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Descrição arquivística
York Civic Archive
Y · Arquivo · 1155-2015

The civic archive is the historical archive of the City of York Council and predecessor bodies. The oldest surviving record dates from 1155. It is the archive of the civic life of the city and will continue to grow and take in new records to preserve the present for the future.

The collection is rich and varied record of everyday life in the city of York over many centuries. The core collection consists of the records of governance and adminstration, such as council minutes from 1476, chamberlain's accounts from 1398 and the minutes of dozens of committees on subjects as diverse as air raids, libraries, public assistance and markets.

The collection also includes the records of departments (from the twentieth century) and arms length bodies whose responsibilites were transferred to or from the council over time, such as the trustees for the Ouse and the Foss.

To explore record creators such as committees or civic officials search for 'corporate bodies' in the catalogue, where you can find detailed information and a link to the records of each. This is a good way of unpicking the complex web of departments and committees which changed their names often whilst continuing to carry out the same function.

This catalogue is a selection of the civic archive showing the records which are currently available for access only. Further historical and modern records will be added as they are catalogued and processed into the new archive store at York Explore, including records post 1974.

Records containing the personal data of individuals living or presumed to be living are restricted under the Data Protection Act.

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Documents belonging to Mr. R. Wilibur
WIL · Arquivo · 13th Century-1838

Various collected documents relating to York, including a copy of Papal Bull of 1223, public notices, charters, a deed for Archbishop Holgate's school, a notice of survey of River Ouse and a rough draft account of visit of Prince Albert to York in 1838.

Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections
YPS · Arquivo · 13th Century- 20th Century

Various documents collected by the Yorkshire Philosophical Society relating to the history of York, York property and land, and prominent York individuals. The collection includes historical notes and accounts, and original documents collected by the society in the course of their antiquarian research. These original documents include estate correspondence and papers, land and property deeds, civic and official documents, guild records, personal and business papers, papers of Eustace Strickland, papers of the Whitehead family, and papers from the Yorkshire Musical Festival.

Notably, the collection includes YPS/5/1 [c. 1525-1550]: The guild's own manuscript copy of The Scrivener' Play, originally performed as part of the cycle of York Mystery Plays, also know as 'The Sykes Manuscript. This is the only known surviving guild copy of a York Mystery Play.

Until 1752, Great Britain used the Julian calendar, with the first day of the new year falling on March 25th. Dates in this catalogue have all been expressed as 'new style' dates, in line with the Gregorian calendar, unless otherwise stated.

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Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors
GDC · Arquivo · c. 1523-1975

This extensive collection comprises legal papers and probate documentation relating to the clients of Gray, Dodsworth & Co, over at least three centuries. Clients were not solely York-based, and the papers relate to a wide geographical area across northern England and London predominantly, including papers on local manors. The collection has been catalogued in the order in which it was found, with bundles of documents catalogued together to maintain the original order. In some cases, this means that the inter-relationship between the documents in a bundle is currently unknown.

Please note that numbers GDC/26, GDC/35-38, GDC/134-135 and GDC/188 were not used.

Please see series, file and item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this collection.

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Earl of Huntingdon's Letter Book
EOH · Arquivo · 1580-1591

Letter book of Henry Hastings (c1535-1595), who became the 3rd Earl of Huntingdon in 1560. He served as Lord President of the Council of the North from 1572-1590 and also Lord Lieutenant of Yorkshire from 1586 to 1595. N.B. This is a microfilm copy of the original manuscript, which is held at the Huntington Library in San Marino, USA.


Swann Family Papers
SWN · Arquivo · 1598-19th century

Swann Family records, mainly deeds, late 16th - 19th centuries;
Will of Robert Carr (father of John Carr) of Horbury, 1756;
Papers relating to the Whitaker Family of Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire, 18th - 19th century;
Sale conditons of estates belonging to William Taylor, a bankrupt, 1807.


Company of Butchers of the City of York
BUT · Arquivo · 1613-March 2011

Includes books of ordinances, account files, minute books, correspondence files, file relating to William Audin, papers regarding the visit of HRH The Princess Royal to the Butchers' Guild meeting, annual excursion notice, papers relating to the Worshipful Company of Butchers in London, dissertations based on the Company, Breeches Bible, gold and enamel medal, papers relating to the York Mystery Plays and the Company's role within them and scrapbook compiled by Mrs Audin.

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Acomb Windmill
WIN · Arquivo · 1619

At present this collection only includes one deed of Acomb Windmill, in Latin.

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Manuscripts collection
MSS · Arquivo · 1621-2020

This collection contains letters and manuscripts which do not form a collection in themselves. They were compiled by various authors. Please see item level descriptions for more detailed information.

Gray Family Papers
GRF · Arquivo · 1623-1932

Papers relating to the Gray family of York including geneological information, legal papers, accounts, correpondence as well as extensive diaries and travel journals. Also includes some further records relating to the Cawood family.

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Manor of Dringhouses
DRI · Arquivo · 1629

Rolled plan of the Manor of Dringhouses, showing enclosed and unenclosed land in the village. Includes the names of landowners and plot farmers. Also includes a surrogate copy.

Acomb Local History Group
ACO · Arquivo · 1631-2008

Records largely consisting of research and lecture/talks notes created by members of Acomb Local History Group; 2000-Present. Research is focussed around local buildings, locations and people in Acomb and has often involved records held by the City Archives (now Explore York Libraries and Archives) and the Bothwick Institute.

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York Cemetery Company
CEM · Arquivo · 1641-1980

Collection mainly contains financial and operational records including burial registers, grave plan books, ledgers, cash books and various accounts books as well as day books and diaries of interments. Also includes correspondence, plans and title deeds leading up to the company's liquidation in 1966 and the subsequent development and ongoing management of the Cemetery by York Cemetery Trust and the Friends of York Cemetery.

A paid research service to assist researchers in indentifying names and graves is available via the database held by York Cemetery Trust. See their website for further details -

PLU · Arquivo · Late 17th century-1960s

Includes records relating to governance of the Union; indoor relief (workhouse relief); outdoor relief; the collection of relief; settlement and removal; child welfare; hospitals and asylums; public health; assessment and rating; civil registration; the general administration of the Union (including staffing); financial records; legal case paper and summonses; and records relating to properties and buildings owned or tenanted by the Union.

Many of the records relating to indoor relief and outdoor relief contain information on individuals.

Includes records of the York Public Assistance Committee, which was responsible for the administration of the Poor Law from 1930-1948.

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Poppleton History Society papers
POP · Arquivo · 16 April 1655-2000s

Collection contains a Manor Court Roll from 1655 relating to the Manor of Poppleton court and land holdings. Also includes transcription and photocopy of the document, ordnance survey maps of the area, MBE relating to Ronald Hansell, sale particulars for seven farms, photocopied land award and display boards created by the History Society.

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George Leeman's Deeds and Papers
GLP · Arquivo · 1660-1887

This collection comprises various papers and deeds collected by and connected with George Leeman including those relating to property and land, legal and financial matters as well as family notices and records.

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Hardings drapers, High Ousegate, York
HDG · Arquivo · 1674-2019

Includes invoice book, ledgers, property papers and plans, financial papers, photographs and glass plate negatives, examples of stationary, half-yearly catalogues, advertising signs and materials, fabric samples, printed books, papers relating to the incorporation of the company and its winding up, sales catalogues, legal papers, newspaper cuttings, third-party advertisements, Midland Bank coin bags, papers relating to the involvement of the Harding family with the Merchant Taylors Company, Econasign stencilling set and framed photograph of the premises under construction. Please see series level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this collection.

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William Peckitt, York glass painter
PEC · Arquivo · 1679-1797

The collection comprises a printed edition of John Guillim's 'Display of Heraldry' and correspondence and accounts relating to the business of William Peckitt.

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Munby and Scott, York solicitors
MAS · Arquivo · 1698-1960

Legal papers relating to clients of Munby and Scott, York solicitors, including probate materials, papers relating to the Manor of Acomb and Holgate with Clifton and property deeds relating to Petergate, Silver Street and Marygate. Also includes property

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Thomas Surbey papers
SUR · Arquivo · 1699

At present this collection only comprises his Survey of the River Ouse.

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Water Fulford Hall
WFH · Arquivo · 18th century-20th century

Includes legal papers relating to transactions involving the Hall and its land, and small sections of maps. Also includes a field book detailing the size and value of estates owned by the occupants of the hall.

Photograph and image collection
PHO · Coleção · 18th century-21st century

Photographs of York and the surrounding area, primarily gifted to the Archives as small accessions. Please see the individual descriptions for more information. The items have been catalogued into annual bundles depending on the date of receipt and year processed.

Press cuttings
CUT · Arquivo · 18th century-21st century

The items in this collection were deposited in the York Reference Library primarily, by a number of different people, many of whom are now unknown. The cuttings are arranged into series by the year in which they were catalogued.

Weatherill family
WRL · Arquivo · 31 October 1708-23 May 1797

Contains one scrapbook of correspondence and miscellania, one file of loose correspondence and two legal deeds.


List of subscribers to horse races at York
Item · 1718 - 1758

List of the subscribers to the horse races run at York, and account of the money collected et cetera, 1718-1758. See also Giles E104.

Thomas Widdrington, Recorder of York
WID · Arquivo · 1720s

The collection currently consists of one item - a manuscript copy of 'Analecta Eboracensis'.

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TEA · Arquivo · 1720-1929

The papers of Teasdale solicitors were found co-located within the papers of Gray, Dodsworth & Co, however no direct link has yet been found to prove that Teasdale was a constituent business. This collection comprises legal papers for individuals and properties, most likely in connection with clients of the business, as well as receipted household accounts for Mr Teasdale, and accounts for two customers of the businss. In addition, the collection includes a number of boxes relating to the collection of bad debts on behalf of J Terry and Sons Ltd. At times in its history the business was also referred to as simply Teasdale solicitors. Please see series level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this collection.


Notebook of John Cossins, map maker
COS · Arquivo · 1725-1727

At present the collection only comprises one notebook, compiled by Cossins as he worked on his 'New and exact plan of the City of York.' Also includes supplementary paperwork concerning the notebook, including a copies of the original sale catalogue from 1993, as well as a complete set of photographic prints of the notebook.

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Charles Cartwright papers
CAR · Coleção · c. 1729-1735

Volume containing what appear to be manuscript copies of various legal documents relating to York and Yorkshire, including some relating to Charles Cartwright. The entries have possibly been copied by Charles Cartwright.


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York Assembly Rooms Records
ARO · Arquivo · 1730 - 1952

This collection contains minute books, accounts and various scrapbooks of the York Assembly Rooms.

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Benson family papers
BEN · Arquivo · 1731-1953

This collection currently comprises one volume of drawings, primarily created by Edwin Ridsdale Tate. Also includes family papers regarding George Benson, such as genealogical information, passports and family pedigrees.

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Manuscripts of Francis Drake, York local historian
DRA · Arquivo · 1736-1755

The collection currently comprises one three-volume set of Drake's Travels in Italy, written in his own hand, and one two-volume set of Drake's history of York's 'Eboracum' owned by Drake and including handwritten annotations.

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Telford and Whitaker papers
TEL · Arquivo · 1743-3 October 1811

Includes copybook of Thomas Read Whitaker, five letters (mainly from Thomas Evans to Samuel Hailstone, solicitor) and the marriage settlement of John Telford and Elizabeth Hailstone.


Family papers of the Munby family of York
MFP · Arquivo · 22 March 1748-No date [c1940s-1950s]

Personal and professional papers of the Munby family, including those relating to their relatives in the Forth, Pearson, Woodhouse, and Williamson families. The papers and correspondence principally date between 1780s-1820s, and relate to the family of Joseph Munby (1804-1875), a solicitor in York. The papers include, amongst others, those relating to: his parents, Joseph Munby (c1773-1816) and Jane Munby, formerly Jane Pearson (c1774-1819); his wife, Caroline Eleanor Munby, formerly Caroline Eleanor Forth (1806-1879); and his parents-in-law, the Reverend John Forth (c1764-1816) and Elizabeth Forth, formerly Elizabeth Woodhouse (c1770-1820s or 1830s).

The collection provides an insight into middle class life in and around York in the late 18th and early to mid 19th century. The items in the collection include references to national and international affairs, international travel, the work and training of a solicitor, and the management of a large country estate, however they are also important for the information they give about everyday life during that time period.

Many of the letters contain descriptions of personal relationships, health and wellbeing concerns, social life and leisure activities, and reflections on life and the world in general. The papers of the Forth family, including housekeeping account books, travel dairies, household inventories, and expenses and bills, are especially interesting for reading about the workings of a household during this time period.

Summaries, transcriptions, and extracts of individual items have been provided by a volunteer.

This collection of family papers consists of an interesting variety of household accounts and diaries, professional papers and personal correspondence of the Munby Family and their ancestors on the female side. The papers had been partially sorted and some annotated, mostly by Frederick William Munby. He and his elder brother, Arthur Joseph Munby, also made quite extensive genealogical researches about 1880 and their notes and draft pedigrees are included.

Most of the material dates from the late 18th and early 19th centuries and reveals much about the life and general attitudes of a prosperous middle-class family of that period. Many of the letters are of a purely personal nature, written without any thought for the interests of posterity. One or two, obviously written in haste, expressly charge the recipient with their destruction.

Members of the Munby family were closely connected with the city of York throughout the period, although they lived for a time at Fulford, before building “Clifton Holme”. The town house in Blake Street, which they inherited through the female branches of the family, the Forths and Woodhouses, was occupied for many years by the firm of Munby and Scott, solicitors. The interest of the papers is by no means confined to York. John Forth was for many years agent and chaplain to the Earl of Carlisle at Castle Howard and one group of letters related to the management of the estate. All the family seem to have travelled quite extensively and there are letters and accounts of visits to Scarborough, London, Bath and Paris. In 1792, Mark Forth emigrated to Canouan, a small island which is part of St Vincent and Grenadines in the Caribbean.

The Personality of the Munby Family
The personal letters are sufficiently plentiful and natural to reveal much about the personalities and lives of the family, particularly the six orphaned children of Joseph Munby, senior and his wife Jane Pearson. The eldest, Joseph, was about 12 when his father died and the youngest, Lucy 1 year old. Their mother died only 3 years later. Joseph’s letters reveal his affection for his younger brothers and sisters, his generosity towards them, and a great deal of common sense about their up-bringing. On his 21st birthday he sent them all small presents, wishing he could afford to be more generous, and advising Jane and Margaret not to command Lucy so much or she would grow up unable to make decisions for herself. He also expressed concern about Giles’s studies and what professions he and John should enter. Jane’s letters, too, show concern for the younger ones, frankness and a lively sense of humour. Her comment on learning of Joseph’s engagement was that she had already told him her only objection, with an admission that she might have been mistaken in that.

Though their father’s trustees were apparently responsible for the children’s schooling and financial affairs, their maternal grandmother, Mrs Jane Pontey, attempted to supply motherly advice and to have them to stay with her at Kirkheaton during their school holidays. In 1822, she expressed her concern to Joseph about Lucy’s cough and suggested her teeth needed attention, at the same time advising him (he was, then 18) about his love affairs: not to become involved too young, and “concerning the young lady mentioned, to await the will of Providence and pay no particular attention to any other.” [Letter MFP/5/8/5, dated 5 October 1822]. Mrs Pontey was extremely religious, as is best shown in an earlier letter to her daughter referring to the sudden deaths of three friends.

Legal Training
Joseph Munby subsequently entered the legal profession and was articled in his late father’s office. His father had intended that he should become a partner in the firm, but the arrangement was not honoured. Joseph was very dissatisfied with the monotony of the work at first and the way of teaching law at York [Letter MFP/5/9/1, dated 26 January 1821] and subsequently moved to London to widen his experience. He paid a Mr Atherley 100 guineas to remain with him a year or longer, and soon determined to establish his own practice in York. [Letter MFP/5/9/5, early 1820s]

While in London, Joseph Munby did a certain amount of sight-seeing and described his impressions of the capital in letters to his grandmother, Mrs Pontey, and his sister, Jane Munby. His first comment was that he was not particularly astonished with anything in London, except Regent Street which was very fine, and he was in no doubt that the quality of the service at York Minster was superior to that as St Paul’s “where they attempted to chant and perform diverse other ridiculous imitations of the Minster service.” [Letter MFP/5/10/4, dated 6 December 1824] He visited the theatre to see Kean playing Shylock in 1825 and said that the rows about him were now over. The theatre was full and the audience very respectable. [Letter MFP/5/10/6, dated 15 February 1825] Vauxhall he considered very imposing but thought the amusements “all nonsense”.

The papers span the period when water transport was the usual means of conveying bulky goods and coach travel was at its height, only to suffer a rapid decline with the spread of the railway network. Both phases are well illustrated in these papers. There is a small account book of James Woodhouse’s expenses incurred on business journeys to London, Portsmouth, Bristol, Hull, Scarborough, Liverpool and Scotland between 1778 and 1780 [reference MFP/1/3/1] and very detailed accounts of Miss Elizabeth Woodhouse’s three visits to Bath with her aunt between 1787 and 1791. These include lists of all the inns visited on route, the mileage travelled each day and a list of all their luggage in 1791. [reference MFP/1/3/5] In 1818, Mrs Forth spent £11 19s 9½d on a three day journey to fetch her daughter from her school at Doncaster and bring her home to Ganthorpe. Engraved bills of three of the inns visited are preserved with the accounts. [reference MFP/1/3/11]

Within 20 years the railways were beginning to make their impact on travelling habits. Between 1838 and 1840, three of Mrs Caroline Munby’s friends commented on rail travel in their letters. One, writing from Slough, said that the 20 mile journey to London took only three quarters of an hour by the Great Western Railway which had an almost hourly service. The Telegraph was working between Drayton and Paddington and her husband was instructing deaf and dumb boys how to work it. The penny post was introduced the following year. On the evening of 5th December [1839] it was said that there were 60,000 letters posted compared with an average of 25,000 and the decrease in revenue was £1,000 per day. The writer thought that the railroads would bring the best of everything to the provinces but that they were very disagreeable modes of travelling : “The stations are little better that watchboxes for a guard.” In another letter, she hoped she might see her distant friends more often “now the railroads are becoming general". Her mother and Ellen had arrived in London at 9pm which she considered “most extraordinary when I think they only left York that morning.” Pleasant company had meant that they had “no time to be afraid”. In the same year wrote that she was thankful they “got home safe by the Railway as there are so many accidents almost daily”. [Letters MFP/5/12/5, MFP/5/12/6, MFP/5/12/8 and MFP/5/12/9]. In 1857, Mrs Munby’s daughter, “Carrie” wrote to her brother that two trips had been run to Scarborough, each taking a 1000 people. No doubt such excursions had encouraged the decision to build at the Spa. She had written on notepaper engraved with a view of the Saloon as she thought he would like a view of the Spa before the building began. [Letter MFP/5/13/1, dated 21 September 1857]

National Affairs
The majority of comments on these matters occur in the letters to the Revenerd John Forth, the Earl of Carlisle’s agent and chaplain at Castle Howard. Francis Gregg, writing from London on 24 December 1788, on behalf of Lord Carlisle, added that he could not foresee the appointment of regent [to the crown] before the following week. Even then it would remain to be seen whether the prince would accept it, despite the restriction, and whether he would venture to appoint a new administration. Mr Pitt had so far been victorious against him in every question. [Letter MFP/4/1/3, dated 24 December 1788] In the following February [1789] he reported that the King was much improved, but that the minister was in an unenviable dilemma because if they declared him well enough to pass the Supply Bills they would set him at liberty to do all other acts, however absurd. [Letter MFP/4/1/5, dated 23 February 1789]

Many of Greggs' later letters include comments on the progress of the Napoleonic Wars and their general effects. He comments that despite the loss of a port, enough damage had been done, to the [French] navy to hold them back for 20 years. [MFP/4/1/9, 20 January 1794] Lord Carlisle himself wrote to John Forth in March 1794 about the raising of a volunteer corps in case the country should be invaded. He wished to have a list of those who would support the scheme in the Castle Howard district. Both the amount of service and the expense involved would be slight. [Letter MFP/4/1/10, dated 13 March 1794] No letters have survived for the next 4 years, but in 1798, Lord Carlisle wrote twice about the formation of a corps of riflemen. In these letters, he again wished to have a list of those willing to serve and hoped they could be entrusted not to use their uniforms except in their military capacity. He states that he had been promised some arms and a drill sergeant and would probably come to Castle Howard when they arrived. He instructs the Reverend John Forth to find some convenient and safe place there for keeping the arms and powder. He states that the corps should consist of no more than 60 men at first, as there would not be sufficient arms for any more. Lord Carlisle intended to cut his stable expenses as much as possible “for these are not times to spend much money on time upon mere amusements”. [Letter MFP/4/1/14, dated 12 May 1798 and letter MFP/4/1/15, dated 26 May 1798]

Some years later in 1806, Giles Earle of Beninbrough Hall took a very serious view of the political situation. In a letter to Joseph Munby he wrote that he considered England to be on the eve of annihilation and that “nothing can redeem us from insignificance among the nations of Europe, but an immediate peace on Bonaparte’s [Napoleon Bonaparte] terms, which however humiliating we cannot reject.” [Letter MFP/4/2/10, dated 3 January 1806]

Estate Management
Despite the comments on matters of more general interest, the letters of Lord Carlisle are devoted mainly to the management of the Castle Howard estate. The Reverend John Forth succeeded as agent on the death of his father in 1788 and received detailed advice from Francis Greggs on the investigation of poaching, the management of the servants, and sending game to Lord Carlisle in London. [Letter MFP/4/1/4, dated 29 December 1788]

Social Life
The family appears to have had a very wide circle of friends and acquaintances in York and social visits are a recurrent theme, together with news of births, deaths, marriages, and sickness. Special events, balls, and concerts are referred to, particularly by Joseph Munby, junior. In 1823, he wrote to Jane Munby, making arrangements for her visit to the Musical Festival in York and telling her that the balloon was to ascend from Toft Green the following Monday. [Letter MFP/5/10/2, dated 16 September 1823]

In April of the following year, he wrote that York was very gay during the Assizes and described some costumes worn at the fancy dress ball [Letter MFP/5/10/3, dated 8 April 1824], and in the December, Jane Munby and Margaret Munby were excited to be going to the Mansion House Ball. Jane’s comment that she had been unable to go to “Der Freischutz” and that she hadn’t been to the theatre once, suggest that this was most unusual. [Letter MFP/5/11/5, dated 19 April 1825] In 1863, Joseph Munby and his wife gave a most successful party at “Clifton Holme”. Their daughter, Carrie [Caroline Munby], described it to her brother Frederick. It was attended by 120 guests including the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress. There had been dancing in the dining room, chess and cards in the breakfast room, tea and refreshments in the library, and a splendid supper in the corridor [Letter MFP/5/13/3, dated 30 Janury 1863

As most of the children of the family went away to school, many of the letters refer to their education. In 1779, John Forth then aged 15, wrote to his father, William Forth telling him of his progress in reading Ovid and that he had been given a Greek grammar. Five years later he sent him a most detailed account of the examination system at Cambridge: the preliminary disputations in ungrammatical Latin, subjects of the final examination and the hours they were required to attend. [Letter MFP/5/1/2, dated 15 February 1779, and letter MFP/5/1/3, dated 23 October 1784]

Joseph Munby, junior, went to the Reverend T Irvin’s school at Scarborough and there are several letters to and from his mother while he was there. Some refer to the progress he was making in his studies, as well as his leisure activities and interests in which he took part. [Letters MFP/5/7/7 - MFP/5/7/14, dated 1816-1818].

Some years later in a letter to his sister Jane Munby, Joseph wrote that he wished his brothers John Munby and Giles Munby to go to the same school because he had benefited so much from being there [Letter MFP/5/10/8, dated 13 August 1825]. The three girls, Jane Munby, Margaret Munby and Lucy Munby went to the Manor School in York, although the terms were 23/- per week besides expenses which, according to Mr Pearson, one of their trustees, was more than their incomes allowed. [Letter MFP/5/8/9] Their grandmother, Mrs Pontey obviously thought the arrangement was not altogether satisfactory. She twice suggested that Lucy should not spend so much time at school and should stay with her for a quarter sometime, otherwise her health would suffer by such long confinement.

The most decided opinions on education were expressed by John Pearson to his half-sister, Mrs Jane Munby, when asked his advice on a suitable school for Joseph. He replied that schools were more expensive than in the north, but as his boys all went to the same school he could give little advice. The terms were comparatively low at £60 pa. One son, aged 16 moved to an academy where he paid £200 pa. Two years later he wrote that to send Joseph to Cambridge would defeat all her plans for his future introduction to business. He would learn little unless accompanied by a private tutor and it would be miraculous if he were not corrupted by the “profligate company”. He strongly recommended that he should go to an academy and then have a private tutor to widen his knowledge. [Letter MFP/5/5/4, dated 18 September 1816]

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Camidge family papers
CDG · Arquivo · 13 December 1751-18 August 1947

Papers of William Camidge, his son Frederick Adolphus Camidge and grandson William Gordon Camidge. The papers include correspondence, newspaper cuttings and photographs as well as a large number of manuscripts written by William Camidge.


Duchy of Lancaster
DLA · Arquivo · 1756-1778

Volume contains copies of leases of land, quarries and mines in Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire, including the manors of Brompton, Cowick & Snaith, Goathland, Lound (in Nottinghamshire), Rosedale, Snaiton, Tanshelf as well as the bailiwick of Barsetlow, the bailiwick of Tickhill, the bailiwick of Trent, the honour of Pontefract and the honor of Pickering.

Legal papers and documents: small accessions
LEG · Coleção · 1757-2001

Includes small collections of legal documents and papers relating to properties and families connected to York.

Documents include:
Property records
Apprenticeship indentures
Wills and probate records
Marriage documents
Business records

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Treasurer's House, York deeds
TRE · Arquivo · 8 February 1757-15 January 1898

Includes abstracts of title, leases, releases and conyances relating to the titles of the Simpson and Matterson families to the property now known as Treasurer's House.

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List of subscribers to horse races at York
Item · 1759 - 1812

List of the subscribers to the horse races run at York, and account of the money collected, 1759-1812. See also Giles E103.

GPP · Coleção · 1760-1815

Scientific papers and correspondence created by John Goodricke, Nathaniel Pigott, and Edward Pigott in the course of their activities as astronomers. The majority of the papers relate to the observances of atronomical phenomena, particularly variable stars. Also includes papers relating to barometrical and meterologial observances [weather] and to the calculation of latitude and longitude. Some of the papers include drawings and diagrams.

Many of the observations, particularly those by John Goodricke and Edward Pigott were made at York.

References can be found accross the collection to observations and papers elsewhere in this collection.

Summaries, extracts, and transcriptions have been provided by a volunteer.

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Enclosure awards
ENC · Arquivo · 1764-1830s

Includes award volumes for Bishopthorpe, Marston Moor, Nether Poppleton, Acomb, Holgate, Knapton, Tockwith, Dringhouses, Thorpe Arch and Hessay, as well as awards (and in some cases plans) for Heslington, Fulford, Acomb and Holgate, Naburn, Rufforth, Askham Bryan, Heworth and Walmgate. Please see individual descriptions for more information.

York Musical Society
YMS · Arquivo · 1767 - 2021

Administrative records and publicity material relating to both the original York Musical Society (c. 1767-1855) and to the reformed York Musical Society (from 1876). Also includes some research files relating to the history of the societies and to significant performers and conductors.

Includes minutes of meetings of various committees and of annual general meetings, financial records and account books, annual reports, administrative papers and correspondence, papers relating to performance and rehearsal administration, concert programmes, lists of members, papers relating to the history of the society, general files, floppy disks and a small amount of promotional material. Also contains editions of the Musical Times. Please see file and item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this collection.

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Tate Wilkinson Theatres
TAT · Arquivo · 1776-1784

The volumes for 1779 and 1780 are missing.

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George Fettes, Pawnbroker of Lady Peckett's Yard
PAW · Arquivo · 1777-1778

One volume which contains information about customer 'pledges' made between 1777-1778. Information includes customer names and addresses, dates and types of items pledged, a list of pledged watches, types of clothes and fabrics and the amounts paid.

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Manuscripts of William Hargrove, York local historian
HAR · Arquivo · 1777-1825

The collection includes manuscripts for Hargrove's 'York Biographies', as well as volumes of handwritten notes regaring the history of York more generally, including Yorkshire people and places. An index to all the volumes can be found in HAR/8.


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Yorkshire Association
WYV · Arquivo · 1779-1786

Includes a very extensive collection of correspondence, primarily sent to William Gray Junior as Secretary of the Association. Also includes returns from various regional areas, an address to the York Association, 1781, petitions, publicity materials, resolutions of the Committee, forms of the association, canvassing books and papers for the 1780 and 1784 elections, bills and vouchers and additional papers.

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William White collection
WHI · Arquivo · 1 January 1782-28 June 1823

This collection contains notes and drawings kept and produced by William White.

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Robert Kite & Co, London
BTV · Arquivo · 1782-1837

At present this collection only comprises business correspondence, mainly to Robert. Kite & Co., London, and Miln Haswell & Co, Agent at Batavia, Java. Also includes copies of some legal documents.

SUN · Arquivo · 1786-1926

Records relating to the setting up and running of several Church of England Sunday Schools in York. It includes meeting minutes, finances, management of school buildings, school registers, library and teaching materials. This collection also includes the records of the John Dodsworth Educational Trust, some school of which the Committee managed.


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Records of the York Female Friendly Society
YFF · Arquivo · 1786-1986

Administrative records of the society, including: rules and orders, membership papers, financial records, membership benefits records, administrative papers and correspondence, report and publications, and a small number of photographs and object relating to the society.

The collection includes a small number of account books pre-dating the formal establishment of the society in 1788, and some material relating to the continued administration of funds and remaining members after the society was dissolved in 1977.

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Papers collected Frederick George Tansley
FGT · Arquivo · 1791-28 April 1834

Tansley was a collector, primarily of philately and postal history. Includes one letter and 15 receipts.

Charlotte Eyre papers
EYR · Arquivo · 1795

This collection currently comprises one autograph and seal.


Account books of the Morrell family
MOR · Arquivo · 1796-1902

This collection includes household and personal account books for the Morrell family. The division into personal and household was apparently made by the family and original order has been preserved.

The account books chiefly concern Robert Morrell (1799-1867) and his wife Anne, nee Wilson (1794-1873).


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Manuscripts of William Giles
GIL · Arquivo · 19th century

This collection consists of one volume, entitled 'The Rebellion in England between 1640 and 1653', comprising notes taken from the York Corporation House Books and additional sources.

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British Rail
BRR · Arquivo · 19th century-20th century

At present this collection only comprises a set of employee salaried staff record book. In some cases the books have been disbound and repackaged by the archivist. The volumes include names of employees, dates of birth, insurance numbers (where applicable) as well as details of positions worked and grades. Also includes details of salaries and bonuses achieved. The volumes are predominantly from the 20th century, but in some cases relate to employees born in the 19th century.


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Place and Mason Families of Skelton
PLA · Arquivo · 19th century-20th century

Includes marriage papers and Co-operative accounts for the Mason family, as well as business correspondence, rates and tax demands, government circulars sent to Miss Caroline Place, personal letters, papers and writings of Miss Caroline Place, correspondence addressed to Captain Place, drawings and photographs, advertisements, ephemera, photographs and postcards, correspondence regarding the Lych Gate in Skelton, requisition form for library books and newsagent's account for the Evening Press. Please see series, file and item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this series.


Manuscripts of 'Hudson', local historian
HUD · Arquivo · 19th century

This collection currently comprises two volumes of material for a book entitled 'Towards a history of York.'

Smith family papers
SMI · Arquivo · 19th century

At present this collection only comprises the family bible.


Lamb Family papers
LMB · Arquivo · 19th century-1935

Includes photographs of the shop, one photograph of a sports team, photograph of a Freemasons' day trip, painting of St Martin's Coney Street and additional photographs.

Thomas Morley, Linen Draper
THM · Coleção · 1804-1839

Account book for Thomas Morley's business relating to the period 1804-1839, with an an index of customers' names.


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KNO · Arquivo · 1804-1960

This collection primarily includes papers of John Ward Knowles and his son John Alder Knowles, which form a research collection predominantly on churches (including York Minster), glass manufacture and stained glass, as well as original design artwork (KNO/1-24). The collection also includes a small amount of business papers relating to the glass painting business they founded and managed - J W Knowles & Sons (KNO/23). In addition to the research collection are personal papers relating to both John Ward Knowles and John Alder Knowles (KNO/25 and 26), as well as items relating to their relative Christopher Milward (KNO/27), a former Lord Mayor of York. Some of the items can be attributed to the family as a whole but not individual family members (KNO/28).

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Oldfield Wine Merchants records
OLD · Arquivo · 1804-1919

Three large ledgers covering the years 1804-1823, 1816-1851 and 1903-1919.

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York Chapbooks
CBK · Arquivo · 1805-1822

Many of these chapbooks are undated, but all appear to be from the first quarter of the 19th century. They were printed and sold in York, and primarily aimed at children and adultsin the city. The chapbooks aimed at children all contain lavish woodcuts as illustrations throughout, and many contain a full Roman printed alphabet and Italian printed alphabet at either the beginning or the end. The chapbooks for adults do not contain illustrations.

The first 72 chapbooks are of a very small format (referred to as Penny Books) whereas the remaining nine are a larger format.

Please see individual item descriptions for more information.

Kleiser family collection
KLE · Coleção · 1808-late 20th century

This collection comprises documents, correspondence, volumes, photographs and physical objects created by and relating to the Kleiser family, and related families (particularly the Cundall and Potter families), as well as to the Kleiser clock and watchmaking/jewelers/silversmiths business. . Much of the material relates to York and Yorkshire, but there are references to other national and international locations.
Includes notes in biro, which dates their creation to the mid to late 20th century, most likely pre-1989.

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Collected items of John Barefoot
JBA · Arquivo · 1810-1902

Items held in a private collection by John Barefoot including documents on Haxby Coronation celebrations and a Tract on Slavery for York.

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Thomas Allis papers
ALS · Arquivo · 1810-1899

The files all appear to be correspondence received by Thomas Allis, and articles and research compiled by him, during the course of his working life.

York Conservative Association
YCA · Arquivo · 1811-1988

Documents relating to the running of the society and includes minute books, account books, reports, attendance registers and accounts for meetings and expenses. Also includes scrap books containing newspaper cuttings relating to election notices, events and meetings as well as an address by Henry Lascelles.


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Allen Family
ALL · Arquivo · 1812 - 1901

This collection consists of the diaries of Ebenezer Brown Allen, copies of letters and prayers of Samuel J. Allen, historical notes and sketches, poems, printed lectures and sermons.

Diary of Christopher Ware
CWD · Arquivo · 1813-1878

Diary containing a variety of recipes, stories and poems, records of births, marriages and deaths of the Ware family and other individuals including members of the Royal Family, newspaper cuttings, some financial records (mostly receipts and notes of purchases and payments made or received by Ware), accounts of journeys, and papers and notes relating to various legal and business matters, some of which Ware was involved in himself.

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Letters addressed to York People
LET · Arquivo · 1813-1913

This collection consists of letters addressed to various York people concerning a variety of topics.

York County Savings Bank
SAV · Arquivo · 1817-1949

Includes annual reports, annual reports of the Schools Savings Bank and Savings Associations, papers relating to new premises, joint stock prospectus, notice of banks which have stopped trading and account of the York Savings Bank.


Bleasdale's Chemist
BLE · Arquivo · 1821-1960

Collection consists of recipe books for pills and perfumes in addition to documents relating to finances such as ledgers, cash books and cost books. It also includes a staff register, a pharmaceutical journal and a book entitled "Phillips' Pharmacopoeia". Also includes staff photographs and one scrap books.

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York Penitentiary Society
PEN · Arquivo · 1822 - 1950

The collection includes various documents relating to the Society, such as minute books, visiting books, and reports and correspondence from the Ladies Committee. It also features annual reports from other similar institutions nationwide.

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William Etty Letters
ETT · Arquivo · 1822-21st Century

Correspondence between William Etty and a variety of other individuals on subjects such as art, his work, travel, family and current events.

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Hey family letters
HEY · Arquivo · 1824-5 December 1844

Letters, primarily to or from William Hey, from his family members. The letters cover the period of him being in school, at university and in work, and are written by a number of relatives. All the letters includes details of family life - and death - and local news. The Hey family was intermarried with the Gray family of Grays solicitors, York, and associated papers can be found in the business collection (reference GDC) and the family collection (reference GFP).

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Yorkshire Music Festival papers
YMF · Arquivo · 1825-1835

Documents relating to the planning and organisation of the festivals, including programmes, finances, correspondence, tickets and advertisements. Also includes various additional documents including lists of performers and those attending and running the festivals.

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York City (Improvement) Commissioners
COM · Arquivo · 1825-1850

Papers of the York City (Improvement) Commissioners. Includes minutes; general correspondence; election papers; financial papers; records relating to the administration of the general rate; correspondence relating to streets, drainage and lighting; policing papers and legal papers.

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Papers of Captain Johnson, Yorkshire Hussar Yeomanry
JOH · Arquivo · 1825

Currently this collection only includes numbers under arms and a note of position and exercises.


Cundall Family Papers and Photographs
CPP · Arquivo · 1826-1990

Papers and photographs of the Cundalls (and related families) of Acaster Malbis. The collection includes legal documents, business and personal correspondence, press cuttings and a large selection of family photographs.

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F. Burgins, Chemist
BUR · Arquivo · 1826-1840

Collection contains two prescription books including customer names and their prescribed medication.

Dringhouses Parish Council
DRP · Arquivo · 1828-1936

Includes Overseers' accounts and minutes of Parish Council meetings.

Meteorological Records of Charles Piazzi Smyth
YMR · Arquivo · 1831-1970

Records of astronomical, barometric and meteorological readings taken by Smyth, largely using the weather station and observatory in York Museum Gardens. The collection contains a comprehensive set of daily and summary weather readings for York. Also included are 3 photograph albums consisting of cloud formation images, taken from Smyth's home in Ripon in the 1890s.


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Oswald Allen papers
OSW · Arquivo · 1833

This collection consists of one volume - a handwritten autobiography of Oswald Allen's life.

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Deposited Plans
DEP · Arquivo · 1835-2007

Currently includes five railway plans and one book of reference.

York Choral Society papers
YCS · Arquivo · 1837-1867

Collection contains two minute books (1837-1857) and seven other volumes relating to accounts including information on receipts, cash and subscription (1818-1867). YCS/2 is currently missing.

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York Collegiate School
COL · Arquivo · 1838-1842

This collection currently comprises one share transfer ledger, and one photocopy of the Proprietor's register.


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Samuel Holberry papers
HBY · Arquivo · 27 May 1840-10 June 1842

Samuel Holberry was a member of the Chartist movement and was imprisoned in York Castle as a result. This collection comprises correspondence he received whilst in prison. Also includes letters received from John Cooper, a family friend, from his relative

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Letters to Mr John Cooper, Attercliffe
CPR · Arquivo · 4 July 1841-12 September 1841

It is believed that John Cooper was a relative or friend of Samuel Holberry.


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George Richard Simpson papers
GRS · Arquivo · 1842

At present this collection only comprises a family Bible.

Frederick Bell, architects
FBE · Arquivo · May 1842-May 1875

Includes details of the work completed by Frederick Bell, architects. The drawings are arranged chronologically by date.

York Victorian Photograph Album
VPA · Arquivo · 1800s

Album of formal portrait photographs of various families and individuals from York. Some photographs have names on the reverse, however most are unidentified. Some photographs have been taken by a York photographic company. An attached handwritten sheet includes details of research undertaken on certain individuals featured in the album.

Chicken family records
CHI · Arquivo · 1850-1990s

Includes one family bible and supplementary papers relating to the history of the volume, as well as the will of Nicholas Chicken, father of Richard.

Autograph collection of Reginald Hunt
HNT · Arquivo · 1850-1938

The collection consists of signed postcards, original letters and framed items collected by Reginald Hunt, a member of a Yorkshire brewing family. Items relate to an array of personalities of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including European politicians, military leaders, European composers, European and American actors and actresses and sports personalities.

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Aitken Family Letters
AFL · Arquivo · 1851-late 20th century

Papers of the Aitken family, principally relating to Henry Martin Aitken, his wife Elizabeth Aitken, and their children. Most of the collection consists of personal letters between members of the family sent between 1851 and 1896, but also includes some associated items, including collages, cards, and a mourning card, as well as some papers from the late 20th century relating to the genealogy of the Aitken family.

Many of the letters include detailed accounts of their personal lives, visits to Europe, and other events of significance, such as a visit to the Great Exhibition in London in 1851.


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Gillyatt Sumner papers
SUM · Arquivo · 1857-1965

Letters and schedules relating to books and papers belonging to Sumner. Includes:
-Memo - Sumner to Mrs Fowkes re a Mr Wilmott who had enquired as to the whearabouts of scheduled items on a list Sumner had provided him with, undated
-Letter - Sumner to Rev. Charles Wellbeloved re a schedule of books, deeds, and papers in Sumner's possession, 20.03.1857
-Schedule of books, deeds, and papers relating to the city of York in Sumner's personal library at Beverley.