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Archival description

Comprises records concerning the settlement and removal of paupers under the York Poor Law Union and the Public Assistance Committee.

In order to have the right to claim poor relief a person had to have the right of settlement in a parish/ward in the area in which they were currently residing. Those who did not have the right of settlement could be forcibly removed.

Includes registers and accounts of non-resident and non-settled poor; and registers of removal orders and settlement enquiries.

Comprises registers of non-resident and non-settled poor chargeable to the York Poor Law Union, and after 1930 the York Public Assistance Committee.

Non-resident poor refers to individuals receiving poor relief who were legally settled in York but residing elsewhere.

Non -settled poor refers to individuals receiving relief who were living in York but legally settled elsewhere.

Register of orders obtained by the York Public Assistance Committee. These orders relate to individuals who were living in York but were legally settled elsewhere.

Includes name, type of order, council of settlement, type of relief (e.g. whether institutional or out-relief), date of order, date of expiration and, in some cases, further remarks.

Register of orders obtained by the York Public Assistance Committee. These orders relate to individuals living in York and receiving relief but legally settled elsewhere.

Includes name, type of order, council of settlement, type of relief (e.g. whether institutional or out-relief), date of order, date of expiration and, in some cases, further remarks.

Register of removal orders received from other councils by the York Public Assistance Committee. These orders relate to inviduals legally settled in York but residing elsewhere and receiving relief from other councils.

Includes name, type of order, council sending the order, type of relief received (e.g. institutional or out-relief), date of order, and, in some cases, further remarks.


Comprises records concerning the welfare of children who came into the care of the York Poor Law Union and later the Pubic Assistance Committee.

Includes records relating to apprenticeships; registers of children boarded out and in farm service; register for enforcing school attendance; and correspondence concerning the boarding out of children.

Comprises registers of children under the care of the York Board of Guardians and later the Public Assistance Committtee.

Includes registers of children who have been boarded-out with foster parents in private homes; registers of children in certified schools and other institutions; and registers of children in farm service.

See also minutes of the Children's/Boarding Out Committee ref PLU/1/6 and PLU/1/8

Register of children under the supervision of the York Union Children's Committee. The majority of this volume lists children boarded out and in certified schools. Only a small number of entries appear for adopted and apprenticed children.
Includes name of child; age when first boarded out; gender; religion; status of child (e.g. if an orphan); date of boarding out; name and address of foster parents and other details.

Register of proceedings against parents/guardians of children who failed to attend school.

Includes name of child; age of child; name of parent; residence; occupation; previous school; date of service of notice; officer's notes and other remarks.

Flaxton Out-Relief Union

Agreement between the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and citizens of the City of York (i.e. the Corporation)and the York Out-Relief Union, that the City Fever Hospital for treating infectious diseases shall treat pauper and destitute patients at a cost of 1 guinea per person per week, to be paid by the York Out-Relief Union.

Includes name of patient; date admitted; date discharged; and in some cases further remarks. Includes two loose items: a list of mental patients for whom there are no files and a list of patients maintained by other county authorities.

Lists patients in alphabetical order by surname.

See also Returns of Pauper Lunatics Y/HEA/6/1/1

Registers of smallpox vaccinations compiled by Vaccination Officers of the York Poor Law Union using extracts from the Registrar's Registers of Births.

Some volumes include inserted correspondence relating to individual vaccination cases.

Includes registers for the City and Rural Districts of the York Poor Law Union.

Registers of smallpox vaccinations kept by the Vaccination Officers (District Medical Officers) of the York Poor Law Union.

Details for each registered child include: date of birth; place of birth; child's name; parents' names; address; and father's occupation. Further columns record the date of vaccination or whether vaccination was not carried.

Volumes PLU/8/1/1/18 -PLU/8/1/1/27 include inserted correspondence relating to individual vaccination cases. This correspondence primarily concerns notices of vaccination and/or notes from parents detailing reasons why vaccination should be delayed or is not necessary.

NOTE: volumes 8-18 are MISSING as at Nov 2016

Registers of smallpox vaccinations kept by the Vaccination Officers (District Medical Officer) of the York Poor Law Union.

Details for each registered child include: date of birth; place of birth; child's name; parents' names; address; and father's occupation. Further columns record the date of vaccination and whether it was successful.

Volumes PLU/8/1/2/17-PLU/8/1/2/26 include inserted correspondence relating to individual vaccination cases. This correspondence primarily concerns notices of vaccination and/or notes from parents detailing reasons why vaccination is delayed or not necessary.