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Rent Act 1957
Y/HEA/1/1/63 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1957 -1970
Parte de York Civic Archive

Extract from minutes of Housing Committee, 17 Jul 1957, concerning Certificate of repair - Joint Housing and Health Committees concerning Certificates of repair, 24 Sep 1957 - Queries about Certificates 1957.

Y/HEA/1/1/64 · Unidad documental compuesta · Dec 1957-Nov 1965
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence with Ministry of Housing and Local Government relating to proposed Health Centre at Fifth Avenue, includes plans and elevations (City Engineer & Architect), Dec 1957; and with Millfield Lane Methodist Church regarding termination of lease, Oct 1960; and with Derwent Valley Light Railway regarding their fencing/vandalism, Nov 1965

Y/HEA/1/1/65 · Unidad documental compuesta · Dec 1957-Jun 1973
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and Circulars Dec 1957 to Jun 1973 - Constitution, 21 Feb 1957 - Invitation to City Council to become a member, 19 Dec 1957 - York City appointed representatives- Clean Air Campaign Exhibition, Leeds, Sep 1958, and Report on result of Campaign (Jul 1959) - Clean Air Act 1956: Smoke Control Areas; York City appointments to Executive Committee for the year - Circular letters regarding Amendment of Constitution (10 Aug 1960); Measurement of Atmospheric Pollution, meeting (24 Jan 1961); Air Pollution & Health (12 Feb 1963); Smoke from burning of industrial Waste (29 Oct 1963); H M Alkali Inspectorate (3 Feb 1964); Noise Abatement (13 Aug 1968) and Solid Smokeless Fuel Shortage (6 Feb 1970) - 7th National Clean Air Fuel Efficiency & Domestic Heating Exhibition, Harrogate, 20-23 Oct 1964 Change in Constitution: West Riding Clean Air Advisory Council becomes West Riding Advisory Council for Clean Air & Noise Control, 24 Jul 1969 - Special Sub-Committee of WRAC for Clean Air & Noise Control: recommended standard cost of firegrate conversion (undated) - WRAC for Clean Air & Noise Control: Agendas and Notifications, 1958-73, and minutes of Executive Committee meetings 26 Jan 1961 - 8 Dec 1964

Y/HEA/1/1/66 · Unidad documental compuesta · Jun 1958-May 1974
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence with Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries [MAFF] 16 Jun 1958 & 29 Apr 1959;and on 'Sanitary Conveniences on Farms', 7 Jan 1960 to 1 Oct 1969 - MAFF circular letter concerning export of Animal Casings to South Africa, 20 May 1974 Correspondence with MAFF 16 Jun 1958 & 29 Apr 1959; and on 'Sanitary Conveniences on Farms', 7 Jan 1960 to 1 Oct 1969 - MAFF circular letter concerning export of Animal Casings to South Africa, 20 May 1974.

Day Nursery, Cornlands Road/Gale Lane
Y/HEA/1/1/67 · Unidad documental compuesta · Jul 1958-Jun 1973
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence mainly with Ministry of Housing & Local Government and with Department of Health & Social Security, Jul 1948 - Nov 1973 - Proposed new Day Nursery (Aug 1958) - Number of children in Acomb and Dringhouses (Nov 1958) Present establishment quite inadequate to cope with number of children (Feb 1959) - Tenders received, Oct 1959- Extension to Acomb and Heworth Day Nurseries (and Plan for Acomb) Jun 1973

Crombie Avenue Day Nursery
Y/HEA/1/1/68 · Unidad documental compuesta · Aug 1947-Aug 1968
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence mainly with Ministry of Housing & Local Government, and with Ministry of Health, Aug 1947 - Aug 1968 - Ministry of Health circular 125/46: Training of Nursing Students, also circular 95/47, as concerns Crombie Avenue Day Nursery - Property appropriated by NHS from Health Committee
(1957) - Extracts from minutes of Health Committee 13 & 16 Feb 1956; 14 Jul 1966 and 10 & 13 Oct, and 4 Nov 1966 - Proposed adaptation as a Hostel for Mentally Sub-Normal, 29 Mar 1957 - Crombie Avenue Day Nursery Details 1 Apr 1941 - 13 Oct 1966

Noise Abatement
Y/HEA/1/1/69 · Unidad documental compuesta · Oct 1959-Mar 1974
Parte de York Civic Archive

General correspondence Oct 1959 – Mar 1974 - Noise Abatement Act 1960; City of York 'Municipal Corporation Act 1882: Bye-Laws as to Noisy Hawkers (Oct 1924) - Noise Abatement Society invitation to York Council to become a member 1 Oct 1969 - Noise complaints: - Ministry of Health circular letter regarding a Committee on the Problem of Noise (Jun 1961) with Questionnaire. and Replies to Questionnaire - Association of Municipal Corporations circular letter regarding noise from Electricity Sub-Stations, 23 Apr 1963 - Ministry of Housing & Local Government circular 22/67 : Industrial Noise, and circulars 50/68, 58/68 and 59/68 . Technical Instruction & Public Education - Building Research Station Digest, No.88, May 1956 : Sound Insulation of Dwellings - Ministry of Public Building & Works, Advisory leaflet No.72: Noise Control on Building Sites (Feb 1969) Ministry of Housing & Local Government circular letter regarding Ice Cream Chimes, 30 Jan 1969 and circulars 32 and 36/69: Industrial Noise (May 1969) - Noise Abatement Society press release 'The Law on Noise' (undated) and European Conservation Year 1970 (Nov 1969) - Noise complaints - Leaflets: 'A Guide to Noise Units' (1973), 'Down with Noise' (1973).

Y/HEA/1/1/7 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1953-1962
Parte de York Civic Archive

Extract from minutes of Committee Meetings 15 January and 11 Feb 1953- Ministry of Health Circular 18/53 Health Education Schemes concerning Cancer Education; Report 16.9.53 - Precis of York Cancer Education Committee minutes, 18.9.53 - Review of First Year's Work - Smoking and Cancer of the Lung : Statement made in House by Minister of Health, 29.6.57 and by Medical Research Council - Minutes of Cancer Education Advisory Sub-Committee meetings, 13.Sep 1957, 2 Dec 1960 and 1 Feb 1961 - 'Smoking & Health Problems' Ministry of Health publication - 'The Cancer Riddle - of Special Interest to Men'; 'The Role of Nurses and other Members of the Nursing Profession in the Education of the Public concerning Cancer'; 'All About Life Saving' Nos.1 and 3; 'Fear & Ignorance are the Enemies' all by Dr M Donaldson (undated).

Slaughterhouses Report
Y/HEA/1/1/70 · Unidad documental compuesta · May 1960-May 1963
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence May 1960 - May 1963 - Interdepartmental Committee on Slaughterhouses (England & Wales) Report (Jul 1955) - Slaughterhouse : A Policy to Regulate Provision of Slaughterhouses in England & Wales (May 1956) - Slaughterhouses Act 1958 and Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries [MAFF] circular 11/58 (Aug 1958) Slaughterhouses: Recommended Minimum Standards for Construction (Aug 1957) - Statutory Instrument 1958 Nos.2166 and 2168; 1959 Nos. 172, 1493, 1543 and 1838; 1961 No.444 (concerning Slaughterhouse Hygiene and Cruelty to Animals) - MAFF circulars 18/58, 2,/59, 4/59, 14/59 and 1/60 - City of York: Report on Slaughterhouse Facilities (Oct 1060) - Yorkshire Evening Press Public Notice regarding Sec.3 of Slaughterhouses Act 1958, issues 7 Oct 1960, 16 Jun 1961 and 9 Nov 1962.

Smoke Control Areas
Y/HEA/1/1/71 · Unidad documental compuesta · Sep 1960-Jan 1974
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence Sep 1960 - March Draft Report on Implementation of Clean Air Act in York (Street Map of City) - Air Pollution Records 1951-58 as compared with 1959 - Smoke Control Areas: Reports by Chief Public Health Inspector, Medical Officer of Health, City Treasurer and Town Clerk (Nov 1960) - Extract from minutes of General Purposes Committee, 19 Sep 1961, and of Housing Committee, 9.9.61 - Cost of Smokeless Fuel in November 1962 - Ministry of Housing & Local Government circular letter : Smoke Control Areas, 28 May 1963 - suggestions for new housing estates at Acomb and Dringhouses (Jan 1958) - Clean Air Act, City of York Smoke Control Order posted 7 Mar 1972 for 6 weeks - Report of meeting of Joint Sub-Committee (Development & Planning, Health and Housing regarding General Improvement Areas, 29 Nov 1973 and 24 Jan 1974 - City of York (No.2 Smoke Control Order 1970) Variation Order 1974 circular letter: Smoke Control Areas, 28 May 1963 - suggestions for new housing estates at Acomb and Dringhouses (Jan 1958) - Clean Air Act, City of York Smoke Control Order posted 7 Mar 1972 for 6 weeks - Report of meeting of Joint Sub-Committee (Development & Planning, Health and Housing regarding General Improvement Areas, 29 Nov 1973 and 24 Jan 1974 - City of York (No.2 Smoke Control Order 1970) Variation Order 1974.

Committee Organisation
Y/HEA/1/1/72 · Unidad documental compuesta · Nov 1960-Jun 1971
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence Nov 1960 to Jun 1961 - Health Committee: Suggestions with regard to delegated power to make appointments (Undated) - Working Party on Committee arrangements with regard to appointments made by 1) Committee, 2) Sub-Committee and 3) Heads of Departments (March 1961) - Lists of Health Committee members (and co-opted members) for years 1961-70 - Replies to Questionnaire concerning functions of a Health Committee by other Cities and County Boroughs - Suggested appointments which can be made by Medical Officers of Health, with appropriate Officers, and salary fixtures (undated) - List of subscriptions paid by Health Committee for financial year 1966¬1967 - Association of Municipal Corporations circular letter regarding conferences, and a Report (1967) -Maud & Mallerby Report: Delegation to Committees and Officers (Undated). Committee Structure Review and Delegation (Medical Officer of Health) 16 Nov 67 - Delegation of Powers and Duties (Town Clerk) 3 Jan 1968 - Extract from minutes of Health Committee, 11 Jan 1968 and 17 Oct 1968, and of Development & Planning Committee, 20 Nov 1968.

Public Health Act 1961
Y/HEA/1/1/73 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1961
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence Sep 1961 to Jul 1970 - Ministry of housing & Local Government circular 46/61 - Draft of Public Health Act 1961 (Nov 1961) - Ministry of Housing & Local Government circular letter regarding Section 77 Bye-Laws as to Hairdressers & Barbers, 11 Nov 1963 - Statutory Instrument 1963 No.1059: The York (Amendment of Local Acts) Order - Association of Municipal Corporations circular letter Statutory Nuisances, Procedure for Abatement (Sec.26 of Public Health Act 1961), 15.5.63 - Nuisance caused by Pigeons (April 1964) Association of Municipal Corporations circular letter: Compensation for Stopping Employment to Prevent Spread of Disease, 17 Nov 1966 - City of York: Public Health Act 1961 (Sec.29) Notice to Person undertaking Demolition of the Whole of Part of a Building (Draft) - Dept of Environment circular 109/72: Code of Practice for Demolition - Statutory Instrument 1963 No.59: Public Health England & Wales, the York (Amendment of Local Act) Order 1963 - Complaint regarding demolition of No.3 Front Street, Acomb, and lack of Hoarding round works with consequent danger to pedestrians, 7 Nov 1962 Ministry of Health circular letter M/H 33/61: Public Health Act 1961.

Y/HEA/1/1/74 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1961-1971
Parte de York Civic Archive

Proposed Junior Occupation Centre in Lidgett Grove (May 1961) - Sketch Plan and Layout -Information requested by Ministry of Health, 11 Jul 1961 - Estimated population, 28 Jul 1961 - Ministry of Health approval, 13 Dec 1961 - Objection lodged - Estimated cost - Ministry of Housing & Local Government: Consent to Borrowing, 30 Apr 1962 - Minutes of Joint Sub-Committee with York & District Spastics Group meetings regarding Spastics Centre, 1964 to 1966 - Estimated cost of Spastics Centre - Acquisition of Grimston House, Deighton, near York, 1 Jun 1966 - Minutes of Joint Sub-Committee regarding Spastics Centre, 1966 - Request for use of access road to Health Centre 20 Feb1967 - DHSS: Local Authority Mental Health Service: information requested regarding Capital Works Programme, 28 May 1970 - Proposed extension of Junior Training Centre, Lidgett Grove, 24 Aug 1970 Plans approved, 25 Aug 1970 - Local Authority Health & Welfare Building: Submission of Project for approval, and agreement as to cost 25 Aug 1970 - Tender accepted 24 Mar 1971 - Department of Environment: Consent to Borrowing, 21 Mar 1971.

Y/HEA/1/1/77 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1963-1972
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence Oct 1963 to Apr 11971 - Proposed new Maternity & Child Welfare Clinic in Clifton, 1964 - Sketch Plan of land affected, 1 Oct 1964 - Land appropriated from Housing Committee to Health Committee, 6 Oct 1964 - Tender accepted 14 Dec 1964 - Ministry of Housing & Local Government: Consent to Borrowing 19 Jan 1965 - North Riding County Council propose to build a similar clinic , 22 Jan 1965 - Proposed extension of Clifton Clinic 24 Aug 1970 - Submission of Project for approval in principle and agreement as to cost limit, 16 Sep 1970 - Tender of accepted, 1972 - Ministry of Environment: Consent to Borrowing, 6 Apr 1971.

Slum Clearance
Y/HEA/1/1/78 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1955-1962
Parte de York Civic Archive

Inquiries concerning individual properties, 1955 to 1962

Food Hygiene
Y/HEA/1/1/80 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1964-1974
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence with Ministry of Health regarding Corned Beef, Canned Tongue and Canned Meat (1964) Ministry of Health letter regarding Typhoid Fever, 27 Jun 1964, and circular 25/68: Dogs in Food Shops, Restaurants and other Food Premises DHSS circular 15/70: Food Hygiene (General) Regulation 1970; and 16/70 Transfer of Responsibility for Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Statutory Instruction 1970./1172: Food & Drugs regarding Food Hygiene (General) Regulation 1970 - Department of Education & Science circular 15/70 Education (Handicapped Children) Act 1974.

Poisonous Waste
Y/HEA/1/1/81 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1972
Parte de York Civic Archive

Deposit of Poisonous Waste Act 1972, Chapter 21 - Association of Municipal Corporations circular letter regarding Poisonous Waste, 19 Apr 1972

Publications and printed papers
Y/HEA/1/14/1 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1912
Parte de York Civic Archive

Includes general programmes and special event programmes; sample tickets for events and invitation cards; guides to York for conference attendees; lists of hotels and apartments in York; two copies of the journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute [May 1912 and July 1912]; and proofs of papers delivered. Also includes a set of printed materials for the congress collected by the Medical Officer of Health and an invitation and guidebook of York sent to the Town Clerk.

Organisation of conference
Y/HEA/1/14/2 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1911-1912
Parte de York Civic Archive

Papers relating to the organisation of the Royal Sanitary Institute Congress in York. Includes general correspondence; replies to delegate invitations; subscription lists; lists of delegates; lists of committee members; newspapers and plans.

Y/HEA/1/14/3 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1912
Parte de York Civic Archive

Includes excursion accounts, receipt books; the Local Committee's expenses and final balance of expenses.

Welfare committees agendas and minutes
Y/HEA/1/16/1 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1948-1950
Parte de York Civic Archive

The Medical Officer of Health's copies of agendas and minutes of the Welfare (Accommodation) Sub-Committee; Welfare (Handicapped persons) Sub-Committee; and the Welfare Committee. Annotated

Y/HEA/1/17/2 · Unidad documental compuesta · Mar-Jul 1897
Parte de York Civic Archive

Proceedings against Christopher Martin and others for erecting wash houses in Amber Street in contravention of the bye-laws. Includes correspondence and copies of notices served.

Miscellaneous papers
Y/HEA/1/2/1 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1947-1952
Parte de York Civic Archive

1) St Thomas' Vicarage - Disposal of vicarage and adjoining land known as St Ann's Close, Haxby Road, as being too big for present day requirements, 29 Aug 1947 - Housing & Estates Department suggest use by other Departments 5 Sep 1947 - Education Committee interested in land (6 Sep 1947) and Social Welfare in property (12 Sep 1947) - Report of City Engineer, 3 Sep 1947 - Property could serve as annex to City Hospital Nurses Home 12 Sep 1947 - Proposed use of vicarage as Occupation Centre for Mental Defectives 20 Oct 1948;
2) Housing Act 1936 - 5 and 5a Skeldergate, 8 Dalguise Grove, overcrowded and to be vacated, 13 Jul 1943 - 55 Micklegate,Old Brewery (Tadcaster), overcrowded - Situation rectified, 16 Jul 1948;
4) Woolpack Hotel, Fawcett Road, inadequate sanitation, 5 Jan 1949, and Licence refused, 12 Feb 1949;
5) 1-5 Vicar Row, Layerthorpe, owned by York, Harrogate JY District Group of Gas Companies, Harrogate, unsanitary living conditions; Demolition Order made and occupiers served with notice to quit, 23 Jul 1949;
6) Sanitary Accommodation in Voluntary Schools - Report made to Education Committee, 7 Apr 1949, and to Medical Officer of Health, 9 Apr 1949 Education Committee Review of Sanitary Accommodation 1949/50, 22 Dec 1949 Index of Reports on individual schools and institutions;
7) Proposed Hostel Accommodation for Unmarried Mothers - Highfield House, Norton, too big for needs of East Riding County Council and offered to York on suitable terms, 13 Oct 1949 - Analyses of figures for York for 6 months May-October 1949, 5 Nov 1949 - Highfield House unsuitable for York needs, 5 Nov 1949;
8) British Rail Dynamos, Holgate - Nuisance caused by noise, especially during night shift, 31 Oct 1949 - Signed Petition - Medical Officer of Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector investigate and endeavour to seek amelioration, 19 Dec 1949 - Situation improved, 11 Feb 1950;
9) Shop Premises - Whip-ma-Whop-ma-Gate, owned by Hunter the Teaman Ltd, Manchester - Unsuitable conditions for sale of food, 30 Nov 1949 Owner says little point in making improvement as he understands property due for demolition to enable new roadway to Peaseholme Green - Little possibility of permission being granted for new road in near future, so Chief Sanitary Inspector's requirements to be carried out (20 Jan 1950) and situation rectified, 26 Jan 1950;
10) Garage, Yearsley Bridge Hospital - Correspondence with York 'A' and Tadcaster Hospital Management Committee over a disagreement of its use by other Departments, 5 Dec 1949 - 26 Apr 1950;
11) Land between 31 Heworth Hall Drive and the Conservative Club - Correspondence concerning complaint as to land being used as a public dumping ground, 28 Aug 1950 - 16 May 1950;
12) Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act 1937 - Home Office circular letter, 4 Jan 1952, and Statutory Instruction 1951 NTo.1759 (Fumigation of Buildings) and No.1760 (Fumigation of Ships) as bearing on Corporation Depot, Foss Islands Road, 5 Mar 1952;
13) NHS (Amendment) Act 1949, Section 25 County Councils Association and Association of Municipal Corporations Joint circular letters 21 Nov 1951 & 19 May 1952 concerning Medical Practitioners' Fees;
14) Knackers Yards and Slaughter of Horses - Ministry of Food circular letters 3 Oct 1952, 14 Nov 1952 and 18 Nov 1952, concerning slaughter of horses - Association of Municipal Corporations circulars regarding registration of Knackers Yards and Slaughterhouses, 26 Nov 1952 - No Knackers Yards in York! 12 Nov 1952;
15) The Bungalow, Moor Lane, Dringhouses - Correspondence regarding, 11 Queens Road, Harrogate, 28 May 1952 - 9 Jul 1952;
16) Case of RAWLENCE v. Croydon Corporation - Judgment (given in favour of Defendant) 25 Jul 1952

School Health Service
Y/HEA/1/2/10 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1948 - 1951
Parte de York Civic Archive

City of York 'Health Service' Booklet (1948) - Ministry of Education circulars 102: Medical Treatment of School children under Section 48(3) of Education Act 1944 List of
Ministry approved practitioners under for ascertainment of disabilities - County Councils:Association, Association of Municipal Corporations and Association of Education Committees Joint memorandum giving advice to Local Education Authorities on Sec.43(3) of Education Act 1944 (Nov 1947) - Ministry of Education circular 179 . The School Health Service & Handicapped Pupils - Effect of the establishment of the NHS (Nov 1948) and Administrative Memo No.303: Opthalmic work, including refraction and the supply of glasses – Association of Municipal Corporations: School Health Service - Deputation to Ministry of Education, London, 7 Oct 1948 - Agreement of Services between hospital Boards and Education Authorities (Aug 1949) - Statutory Instructions 1949 No.1923 : Handicapped Pupils, School Health Service, Amending Regulation No.2 1950 - NHS: Travelling expenses of pupils (Aug 1950) - Association of Municipal Corporations . Minutes of meeting on Children's Welfare Committee Report No.2; 1950 - Correspondence relating to School Eye Service 26 May 1950 - 11 Jan 1951 - Statutory Instructions 1948 No.1505 Charges for Appliances - Correspondence regarding education of children in Hospital Special Schools (Fairfield Sanatorium) 25 May 1948 - 4 Aug 1948

Correspondence and Minutes
Y/HEA/1/2/11 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1948 - 1952
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and minutes of Establishment - Buildings and Health Committee concerning annual rent / cost of maintenance of 9 St Leonard's

Noise abatement
Y/HEA/1/2/114 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1955-1962
Parte de York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence and associated papers

32 St Saviourgate
Y/HEA/1/2/115 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1956-1959; 1965
Parte de York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence and associated papers

Central Clinic
Y/HEA/1/2/119 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1959-1961
Parte de York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence and associated papers

Mental Deficiency Acts 1913-38
Y/HEA/1/2/14 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1941 - 1952
Parte de York Civic Archive

Accommodation for mental defectives 1) NHS (Dissolved Authorities) Regulations 1948 Mid Yorkshire Joint Board for Mentally Defected dissolved 4 Jul 1948. 2) Cases for Whixley Colony: Refused admission - 3) Special Bus to Brandesburton Hall Institute, June - Aug 1948. 4) Clothing Allowance for Mentally Defective Children, 30 Jan 1951 - 22 Feb 1951. 5) Certification under Lunacy Act 6) Correspondence relating to a dispute.

Abortion Act 1967
Y/HEA/1/2/147 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1967-1971
Parte de York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence and associated papers

Drug Addiction
Y/HEA/1/2/148 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1967-1969
Parte de York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence and associated papers

York Samaritans
Y/HEA/1/2/149 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1969
Parte de York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence and associated papers

Scheme under Local Government Act 1929
Y/HEA/1/2/15 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1929 - 1939
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence with Yorkshire Association for Mental Welfare concerning . 1) Local Government Act 1929, Mental Defectives; 2) Mental Deficiency Acts 1913¬27 and 3) Grants to Voluntary Associations assisting or supervising defectives whilst not in care - Board of Control circulars 784, 819 and 330 (July 1932 - July 1937) - Mental Health Emergency Committee set up to advise Local Authorities, Sept 1939

Reports on visits to Institutions
Y/HEA/1/2/16 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1941 - 1945
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning visiting patients, Jul1941 - Oct 1945 - List of York cases in Whixley Colony, (Transferred from Brandesburton); List of York cases in Claypenny Colony (Transferred from Brandesburton) - Hadfield Hall visited 19 Mar 1942, 24 Mar 1944, 28 Sep [ 1944, 28 May 1945 and 28 Aug 1945; Claypenny Colony visited 21 Jul 1943 and 16 Aug 1944; Whixley Colony visited 10 Mar 1944