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Archival description
Y/LEG/2/5/66 · Item · 18th century-20th century
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes a bargain and sale by Geo. Farrah to York Corp. of implements & machinery in Windmill on Heworth Moor belonging to York Corp. (receipts £16.).

Y/LEG/2/6/1 · Item · 12 April 1675
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease between (1) William Ramsden, Lord Mayor of the City of York and the Commonalty of the same city and (2) William Clarke, draper, for a term of seven years. Yearly rent £66.
". . . all that capital messuage or tenement called Tang Hall and also all that close closes or pasture of ground called Tang Hall pasture . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/10 · Item · 1 February 1715
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Jeremiah Myers mason for twenty one years at a yearly rent of £4 10s.
" . . . all that messuage or tenement and shopp scituate lying and being on the north side of Ouze-bridge formerly in the possession of Alice Bolton widdow and now or late int he tenure or occupation of Frances Routh widdow . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/12 · Item · 20 January 1721
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease between (1) Richard Thompson Lord Mayor of the City of York and the Commonalty of the said city and (2) Thomas Ribey for a term of twenty one years at a yearly rent of fifty shillings.
" . . . all that house or tenement with a shopp thereunto belonging heretofore in the occupation of widow Coupland and late in the occupation of Margaret Gale situate standing and being ont he north side of Ouzebridge . . . and also all those two shopps with the appurtenances adjoining south on the said house . . . and heretofore in the tenure or occupation of Edward Singleton and late in the occupation of the said Margaret Gale . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/13 · Item · 1 February 1723
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) George Atkinson furrier and Joseph Scholfield baker for a term of twenty one years at a yearly rent of £24.
" . . . all that New Building Edifice [ . . . ] called the Thursday Market . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/14 · Item · 1 February 1724
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of 20 shillings made between (1) the Mayor and Comonalty of the City of York and (2) Robert Stainton, holstermaker.
" . . . all that one shop with the appurtenances situate on the north side of Ouzebridge within the said of York late in the occupation of Christopher Wright and now in the tenure or occupation of the said Robert Stainton or his assigns and also all the tolls of wool packs and coal carriages passing over Ouzebridge . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/15 · Item · 19 March 1725
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of twenty-one years made between (1) the Mayor and Comonalty of the City of York and (2) James Jenkinson, taylor for a yearly rent 50 shillings.
" . . .all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances [] a Kiln situate and lying near Monk Barr within the said City of York as the same standeth betwixt the Barr stead on the east and the tenement formerly of David Smeaton deceased[] the [remises herein mentioned on the west abutting on the comon Street on the north containing in length thirteen yards and an half and in breadth six yards and a quarter which said premises [] converted into a coach house and stables also one Rampire and Moat now in the occupation of John Richardson of the City of York freeholder extending from the Barr walls to a brick building now in the occupation of Stephen Croft Esquire adjoining on the City walls in length forty eight yards and three quarters and in breadth from that part of the City walls where the Rampire is taken away to a garden place of the said Stephen Croft westwards seventy yards and a quarter . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/16 · Item · 2 February 1727
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Caleb Greenbury brewer for a term of twenty years at a yearly rent of £65.
" . . . all that the mannor or capital messuage called Tanghall . . . and also one barn lately built as also one close of arable meadow or pasture ground called the great Tanghall filed also one other close . . . called the little Tanghall field . . . together with the Tanghall Green . . . "

Y/LEG/2/6/17 · Item · 11 December 1731
Part of York Civic Archive

Surrender between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) [ . . .] Doring, prebendary of the prebend of Fridaythorpe, of lease dated 22 September 1716 in consideration of grant of a new lease. " . . . all that the mannor and capital messuage called Tanghall . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/18 · Item · 14 December 1731
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease made between (1) Reverend [] Doring and (2) the Mayor and Comonalty of [] for a term dependent on the lives of Jonas Thompson George Ambler and John Strangeways whichever shall lvie the longest. Yearly rent £23 " . . . all that mannor and capital messuage called Tanghall . . . and all those closes called Great Tanghall Fields Little Tanghall Fields and Tang Green as the same are now divivded into several or more closes some whereof are now called by the name of Bull Lane Closes . . . and sometime in the tenure or occupation of Matthew Bayors Christopher Hutton Robert Summers Francis Swanland Samuel Alderson . . . and now in the occupation of Caleb Greenberry John Richardson Joseph Scholfield [illegible] . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/19 · Item · 2 February 1733
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of twenty-one years made between (1) the Mayor and Comonalty of the city of York and (2) William Sansome Merchant Taylor. Yearly rent 30 shillings.
" . . . all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate lying and being upon Ouze Bridge within the said City of York on the north side of the said bridge and the kitching adjoining to the said messuage or tenement formerly in the tenure or occupation of Francis Hall gentleman or his assigns late in teh tenure or occupation of Thomas Sansome translator and now in the tenure or occupation of the said William Sansome . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/2 · Item · 6 September 1701
Part of York Civic Archive

Surrender between (1) Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Jonathan Dryden Clerk Prebendary of Fridaythorpe for " . . . all that the manor or capital messuage called Tanghall parcel of the said prebend of Fridaythorpe with the appurtenances and also of a close of pasture called the Great Tanghall Fields of one other close of pasture called The Little Tanghall Fields and of one other close called Tong Greene . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/20 · Item · 1 February 1734
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £4 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Robert Towers plumber and glazier.
" . . . all that messuage or tenement standing or being upon the northside of Ouzebridge . . . belonging formerly in the tenure or occupation of Francis Hart . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/21 · Item · 1 February 1734
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £9 made between(1) the Mayor and Comonalty of the City of York and (2) Joseph Scholfield, gentleman.
" . . . all those two closes of meadow or pasture ground now divided into three closes lying and being on the west side of the Tanghall Lane parcel of the Tanghall night the said City of York and containing by estimation eight acres two roods and half a rood be the same more or less late in the occupation of Francis Swann or his assigns . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/22 · Item · 1 February 1734
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £9 made between(1) the Mayor and Comonalty of the City of York and (2) Joseph Scholfield, gentleman.
" . . . all those two closes of meadow or pasture ground now divided into three closes lying and being on the west side of the Tanghall Lane parcel of the Tanghall night the said City of York and containing by estimation eight acres two roods and half a rood be the same more or less late in the occupation of Francis Swann or his assigns . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/23 · Item · 1 February 1738
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £3 made between (1) the Mayor and Comonalty of the City of York and (2) John Greenup, taylor.
" . . . all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate standing and being in Micklegate within the said city and now in the tenure or occupation of the said John Greenup or his assigns and lately repaired by him (which same messuage or tenement with the appurtenances was given and bequeathed by the last will and testament of Richard Pickard late of Brereton in the parish of Rugeley and the County of Stafford Notary Publique bearing the date of twelfth day of August which was in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and eighty seven (after the determination of the life estates therein mentioned) to the City of York to the intent that the yearly rent thereof might be disposed of by the Chief Magistrates and Governors thereof from time to time for the relief of the poor of the parish of Bishophill the New in the said City (where he was educated and where both his parents lye interred) that so may penny loaves of good wheat bread might be given upon every Sunday before noon to so many poor people of the said parish as the yearly rent thereof would afford that every one of them that come to the church to hear the Comon Prayers of our Church of England might receive a loafe and [wist] else [] they be such as use to come and are disabled by sickness lameness or other infirmities and if it should happen at any time there be not [] parish [] qualified as aforesaid to carry away so much bread as should be allotted that then others out of the adjacent parish[] added to. . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/24 · Item · 2 February 1739
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years from 25th March 1743 at a yearly rent £3 3s. made between (1) the Mayor and Comonalty of the City of York and (2) John Gilfillan, printer.
" . . . all that house or tenement with the shop thereunto belonging heretofore in the occupation of Margaret Gale and now in the occupation of John [Warhupp] situate standing and being on the northside of Ouzebridge . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/25 · Item · 2 February 1739
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £10 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Richard Thompson Equire and Alderman.
" . . . all that messuage house or tenement being a square brick building standing in Finkle Street in the said city . . "

Y/LEG/2/6/26 · Item · 2 February 1739
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £10 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Richard Thompson Equire and Alderman.
" . . . all that messuage house or tenement being a square brick building standing in Finkle Street in the said city . . "

Y/LEG/2/6/27 · Item · 2 February 1739
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of 15 shillings made between (1) the Mayor and Comonalty of the City of York and (2) Henry Bower, mercer.
" . . . all that piece or parcel of ground containing in length about thirteen yards [] breadth at the end next to the garden belonging to the house of Doctor Henry Johnson nine foot and three inches and at the other end next the street about [] foot [] estimation be the same more or less which said parcel of ground is a passage leading from the said house of the said Doctor Henry Johnson in Stonegate in the said City of York . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/28 · Item · 1 February 1745
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £85 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Thomas Mason, breeches-maker.
" . . . all that the manor or capital messuage house called Tang-hall parcel of the prebend of Fridaythorpe in the County of York with the appurtenances and also one barn there lately built also one close of arable meadow or pasture [] called the Great Tanghall Field also one close of arable meadow or pasture called the Little Tanghall Field . . .together with the Tanghall Green . . . formerly in the tenure or occupation of Christopher Hutton Esq and Matthew Bayock Gentl and are now in the tenure or occupation of Caleb Greenbury . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/29 · Item · 24 June 1747
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 99 years at a yearly rent of £9 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Charles Mitley, carver and William Carr, joiner and carpenter.
" . . . all that the residue or remainder of the said messuage or tenement lately pulled down garth and ground of them the said Mayor and Commonalty commonly called Davyhall in Davygate aforesaid not set out for a burying place or a street as aforesaid and upon which the said Charles Mitley and William Carr have lately built six new houses . . . the said street as now set out called by the name of Cumberland Row . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/3 · Item · 8 September 1701
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease between (1) Jonathan Dryden clerk prebendary of the prebend of Fridaythorpe and (2) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (3) William Blackbeard mercer and John Hevile mercer for a term of lives. Yearly rent £23. " . . . all that the said manor and capital messuage called Tanghall . . . and also all those closes called Great Tanghall Fields little Tanghall Fields and Tong Greene . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/30 · Item · 1 February 1749
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £4 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Robert Towers, plumber and glazier
" . . . all that new built messuage or tenement situate standing and being upon the northside of Ouzebridge . . . formerly in the tenure or occupation of Francis Hartland . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/32 · Item · 2 February 1753
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £9 10s. made between the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) William Hill, bricklayer
" . . . all those two closes of meadow or pasture ground now divided into three lying and being on the eastside of Tanghall Lane . . . containing by estimation eight acres two roods and half a rood . . .late in the occupation of Joseph Scholfield . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/33 · Item · 27 June 1753
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 40 years (subject to an existing lease to Mrs Hill) at a yearly rent of £1 (rising to £3 10s. upon the termination of the existing lease) made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) George Dovers, wheelwright.
"Counterpart lease of two houses on Ouzebridge to be pulled down and rebuilt . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/34 · Item · 2 February 1754
Part of York Civic Archive

2 February 1754

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £4 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Richard Farrer, upholsterer.
" . . . all that moat [] an orchard known [] of Lord Frewin's orchard [] William Kettlewell . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/35 · Item · 2 February 1758
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £15 made between (1) the Mayor and Comonalty of the City of York and (2) Edward Porteus, apothecary and James Nelthorpe.
" . . . all that messuage house or tenement situate standing and being in Finkle Street . . . bounded . . . on the west by the garden wall of the tenement now in the possession of Thomas Lupton on the north by the wall of a garden late in the occupation of Richard Eltock and now of Mrs Fothergill . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/36 · Item · 2 February 1767
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £170 (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Barnard Ackroyd, brewer.
" . . . all that manor or capital mansion house called Tanghall . . . also one barn there . . . also . . . the great Tanghall field . . . the little Tanghall field . . . together with Tanghall green . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/38 · Item · 2 February 1771
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £28 10s. made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Edward Wallis, esquire and alderman of the city.
" . . . all that messuage or tenement called Saint George's House or Jersey House . . . being without Castlegate postern in the suburbs of the said city and also all that close or parcel of ground thereto also belonging and adjoining commonly called or known by the name of Saint George Close as the same is now separated from the walk set with trees by the [] called the New Walk and also the way to the same close from Castlegate postern . . . now or late were in lease to Matthew Wharton. . . gardiner . . . and are now in the tenure or occupation of George Dobson John Johnson and Margaret Tomlin . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/39 · Item · 2 February 1771
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £16 10s. made between (1) the Mayro and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Samuel Wormald, gentleman.
" . . . all those two closes or parcels of meadow or pasture ground now divided into three closes ssituate and being on the east side of Tanghall Lane and being parcel of the Tanghall near the said City of York containing by estimation eight acres two roods and an half (be the same more or less) heretofore in the occupation of Joseph Scholfield and now in the tenure or occupation of James Rhodes or his assigns as undertenant or assignee of one William Hill . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/4 · Item · 8 September 1701
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease between (1) Jonathan Dryden clerk prebendary of the prebend of Fridaythorpe and (2) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (3) William Blackbeard mercer and John Hevile mercer for a term of lives. Yearly rent £23. " . . . all that the said manor and capital messuage called Tanghall . . . and also all those closes called Great Tanghall Fields little Tanghall Fields and Tong Greene . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/40 · Item · 2 February 1779
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years for a yearly rent of £21 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) William Clark, watchmaker.
" . . . all that messuage tenement or dwellinghouse situate standing and being in Finkle Street in the said city of York with the court yard before part of the same messuage and all that garden or parcel of ground lying behind the same messuage and usually enjoyed therewith all which said premises are now in the occupation of Lady Anderson . . ."
A schedule of fixtures belonging to William Clark is endorsed on the lease.

Y/LEG/2/6/41 · Item · 2 February 1780
Part of York Civic Archive

2 February 1780

Lease for a term of 11 years at a yearly rent of £7 10s (with an additional yearly rent of £5 for each acre used in tillage and not laid down to grass) made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) John Joy, cowkeeper.
" . . . all that close or parcel of pasture ground containing [] four acres three roods and twenty seven perches more or less now in the occupation of the said John Joy being parcel of Tanghall farm . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/42 · Item · 2 February 1780
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years for a yearly rent of £2 [15s] made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Michael Eastburn, apothecary
" . . . all that stable hay chamber and kitchen with the loft over it situate standing and being near Monkbarr in the said city of York . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/43 · Item · 2 August 1783
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 18 years at a yearly rent of £7 10s made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Francis Meggeson, dealer in coals.
" . . . all that close or parcel of ground containing by estimation four acres and two perches heretofore in the tenure or occupation of William Spur deceased and afterwards of his widow [] Spur and now of the said Francis Meggeson his undertenants or assigns being part of a farm called Tanghall Farm . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/44 · Item · 2 August 1783
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 18 years at a yearly rent of £72 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Ralph Bean, innholder.
" . . . all that messuage farmhouse or tenement known as Tanghall near the city of York aforesaid with the barns stables outbuildings and appurtenances thereof and all that close or parcel of ground wherein the same is situate and standing containing eight acres two roods and thirty perches and all those three closes and three parcels of ings ground and other part of Tanghall Farm containing together forty five acres three roods and twenty six perches more or less and bounded by the River Foss and a close belonging to the Merchants Company late in the occupation of Matthew Warren . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/45 · Item · 28 June 1791
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 21 years at a yearly rent of £6 10s made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Matthew Todd
" . . . all that messuage tenement or dwellinghouse situate standing and being on the north side of Ouse bridge in the parish of Saint John Micklegate in the said city of York formerly in the tenure or occupation of Robert Sisson

Y/LEG/2/6/46 · Item · 22 July 1791
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 17 years at a yearly rent of £17 made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) William Judson, trunkmaker
" . . . all that messuage tenement or dwellinghouse situate standing and being on the south side of Ousebridge in the parish of St Michael Spurriergate . . . and also all that one other messuage tenement or dwellinghouse adjoining on the said last mentioned messuage and now in the occupation of James Ride watchmaker containing in front thirty nine feet . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/48 · Item · 27 January 1820
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 60 years at a yearly rent of £12 10s (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) Christopher Watson, jeweller
" . . . all that piece or parcel of land [] situate lying and being in the parish of Saint Mary Bishophill the elder in the suburbs of the city of York aforesaid being part of the rampart and moat of the City Walls and extending [] Skeldergate postern to another part of the said rampart and moat now in the occupation of Matthew Walker which said piece or parcel of land or ground contains by estimation one acre [] . . . and is more fully distinguished or delineated on a plan . . ."
Plan drawn on margin of third sheet.

Y/LEG/2/6/49 · Item · 1 September 1830
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 37 years at a yearly rent of £5 1s made between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York and (2) William Greaves North, gentleman.
" . . . all that piece or parcel of ground situate beyond Monk Bridge in the suburbs of the said City and adjoining the [] side of the road from York to Scarborough and also all that messuage or dwellinghouse with the outbuildings and conveniences thereto belonging [] and built by the said William Greaves North upon the said piece or parcel of ground or some part thereof and also all that piece or parcel of ground heretofore used as a common pound adjoining to the said first mentioned piece or parcel of ground and all that messuage or tenement with the coachhouse and stables lately erected and built by the said William Greaves North upon the said piece or parcel of ground secondly before mentioned . . ."
Plan drawn in margin.

Y/LEG/2/6/5 · Item · 18 January 1702
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease between (1) John Peckett Lord Mayor of the City of York and the Commonalty of the same city and (2) Christopher Hutton and Matthew Bayock for nine years. Yearly rent £54.
" . . . all that the manour or capital messuage house called Tanghall parcell of the prebend of Fridaythorpe in the county of York with the appurtenances as also one close of arable meadow or pasture ground called the great Tang Hall Field also one other close of arable meadow or pasture ground called the little Tang Hall Field . . . together with the Tang Hall Green . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/50 · Item · 15 February 1847
Part of York Civic Archive

Conveyance made between (1) John Swan and George Swann and (2) the Mayor Aldermen and Citizens of the City of York
Consideration £400
Premises: " . . . dwellinghouse . . . situate in Jubbergate in the said City of York formerly in the possession of George Blackston afterwards of William Blackston since of Ann Holmes and now in the tenure or occupation of William Hotahm and Margaret Leedle or one of them and which said messuage or dwellinghouse and premises or the sites thereof are more particularly delineated and described in the plan thereof drawn on the margin of these presents and thereon coloured blue . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/51 · Item · 9 August 1852
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 99 years at a yearly rent of 20s made between (1) the Mayor Aldermen and Citizens of the City of York and (2) the Archbishop of York
" . . . all that piece or parcel of ground being part of the outer moat or rampart of the city walls situate on the south east side of Micklegate bar in the suburbs of the said city of York now or late in the tenure or occupation of William Creaser . . ."
The description in the parcels clause mentions a plan in the margin; this is not visible.

Y/LEG/2/6/52 · Item · 1877
Part of York Civic Archive

Lease for a term of 75 years at a yearly rent of £1 made between the Mayor Aldermen and Citizens of the City of York and (2) Matthew Yarker, plumber and glazier, George Wilkinson, tailor and draper, Emanuel Winn, railway guard, Robert Dodsworth, mechanic, William Herst, tailor and draper, John Thomas Richardson Wade, merchant, Jacob Bruace, coal merchant, George Huggons, hosier, Robert Dodsworth, grocer, Francis Dodsworth, grocer, John Usher, John Dodsworth, grocer, Joshua Ramsdale, cooper, Thomas Elsworth, gentleman, George Henry Ward, joiner, Henry Coleman, mason, Thomas Ward, tailor, Matthias Dennis, carriage builder, George Jark Swinden, painter, Richard Dimberline, boiler smith, William Beckett, confectioner (trustees of the Primitive Methodist Society)
" . . .all that piece or parcel of ground situate in and adjoining to Nunnery Lane in the said city of York (formerly part of the moat of the said city) upon which the said building school or mission house is erected and built . . ."

Y/LEG/2/6/53 · Item · 7 March 1882
Part of York Civic Archive

Conveyance made between (1) George Wilson, William Waite, the Reverend Percival Fiennes Swann and the Reverend Thomas Percy Hudson, (trustees of teh turnpike road from York to Osbaldwick Bank) and (2) the Mayor Aldermen and Citizens of the City of York
" . . . all that piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Clifton in the county of York containing by a recent measurement one acre two roods and fifteen yards or thereabouts adjoining the York and Wigginton High Road on or towards the west with the Toll House and Outbuildings erected and now standing thereon . . . which said piece of land is more particularly delineated on the plan thereof drawn in the margin of these presents and thereon coloured pink . . ."

Lease for Tang Hall Fields
Y/LEG/2/6/8 · Item · 01 December 1710
Part of York Civic Archive

Counterpart lease between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Yorke and (2) Robert Summers for fifteen years. Yearly rent £46 10s
" . . .all those five closes now divided into eight closes of meadow or pasture ground with the appurtenances parcell of the Tanghall ground lyeing and being near the City of Yorke and adjoining on the Hall Fields on the one side and the River Foss on the other side formerly in the occupation of John Coultas and late in the tenure or occupation of Grace Priestly widow . . ."

Lease for Tang Hall Fields
Y/LEG/2/6/9 · Item · 01 December 1710
Part of York Civic Archive

Counterpart lease between (1) the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Yorke and (2) Robert Summers for fifteen years. Yearly rent £46 10s
" . . .all those five closes now divided into eight closes of meadow or pasture ground with the appurtenances parcell of the Tanghall ground lyeing and being near the City of Yorke and adjoining on the Hall Fields on the one side and the River Foss on the other side formerly in the occupation of John Coultas and late in the tenure or occupation of Grace Priestly widow . . ."

Terrier cards
Y/LEG/2/7/1 · File · 1990s-2000s
Part of York Civic Archive

The first box and part of the second box of terrier cards give details of properties still owned by CYC as of 2012 and are numbered 0002-9494 (with gaps). Each card number refers to a property marked on the CYC property map (not yet deposited). The cards detail the address and description of the property, the date of the deed, the committee responsible for it and the names of the tenants. The remainder of the second box of terrier cards gives details of properties previously owned by CYC but now sold. It details the purchase price, the name of the buyer and the date of sale, along with the relevant deed number.

Terrier maps
Y/LEG/2/7/2 · Sub-series · 1990s-2000s
Part of York Civic Archive

These maps relate directly to the references on the terrier cards (see Y/LEG/2/7/1). The maps are not individually labelled other than by sheet numbers, therefore users must consult the cards first to establish which maps they would like to consult.

Y/ORD · Sub-fonds · 1478-1867
Part of York Civic Archive

Records concerning courts, prisons, civil and military defence, the watch, police and fire-firefighting, and licensing. Committee minutes relating to this function can be found at Y/COU/5/8. Wardmote court records are found with the freemen records at Y/COU/3.

This is a selection of the civic archive containing the records which are currently available for access only. Further historical and modern records will be added to this section as they are catalogued.

Please note, records of York Magistrates Court are not contained in this series, and have the reference YMC. Records of Selby Magistrates Court have the reference SMC.

Institutions and Punishment
Y/ORD/1 · Sub-sub-fonds · 1785-1867
Part of York Civic Archive

Records of institutions such as prisons and kidcotes, and non-institutional punishments. Includes Calendar of felons and officials' journals from the Castle Prison and the Debtors prison.

This is a selection of the civic archive containing the records which are currently available for access only. Further historical and modern records will be added to this section as they are catalogued.

Calendar of Felons
Y/ORD/1/1 · Series · 1785-1851
Part of York Civic Archive

Original published lists of felons convicted at the York Assizes and moved to York Castle for their sentences to be carried out. The lists include names, ages, details of their crimes and the sentence passed. All lists are numbered and arranged by date of the offence.

  1. 1785-99
  2. 1800-1819
  3. 1820-1841
  4. 1842-51

These records are retrived as binders, not individual items.