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From 1869 Masters of workhouses were required to record the religious affiliation of inmates in Creed Registers so that appropriate measures could be taken in the event of illness or death.

Details recorded in each register vary over time but usually include: name; date of admission; religious creed; name of informant; and in some cases date of discharge or death. Registers from 1906 record occupation and address of relation or friend. Registers from 1908 include 'place admitted from' or 'where slept last night' in each entry.

At the outbreak of war in 1939 the infirmary of the old workhouse was equipped to become an Emergency Medical Services Hospital. The infirmary received 77 non-civilian patients in 1939, 623 in 1940 and 434 in 1941. Creed Registers from 1939-1941 therefore record admissions details of military war casualties (see refs PLU/2/3/17-19)

From 1942 emergency medical patients were treated at the new hospital which had opened next door to the infirmary.

Entries are either listed in rough alphabetical order or indexed.