièce · 1937-1943
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Pension account list, showing the names of those in receipt of pensions and the amounts they received, under the headings: name, married or single, address, year of birth, [year] pension began, amount paid [by quarter], and total. Also includes summary income and expenditure Accounts for the years 1937-1938.

Pension account book, 1927-1936
YFF/BE/2/1/2 · Pièce · 1927-1936
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Pension account list, showing the names of those in receipt of pensions and the amounts they received, under the headings: name, married or single, address, year of birth, [year] pension began, amount paid [by quarter], and total. Also includes summary income and expenditure Accounts for each year.

Pension account book, 1914-1926
YFF/BE/2/1/1 · Pièce · 1914-1926
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Pension account list, showing the names of those in receipt of pensions and the amounts they received, under the headings: name, married or single, address, year of birth, [year] pension began, amount paid [by quarter], and total. Also includes summary income and expenditure Accounts for each year.

Includes a printed resolution, 1912, stating that pensions and annuities be amalgamated and henceforth be known as pensions.

Member benefits management
YFF/BE · Série · 1892-1977
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Financial and administrative records relating to the management of member benefits, including pensions, sick pay, dentistry and death benefits. Principally includes account registers and payment receipt cards.

Savings account books
YFF/FR/8/1 · Dossier · 1946-1986
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Three small account book showing deposits and withdrawals with the Trustee Savings Bank (TSB) and the York County Savings Bank. Also includes a letter requesting the account to be closed.

YFF/FR/6/3 · Dossier · 1801-1817
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Reciepts, numbered 1 to 16 showing the amounts of government stocks purchased in the names of Trustees of the York Female Friendly Society as an investment for the Private Fund. Includes a summary lists showing stock purchased, which list reciepts 1 to 29.

Also includes a signed declaration of trust made by William Withers and William Gray, declaring that the money invested in the stock was not their own money, but belonged to the York Female Friendly Society Private Fund.

YFF/FR/6/1 · Dossier · 1794-1817
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Reciepts, numbered 1 to 32 showing the amounts of government stocks (also called 3% consols) purchased in the names of Trustees of the York Female Friendly Society as an investment for the General Fund. Includes two summary lists showing stock purchased. Receipt number 16 is missing.

Also includes a signed declaration of trust made by William Withers and William Gray, declaring that the money invested in the stock was not their own money, but belonged to the York Female Friendly Society.