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Minutes of full council (pre-1835)
Y/COU/1/1 · Série · 1476-1835; No date [c1900s]
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Extensive series of minute books of meetings of the corporation (also known as the Mayor and Commonality of the City of York), traditionally known as 'House Books'. The minutes run in an almost unbroken series from 1476 until 1835, when the introduction of the Municipal Reform Act changed the structure and regulation of the council. Minutes continue in a different format from 1835, and can be found in Y/COU/1/2. This series represents one of the most complete surviving series of council minutes in England, however it is probable that some sections have been lost, in particular minutes between 1461 and 1476.

Many of the entries take the form of a recording of decisions taken by the council or orders and resolutions made, rather than being a complete record of all items discussed at council meetings. It is clear from some of the entries that sometimes where discussions had taken place but no actions were agreed on, no record of these discussions was kept. As well as recording acts and orders of the council, copies of letters, proclamations, writs, leases and other official documents pertinent to the working of the council have been copied in full into many of the volumes. In many cases these copies may be the only surviving record of that document. Some volumes include additional documents which have been rebound with the minutes.

The majority of the entries, especially from the mid 16th century, include an attendance list showing those members of the council who were present for that particular meeting, while summary attendance lists were kept from 1717-1835, showing the names of each councillor and which meetings they attended. The majority of the entries, especially from the early 16th century, are written in English, however the early volumes and some later entries are written in Latin. All the volumes up to the late 17th century include at least some Latin dating. Some volumes include some form of index, however many do not - where a volume does include an index this has been indicated at item level on the catalogue.

The minutes were created by the common clerk to the council, later known as the town clerk. Some minutes are neat and carefully written, while others, clearly written in more haste, are difficult to read and contain many corrections and crossings out. The minutes take a more regular structure and form from the mid-16th century, and from the 1560s until the early 19th century were kept broadly in line with the Mayoral year, which ran from the Feast of Saint Blaise, 3 February, until the following 3 February. Some of the volumes, especially those of the 16th and 17th centuries include detailed entries for the ceremonies carried out on the 3 February when the Lord Mayor took up office. The Lord Mayor continued to take up office on the 3 February annual until the reformation of the corporation in 1835.

The entries in these minute books relate to all aspects of civic life, and often contain very detailed information about the day to day lives of citizens in York, as well as showing the impact of wider political and economic events on the City of York. Content of the minutes books includes (but is not limited to) information about:

  • The impact of royal administration on the city, the relationship with the crown, and information about royal visits to the city. Of particular interest are the numerous entries in Y/COU/1/1/1 and Y/COU/1/1/2 relating to the Duke of Gloucester, later Richard III
  • National political and military events, including events such as the lifting of the siege of York, 1644 (Y/COU/1/1/36) and preparations for the defence of the city during the Jacobite Rebellion in 1745 (Y/COU/1/1/43)
  • Parliamentary decrees
  • The development and working of urban civic administration, including about the attitudes, behaviours, and disputes of councillors and aldermen, or the attempted influence of national figures on the selection of city officials (such as in 1644, Y/COU/1/1/36). These disputes could sometimes result in violence, such as riots about the election of a Mayor in 1504 and again about the election of aldermen in 1516
  • The election and appointment of city officials, including the Lord Mayor, aldermen, councillors, and sheriffs, and the civic ceremonies around these elections
  • The management of civic silver and plate, including inventories of items in the city's ownership
  • City by-laws, law enforcement, the administration of justice, city watches and constables
  • The workings and regulation of York's craft guilds, and their rules and ordinances
  • The regulation of markets, trades, and tradespeople, and licences for selling products, as well as the appointment of Freemen
  • Instances of plague (especially 16th century) and public health issues
  • Poverty and poor relief
  • The physical maintenance and development of the city's built environment, including the maintenance of the bar walls and city bars. Later minutes volumes in the 18th and 19th centuries include information about town planning and the development of civic buildings and structures such as Mansion House and the new Ouse Bridge, as well as about street widening schemes and requests for permissions to build by private citizens. Some volumes include street plans and architectural drawings.
  • Leisure and entertainment in the city, including the performance of the Corpus Christi Mystery Plays (15th and 16th centuries) and later the development and administration of prize funds at York Races (18th and 19th centuries)
  • Property management of land and buildings owned by the corporation, including the city strays, grazing rights, and copies leases and sale documents
  • Financial administration and taxes
  • The relationship with religious houses and monasteries in York, including some copies of their liberties and rights (15th and early 16th centuries)

This series also includes a binding (c1900s) which has subsequently been removed from one of the volumes, Y/COU/1/1/14.

Sans titre
Minute book, 1827-1835
Y/COU/1/1/50 · Pièce · 1827-1835
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and orders book, covering the period December 1827 - December 1835. Entries are in chronological order.

The volume includes detailed financial reports.

Minute book, 1803-1811
Y/COU/1/1/47 · Pièce · 1803-1818
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and orders book, covering the period February 1803 - December 1811. Entries are in chronological order, however an additional entry from September 1810 is included at the end of the volume, relating to the laying of the first stone of the new bridge over the Ouse. A partial alphabetical subject index is included at the end of the volume, for subjects beginning A and B. The remainder of the index has not been completed.

Attendance lists of members of the council are included at the end of the volume, for each year 1810 - 1818, including lists of The Lord Mayor and Aldermen, Sheriffs, the Twenty Four, and commons of each of the four wards of York. See Y/COU/1/1/46 for attendance list for meetings held 1803-1810.

Minute book, 1812-1821
Y/COU/1/1/48 · Pièce · 1812-1828
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and orders book, covering the period January 1812 - December 1821. Entries are in chronological order.

The volume includes detailed financial reports, including a list of income and expenditure, bills due, expenses, salaries, bonds, and annuities.

Attendance lists of members of the council are included at the end of the volume, for each year 1818 - 1828, including lists of The Lord Mayor and Aldermen, Sheriffs, the Twenty Four, and commons of each of the four wards of York. See Y/COU/1/1/47 for attendance list for meetings held 1812-1818.

Minute book, 1821-1827
Y/COU/1/1/49 · Pièce · 1821-1827
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and orders book, covering the period December 1821 - November 1827. Entries are in chronological order.

The volume includes detailed financial reports, including a list of income and expenditure, bills due, expenses, salaries, bonds, and annuities.

Attendance lists of members of the council, including lists of The Lord Mayor and Aldermen, Sheriffs, the Twenty Four, and commons of each of the four wards of York, can be found in Y/COU/1/1/48 for the years 1821-1827.

Minute book, 1793-1803
Y/COU/1/1/46 · Pièce · 1793-1810
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and orders book, covering the period January 1793 - January 1803. Entries are in chronological order.

Attendance lists of members of the council are included at the end of the volume, for each year 1793 - 1810, including lists of The Lord Mayor and Aldermen, Sheriffs, the Twenty Four, and commons of each of the four wards of York.

Minute book, 1780-1792
Y/COU/1/1/45 · Pièce · 1780-1792
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and orders book, covering the period January 1780 - December 1792. Entries are in chronological order.

Attendance lists of members of the council are included at the end of the volume, for each year 1780-1792, including lists of The Lord Mayor and Aldermen, Sheriffs, the Twenty Four, and commons of each of the four wards of York.

Minute book, 1739-1756
Y/COU/1/1/43 · Pièce · 1739-1756
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and orders book, covering the period February 1739 - February 1756. Entries are in chronological order. An alphabetical subject index is included at the end of the volume.

This volume begins with a title page, reading 'The book of Acts, Orders, Ordinances, and Constitutions of the City of York beginning the third day of February 12th Geo. 2nd 1738 in the Mayoralty of George Eskricke, Esquire Lord Mayor of the said City.' Attendance lists of members of the council are included at the end of the volume, for each year 1739-1756, including lists of The Lord Mayor and Aldermen, Sheriffs, the Twenty Four, and commons of each of the four wards of York.

Additional lists have been back of the volume, including: 'Hall rents and fines' relating to guild halls in York; a list of 'Fees paid to officers and upon swearing the searchers of Trades; and a list of 'Fines of Companys'.

The volume includes a street plan of a proposed new street to be constructed between Coney Street and Davygate, and an architectural drawing of the elevation of a building.

Minute book, 1756-1780
Y/COU/1/1/44 · Pièce · 1756-1780
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and orders book, covering the period February 1756 - January 1780. Entries are in chronological order. An alphabetical subject index is included at the end of the volume.

Attendance lists of members of the council are included at the end of the volume, for each year 1756-1780, including lists of The Lord Mayor and Aldermen, Sheriffs, the Twenty Four, and commons of each of the four wards of York.

The volume includes several street plans relating to street development and the construction of new buildings in the city.

Minute book, 1706-1720
Y/COU/1/1/41 · Pièce · 1706-1720
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period September 1706 - January 1720. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. Many of the early minutes contains crossings out and corrections, and look like draft minutes. The exact relationship between this volume and the draft minute books in Y/COU/1/3 is unknown, however no other draft minutes for the years 1706-1710 are known to have survived. A subject index is included at the back of the volume, organised alphabetically, as well as an additional index specifically for orders relating to orders and resolutions made during Tancred Robinson's year as Lord Mayor, 1717-1718.

Includes a list of money collected in each of the four wards of York for fire engines, 1712 at the start of the volume, as well as attendance lists of council members at the end of the volume for 1717-1719, including a list of members of the twenty four, and lists of commons by ward.

Minute book, 1720-1739
Y/COU/1/1/42 · Pièce · 1720-1739
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and orders book, covering the period February 1720 - January 1739. Entries are in chronological order. An alphabetical subject index is included at the end of the volume.

This volume begins with a title page, reading 'This house Book begins in the year 1719/20 In the second Mayoralty of Tobias Jenkins, esq.'. Attendance lists of members of the council are included at the start and end of the volume, for each year 1720-1738, including list of 'the body of the City of York', the twenty four, and commons of each of the four wards of York.

Several additional documents have been bound into the back of the volume, including: 'Hall rents and fines' relating to guild halls in York; a list of 'Fees paid to officers and upon swearing the searchers of Trades; a list of 'Fines of Companys'; [copy of legal document]; and a list of names.

Minute book, 1693-1706
Y/COU/1/1/40 · Pièce · 1693-1706
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1693 - July 1706. Entries are in chronological order, however an undated sheet of rough notes is included at the start of the volume, and copies of two documents are included out of order at the end of the volume. These two document are a copy of Henry Thompson's Will relating to the Hospital in Castlegate, and a copy of the Lord Treasurer's orders relating to the distribution of Monday. A subject index is included at the back of the volume, organised alphabetically.

Minutes 1693 - 1700 appear to be copies of those found in Y/COU/1/1/39. The entries in this volume include edits, crossings out, and rough text, and it is possible that the minutes in the first half of the volume were originally kept as draft minutes or first copy minutes. The minutes were possibly originally kept with other draft minutes (found in series Y/COU/1/3), for which there are no minutes 1693-1710.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style.

Minute book, 1664-1689
Y/COU/1/1/38 · Pièce · 1664-1689
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1664 - February 1689. Entries are in chronological order, however an undated page is included at the start of the volume, and several pages out of chronological order are included at the end. Many of the pages have been badly damaged, and the conservation has obscured much of the writing, making it hard to read.

A partial index is included at the back of the volume, organised alphabetically by topic. Some rough notes have been bound into the front of the volume.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style.

Minute book, 1689-1700
Y/COU/1/1/39 · Pièce · 1689-1700; 1712
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1689 - May 1700. Entries are in chronological order.

A subject index is included at the back of the volume, organised alphabetically. An additional memorandum c1712, in Latin, relating to Appleton in the Ainsty, has been bound into the back of the volume.

Copies of the minutes in this volume, 1693-1700, can be found in Y/COU/1/1/40, which are possibly draft copies for this volume.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style.

Minute book, 1650-1664
Y/COU/1/1/37 · Pièce · 1650-1664
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period May 1650 - January 1664. Entries are in chronological order, however an undated page is included at the start of the volume, and several pages out of chronological order are included at the end. Many of the pages have been badly damaged, and the conservation has obscured much of the writing, making it hard to read.

See also Y/COU/1/1/36 for a small number of entries from 1650 and 1651.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style.

Minute book, 1613-1625
Y/COU/1/1/34 · Pièce · 1613-1625
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period April 1613 - November 1625. Entries are in chronological order.

It is probable that pages are missing from this volume, December 1625 - February 1626, as no minutes survive for this period of time.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style.

Minute book, 1626-1638
Y/COU/1/1/35 · Pièce · 1626-1638
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1626 - February 1638. Entries are in chronological order.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style.

Minute book, 1638-1651
Y/COU/1/1/36 · Pièce · 1638-1651
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1638 - January 1651. Entries are in chronological order.

This volume only include a small number if entries for 1650. For minutes from 1650 see Y/COU/1/1/37, which includes many more entries for 1650.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style.

Minute book, 1606-1613
Y/COU/1/1/33 · Pièce · 1606-1613
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1606 - January 1613. Entries are in chronological order.

The end last pages of the volume have been badly damaged and it is probable that some pages have been lost, January - February 1613, as no minutes survive for this period of time.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style.

Minute book, 1599-1606
Y/COU/1/1/32 · Pièce · 1599-1606
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1599 - February 1606. Entries are in chronological order.

A memorandum written by William Giles c1900 has been bound into the volume indicating some errors with the foliation of the volume.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1593-1599
Y/COU/1/1/31 · Pièce · 1593-1599
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1593 - February 1599. Entries are in chronological order.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1588-1593
Y/COU/1/1/30 · Pièce · 1588-1593
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1588 - February 1593. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order.

An index to entries in the volume, organised chronologically by Lord Mayor of York, is included at the start of the volume.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1581-1585
Y/COU/1/1/28 · Pièce · 1581-1585
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1581 - February 1585. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order.

Minutes and memoranda run between folios 2 and 188, after which is included an index to entries in the volume, organised chronologically by Lord Mayor of York (folios 190-200). At the end of the volume, draft copies of entries for some of the minutes can be found (folios A-U), as well as extracts from indentures relating to the Manor of Dringhouses.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1585-1588
Y/COU/1/1/29 · Pièce · 1585-1588
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1585 - February 1588. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order.

An index to entries in the volume, organised chronologically by Lord Mayor of York is included at the end of the volume.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1577-1581
Y/COU/1/1/27 · Pièce · 1577-1581
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1577 - February 1581. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

The final entry in the volume is a neat copy of a rough entry which can be found in Y/COU/1/1/28, fA, which entry also includes additional information about the election of Robert Asquith as Burgess in place of Gregory Pacocke.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1575-1577
Y/COU/1/1/26 · Pièce · 1575-1577
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1575 - January 1577. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1565-1572
Y/COU/1/1/24 · Pièce · 1565-1574
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, principally covering the period February 1565 - February 1572, but also includes some additional papers bound into the end of the volume dating 1573 and 1574. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1572-1574
Y/COU/1/1/25 · Pièce · 1572-1574
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, principally covering the period February 1572 - November 1574, but also includes entries after this date which cannot be dated as the pages have been badly damaged and much of the text has been lost. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Includes a form of index at the back of the volume, in the form of a list of matters heard before the council during the mayoralty of the three Lord Mayors of York, 1572-1574.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1560-1565
Y/COU/1/1/23 · Pièce · 1560-1565
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1560 - January 1565. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1553-1556
Y/COU/1/1/21 · Pièce · 1553-1556
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1553 - January 1556. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1556-1559
Y/COU/1/1/22 · Pièce · 1556-1559
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1556 - February 1559. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century. Much of the text is very faded and damaged.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1548-1550
Y/COU/1/1/19 · Pièce · 1548-1550
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1548 - January 1550. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1550-1553
Y/COU/1/1/20 · Pièce · 1550-1553
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1550 - January 1553. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1546-1548
Y/COU/1/1/18 · Pièce · 1546-1548
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1546 - January 1548. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

There is a break half way through the volume of several blank pages, after which is a title page introducing a book, possibly indicating that sections of this volume were originally separate.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1543-1546
Y/COU/1/1/17 · Pièce · 1543-1546; 1568
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1543 - January 1546. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Some draft pages and scraps of pages have been bound towards the end of the volume, along with an indenture relating to the transfer of land from the City of York, dated January 1568.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1541-1542
Y/COU/1/1/15 · Pièce · 1541-1542
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period March 1541 - February 1542. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1542-1543
Y/COU/1/1/16 · Pièce · 1542-1543
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1542 - January 1543. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Y/COU/1/1/14 · Pièce · No date [c1900s]
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Binding for minute book B14 (Y/COU/1/1/13) in the early 20th century, and removed during conservation work carried out in the 1980s. This item does not contain any original minutes or papers.

Minute book, 1538-1539
Y/COU/1/1/12 · Pièce · 1538-1539
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period August 1538 - April 1539. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1540-1541
Y/COU/1/1/13 · Pièce · 1540-1541
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period March 1540 - April 1541. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1533-1534
Y/COU/1/1/10 · Pièce · 1533-1534
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1533 - January 1534. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1534-1538
Y/COU/1/1/11 · Pièce · 1534-1538
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period April 1534 - June 1538. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1526-1533
Y/COU/1/1/9 · Pièce · 1526-1533
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, principally covering the period February 1526 - February 1533. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order - for example entries from 1527 have been bound at the back of the volume. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1503-1519
Y/COU/1/1/7 · Pièce · 1494; 1501; 1503-1519; 1521
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, principally covering the period March 1503 - June 1519, but also including a witness statement from 1494, an entry from 1501, and several entries from 1521-1522. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1520-1526
Y/COU/1/1/8 · Pièce · 1520-1526
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, principally covering the period [February] 1520 - January 1526. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have all retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1496-1503
Y/COU/1/1/6 · Pièce · 1496-1503
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1496 - January 1503. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

A loose page is included at the start of the volume, which appears to be part of the early 20th century conservation work carried out on the volume, subsequently removed in the 1980s. This page has transferred ink from an original page in the volume.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1490-1496
Y/COU/1/1/5 · Pièce · 1490-1496
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1490 - January 1496. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order - for example entries for 1490 can also be found at the end of the volume. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century, however at least one other foliation notation is present on the pages. Some pages may be missing.

Additional pages have been bound in to the volume which do not conform to the foliation system. It is possible these were previously kept loose in the volume or that they were attached to a page in the volume in some way.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1483-1494
Y/COU/1/1/3 · Pièce · 1483-1494
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, principally covering the period September 1483 to February 1489, but also some entries for 1491, 1492, 1493, and 1494, as well as some undated entries. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century, however at least one other foliation notation is present on the pages. Some pages may be missing.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1486-1490
Y/COU/1/1/4 · Pièce · 1486-1490
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, covering the period February 1486 - July 1490. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved, and it is not clear whether the pages have retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century, however at least one other foliation notation is present on the pages. Some pages may be missing.

This first entry of this volume records this volume as 'Liber consilii', or 'the book of the council'. The volume includes entries relating to Lambert Simnell and the rebellion against the crown led by the Earls of Lincoln and Lovell. The entries include a letter sent by Simnell to the Mayor and Commonality of York, their response to this letter, and a subsequent account of the rebellion.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1476-1480
Y/COU/1/1/1 · Pièce · 1476-1480; 1483
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, principally covering the period February 1476 to January 1480, but also including a memoranda from May 1483 and some undated entries. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved several times, and it is not clear whether the pages have retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Minute book, 1480-1485
Y/COU/1/1/2 · Pièce · 1480-1489
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Minute and memoranda book, principally covering the period April 1480 to December 1485, but also including some entries for 1486, 1488, and 1489, and some undated entries. There do not appear to be any entries dating from 1487. Entries are broadly, but not strictly, in chronological order. The volume has been conserved several times, and it is not clear whether the pages have retained their original order. The current foliation was added in the early 20th century, however at least one other foliation notation is present on the pages, many of which do not seem to have retained their original order. William Giles, writing in the later 19th and early 20th century has recorded that some of the pages from his foliation are missing.

Dates in this catalogue have been given in the new style. Many of the original entries use regnal dating to record the year.

Second World War Civil Defence
Y/ORD/4/6 · Série · 1939-1954
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Includes civil defence publications, papers relating to wardens, ARP Emergency Committee agendas and minutes, Air Raid Precautions (ARP) correspondence, shelter files, instructions to civilians and papers regarding the welfare of citizens, fire service and fire prevention files, papers relating to the Women's Voluntary Service, papers regarding the billeting of workers, Ministry of Health files, papers regarding air raids and resultant war damage, papers regarding the Halifax bomber crash in York, staff registers, papers regarding training exercises, casualty lists, invasion committee papers, Operations Regional Comissioner correspondence, A.R.P Control Headquarters register of permits and papers relating to German chemical warfare explorations.

File relating to the Home Guard
Y/ORD/4/6/9 · Dossier · 1939-1954
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Includes papers relating to Japanese money, a soldier's service pay book, a photograph of a Home Guard/soldier (presumably) parade, three general letters from the Home Guard and War Office to soldiers (depicting the Great War effort), a booklet of Great E

PIC · Collection · [c1950]-2011

Includes small collections of photographs and other images relating to York. Includes photographic prints, photographic negatives, postcards, drawings, engravings, and other images.

Sans titre
Meeting minutes
SOR/1 · Série · 1981-1996
Fait partie de Records of Soroptimist International of York

Typescript minutes of meetings of the Soroptimist International of York. Also includes copies of correspondence, information for members and statements of accounts.

Sans titre
YFF · Fonds · 1786-1986

Administrative records of the society, including: rules and orders, membership papers, financial records, membership benefits records, administrative papers and correspondence, report and publications, and a small number of photographs and object relating to the society.

The collection includes a small number of account books pre-dating the formal establishment of the society in 1788, and some material relating to the continued administration of funds and remaining members after the society was dissolved in 1977.

Sans titre
YFF/PC/22 · Dossier · 1981-1984
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Includes christmas cards and letters of thanks sent to Miss Sylvia Gray and Mrs Moyra Johnson in thanks for the christmas cards and gift of £1 sent to remaining members. Also includes a number of christmas cards returned because the members had passed away. Four of these cards contain a one pound note. Also includes letters outlining that the 1983 payment will be the final payment to members from the remaining funds, and some letters about the final meeting of members in 1984.

Administrative correspondence, 1977-1984
YFF/PC/21 · Dossier · 1977-1984
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Correspondence between Sylvia Gray and Moyra Johnson, with associated notes, receipts, and papers, relating to the administration of the remaining members and funds of the society after its closure in 1977. Includes lists of members with personal information and annotations noting changes of address and death of members.

Also includes a note from the Archive service noting the deposit of some records.

YFF/PC/18 · Dossier · 1974-1977
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Principally concerning the closing of the society, including a circular letter to members about the dissolution 1975, a list of final payments due to members at disslution, lists of members, and other associated correspondence and papers. Also includes an annual report and balance sheet for account for 1975.

YFF/PC/10 · Dossier · 1970-1974
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Correspondence and associated papers relating to the administration of the society, including that relating to insurance, the management of funds, and payments to members. Also includes a list of pension recipients in 1973, and a rought copy of a meeting agenda and minutes, 1973. Includes some letters from 1970 and 1974.

YFF/PC/4 · Dossier · 1902; c1970s-1984
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Papers created and compiled by Moyra Johnson, including newscuttings, a photograph of the final procession of the society and articles relating to the history of the society. Includes a copy of the 1902 pamphlet by Almyra Gray, 'A Women's Friendly Society' which has additional commentary attached by Moyra Johnson.

Dentistry Pay Tickets
YFF/BE/4/2/1 · Dossier · c1933-1973
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Sick pay tickets used for dentistry treatment, arranged alphabetically and showing the name of the recipient, the address of the recipient, the date payments began, and payments made on various dates. The dates includes on each card varies.

Register of Dental Benefits, 1935-1939
YFF/BE/4/1/1 · Pièce · 1935-1939
Fait partie de Records of the York Female Friendly Society

Account book containing information about members in receipt of the benefits, using the following column headings: week ending, claim number, members number, members's name, amount dentist's Account, amount (if any) paid by member, amount paid by society, dentist's name and address, treatment, and remarks. The final two columns have not been filled in.