Format: B/W print
Provenance: Pumphrey.
Plan showing improvements to ..... Road from The Mount to Albemarle Terrace - Drawing type: Street plan
Drawing number (if any):
Scale: No scale
Size: Large
Names: None
- Drawing type: Detail drawing
Drawing number (if any):
Scale: Full size
Size: Large
Names: No names indicated
Sepia print 8.5 x 11 cms
Provenance: None
Duplicates: No
Type of item: Original print
Black and white print, 11.5 x 9 cms
Provenance: None
Duplicates: No
Type of item: Original print
Photo of banknote. Robin A Hill, Bishopthorpe (to)? Raper Swann Clough of York
Format: Black and white, 22 x 14
Provenance: Robin Hill
Photo of banknote. Robin A Hill, Bishopthorpe (to)? Swan Clough and York Bank
Format: Black and white, 22 x 14
Provenance: Robin Hill
Photograph of the note. Parliament Str Original is in the Castle Museum store room, it was found there in May 1956.
Format: Black and white, 16 x 10
Provenance: Unknown
Paper read by T. B. LL. Baker of Hudwicke Court, Gloucester at the Social Science Conference in Liverpool in 1858, titled "Adult Reformatories". Also includes letter from T. B. LL. Baker to the Editor of Gloucestershire chronicle on the "Dimunition of Juvenile Crime".
"Gay helps in selection of personality girl" Yorkshire Evening Press cartoon. Also included a letter and an email relating to information on the Ebor Cycling Club.
Tables recording record timings and distances held by various Ebor Cycling Club members. Contains loose pages.
"The Ebor Cycling Club, York: A Collection of Photographs and scanned images of: 1935 Rule Book, club trophies, runs cards, photographs of members and miscellaneous documents" DVD
Green volume marked ‘A’: spine marked ‘Astronomical observations’.
Right-hand pages numbered 1-244. This appears to contain fair copies of Nathaniel Pigott’s notes from other sources, including the notebook of ‘Barometrical and Thermometrical Observations’ (Acc 227.8) and the Astronomical Journal (Acc 227.10). About 7 sheets at the back have been torn out.
Page 1, Measures of the sun’s horizontal diameter at noon 1766-1769, used for determining ‘the value of the revolutions and parts of a revolution of my micrometer adapted to a six feet achromatic refractor made by Dollond of London’.
Pages 3-4, ‘Observation of The Comet Septemr. 9th 1769’.
Pages 18-21, ‘Latitude of the Abbatial at Caen Normandy South West Part of the Town / extract from astro: journal’; taken from observations made 1770-1771.
‘Meteorological Observations made at Caen in Normandy and sent xbre 5 1770 to Doctor Bevis for the Royal society’ (pages 38-42), followed by ‘account of a Remarkable degree of Cold observed at Caen’ (pages 42-43), and ‘Experiments on some liquids’ (page 43). An ‘addition Decr. 18th 1770’ (pages 43-44) concerns reports of differences of barometric pressure at different observatories. ‘N.B. the preceding observ. from Page 38 down to Addition … are printed in Phil. Trans. 1771 – Page 274’.
Page 46, ‘Latitude of the Refuge of vrowperg [‘Groenendale’ deleted] in Louvain’; from observations made in 1763.
Pages 49-64, ‘Observations Astronomiques faites aux Pays-bas Autrichiens en 1772 et 1773’. Account (in French) of astronomical observations made in surveying the latitude and longitude of Belgian towns.
Pages 65 and 66 are missing.
Pages 67 onwards are blank.
Summary and extracts have been provided by a volunteer.
Folder of loose papers consisting of:
Catalogue of remarkable fixed stars, according to Halley (1720), as given in R. Heath’s ‘Astronomia accurata’ (1760). Pigott notes that comparisons lead him to suspect that a great part of this catalogue is reduced from Flamsteed’s observations.
Mean Right Ascension of fixed stars observed and computed by E. Pigott – reduced to January 1st 1784. Several of these are variable stars.
Reduction to find the Right Ascension of the variable stars in Cygnus’ Breast, in Cygnus’ Neck, Flamsteed’s No.17 Cygni, and Eta Cygni; calculations dated 1782-1783.
Reduction of the R.A. of the variable in Hydra; calculations dated 1784.
Reductions for the declinations: for the variable stars in Cygnus’ Breast and in Cygnus’ Neck, the variable star in Hydra, and Flamsteed’s 17th Cygni ; calculations dated 1782-1785.
Reduction of the R.A. of the stars occulted by the Moon when eclipsed 10th September 1783 ; calculations dated 1784.
Astronomical observations 1782-1785 to determine the position of the observatory at York.
Pamphlet by Benjamin Wilson F.R.S. (London: L. Davis, 1774). Communicated to the Royal Society 24th February 1774, and rejected by the Committee.
School exercise book, gigned inside front cover, ‘J. Goodricke Warrington Academy 1780’. Pages numbered 3-28. Astronomical diagram inside rear cover shows area between Auriga and Rigel; note, ‘Markab and Sheat Alpheras in Pegasus will be past the meridian …’.
Folder of papers containing observations, drawings, and letters on comets.
(a) Drawings and observations of the comet of 1811: (i) Sketch Sep. 8-10, (ii) Sketch Sep. 8-10, observations Sep. 1-10, (iii) Pencil sketch Oct. 9-10, (iv) Pencil sketch undated, (v) Observations Oct. 8 and sketch, (vi) Sketch Oct. 9-10.
(b) Permit (in French) for Pigott to use a French institute’s library (addressed to Pigott at Hotel de Nantes, Paris). Undated. The reference to ‘institut’ may refer to L'Institut national des sciences et des arts, which would date it after 1795, presumably to Pigott’s stay in France after the Peace of Amiens.
(c) Observations of a comet made in April 1781, commencing ‘April 3d R.A. 84º 23’½ Declin. 23º 34’ N.’.
(d) Draft of a letter of June 1792 from Pigott to M. Cassini of the French Academie Royale de Sciences (in French), thanking him for sending the continuation of ‘L’extrait des observations astronomiques’, noting that he had just returned after a six-year absence to their observatory and intended to recommence his ‘amusements Astronomiques’, and offering to make astronomical observations from York. An explanatory footnote (in English) refers to M. Mechain, ‘whose correspondence I first did neglect; but who soon after, printed in the Connais: d. Tems [Connaissance des Temps], the proper motion of Beta [Virginis] without mentioning me – as also my improved method of determining diff. of Merid:ns by the Meridian [Moon] & not a word of me – also the Long: & Lat. of York without my name to it -’.
Summary of contents and extracts have been provided by a volunteer.
Large volume recording astronomical observations.
The first page has a month-by-month list, from July 1778 to July 1779, of the stars observed with their magnitude. 17 blank pages follow, then the observations: these are observations of named stars, with multiple readings to obtain a mean time for transit. They start at Frampton House in July 1778 and end at York in July 1785. In handwriting of Nathaniel Pigott.
Summary has been provided by a volunteer.
By Mr Needham of the Royal Society (Berne: Societe Litteraire, 1760). Bottom of title page stamped ‘Mr: Pigott’.
Two notes books containing observations in 1783 and 1784, and in 1785.
Notebooks include observations of Uranus taken from December 1783 to January 1784, and in January 1785, with calculations to find the right ascension and declination of the planet and to find the apparent time of observation.
Observations of Uranus taken from December 1782 to March 1783, with calculations to find the right ascension and declination of the planet and to find the apparent time of observation, and a table of results.
(London: P.Elmsly, 1788).
Handwritten note on cover, ‘From The Author’.
Observations of Uranus, believed at the time of observation to be a comet, from December 1781 to February 1782. On the back cover the title ‘Transit Observations of Herschel’s Starry Comet’ has been deleted.
Black and white photograph of some houses on Bilton Street.
By York Health Department.
Microsoft Word document describing the setup of the Community Water Monitoring Project in 2017. The initiative was 'partly a response to the Environment Agency drastically reducing its river water sampling regime as an economy measure'. The document directs the reader to see other files in this folder for more information and for the results of sampling from January 2018 - December 2019. Mike Gray is the stated author of the document, which is dated January 2020. There is also a hyperlink to
Parent folder: 2020/002
MD5 Checksum: 7582b4c7a29038a1335edce6e12bbce2
Original Creation date: 09/01/2020
Last-modified date: 07/04/2020. Altered during digital preservation activities by Frances Bell.
Original last-modified date: 10/01/2020
File size: 0.03MB
File format: Microsoft Word for Windows
File extension: docx
Backup storage location:
Black and white postcard, 14 x 9 cms
Provenance: Beryl York
Duplicates: Yes
Type of item: Original
Report on an RNG commissioned study into a 1 1/2 litre carbonated soft drink container in glass and plastic. Report prepared for Redfearns.
35mm photographic slide.
Sinclair; Alison (?-present)RCHM/YC306D.
Copyright: Royal Commission of Historical Monuments (England).
Taken for the York Health Department.
Showing the yard.
Black and white photograph of an upper floor window. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photograph of an upper floor window. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Showing rainwater head. RCHM (England).
Black and white photos of both the front and rear.
Black and white photo of front of house.
Black and white photo of the ceiling detail over the staircase. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of the ceiling detail over the staircase. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of detail and cornice on the music room ceiling. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of ceiling over staircase. Copyright RCHM.
Black and white photo of ceiling over staircase. Copyright RCHM.
Black and white photo of detail from the fireplace on the first floor. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of detail on the music room ceiling. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of the staircase taken from the ground floor. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of detail on the music room ceiling. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of detail and cornice on the music room ceiling. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of the ceiling detail over the staircase. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of ceiling over staircase. Copyright RCHM.
Black and white photograph of a fireplace on the first floor.
Black and white photo of the staircase taken from the ground floor. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of detail from the fireplace on the first floor. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of detail on the music room ceiling. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of detail on the music room ceiling. Taken for the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Black and white photo of detail of ceiling over staircase. Copyright RCHM.
Black and white photo of detail of ceiling over staircase. Copyright RCHM.
Black and white photograph of the corner of Minster Gates and High Petergate.
Black and white photograph of the corner of Minster Gates and High Petergate.
35mm photographic slide.
Sinclair; Alison (?-present)Photo by Northern Echo.
Property details.
Detail at first floor of staircase baluster (Museum Street entrance). Black and white photo by Royal Commission on Historic Monuments (England).
Staircase at 1st floor level. Black and white photo by Royal Commission on Historic Monuments (England).
Black and white photograph of drawing of 2nd May 1844, copyright RCHM.
From north west side view. Copyright: Royal Commission of Historical Monuments (England).
Comprises summaries of condition of houses, closing order, report of obstructive buildings, report on necessary improvements, and correspondence.
Comprises house inspections, applications for closing orders, and correspondence
Comprises report regarding dwelling houses, correspondence, plan of area, house inspection records, and application for closing order.
Copyright: Northern Echo.
Comprises correspondence; notifications of defects; notices for making a demolition order; and demolition orders; and two black and white photographs of the properties
Comprises closing orders, correspondence, house inspections, plans of the area, demolition orders.
Elevation plan for 1, Goodramgate. Including Front, Rear, and Side elevations - Drawing type: Elevation
Drawing number (if any): PH/32/G/2
Scale: 1:50:1/500
Size: Large
Names: R.H.Fogg, City Architect
Two black and white photographs, one mounted on card, taken by York Health Department.
Also showing the entrance to Kidd's Terrace.
Photograph by Northern Echo.
Photograph of No 10 Hungate prior to demolition. (photo YCC Engineers Dept). Includes YCC Cataloguing data sheet.
Rainwater bracket.
Rainwater bracket.
Rainwater bracket.
Black and white photograph showing the ceiling over the staircase.
Black and white photograph showing the ceiling over the staircase.
Black and white photograph of doorcase on east facing wall, first floor, front room.
Black and white photograph showing the ceiling over the staircase.
Black and white photograph at ground floor.
Black and white photograph between ground and first floor.
Black and white photograph at ground floor.
Black and white photograph at ground floor.
Black and white photograph at ground floor.
Black and white photograph between ground and first floors.