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Sir William Robinson to Roger Chambers of York, butcher, relating to Gallobroat Close in Clifton in the present occupation of the lessor. Term 21 years. Rent £12. p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises, pay 40s. for every acre ploughed within 7 years of the end of the lease, and be exempt from all tithes due to William Robinson and all assessments except church and poor rates. Signed and sealed by Roger Chambers.


Sir Wm Robinson to Elizabeth Foster of Stonegate, York, widow. Relating to Wettland Close and the Lyttle Layre Close in Clifton. Term. 21 years. Rent. £14 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the hedges and ditches, and to pay 40s p.a. for every acre ploughed in the last 7 years of her lease. She was to be exempt from all assessments except those for the church and poor. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by Eliz. Foster.


William Robinson, Alderman, and William Robinson, his son, to Francis Lund of York, miller, relating to the windmill called Ladie Milne, in Clifton an acre of arable land lately in the tenure of Robert Wilson and another windmill lately in the tenure of Margery Weddell. Term. 21 years. Rent. £4.6s.8d. p.a. to be paid at Robinsons house on the Pavement. The lessee was to have two (? Omission) of the first year’s rent for buying 2 pairs of millstones and towards the repair of the mills; and to do suit and service at the courts of Roclif and Clifton. He was to grind the lessors corn before that of others at the customary rates. Endorsed Covenant of Francis Lund to deliver to the lessors at the termination of his lease, 3 doz. ‘milne picks’ (pointed or edged hammers used for dressing millstones), 2 iron gavelocks (crowbars or levers), 2 stone ‘chissills’, and all ‘saile clothes’, ropes and other implements, arks (large wooden bins for storing meal and necessaries belonging to windmills. Seal missing. Signed with a mark by Francis Lund. Attached is a bond of Francis Lund, miller, John Hawkins, tailor, and William Nolson, husbandman, in £40 for performance of covenants, and a bond dated 10 December 1615, of Richard Wilson and George Wilson, carpenters, in £40, as sureties for Francis Lund’s performance of covenants.


Sir William Robinson to Thomas Goodale the elder, of Clifton, husbandman, Gallowe Broate Close in Clifton in the tenure of Wm Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £13 p.a. Thomas Goodale was to maintain the hedges and ditches, pay all assessments except tithe, and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years of the lease. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by Thomas Goodaile.


Sir William Robinson to Robert Harrison of York, innholder. Relating to Wetland Close and Garbert Close in Clifton in the tenure of Wm Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent £15 p.a. The lessee was to repair the hedges, ditches and fences, and not to plough the land within 7 years of the end of the lease. He was to be exempt from payment of all tithes, etc. except church and poor dues. Signed and sealed by Robt Harrison.


Sir William Robinson to Thomas Johnson and Thomas Goodale, sen. of Clifton, husbandmen, the Upper Bottomes and Nether Bottomes of land being the street furlongs in Clifton. Term. 21 years. Rent. £56 p.a. The lessees were to maintain the hedges, ditches, and fences, and pay all tithes and assessments. For the last 7 years of the lease they were not to plough or sow the land. Signed (with marks) and sealed by Thos Johnson and Thos. Goodaile.


Sir William Robinson to William Moore of York, currier, the two new closes and Seven Leyes Close in Clifton, in the tenure of the said Wm. Moore. Term 21 years. Rent. £22 p.a. The lessee covenanted to maintain the premises and not to plough the land within 7 years of the end of his lease. He was to be exempt from payments of tithes due to Wm Robinson, and all assessments except church and poor dues. Signed and sealed by Wm Moore.


Sir William Robinson to Edward Sampson of York, butcher, two closes in Clifton called Wilson’s closes, in the tenure of Wm. Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £22 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and pay 40s. for every acre ploughed during the last 7 years of the lease. He was to be exempt from all dues except those assessed for the church and poor. Signed. (with a mark) and sealed by Edward Sampson.


Sir William Robinson, to Thomas Woodworth, Richard Allen, Ralph Oliver, Thomas Wells, Richard Browne and Peter Woodworth of Clifton, husbandman. The enclosed lands called the Tofts and Reddlands in Clifton, in the tenure of Sir Wm. Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £30. The lessees were to maintain the premises, not to plough or sow the land in the last 7 years of the term, and to pay all taxes. Signed (with marks) and sealed by all the lessees.


Sir William Robinson to John Bake of York, tailor, The Hither Seven Leas Close in Clifton. Term. 21 years. Rent. £5 p.a. The lessee covenanted to maintain the hedged, fences and ditches, and to pay 40s. fro every acre ploughed during the last 7 years of his lease. He was to be exempt from payment of all tithes etc. except constable’s church and poor rates. Signed and sealed. By John Bayocke. Rent £23 p.a.


William Robinson, Alderman, and William Robinson, his second son, to Thomas Roger of Clifton, wheelwright. A cottage, croft and garden in Clifton in the tenure of the said Thomas Roger and lately of William Mayson, and 2 acres of land in the tenure of Thomas Roger. Term. 21 years. Rent. 9s. p.a. Endorsed. Covenant of Thomas Roger to do gardening and other necessary work at the manor of Roclif as other tenants did for an ordinary wage. Signed, (seal missing) by Thomas Roger.


Sir William Robinson to John Fawcett of York, shoemaker, 13 acres of land in Fos Field in Clifton, from the Seven Leas Close to Mr. Asshes Flatt, in the tenure of the said John Fawcett. Term 21 years. Rent. £13 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and be exempt from all assessments except those levied by the Constable and for the church and poor. The lessee was to leave the land unploughed for the final 7 years. Signed and sealed by John Fawcett.


Sir William Robinson to Robert Britton of York, embroiderer. A house, garth and close, and 2 small closes adjoining the Horse Fayre, and the Tweene Street Close and 3 acres of land in the Hungrille, all being in the lordship of Clifton, and in the tenure of Robt. Britton. Term. 21 years. Rent £12 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and pay petty tithes and church dues, except the tithes due to Sir Wm Robinson. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by Robt. Brittane.


Sir William Robinson, to James Lumley of Clifton, yeoman. A messuage in Clifton with a garth, orchard and croft in the tenure of the said Jas. Lumley, and the Tylehowse Close, the little house and garth on the hill top, 3 half acres of land in the Wranglandes, 5½ acres in the Little Mill Field adjoining the said messuage and Thickpenny garth hedge. Term. 21 years. The lessee was to maintain the premises, pay petty tithes, church dues and the poor rate and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years of the lease. Signed and sealed by Jas. Lumley.


Sir William Robinson to Richard Allen of Clifton. A house and garth, 2 crofts and 2 acres in Foss Field in Clifton, in the tenure of Richard Allen. Term 21 years. Rent. £5 p.a. and all assessments. The lessee was to maintain the premises, and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years. He was to be exempt from all tithes due to Wm Robinson. Signed (with a mark) and sealed (seal missing) by Ric. Allen.


William Robinson, Alderman, and William Robinson, Gent, his son, to James Howden of Clifton, miller. The newly built tenement in which the said James Howden dwelt, a backside and ½ acre of land in Clifton. Conson. 30s. Term. 21 years from the feast of St Martin in Winter, 1611. Rent. 30s p.a. to be paid at the lessor’s house on the Pavement. The lessee was to maintain the house and at the end of his lease to leave all doors, ‘chamber boardes’, locks, keys, glass, and other things which Wm. Robinson, sen. (interlined; or James Howden) set therein. He was to plant 6 young ashes, 6 willows and other ‘quicksettes’ in the hedgerows each year, and do suit and service at the court of William Robinson held for the manor of Roclife. Paper. Wafer seal. Attached is a bond of James Howden and Thomas Goodrick, Husbandman, to William Robinson, in £40, for performance of covenants.


Sir William Robinson to Thomas Hunter of Clifton. A house in Clifton with a garth and backside, ground called Marshall Butts and 2 acres on the Hungrells, in the tenure of Thos. Hunter. Term 21 years. Rent. £6. 14s 8d p.a. and all assessments. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/39. Signed (with a mark) and sealed (seal missing) by Thos Hunter.


Sir William Robinson to William Mann of York, innholder. St Ann Close in the tenure of the said Wm Mann. Term. 21 years. Rent. £8 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises, to pay 40s p.a. for every acre ploughed or sown during the last seven years of his lease, and to be exempt from all tithes and assessments except church and poor rates. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by Wm Robinson.


William Robinson, Alderman to John Burton of Clifton, yeoman, a messuage, barn and lands in Clifton, in the tenure of the said John Burton. Conson. £20. Term. 21 years. Rent. £15 p.a. to be paid at William Robinson’s house on the Pavement. The lessee was to maintain the premises, plant hedges and also 10 ash trees and 10 willow trees each year, and do suit and service at the lessor’s manorial court for Clifton. He was to work with his draught as required. Signed and sealed by John Burton.


Sir William Robinson to John Carter of Clifton, yeoman. Ash tree Close adjoining the Forest of Maltese and 4 acres 3 roods of meadow or pasture called Leaflet, near the Pepper Mill, in the tenure of John Carter. Term. 21 years. Rent. £8 16s 6d p.a. and all assessments. John Carter was to maintain the hedges and ditches and not to plough the land during the last 7 years of his lease. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by John Carter.


Sir William Robinson to Christopher Sympsone of York, cordwainer. The 2 Short Favill Noakes in Foss Field, in the tenure of the said Chris Sympsone. Term. 21 years. Rent. £6 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years of the lease. He was to be exempt from tithes due to Wm Robinson and all assessments except church and poor rates. Signed and sealed by Chris. Simson.


Sir William Robinson to Anthony Midletone and Anthony Wilsone, of York, millers. The windmill called Ladie Mill and 1 acre approx. of land , in the present occupation of the lessees. Term. 12 years. Rent. £6 13s 4d. and all assessments. The lessees were to maintain the premises and be exempt from all tithes payable to Wm Robinson. Signed (with marks) and sealed by Anthony Midleton & Anthony Wilson.


Sir William Robinson to James Darke of York, cook. Easlrbridge (Yearsley Bridge?) Close, lately in the possession of Wm Robinson of York, baker, and now of the said Jas Darke. Term. 12 years. Rent. £4 10s p.a. The lessee was to maintain the close, to pay 40s p.a. for every acre ploughed during the last 7 years of his lease, and to be exempt from all tithes and assessments except church and poor rates. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by Jas Darke.


Sir William Robinson to John Adcock of Clifton. A house and garth, and a parcel of ground in the Hobthrushe Bed flat in Clifton, in the tenure of John Adcocke. Term. 21 years. Rent. £3 10s p.a. The lessee was to maintain and repair the premises, and not to plough the land within 7 years of the end of his term, but to use it as meadow or pasture. Signed, with a mark, and sealed (seal missing) by John Adcoke.


William Robinson, Alderman, and William Robinson, Gent., his son to William Goodricke of Clifton, husbandman. Relates to a messuage and 21½ acres of land in Clifton, lately in the tenure of John Graye and now of the said William Goodricke. Term. 10 years. Rent. £8 p.a. to be paid at William Robinson’s house on the Pavement. The lessee was to maintain the premises and plant 6 young ash trees and 6 willows each year and do suit and service at the manorial court of Roclife. He was not to plough up any more land than was then used for tillage without permission from the lessors. Paper. Signed and sealed (wafer seal) by William Goodricke. Attached. Bond of William Goodricke of Clifton and Robt Goodrick of Roclife, husbandman, in £100, for performance of covenants.


Sir William Robinson to William Gowthwaite of Clifton, a parcel of ground called Cweker Close and 1½ acres in the Double Dickes in Clifton, in the tenure of the said Wm Gowthwaite. Term 21 years. Rent £9. 10s p.a. The lessee was to maintain all hedges and ditches, and not to plough the land during the last 7 years to the lease. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by Wm Robinson.


Sir William Robinson to Robert Masson of Clifton, smith, a house. A garth and 1 acre of land in Fos field in the Lower Flat and a parcel of ground in the Short Wandhills, all in the lordship of Clifton and in the tenure of the said Robt. Masson. Term. 21 years. Rent; £5 p.a. and any assessments. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/58. Signed with a mark and sealed (seal missing) by Robt. Masson.


Sir William Robinson to George Robinson of York, baker. A parcel of ground called Long Favill Nooke in Clifton in the tenure of the said Geo. Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £9 p.a. The lessee was to maintain and repair the hedges and ditches. If he ploughed or sowed any of the land during the last 7 years of the lease, he was to pay 40s for each acre ploughed. He was to be free from all rates levied on the land except church and poor rates. Signed, with a mark, and sealed by Geo Robinson.


Sir William Robinson to Elias Robsone of Clifton, a house and garth, 2 crofts, the Great Closes, the Outgang Gate Close and the Ing End Close and 3 acres in Fos Field in Clifton, all in the tenure of the said Elias Robsone. Term. 21 years. Rent. £24 p.a. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/58. Signed with a mark and sealed by Elias Robsone.


Sir William Robinson to Richard Tayler of Clifton, basket-maker, a house and garth and 1 acre of land in Fos field in the Low Flat and a parcel of ground in the Short Wandhills in Clifton, in the tenure of the said Ric. Tayler. Term. 21 years. Rent £4 p.a. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/58. Signed, with a mark, and sealed (seal missing) by Ric. Tayler.


Sir William Robinson to William Tayler of Clifton, basket maker, a house and garth and 1 acre of land in Fos. Field in the Low Flat and a parcel of ground in the Short Wandhills in Clifton, in the tenure of the said Wm. Tayler. Term 21 years. Rent. £3 14s. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/58. Signed with a mark and sealed (seal missing) by Wm Tayler.


Sir William Robinsone to John Backe and William Coultert of York, tailors, a parcel of ground called Sokers in Clifton, in the tenure of the lessees. Term. 21 years. Rent. £15 p.a. The lessees were to maintain the hedges and ditches, and to pay 40 s. for every acre they ploughed in the last 7 years of the lease. They were to be free from all assessments except the constable’s, and the church and poor rates. Signed and sealed by John Bayocke and Wm Coultert.


William Robinson, Alderman, to Thomas (Reins? Rewis?) of York, brickmaker. A cottage and 5½ acres of land in Clifton, lately in the tenure of William Dringe. Conson. £8. Term. 21 years. Rent. £3. 6s. 8d. p.a. The lessee was to plant 5 ash trees and 5 willows yearly and to grind his corn at the lessor’s mill. Signed, with a mark, and sealed (seal missing) by Thomas Reins.


Sir William Robinson to John Edwardes of Clifton, carrier, a messuage and garth with Milburne garth and croft, Carter garth with a cottage in the tenure of widow Hodgeson and 9 acres of meadow in the Ings, all in the lordship of Clifton and in the tenure of the said John Edwardes. Term. 21 years. Rent. £16 p.a. The lessee was to maintain and repair the premises, and to pay 40s for every acre ploughed in the last 7 years of the lease. Signed and sealed by John Edwards.


Sir William Robinson to Francis Gill of Rainton, Co. York, mason, Fermery Close in the lordship of Newby, in the tenure of the said Francis Gill. Term. 21 years. Rent. £3 6s 8d p.a. The lessee covenanted to maintain the hedges, ditches and fences and pay 40s for every acre ploughed during the final 7 years. He was to be exempt from the payment of all dues. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by Fra. Gill.


Sir William Robinson to William Brigham of York, barber. St Anne’s Close near the Horsefaire in the Lordship of Clifton, in the tenure of the said Wm Brigham. Term. 21 years. Rent. £7 10s p.a. The lessee was to maintain all hedges and ditches, and not to plough the land in the last 7 years of his lease or to pay 40s for every acre so ploughed. He was to be exempt from all payments except church and poor rates. Signed and sealed by Wm Brigham.


Sir William Robinson to John Davy of York, miller. 2 closes of ground called Huntington butts in the lordship of Clifton, lately in the possession of Robt. Harrison, but not in the tenure of the said John Davy. Term. 21 years. Rent. £3 10s pa. The lessee was to maintain all hedges and ditches and not to plough the land, or pay 40 s for every acre ploughed, in the final 7 years of the lease. He was to be exempt from all payments except the constable’s assessment for the poor and church rates. Signed with a mark and sealed by John Davy.


Sir William Robinson to Michael Cooke of York, innholder. A parcel of ground called the Redlands, adjoining Clifton Ings and in the tenure of the said Michael Cooke. Term. 21 years. Rent £10 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the hedges and ditches and not to plough the land within 7 years of the end of the lease, or to pay 40s for every acre so ploughed. Signed with a mark and sealed by Michael Cooke.


Sir William Robinson to Chris Hartnes of Clifton, joiner. A house and garth in Clifton called the cross Keyes, lately in the possession of John Allanson, and now in the tenure of the said Chris Hartnes. Term. 21 years. Rent. 40s p.a. The lessee was to repair the house as necessary. Signed with mark and sealed by Chris. Hartnes.


Sir William Robinson to Nicholas Rogers innholder, and John Hudson, yeoman, both of York, 13 acres of land in Fos field, Clifton, from the Seaven Leays Close to Mr Eshe’s Flat, in the tenure of the said lessees. Term 12 years. Rent. £10 p.a. The lessees were to repair the premises, and not to plough the land during the last 7 years of the lease, or to pay 40s. for every acre so ploughed. They were to be exempt from all payments excepts church and poor rates. Signed and sealed by Nicholas Rogers.


William Robinson, Alderman, to Ralph Reynolds of Clifton, yeoman. A messuage and farmhold with a barn and lands in Clifton in the tenure of William Windle. Conson. £12. Term. 12 years. Rent £20 p.a., to be paid at the lessor’s house in York or at his manor house in Rockliffe. The lessee was to maintain the premises with the exception of main timber, to plant thorn hedges and 10 young ash trees and 10 willows yearly, and to do suit and service to the lessor at his manor court of Clifton. He was not to convert any of the meadowland to tillage without permission, and was to lead and help William Robinson with his draught and wains when asked. He was not to cut any wood except for repairing fences, and was to grind his corn at William Robinson’s mill belonging to the manor of Clifton. Signed and sealed by Ralph Reynolds. Attached: Bond, of Ralph Reynolds and John Penrose of Wheldrake, yeoman, in £60, for performance of covenants.


Metcalf Robinson to Jane Sanderson of Clifton, widow. A tenement lying on the wastes adjoining the Lady Mill Field in the manor of Clifton, in the tenure of the said Jane Sanderson. Proviso that she was to have no claims to the common of Clifton, or part of Bootham Stray. Term 99 years. Rent. 12d p.a. and 2 good hens. The lessee was to repair the house as necessary. Signed with a mark and sealed by Jane Sanderson. Paper.


Sir Metcalfe Robinson of Rocliff, Bart, to Montague Gyles of Clifton, yeoman, a croft in Clifton at the backside of a messuage lately in the occupation of Peter Woodworth. Term. 21 years. Rent £6. p.a. The lessee was to pay all assessments, maintain the property in good repair, and level any land he dug. If he dug any in the last 2 years, he was to pay an additional £10 p.a. Signed and sealed (wafer seal) by Montague Gilles. Paper.


Sir Metcalfe Robinson of Newby, Bart, to Montague Gyles of Clifton, brickmaker, Milnefield Closes and Sandwith Acre, in Clifton, containing 30 acres. Term 40 years. Rent £33 p.a. The lessee covenanted to pay an additional £8 for every acre he dug up or used for making bricks or tiles, not to sow the land with corn during the lat 7 years of his lease, and to maintain all hedges and ditches. Signed and sealed by Montague Giles.


William Robinson, Alderman, to John Olyver of Clifton, son of John Oliver, yeoman, and Isabel Proctor of Rockliffe, Spinster, his intended wife, a house and lands in Clifton, lately in the tenure of Hugh Watson. Term: 15 years. Rent. 3s.4d. p.a. to be paid to William Robinson at his house in York or at his manor house of Rockliffe. The lessees were to do all repairs, great timber excepted, to plant hedges and 4 young ash trees and 4 willows yearly, and to do suit and service at the manorial court. John Olyver was to lead other tenants’ ….. (illegible) with his draught or wain when requested, not to commit waste to pay all assessments and to grind his corn at William Robinson’s mills in Clifton. Signed and sealed by John Oliver.


Mary Waide, late of Clifton, widow, to Robert Caris of Clifton, yeoman, an annuity of £4 due to her during her life from Wm Duglasse, as mentioned in an agreement of 17 Mar 1679/80 CLY/1/16/88). Conson £23 5s. Endorsed Statement of Robt. Caris that he acted solely as trustee for Wm Douglas of Clifton, gent. Paper. Deed Poll. Signed and sealed by Mary Waide.

Mortgage by Assignment

William Douglas, late of Newby and now of Clifton, gent, to John Thompson, Esq. Alderman of York. Town End Farm and Caverley Farm in Clifton, which Wm. Douglas leased from Sir Metcalfe Robinson, as above CLY/1/16/91. Conson. £115. To ensure the payment by Wm Douglas of £122 18 s viz. £3 9s on 1 Nov. next, and £118 9s on 1 May 1692 at John Thompson’s house in Cunny (Coney) Street, York. Signed and sealed by Wm Douglas.


Sir William Robinson of Newby, Bart. to John Armistead of York, baker. 2 closes formerly called Gallows Close in the tenure of the said John Armistead, situated on the W. side of the lane near the Forrest Gate leading to the Forest of Gawtry. Term. 21 years. Rent. £11 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the hedges and ditches and not to plough any of the land without written permission. Paper. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by John Armistead.


Sir William Robinson to Robert Asquith of Clifton, yeoman. Moore Close adjoining the Forest of Gawtry and having Mr Wm Douglas’s closes on the north. Term 21 years. Rent £8 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the fences and ditches and not to plough the land without written permission. He was to be allowed 20s. for every 50 loads of manure laid on the close (not exceeding 250 loads). Endorsed Robert Asquith was to be allowed to plough the land except during the last 5 years. Paper. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by Robt. Asquith.


Sir William Robinson to Anne Hunter of Clifton, widow. A messuage in the tenure of the said Anne Hunter, a close called Marshall Butts and 2 acres in the place called Hungry Hills. Term. 21 years. Rent £6 14s 8d p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and pay all dues. She was not to plough the land without written permission. Signed (with a mark) and sealed (seal missing) by Anne Hunter.


Sir William Robinson to John Kitchinman of York, butcher. Moore Close adjoining the Forest of Gautry, in the tenure of the said John Kitchinman. Term 21 years. Rent. £8 p.a. The lessee was to maintain all hedges and ditches, not to plough the land without written permission, and to pay all dues. He was to be allowed 20s. for every 50 loads of manure used on the close: 250 loads were to be supplied in 5 years. Paper. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by John Kitchingman.


Geoffrey Morley, M.A., Prebendary of the Prebend of Strensall, to George Readman, Esq. The prebend of Strensall, with all lands and tenements, the mansion house within the cathedral close, the meadows called Hurtebucke in Roclif or Clifton Ings. and the …… of the vicarages of Strensall and Osbaldwick, excepting only the spiritual jurisdiction and all oak trees and other young trees. Term 21 years. Rent £80 p.a. to be paid in two instalments at Haxey’s tomb in the Cathedral. The lessee was to have sufficient housebote, haybote, hedgebote, ploughbote, carbote, and firebote in the premises, not to commit waste, to maintain fences make all payments due to the Queen, and repair the manor house at Strensall as necessary. (Husbote – the right to obtain more substantial wood for housebuilding, Haybote – the right to remove wood from common land to erect/maintain fences, Ploughbote – the right to obtain wood for making or repairing ploughs, Firebote – the right to obtain 'underwood' for fuel, Turbary – the right to dig peat or turf for use as fuel in a commoner’s dwelling). Signed and sealed by Geoffrey Morley, prebendary. Attached. Ratifications by the Archbishop and Dean (in Latin) with their seals affixed.


George Redmayne of Barwick, Co., Lancaster, Esq., to Richard Myche, L.L.D., the remainder of a term of 21 years in the prebend of Strensall, as in CLY/1/2/2. The premises were free from all charges except a lease of the tithe of Moreston, part of the premises granted to Mr Dakins, Esq. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by George Redmayn.


The Right Honorable Thomas Wharton, Burgess, to John Wilkinson, of York, fishmonger. The mansion house of the prebendary at Strensall with appurtenances, a close called Conygarths, another called the Sall yng, the Pudding Parke with a house called the Mylk House; a close called the Riddings, a wood called the Spryng with Coot Garths adjoining, Raly Close, Bull Close and Bull Yngs, the Tythe Yngs of Strensall, in the tenure of Christopher Charleton, and all the tythes of corn and hay from lands in Strensall and Towthorp belonging to the said prebend. Term 40 years. Consideration £60. Rent £28 2s per annum. The lesse was to maintain and repair the premises except the great timbers which Lord Wharton convenanted to provide. He was to have sufficient hedgebote of all woods except ash and oak; and to allow Wm Wilson and his wife to hold the Mylk House and Pudding Park for life, at an annual rent of 10s 4d. to be paid to the said John Wilkinson.


Sir Christopher Danby of Newpark, Co. York, Kt., to Anne Love of Clifton, widow. 20 acres of arable land and meadow which William Love, her late husband, farmed, and a little close at the west end of Clifton. Term: the lives of Christopher Danby or Anne Love. Rent. 30s 8d: 26s 8d to Christopher Danby and 4s to Sir Nicholas Fairfax of Gylling, as free farm or quit rent. Anne Love was to maintain all fences and ditches. Signed and sealed by Christopher Danby. Endprsed. Hildyards Lands.


Robert Reynolde of Clyfton, husbandman, and Lancelot Holme of York, mercer, to William Hildyard, Esq, and William Key, both of York; and the heirs of William Hildyard, Esq, and William Key, both of York; and the heirs of William Hildyard, 20 acres of arable land and meadow in Clifton Fields, a toft, a small close at the west end of Clifton and an acre of meadow in Aikcam meadows, all formerly in the tenure of Anne Dove, widow, mother of Richard Plewman, and now of Robert Reynold; and a barn in Clifton in the tenure of Robert Reynold. Clause of warranty against the claims of Margaret, wife of Robert Reynold and Emmotte, wife of Lancelot Holme. Conson. £110 13 8d. Signed and sealed by Robert Reynold (with a mark) and Lancelot Holme. Endorsed witnesses to livery of seisin. (Latin)


William Hildyard, and William Key, to William Robinson, Alderman of York. Relating to property as in CLY/1/3/10. Appointment of William Clerke and Humphrey Birletson of York, yeoman, as attorneys to deliver seising. Conson. £120. Signed and sealed by William Hyldyard and William Kay. Endorsed witnesses to sealing and livery of seisin.

Bargain and Sale

Richard Smerthwaite of York, capper, to Richard Plewman alias Love of Clifton, yeoman. A barn and close at the north end of Clifton; 19½ acres of arable land and meadow in Clifton, formerly belonging to Sir Christopher Danbye, knight, deceased, and all his lands and tenements lately in the occupation of Widow Love and now in the occupation of the said Richard Plewman; half an acre of arable land in the tenure of Richard Smerthwaite, situated in the Town End Field of Clifton in a place called Sivacre, between the land of the Queen, now in the tenure of Robert Barton on the north and the land of Margaret Wilson in the tenure of Janet Cowk on the south and abutting on a place called ‘outgange’ upon the forest of Galtres on the east and on the west and all other lands and tenements in Clifton which Richard Smarthwait purchased from Sir Christopher Danbye except land lyeing in Filipson Flatt. Clause barring the claims of Ellen, wife of Richard Smerthwaite, and of Cuthbert his son. Consideration £40. Seal of Richard Smerthwaite, on tag.