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Bed book
BRU/1/4 · Item · 17 July-25 August 1987
Parte de Brunswick / Peasholme Hostel


Bed book
BRU/1/3 · Item · 28 May-16 July 1987
Parte de Brunswick / Peasholme Hostel


Bed book
BRU/1/2 · Item · 25 March-27 May 1987
Parte de Brunswick / Peasholme Hostel


Commitee meetings 2021: minutes and agenda
RFS/2/7 · Documento · February 2021 - November 2021
Parte de River Foss Society

Agenda and minutes, with associated meeting papers and committee reports, including treasurers' reports and accounts, events and environment reports, planning reports and membership reports. Also includes a list of suggested topics for MSc dissertations in the University of York's Department of Environment and Geography.

Sem título
Membership list 2021
RFS/5/5 · Documento · 2021
Parte de River Foss Society

List of society members for the year 2021, including address and contact details.

Sem título
Newsletters and publicity materials, 2021-2022
RFS/7/7 · Documento · 2021-2022
Parte de River Foss Society

Includes newsletters for Spring, Summer, and Autumn 2020, and for Winter 2020/2021, with inserts concerning events. Also includes a laminated poster advertising the York Walls Festival, which the River Foss Society supported.

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Bootham Survivors, a memoir of the class of 1968
MSS/4/16 · Item · 2020
Parte de Manuscripts collection

Memoir of a group of ex-students of Bootham School, as they had their 70th birthdays in 2020. The accounts have been anonymised by the authors where necessary, and include details of career paths of the individuals and their thoughts on the school.

1 - Project background.docx
RFS/13/3/1 · Documento · 2020
Parte de River Foss Society

Microsoft Word document describing the setup of the Community Water Monitoring Project in 2017. The initiative was 'partly a response to the Environment Agency drastically reducing its river water sampling regime as an economy measure'. The document directs the reader to see other files in this folder for more information and for the results of sampling from January 2018 - December 2019. Mike Gray is the stated author of the document, which is dated January 2020. There is also a hyperlink to

Parent folder: 2020/002
MD5 Checksum: 7582b4c7a29038a1335edce6e12bbce2
Original Creation date: 09/01/2020
Last-modified date: 07/04/2020. Altered during digital preservation activities by Frances Bell.
Original last-modified date: 10/01/2020
File size: 0.03MB
File format: Microsoft Word for Windows
File extension: docx
Backup storage location:

3 - Kyoritsu test kit explanation.docx
RFS/13/3/3 · Item · 2020
Parte de River Foss Society

Microsoft Word document titled 'Clean Water for Wildlife Technical Guide' by the Freshwater Habitats Trust. It contains guidelines for quick nutrient testing kits.

Parent folder: 2020/002
MD5 Checksum: 2c0f954933479c7de2cbb93bd58bda45
Original Creation date: 09/01/2020
Last-modified date: 07/04/2020. Altered during digital preservation activities by Frances Bell
Original last-modified date: 09/01/2020
File size: 0.42MB
File format: Microsoft Word for Windows
File extension: docx
Backup storage location:

6 - Palintest 7100 Photometer.docx
RFS/13/3/6 · Item · 2020
Parte de River Foss Society

Microsoft Word document titled 'Palintest 7100 Photometer'. Contains information about the Photometer 7100 and pictures of the device.

Parent folder: 2020/002
MD5 Checksum: 280b4e40f8f2c3caa554909e2f2132be
Original Creation date: 09/01/2020
Last-modified date: 07/04/2020. Altered during digital preservation activities by Frances Bell
Original last-modified date: 09/01/2020
File size: 0.35MB
File format: Microsoft Word for Windows
File extension: docx
Backup storage location:

2 - Initial CWM meeting march 2017.docx
RFS/13/3/2 · Item · 2020
Parte de River Foss Society

Microsoft Word document titled 'Community Water Management Project'. The document records a meeting beteen Caitlin Pearson (Dales River Trust) and Mark Gladwin and Mike Gray (RFS).

Parent folder: 2020/002
MD5 Checksum: 07381cd282ce3bfc2079e1e37feba35f
Original Creation date: 09/01/2020
Last-modified date: 07/04/2020. Altered during digital preservation activities by Frances Bell.
Original last-modified date: 09/01/2020
File size: 0.01MB
File format: Microsoft Word for Windows
File extension: docx
Backup storage location:

4 - RFS water quality results.xlsx
RFS/13/3/4 · Item · 2020
Parte de River Foss Society

Microsoft Excel document containing water quality results, including nitrate and phosphate results and multiple graphs.

Parent folder: 2020/002
MD5 Checksum: e781acf892818cfd7d3e35abb5774713
Original Creation date:10/11/2019
Last-modified date: 07/04/2020. Altered during digital preservation activities by Frances Bell
Original last-modified date: 09/01/2020
File size: 0.08MB
File format: Microsoft Excel for Windows
File extension: xlsx
Backup storage location:

5 - Environment Agency results R Foss 2016-7.xlsx
RFS/13/3/5 · Item · 2020
Parte de River Foss Society

Microsoft Excel document containing detailed results from the Environment Agency.

Parent folder: 2020/002
MD5 Checksum: 95f74706c894e6d7cde8bba50a58243f
Original Creation date: 28/09/2011
Last-modified date: 07/04/2020. Altered during digital preservation activities by Frances Bell
Original last-modified date: 01/10/2017
File size: 0.08MB
File format: Microsoft Excel for Windows
File extension: xlsx
Backup storage location:

The Press
YCF/3/225 · Item · 25/11/2019
Parte de York City Football Club

Featuring tribute to Peter Turpin, designer of York City's 1974 uniform.

D-Day 75
NVA/1/25 · Documento · June 2019-July 2019
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Includes newspaper articles, commemorative programmes and papers relating to the 75th anniversary of D-Day commemorations, both in York and in France. Also includes commemorative programmes and papers relating to the Service of Remembrance held at St Lawrence Church, York, on 22nd July 2019.

Commitee meetings 2019-2020: minutes and agenda
RFS/2/6 · Documento · March 2019 - November 2020
Parte de River Foss Society

Agenda and minutes, including some annotations, with associated meeting papers, including committee reports, treasurers' reports and accounts, events and environment reports, walk reports, a health and safety report and policy, a planning report, and administrative correspondence.

Sem título
Papers from the Annual General Meeting [AGM] held in 2021
RFS/3/4 · Documento · 2019-2021
Parte de River Foss Society

Includes the papers prepared for the AGM held in 2021 and subsequent minutes of that meeting. Papers include minutes of the previous AGM held in 2019 (no meeting was held in 2020), accounts for the years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, an agenda for the 2021 meeting, and a letter to members inviting them to the meeting.

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Financial papers and accounts, 2020
RFS/4/10 · Documento · 2019-2021
Parte de River Foss Society

Financial papers including bank statements and associated correspondence, and signed statements of accounts for the years 2019 and 2020.

Sem título
Financial papers and accounts, 2021
RFS/4/11 · Documento · 2019-2022
Parte de River Foss Society

Financial papers including bank statements and associated correspondence, signed statements of accounts for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021, and financial reports, including a list of members.

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Rotagraphs 2019-2020
YRO/7/3/16 · Documento · January 2019 -December 2020
Parte de Rotary Club of York

Monthly newsletter of the York Rotary Club

York Society of Magicians scrapbook
YSM/5/3 · Item · [c.2019]
Parte de York Society of Magicians


A folder labelled 'York Society of Magicians Scrap Book', which includes material from 1969 to 2019. The scrapbook includes material discussing the society logo, photographs, newspaper and magazine clippings, and programmes from events.

Members' correspondence
YSC/2/2/6 · Documento · 2019-2020
Parte de Records of York Scribes

Contains letters written to the membership secretary by members of the group relating the payment of fees and the AGM. Most of the letters were written in April and May 2020, and some include short reflections on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Also includes a leaflet promoting the group, and a compliments slips for the membership secretary.

Membership lists 2019-2020
RFS/5/4 · Documento · 2019-2020
Parte de River Foss Society

Lists of society members for the years 2019 and 2020, including address and contact details.

Sem título
Newsletters and publicity materials, 2019-2020
RFS/7/5 · Documento · c. 2000s-2020
Parte de River Foss Society

Newsletters for Spring, Summer, and Autumn 2019 and Winter 2019/2020
Newsletter inserts, including papers relating to walks and events, and a circular letter to members
A photocopy of a leaflet for the River Foss Society from 2006
Posters advertising public meetings and talks
A membership pack, including a blank membership card, a compliments slip, and a leaflet. Also includes two earlier membership leaflets from c. 2000s and 2006 respectively.

Sem título
Biographical information
HDG/28/5 · Documento · 2019
Parte de Hardings drapers, High Ousegate, York

Biographical information about Eva Winifred Maud Harding, primarily taken from, but with some electronic copies of certificates. Includes birth and marriage information, as well as 1939 Register information and wills and administations details. This bundle was compiled by the depositor, Mr David Harding, at the time of deposit.

Research on registered charities in York
MSS/4/1 · Item · 2019
Parte de Manuscripts collection

Research conducted on York's 675 registered charities by University of York MA students Hae Joong, Kim & Rhamadinna Fatimah, Kyungsook, Yurie and Yunhee, students of Professor Neil Lunt.

Please note that this item cannot be copied or published in any way without permission of the authors and York Common Good Trust as the copyright holder.