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Correspondence concerning Housing Reports
Y/SOC/4/2/87 · Documento · Jul 1950-Sep 1951
Parte de York Civic Archive

Particulars of pre-WWII housing schemes prepared by City Engineer, 1919-1938, and of post-WWII Housing Schemes, 1944-1946. Report of Housing Committee to Sep 1950. Plan of Corporation Housing Estates.

Y/SOC/4/2/83 · Documento · Dec 1950-Dec 1954
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing Committee concerning contracts with developer, for flats in Curzon Terrace; interior decoration of St Aeldred’s School; Branch Library Acomb; 62 houses Askham Lane East; Roads and drainage in Navigation Road; 4 houses Don Avenue and 30 Houses Moor Lane Estate - voluntary liquidation, Inventory of houses,1951 - Statements and final costs.

Correspondence concerning Chapel Fields Estate Development
Y/SOC/4/2/81 · Documento · Jul 1950-Dec 1958
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning Chapel Fields Estate development, layout, roads and drains, along with extracts from minutes of Housing Committee, 1950 - 1958 - Notification to owners of sites, 1951 - List of Tenders and contracts - Notes on visit to Ministry of Housing & Local Government, Leeds, 1952 - 7 copies of plan of Chapel Fields Housing Development

Correspondence and minutes of relating to Carr Lane
Y/SOC/4/2/77 · Documento · Sep 1950-Aug 1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and minutes of Housing Committee meetings, 1950-1953 - Proposed erection of 18 houses in Carr Lane - Plans of Compulsory Purchase Orders, 1950 - Roads and drainage 1951 - Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing Committee concerning erection of 12 houses in Carr Lane, 1952-1953. Includes plans.

Wardens of old people's dwellings
Y/SOC/4/2/76 · Documento · 1964-1973
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning Municipal Aged Persons' Dwellings in Rowntree Avenue and St George's Place, 1964-1973 - Summary of information concerning aged persons' dwellings, 1971 - National Old People's Welfare Council, Gower Street, WC1: Role of Wardens in (Sheltered) Housing for Elderly (undated) - Notes on Warden Service 1972 - Draft copy 'Care of the Elderly and Handicapped', 1972 -Draft copy of 'Particulars & Duties of Wardens for Elderly Chronic Sick and Disabled', 1972 - List of private houses where old people known to live (undated)

Y/SOC/4/2/75 · Documento · 1949-1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing committee, 1949­52 - Erection of 4 houses on Thornfield Avenue, Muncaster Estate - Correspondence 1949-1950 – Erection of 88 houses in Moor Lane -Correspondence, extracts of minutes of Housing Committee, Oct 1950 - Mar 1952 -Contracts -Erection of 116 houses on Moor Lane Estate, Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing Committee and Progress Reports, Dec 1949 - Apr 1952 - Contracts with builders - Erection of 50 flats on Askham Lane (East) - Correspondence, and extracts of minutes of Housing Committee, 1951 - 1953 - Progress Reports of Joint Sub-Committee, 1951 - Copy of undated Agreements.

Housing of agricultural workers
Y/SOC/4/2/74 · Documento · Mar-Jul 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning housing of agricultural workers, with particular reference to Moor Grange Farm, Dringhouses, Mar - Jul 1947

Correspondence concerning shops on housing estates
Y/SOC/4/2/73 · Documento · 1948-1955
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning shops on housing estates, March 1949­Aug 1955 - Report of Housing and Estates Manager relating to allocation of shops on housing estates, Dec 1948; Applications for a grocer's shop; a green­grocer and fruiter, a wet and fried fish and chips and a chemist's, (undated)

Housing (Financial and miscellaneous provisions) Act 1946
Y/SOC/4/2/72 · Documento · May 1946-Sep 1951
Parte de York Civic Archive

Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1946 (Ministry of Health circular 118/46) - Correspondence May 1946 - Sept 1951 - City Treasurer's Report to Housing Committee, 1946 - City Treasurer's observations on combined scheme of rent collections and welfare work, 1946 - Minutes of Housing (Financial) Sub-Committee, 1947 Increase in rents, Apr 1947 - Revision of house rents (undated) Rent rebates, 1947 - Muncaster Estate rent collections, 1949 Calculation of rents on housing under construction, Mar 1948 - Rateable values, 1948 - Proposed increase in house rents, Mar 1948

Y/SOC/4/2/71 · Documento · 1945-1971
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning erection of 216 houses on Tang Hall Housing Estate, also plan and agreement 29 Apr 1946 - Report on Stage l of proposed central area traffic scheme, Mar1945 - Correspondence concerning sites for development, 1971 - Sites and property recommended for sale (undated) Rent & Housing Act, Procedure Chart (undated) and plans.

Plans (Miscellaneous)
Y/SOC/4/2/7 · Documento · 1932-1945
Parte de York Civic Archive

Plans, Town Planning, Acomb; Proposed 2-Bedroom type houses; Link Avenue; Proposed premises for doctor; proposed community hall; lay-out for Gale Lane Housing Estate; provisional sites Carr Lane; proposed revision of allotment areas; section of Tadcaster Road, Dringhouses

Housing Committee
Y/SOC/4/2/68 · Documento · Nov 1952 - Aug 1954
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning vacant land off Viking Road, Carr Lane Estate, 1952-1954, and plan - Possible use as a School Playing Field, Mar 1954

Housing Committee
Y/SOC/4/2/67 · Documento · Sep 1945-Jul 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Fire Hydrants on Housing Estates - Correspondence with York
Waterworks and National Fire Service, 1945-1949 - Plans for areas: Askham Lane (East Section), Muncaster and Rawcliffe Lane Estates

Housing Committee
Y/SOC/4/2/66 · Documento · 1947-1955
Parte de York Civic Archive

Building Trade Contracts - Correspondence March 1947 - Dec 1955 - General Conditions Contracts, 1946 – Proposed Modification to York Corporation & Terms of Contract (Undated) - Acceptance of Tenders, July 1847 (Specimen Form of Tender) – Bonds for Housing Contracts, July 1948 (Specimen Form of Bond) - Conditions of Contract for Building Work, May 1950 - Observations on the Proposals (on comparative costs) contained in a letter dated 9.3.51 from an Assurance Co. April 1951 - Building Contracts, Release of Retention Moneys etc. 1951/52 -Building Industry Distributors, Oct 1952 - Specimen Form of Articles of Agreement

Clearance & Acquisition of Housing Sites
Y/SOC/4/2/65 · Documento · 1945-1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and
extracts from Minutes of Housing Committee, including – Ministry of Housing memo re: Permanent Housing Programmes, June 1945 - Ministry
of Works CLA.4 : Re-opening of Retail Shops, 1945 - Ministry of Health circulars NEH/1/46: Clearing & Approval of Housing Sites; NEH/6/47 Supplies of Bricks: List of Brickmakers; NEH/4/47: Housing Programme; NEH/14/47: Timber Licences, Cement Supplies; NEH/22/47: Non-Traditional Houses; NEH/2/48: Housing Materials, urgent requirements; NEH/3/48: Housing Loans; NEH/4/48 : Iron & Steel Distribution Scheme; NEH/5/48: Housing, Submission of Layouts; NEH/6/48: Permanent Housing, Final Accounts; NEH/10/48: Housing Contracts; NEH/11/48 Housing Licensing; NEH/1/49: House Tenders, Submission of Documents; NEH/2/49 : Procedure for Clearance, Acquisition & Development of Sites; NEH/4/49: Timber for Housing, Economy in use of Softwood; NEH/1/50 and 5/51: Housing Programmes, Electricity Services; NEH/4/51: Housing Programmes, Laying of Gas Mains; NEH/1/53: Notification of Sale or Lease of Council Housing; NEH/9/52: Non-Traditional Housing

Correspondence with War Department
Y/SOC/4/2/63 · Documento · 1941-1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence with War Department Ministry of Health and others, concerning military camps on Corporation land, 1941-49 - List of Camps, Aug 1945 - Camps required for housing: Fishergate-Paragon Road-Horsman Avenue, Kent Street and land at Melrosegate. - Ministry of Health circular 20/46: Conversion of Temporary Wartime Buildings to Housing use; claims for compensation for dilapidation under CD Act 1939 -Cemetery Road Housing Contract: Schedule of work on foundations, Feb 1947

Building Licensing, correspondence with Ministry of Health
Y/SOC/4/2/62 · Documento · 1948-1955
Parte de York Civic Archive

Building Licensing, correspondence with Ministry of Health and others 1948-1955 - Building Materials, Housing Act 1945 -Ministry of Health circulars : 137/47, 108/48, 48/50, 57/50, 75/51, 21/52, 59/52, 70/52 and 24/54

Private Street Works
Y/SOC/4/2/61 · Documento · 1949-1955
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing Committee, 1949-1955 - Private Street Works Act 1892, list of streets involved in York, Oct 1949 - List of Tenders, 1951 - Objections to charges by residents.

Muncaster estate land
Y/SOC/4/2/6 · Documento · 1943-1944
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning purchase of land adjoining Estate for house building - Deed of Option, for the purchase of land.

Correspondence concerning land adjoining 8 Holly Terrace
Y/SOC/4/2/59 · Documento · 1949-1952
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts from Minutes of Housing Committee concerning land adjoining 8 Holly Terrace, appropriated from Streets & Buildings to Housing Committee, 1925 - Erection of 4 flats and 4 2-storey maisonettes, 1949 - 1952 (includes plan) - Complaint by resident of nuisance.

Construction of permanent houses on Muncaster Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/57 · Documento · Jul 1948-Nov 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Construction of permanent houses on Muncaster Estate; 4 residential shops; 7 bungalows and 7 old peoples' dwellings - Extracts from minutes of Housing Committee and correspondence, 1948-49.

Erection of houses on Muncaster Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/56 · Documento · May 1948-Feb 1950
Parte de York Civic Archive

Erection of houses on Muncaster Estate: 22 houses, 84 flats - Extracts from minutes of Housing Committee, 1948 and correspondence May 1948 - Feb 1950.

Construction of 100 Orlit houses on Muncaster Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/55 · Documento · Dec 1947-Nov 1951
Parte de York Civic Archive

Construction of 100 Orlit Houses on Muncaster Estate, correspondence Dec 1947-Nov 1951 - Draft Articles of Agreement and Schedule of Conditions of Building Contract, 1948 - Report of meeting of a Deputation representing the Muncaster Estate Tenants Association and the Housing & Estates Manager, 1949 - Ministry of Health circulars 118/46 (Housing Act 1946) and 175/46 (Houses of Non-Traditional Construction) Orlit Houses, Brochure and 1947 Programme.

Construction of houses on Muncaster Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/54 · Documento · Jan 1948-Aug 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Construction of 50 houses on Muncaster Estate, correspondence Jan 1948-Jun 1949. Allocation of further 50 houses, correspondence Mar 1948 - Aug 1949, with erection of fencing on Water Lane site.

Construction of 16 dwellings in Alne Terrace
Y/SOC/4/2/53 · Documento · Nov 1948-Jan 1965
Parte de York Civic Archive

Construction of 16 dwellings in Alne Terrace, 8 houses and 2 blocks of 3 storey maisonettes, correspondence Nov 1948-Oct 1958. Dispute as to liquidated damage - report of City Architect, 16 Dec 1959. Correspondence concerning lack of progress and subsequent imposition of liquidated and ascertained damage, Jun1950-Jan 1959, and concerning delay in final settlement of account, Sept 1953-Jan 1965.

Askham Lane Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/50 · Documento · Oct 1948- Feb 1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Askham Lane Estate, erection of 220 permanent houses, roads and Sewers (and 2 houses in Tennent Road) - Extracts from minutes of Housing Committee, tenders and correspondence with Ministry of Health, Leeds, construction firm and others, 1949-1953 - Moor Lane Estate, specification of electrical installation for lighting and power points for 116 corporation houses, 1950 - Construction of 164 dwellings, houses and flats, 1948-1951 - Construction of 62 houses in Gale Lane Oct 1948 - Jul 1950.

Housing of agricultural workers
Y/SOC/4/2/5 · Documento · 1942-1943
Parte de York Civic Archive

Ministry of Health circular No.2766 : War-Time Emergency Programme (1942) - Proposed Accommodation in York: 2 cottages in Skelton and 2 in Flaxton; Summary of costs, 2 July 1943; Conversion of farm cottage, Bad Bargain Lane, into 2 houses with plan, Nov 1942-Jan 1943

Askham Lane Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/49 · Documento · Sep 1948
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning Permanent Housing Contracts Nos.l & 2, Askham Lane Housing Estates, roads and drains.

Apprenticeship Scheme
Y/SOC/4/2/47 · Documento · 1944-1952
Parte de York Civic Archive

Scheme for Training Apprentices- Correspondence - Employed in building houses - Apprentice Master Scheme- Correspondence 1951 - 1952, 12 houses Gale Lane/Cornlands Road - Programme for 'Handing Over Ceremony of Last Four Houses', 1952 - 'Training the Apprentice Builder - Notes for Guidance', 1948 - Specimen Agreement Form MH/PC/1, 1945.

General correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/40 · Documento · Jun 1943-Sep 1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Application for land for Dringhouses Community Centre and Plan, Sep-Mar 1946 - Claim for compensation for torn clothing, 1951 - Claim that allotment is being used as right of way, 1946 (List of allotment tenants) - Correspondence concerning type of appliances supplied to corporation housing, 1947 - Correspondence concerning future site of Hewley's Hospital, St Saviourgate, York, 1947 - Correspondence concerning Council's share of cost of maintaining roads/private streets, Muncaster Estate, 1953 - Correspondence concerning rent increases, 1948 - Claims for compensation 1949 - Correspondence concerning construction of service roads on Carr Estate, 1949 - Correspondence concerning a rented site on Carr Estate for temporary church, 1948 - Correspondence concerning proposed Social Hall in Bur Dyke Avenue for Clifton Ward Labour Association, 1948 - 1951 -Correspondence concerning Council decision not to proceed with 'On ¬Site' housing on Moor Lane Estate, 1950 - Correspondence concerning unsatisfactory progress in erection of 6 lock-up garages at Crichton Avenue, 1950-1951 - Correspondence concerning proposed re-zoning of land adjoining Bur Dyke for housing purposes, 1949-1950 - Correspondence concerning extension of hearths in houses on Carr Estate to accommodate Yorkray Stove, 1950 - Correspondence concerning possibility of releasing housing occupied by War Dept., March-May 1950 - Correspondence concerning clearance of weeds etc. on Gale Lane School Site, Aug-Oct 1950 - Correspondence concerning alleged forgery of rent cards and possibility of making a charge for replacement, 1949-1950

Permanent Housing, Carr Estate (Howard Houses)
Y/SOC/4/2/37 · Documento · Feb 1945-Jun 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence Feb 1945 - Jun 1949 - Report of visit to Site of Pre-Fabricated Permanent Houses (Howard Type) at Woolwich - 50 Howard Type houses to be built Carr Grange Estate, 8 Kingsway North Estate, - Consent to loan for 40 Howard Type houses - Claim for damage done to kerb on Carr Estate; settled out of court.

Permanent Housing, Acomb Hall Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/36 · Documento · Feb 1946-Dec 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence February 1946 - December 1947 - 140 houses, Acomb Hall Estate; 6, Lindsay Avenue - Tender accepted - Consent to loan for 146 houses - Contract Guarantee, 1946.

Permanent Housing, Correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/34 · Documento · Mar 1946-Aug 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence on the following: British Iron and Steel Federation [BISF]Houses to be erected on Carr Lane Estate by Birch & Sons Ltd -Schedule of Prices (Alternatives) No.l and Supplement: Basic Paint Prices, 1946 - 1947 - Consent to loans - Articles of Agreement for construction of 208 houses (superceded) - BISF, specification for supplies of structured steel framework, materials and fabrication, house Type A.1 - B.I.S.F. House Type A.1, schedule for prices for external work and variations in foundations; variation to schedule - Report on Conference regarding B.I.S.F. Houses.

Advance preparation of Housing Sites
Y/SOC/4/2/33 · Documento · Jan 1944- Mar 1946
Parte de York Civic Archive

Ministry circular 14/44 and Ministry of Town and Country Planning War Agricultural Executive Committee; Allotments at Sites included: Acomb Hall Estate and Chapelfields, Ministry of Health: Note on proposals - Minutes of Housing Conference, Oxford, Conference of Representatives of Local Authorities, Guildhall, York - Statement issued by National Federation of Building Trade Employers with regard to Advanced Preparation of Building Sites (undated) Report on Meeting of Group Technical Sub-Committee, York Guildhall, York Group (York, Harrogate, Castleford and Tadcaster): Specifications for Concrete Roads, June 1944 - Ministry of Health, Post-War Programme 1944 - Precis of Housing Act 1936; Housing Act (Forms) Regulations 1937; Housing (Temporary Provision) Act 1944; Housing Act (Form of Orders & Notices) Amendment Regulations 1944 and circular 169/44: Carr Lane Compulsory Order and Schedule 1944- Notes on Interview with Ministry of Health, Leeds, 1944 - Correspondence with regard to land at Acomb, 20.2.45- Consent to Loan of £15,000 for purchase of land for housing,
of Health circular 7 - Acomb, Town and Country, 1945 - Draft Contract for land at Acomb, 1945 - Home Office circular letter concerning National Fire Service 3/1945 with regard to expenditure incurred by Local Authorities under Section 3 of Fire Brigade Act 1938- 71 acres of land at Acomb, Jun 1945 - Query concerning Cottage Garden Allotments, Carr Lane, Acomb, 1945 - Ministry of Health circular 36/46 : Use of German POWs and Memo 290 (Housing), and circular letter concerning Slabbing for temporary housing, Nov 1945

Permanent housing general correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/32 · Documento · Mar 1946 - May 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Technical Note on some types of permanent prefabricated houses - Claim for compensation for disturbance of tenancy, 1945 - Damage to permanent housing at Kingsway West 1946 - Housing: Cooking F -Complaint regarding allotment at Carr Lane -Application to open a fried fish shop and fishmongers on new Carr Lane Estate - List of Contractors, and State of progress in construction of 100 permanent houses - Northern Housing Council: Post-War Housing Programme, and supplies of materials - Claim and complaints - Permanent Housing Programme (completed or in course of construction) - Complaint regarding roof on Bishopthorpe Rd - Complaint regarding unsatisfactory repairs - General correspondence concerning permanent housing - Description of plans approved for work in Front Street, Acomb - Query concerning dangerous balconies in Woodlea Avenue - Requests for houses - City Treasurer: Consents to borrow and salaries of permanent staff, Jan 1947 - Ministry of Health: Housing Loans Housing Programme - Housing Programme in York - Stephenson & Son, Auctioneers & Valuers, Valuation of Tenant Right on land in Beckfield Lane, and Carr Lane - Statutory Rules and Orders 1947 NO.379: Housing Act (Equalization Account) Regulations 1947 - Estimated date of completion of 50 Howard Houses, Dec 1946¬April 1947 - Ministry of Health circular 36/47: Traditional House Building Costs, Returns of final costs to be made by Local Authorities, Applications for requisitioned house, on building Licences, August 1945 - Outstanding, Apr 1946 – Oct 1946 - Loans (undated) - Housing Loan - Housing Committee 26 Hobgate - Report March 1947 - Loan Sanctions York County Borough Schedule of Sanction - Press cutting ‘The Times’, Effect of shortages and bad weather on building programmes - Ministry of Health circular letter concerning Aluminium Houses, - Fencing to permanent houses - Housing and Estates Department: Shops on Housing Estates - Ministry of Health circular N.E.H.21/47 Erection of Houses, Use of Alternative Materials - Association of Municipal Corporations circular letter, Licensing of Building Work, and Housing, Direct Labour - Correspondence concerning offer to Corporation of property - Ministry of Health circular No.624 Specification for roads in housing and industrial estates, and circular letter concerning Girdwood Committee on house building costs - General details of Cochrane Street flats (undated) - Ministry of Health circular letter concerning Tenderers' Submission of Relative Documents, 1949

Factory made houses
Y/SOC/4/2/31 · Documento · Dec 1944-Feb 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Factory made houses, Hob Moor Fields - Correspondence concerning land at Hob Moor, (with plans), Dec 1944 - Feb 1947 - Correspondence with regard to temporary housing at Kingsway West and Gale Lane - Consent to loan for purchase of 13 acres of land at Hob Moor (undated)

General housing Correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/30 · Documento · Aug 1946 - May 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning: National Fire Service; 'Finish the Houses' Campaign; Land adjoining Tang Hall Beck; Analysis of House building costs; Opening of 600th House; Fencing of American bungalows; Motion with regard to Housing Programme; Review of Local Authority Waiting Lists.

Post-War Housing
Y/SOC/4/2/3 · Documento · 1942-1944
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence 1943-1944 Ministry of Health circular No.2778: Housing of Working Classes, Post-war Programme - Report on Post-War Housing, Mar 1943, and Land Purchases Apr 1943 - York Housing: First Year's Housing Programme: 500 houses and flats proposed on land already held by Local Authority, Cemetery Road, Acomb Hall Estate and Gale Lane - Demolition Sites: Hallfield Road, Lord Mayor's Walk, Layerthorpe, Regent Street, Willow Street and Long Cross Lane, 15 May 1943 - Sites to be acquired: Muncaster Estate Stockton Lane - Undeveloped Building Sites . Muncaster Estate, Elmfield Lane, Hempland Lane, Bad Bargain Lane, Heslington Lane, Birkbeck Estate, Westfield Estate, Maple Grove, Kingsway West, New Lane, Windmill Estate, Carr Lane, Acomb Hall Estate, 15 May 1943 - Northern Housing
Council, Jarrow: First Year's Housing Programme, Nov 43 - Resolutions passed at Conference of West Riding Local Authorities, Wakefield, 29 Sep 1943 Ministry of Health circular 28/44: Post-War Housing, Purchase of Land with Statement by Minister of Health in House, 8 Mar 1944 - Correspondence with Jackson, Valuers, Leeds regarding Purchase of Dringthorpe Estate, Mar 1944-Jun 1944 - Correspondence with York, Harrogate & District Group of Gas Companies, Coney Street, concerning possibility of 'Model Kitchen' to be erected in Guildhall, Mar 1944 - Letter concerning offer of land and bungalow in Stockton Lane, 1943 - City of York: Post-War Municipal Housing Report to City Council by Housing Committee, 1942 - Notes on Interview with Ministry of Health, 1943 - Association of Municipal Corporations: War-Time Housing, Extract from House of Commons Debate, 1943 with Statement by Minister of Health on Government proposals; also Note on Association's Deputation to Ministry of Health, 2 Feb 1944

General correspondence 4
Y/SOC/4/2/29/4 · Documento · Mar 1946 - Dec 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Subscription for membership of the National Housing & Town Planning Council, 1946/47 - Dustbins - Possession of properties , 1947 - Compensation following accident in Rougier Street - Gas & Electricity Services in Corporation Housing Charity Commission: query concerning Friends' 'Retreat' - Access to premises in Kitchener Street - Report on Building Licences - National Federation for Housing and Town Planning : Programme for Conference, Paris, June 1947 - Housing Committee: Municipal Houses, Increase in Rents, and details for Tang Hall, Burton Lane, Water Lane Estates and various houses and flats - Housing & Planning News Bulletin, June/July 1947- Query regarding Wilberforce Avenue - Visit of Deputation from Borough of Luton Housing committee to York - Northern Housing Council circular letter and Agenda for AGM - Treasurer's Report 1946/47 - List of number of applicants on waiting list - Housing Progress Reports, 18 May to 15 Dec 1947 - Tenancy of 12 Garths End, Fulford - Caretaker's House, Mill Mount School, - Maintenance of Typewriters -Survey of prefabricated houses - Request for accommodation in York - Plan of proposed water supply to Clifton Lawn Tennis Club - Request regarding 'Clifton Field' - List of applicants for flats, Aug 1947 -The Housing Centre Haymarket, 10th Report, 1946/47, and Housing Centre Bulletin No.114, Jun 1947 - Comparative Housing Activity Report, June - August 1947 - Housing in Military Occupation: 41 and 43 Water End; 1 Melbourne Street and 1 Melbourne Villas, Sep 1947 - Application for grant for Examination Award, Sept/Oct 1947 - Programme of National Housing and Town Planning Council's Conference, Harrogate, Nov 28 - Dec 1947 - Report on Flats Survey, 20 Oct 1947 - Appointment of permanent housing Welfare Officer for York, 20 Oct 1947 - Middlethorpe Lodge, Dringhouses, taken on a seven year lease by the War Department- Query with regard to sale of 68 Hanover Street -County Borough of Hastings Housing Department Questionnaire - Classification of housing applicants - Request for accommodation.

General correspondence 3
Y/SOC/4/2/29/3 · Documento · Oct 1946 - Feb 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Housing Committee 'Finish Houses Campaign' - Housing Progress Report - Housing & Planning News Bulletin Dec 1946 /Jan 1947 - Demolition of Bainbridges' Buildings, Price Street, 1939-40, (and plan, 1946) - Reports on Building Licences - City Treasurer's Monthly Report to Housing Committee - Simon Report: Thermal Insulation of Dwellings, 1946 - Association of Municipal Corporations circular: Housing Contracts, Increase in National Health Insurance & Pension contributions, 3 Dec 1946 - Housing and Planning News Bulletin, Feb/March 1947 - Details of Houses subject to Demolition Orders, Closing Orders and Undertakings not to re-let for human habitation, 1947 - Housing (Financial) Sub-Committee meeting, Recommendations - Claim by for compensation - City of York 'Point Scheme' in allocation of housing, (undated) - Application for shop premises in York, Jan 1947 - Ministry of Health premises - Request for possible acquisition of land situated in Nunthorpe Road (with plan), St Clément's Parochial Church Council, Feb 1947 - Direct Labour: Memo for Local Authorities, 1947 - Request and complaint regarding accommodation - City Treasurer: procedure in the collection of rent arrears - Draft minutes of Housing (Rents & Tenants) Sub-Committee - Request for possession of property (Acomb) following rebuilding after War Damage, Feb 1947 - Application for accommodation in York, and press cutting, Feb 1947

General correspondence 2
Y/SOC/4/2/29/2 · Documento · Jan - Oct 1946
Parte de York Civic Archive

County Borough of Walsall, Housing Department salaries - Inadequately housed persons - Yorkshire Regional Joint Committee Building Industry : Hours of Labour,- Housing & Estates Department circular letter concerning repairs and maintenance of properties - Multi-Storey Flats, Women's Advisory Committee on Solid Fuel circular letter : 'Aims & Objectives' Apr 1946 - Reports on Building Licences - Details of Annual Conference of Institute of Housing, 1946 - Report of Sir John Wrigley's visit to York, Jun 1946 - Requisitioned Houses re-let - Housing and Planning, News Bulletin No.42, Aug/Sept 1946 - Application by a Trade Union for a special rate of pay for tree-lopping, Aug 1946 - Query regarding advances under small dwellings acquisition Acts - Housing & Estates Department circular letter concerning Report on 'points' scheme - Housing & Planning News Bulletin, Oct/Nov 1946 - Housing Progress Report, Sept 1946 -Charges for gas cookers in new houses -City of York: questionnaire concerning Housing Officer - Yorkshire Regional joint Council for the Building Industry : Gradings of Districts and Current Rate of Wages

General correspondence 1
Y/SOC/4/2/29/1 · Documento · Mar 1944-Dec 1945
Parte de York Civic Archive

Association of Municipal Corporations : Notes on Association's meeting with Minister of Health- Press cutting from 'The Times', regarding Building Prices - National Council of Social Services, Bedford Square, WC1: List of Regional Officers (undated) - Rent Rebate Scheme and Revision of Income and Rent Rebate - Ministry of Health: War Damage with regard to Nos.12 & 13 Garths End, Fulford, and circular 163/4 : Release of Staff - Purchase of land adjoining Cattle Market Inn, Paragon Street, Sep 1945 - WVS Donation of blankets for needy - Report of Housing Committee delegates to Association of Municipal Corporations' Conference, London, Oct 1945 - Yorkshire Federation of Building Trades Employers Day Work List and Labour Charge as from 1 Oct 1945 - Fuel for Furnished Rooms, Dec 1945 - York Cooperation Society Ltd's application for land on Water Lane for a new branch, 20 Dec 1945

Permanent Housing
Y/SOC/4/2/28 · Documento · Apr 1945- Feb 1946
Parte de York Civic Archive

Various papers and correspondence including: Ministry of Health circular 66/45 -Proposed permanent housing on Carr Lane estate - Notices to Quit to allotment holders - Land at Carr Lane, Acomb, and Water Lane, Clifton, proposed 100 permanent Houses - Valuation of market produce and tenant rights Meeting of Allotment Holders, Carr Lane, Sep 1945 – Ministry of Health circular 6/45: Permanent Houses - Sites and numbers of proposed houses ready for tender on Navigation Road; Gale Lane Estate; Carr Lane; Woodlea Avenue; Beckfield Lane; Kingsway North; Water Lane Estate; (May 1945) - Ministry of Health circular 183/45: Cost of premises requisitioned or taken for housing purposes; 184/4: Permanent Prefabricated Houses - Plans (May 1945) – Statutory rules and orders 1945, Nos.1361 and 1451-2: Emergency Powers (Defence) General Regulations, Orders in Council amending the Defence General Regulations 1939 - Ministry of Health circulars 192/45 Restrictions on Conversion of Housing to non-Residential purposes; 200/45 Permanent Housing Programme; 201/45: Emergency Housing Accommodation (with enclosure referring to oil cooking stoves) - Housing Land/School Sites in Beckfield Lane, Jan 1946 - Report of visit to site of prefabricated permanent houses, Howard Type, at Woolwich, Jan 1946 - Press cutting (undated) concerning increase in housing subsidies

Changes in stock dwellings
Y/SOC/4/2/27 · Documento · 1961-1973
Parte de York Civic Archive

Changes in stock of dwellings other than those reported on Monthly Progress Reports, Apr 1961-Dec 1973 - Ministry of Housing & Local Government memo concerning completion of Form P14 - Monthly Progress Reports, May 1961-Feb 1974

Housing Progress Records
Y/SOC/4/2/26 · Documento · Dec 1945-Dec 1950
Parte de York Civic Archive

Ministry of Health's Housing Census as at 31 Dec 1945 - Progress Reports (Building Schemes etc.) Jan 1946 - Nov 1950

Houses in Heslington Lane
Y/SOC/4/2/25 · Documento · 1946-1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning the building of eight houses - Proposed purchase of land in Nevinson Grove; draft specification and bill of quantities (includes plan).

Old peoples' flats Balfour Street
Y/SOC/4/2/24 · Documento · Jan-Apr 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence with Ministry of Town & Country Planning / Ministry of Health, concerning appropriation of land for Old Peoples' Dwellings and reading /recreation Room (includes plans)

Danebury Drive
Y/SOC/4/2/23 · Documento · Jan 1946-Sep 1946
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence regarding land required for proposed housing (includes a plan).

Water mains on housing estates
Y/SOC/4/2/2 · Documento · 1940-1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence with York Waterworks Co - Leakages/Repairs to mains at 287 Burton Stone Road [1940] - Water mains at rear of municipal housing adjacent to privately owned properties,1944 - List of Corporation Housing supplied from private water mains (undated) New housing estates, 1953

Erection of houses, Tang Hall Lane
Y/SOC/4/2/16 · Documento · Aug 1946-May 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Concerning erection of four houses. Correspondence (general) – Tender – Ministry of Health circular letter concerning Amendments to Buildings, Sep 1946 Basic Rates for labour and materials as used in Quantities - Reduction in estimate proposed by Tender – Allotments at junction of Bad Bargain Lane/Tang Hall Lane, required for building.

Advance preparation of housing sites
Y/SOC/4/2/14 · Documento · 1944-1945
Parte de York Civic Archive

North Eastern Railway (NER) Circular 224 Correspondence May 1944 - Aug 1945 - Memorandum of Procedure (enclosure to NER circulars 224 and 225) - Specification No.l Concrete roads using manual methods of compacting concrete; Specification No.2 Concrete roads using mechanical methods of compacting concrete (May 1944) - Bills of Quantity for roads and sewers (May 1944) - Programme and Progress Charts (undated) - Regional Circular NER 233 ; Advance Preparation of Housing Sites, May 1944 - 'Works in Connection with the Preparation of Housing Sites'; General Conditions of Contract' (Hansard, April 1944) - Notice to Tenders, and Form of Tender (Apr 1944) NE. circular 247, Sept 1944 - Specimen Form of Deed of Agreement (HS1) - Home Office circular letter concerning employment of German Prisoners of War [POWs] on works of civil engineering, Aug 1945 - North Eastern locations of POW Camps, Jul 1945 - Application and General Conditions of Employment of German POWs, MOW/POW/CE2, July/Aug 1945 Plans for Carr Lane Site, Acomb, and map of Sites for Schools in York, 1944, and Plans for housing in York, 1945

General Correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/119 · Documento · 1960-1961
Parte de York Civic Archive

Includes invitations to openings; Institute of Housing booklet 'Training to be a Housing Manager'; and conference papers.

General correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/116 · Documento · Jun 1956-Dec 1959
Parte de York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence on general housing matters including: number of applicants; housing of old people; rents; electricity supply; clearance and redevelopment; complaints and relocations; opening of estates, circulars; tenancies and other issues.

Correspondence concerning acquisition of land
Y/SOC/4/2/114 · Documento · May 1951-Sep 1956
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts of minutes of Housing Committee concerning: acquisition and development of land in Carr Lane and construction of roads and sewers; assessment and development charges on land at North Lane, Dringhouses; proposed erection of 10 houses and purchase of sites for housing purposes and development charges

Y/SOC/4/2/112 · Documento · Feb 1957-July 1958
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing Committee concerning construction of roadworks at junction of Kingsway West/Gale Lane, Feb - Aug 1957; erection of 9 dwellings Kingsway West and Gale Lane, 2 dwellings Cornlands Road and 6 dwellings Tennent Road by F Shepherd & Son Ltd, May 1955 - July 1958

War Damage Repairs
Y/SOC/4/2/11 · Documento · 1943-46
Parte de York Civic Archive

Ministry of Health circular No.2875 and Schedule for Plasterers' Work, Sep 1945 - Correspondence concerning Prosecutions for false claims Jan 1943-Oct 1943; Fraudulent claims in War Damage accounts, Jun 1943-Sep 1944; Alleged fraud in War Damage contracts, Aug 1943-Dec 1943; , Overcharging in contract for War Damage, Nov 1943-May 1945; forgery case Mar-Jun 1944; Incorrect claims for employees Apr 1943- Sep 1943; Incorrect claim in wages for War Damage repairs, Jan 1944-2May 1945 - Ministry of Health circular 151/46: War Damage Repairs, Request to Local Authorities to assist in expeditious considerations of claims in certain cases, Jul 1946