Showing 20431 results

Archival description
Spring Fever Festoon'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/29 · File · 1959
Part of York Civic Archive

Contains correspondence and information relating to exercise 'Festoon'. This item is currently missing.

Exercise 'Signal Fire'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/34 · File · 1960-1961
Part of York Civic Archive

Contains a file titled 'Directing staff appreciations' which has the exercise orders, correspondence, briefs for individual organsations such as the police and fire, an item relating to the BBC, reports, and list of premises. Also includes a file containi

Exercise 'Survival'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/41 · File · 1961
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence, copy of exercise report, and newpaper clipping from the Yorkshire Evening press about the exercise with photographs dated 27 March 1961.

Operation 'Exodus'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/43 · File · 4 June 1961
Part of York Civic Archive

Relates to a driving competition, and includes items relating to driving tests for Civil Defence drives at Elvington Airfield.

Exercise 'Eoforwic'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/49 · File · 1961
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes notes on the exercise, correspondence and items relating to the officers weekend.

Exercise 'Red Rose'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/50 · File · 1961
Part of York Civic Archive

letters, personnel list, outline of exercise proposals, distribution list, items reelating to exercise 'spun yarn'

Exercise 'Hotch Potch'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/53 · File · 26 January 1963-27 January 1963
Part of York Civic Archive

The exercise includes the Yorkshire Yeomantry, radiac instructions, syndicate lists, and a town plan of Malton.

Exercise 'Plus One'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/55 · File · 3 November 1963
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes a damage and casualty report, outline of exercise and accomodation plan.

Exercise 'Jumping Jimmy'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/56 · File · 1963
Part of York Civic Archive

The exercise included the 8th Signal Regiment. Contains exercise route details. Also includes information about Exercises 'Low Moor' and 'Zedplan'.

Exercise 'Survival II'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/57 · File · 1964
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes a report on the exercise, brief, maps including of Elvington site, equipment list, correspondence and preliminary orders.

Exercise 'Echo'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/6 · File · 1955-1956
Part of York Civic Archive

Programme for the day, equipment needed and letters asking for people to ask questions. Also includes an invitation to the event.

Exercise 'Fleur de Lis'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/61 · File · 23 May 1964-24 May 1964
Part of York Civic Archive

The exercise took place in Wakefield and includes a timetable of events, exercise instructions and list of volunteers.

Exercise 'Survival'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/65 · File · 19 June 1965-21 June 1965
Part of York Civic Archive

The exercise was to set up a camp and train volunteers in Snowdonia.

Exercise 'Jumping Jimmy II'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/66 · File · 2 October 1965-3 October 1965
Part of York Civic Archive

The exercise was conducted by the 8th Signal Regiment exercise. Contains exercise brief and report.

Exercise 'Takeover'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/69 · File · 23 January 1966
Part of York Civic Archive

The exercise took place in Scarborough. Contains a volunteer list, receipt for bus hire and exercise brief.

Exercise 'Eborthorpe II'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/70 · File · 6 February 1966
Part of York Civic Archive

The exercise took place at Scunthorpe. Includes instructions for the exercise and reports after the event.

Y/ORD/4/7/24/71 · File · February 1966-March 1966
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes instructions for an exercise simulating a nuclear attack. Includes details about the recovery of casualties, and volunteer lists.

Exercise 'Trireme I'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/72 · File · 24 April 1966
Part of York Civic Archive

The exercise was related to a potential bomb plot. Contains instructions, maps and letters, and different local areas are listed.

Exercise 'Carola'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/73 · File · 6 May 1966
Part of York Civic Archive

The exercise was a combined mobile forces exercise with the Kingston Upon Hull Civil Defence division.

Exercise 'Survival IV'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/79 · Item · 10 August 1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Refers to an earlier letter dated 19 July 1967 for a request for loan of Civil Defence training ambulances.

Y/ORD/4/7/24/8 · File · 1956
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence regarding requests for attendance at different exercises. Letters of thanks for loaning of materials.

Exercise 'Haverford'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/89 · Item · 1960s
Part of York Civic Archive

Details as to what 'Haverford' entails. The idea was to leave hostels open to homeless persons for period of time.

Y/ORD/4/7/24/9 · File · 1956
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence regarding various exercises. Also includes feeding arrangements for exercise 'Joint Effort'.

Recce I
Y/ORD/4/7/24/91 · File · 1960s
Part of York Civic Archive

Instructions for routes around the city of York, mixture of typed and handwritten, and instructions for groups of people. Contains blank damage control reports.

Exercise 'Daisy I'
Y/ORD/4/7/24/92 · File · 1960s
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes details of the training exercise, and a household register of residents of Bull Lane Close.

Military Exercises
Y/ORD/4/7/24/93 · File · 1949-1950
Part of York Civic Archive

This file containing the likes of letter correspondences; civil defence meeting minutes and a military training programme relating to Exercises 'Bulldog' and 'John Bull'.

Y/ORD/4/7/24/94 · File · 1962-1963
Part of York Civic Archive

These files mainly consists of information and correspondence relating to programmes and attendees of various exercises and services - such as Remembrance Sunday, commemorating the Battle of Britain and Operation 'Nessie'.

Exercise Realistic
Y/ORD/4/7/24/95 · File · 1962
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains administrative details and correspondence relating to 'Exercise Realistic'.

Exercise Low Wold
Y/ORD/4/7/24/96 · File · 1962
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains administrative details and correspondence relating to 'Exercise Low Wold'.

Y/ORD/4/7/24/97 · File · 1952; 1963
Part of York Civic Archive

One file contains information on the Forces Help Society Gala and general Civil Defence 1952.
One file contains a Home Office issued booklet on exercise orders for Exercise 'Plus One' conducted in 1963. It also includes other information such as damage and casualty reports.

Military Operations
Y/ORD/4/7/24/98 · File · 1951
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence and information concerning the relationship between the military and the Civil Defence corps.

Exercises and Conferences
Y/ORD/4/7/24/99 · File · 1967-1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains rsvp slips relating to Civil Defence conferences and correspondence relating to this subject.

Y/ORD/4/7/25 · Sub-series · 1965-1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes files relating to the York experiment, the Second York experiment and the experiment regarding the conservation of food.

Second York Experiment
Y/ORD/4/7/25/2 · File · 1966-1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes receipts for buying the booklet, and requests to buy it. Also includes a copy of the booklet and associated correspondence, extract from 'Survival At Sea' and experiment photographs.

Conservation of Food
Y/ORD/4/7/25/3 · Item · 1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Details an experiment in York about which food to take in the event of a nuclear attack, with the aim to make it last for at least fourteen days.

Filing Index
Y/ORD/4/7/26/11 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains general information on the Civil Defence filing system.