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Feoffment with Livery of Seisin

Thomas Danby of Thorppirro (Thorpe Perrow, Snape), Kt. to Richard Plewman alias Love. One acre of meadow called Clyfton acre in Acam Ings, now in the tenure of the said Richard Plewman alias, and formerly in the tenure of Agnes Love, widow. Appointment of John Lamb, weaver, and Robert Sotheron, corn merchant, as attorneys to deliver seisin. Signed and sealed by Thomas Danby. (Latin)

Bargain and Sale

Sir William Ingleby of Ripley, Kt., to Thomas Wilson of Clyfton, yeoman. 3 messuages, (one not yet built), 3 crofts, and 66 acres of land in Clyfton, and 1 acre of meadow in Acomb Ings of an annual value of £4.14s. The bond of Statute Merchant in £300 made the same day by Sir William Ingleby to be void on the performance of covenants. Conson £156 13s 4d. Signed and sealed by William Inglyby. Endorsed enrolled in the presence of James Symson, Mayor, and Thomas Fale, Clerk to the Peace.

Sin título
Bargain and Sale

William Ingelby of Ripley, Esq, to William Robynson, Alderman of the City of York. Messuages, cottages, lands and tenements in Clyfton and Acome in the several tenures of Philip Welles, Dorothy Welles, widow, Thomas Welles, Rowland Welles, Janet Cooke, widow, Thomas Burton, John Dobbison, Margaret Wyndell, widow, John Lambe, John Hedlay, Edward Walker, John Harryson, Symon Cootes, Margaret Place, widow, and Robert Woodward, weaver. Messuages, cottages, lands and tenements in Clyfton and Acome, Roeclyf and Skelton whereof Sir Willam Ingleby, knight, died seised. Any claims of Katherine, wife of William Ingleby, Esq. and of Lady Anne Ingleby, his mother to be void. Conson. £340. Subscribed. Acknowledged before John Gibson, 7 Aug 1582. Endorsed. enrolled in Chancery, 22 Aug 1582. Signed and sealed by William Inglebye.


William Ingleby to William Robynson, in fulfillment of the indenture, as in CLY/1/4/4. Property as in CLY/1/4/4 (but omitting the name of Robert Woodward, weaver, and all mention of Acomb). Appointment of Edward Sexily and Anthony Canton, merchants, as attorneys to deliver seisin. Signed and sealed by William Inglebye. (Latin)

Exemplification of a fine

Fine levied (Michaelmas Term 1582) between William Robynson, plaintiff and William Inglebye, defendant. Concerning 14 messuages, 14 tofts, a windmill, 14 gardens, 14 orchards, 400 acres of land, 100 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture, 10 acres wood, 300 acres heath, 100 acres ternary, 12d rent and common pasture in Clyfton, Rolf and Skelton and 4 acres of meadow in Atom. Fine: £260. Seal, partially defective. (Latin).

Bargain and Sale

Leonard Temple of York, merchant, Katherine his wife, and Robert Temple, merchant his son and heir, to William Robynson of York, merchant, a tenement and appurtenances in the several occupations of the said Leonard Temple and William Robynson situated in St Saviourgate and lately pertaining to the chantry of St Mary called Yorke's chantry in St John’s church at House Bridge end. It lay between the lane leading to Hungate on the east and the tenements of John Newby, currier, and Thomas Temple, butcher, on the west and extended from St Saviourgate in front on the north to Stanebowe Lane on the south. Leonard Temple and Katherine had the tenement by the feoffment of Matthew White and Edward Burye. Gents, 25 July 1549. Conson. £40. Signed and sealed by Leonard Temple, Katherine, Temple, (with a mark), Robert Temple and William Cowpland, Mayor. Endorsed Livery of seisin, 14 Aug. 1568. (Latin).

Sin título

Thomas Robinson of York, gent, to John Beckett of York, spurrier, a messuage divided into several tenements in St Saviourgate in the tenure of the said John Beckett. Term. 41 years. Conson: 50s. Rent. £3 p.a. The lessee was to perform all necessary repairs ‘excepting casualties by fyre, by grenadoes or cannon bulltees’. Signed and sealed by John Beckett. Endorsed: Lease of St Saviourgate house.

Bargain and Sale

Sir William Babthorpe of Osgodbye, Kt., to William Robynson of York, merchant, a messuage in Castilgaite, formerly in the tenure of Anne Thornley, widow, and now of John Bell, and 4 acres of meadow in Naburne or Fulforthe yngs in the tenure of the said John Bell, formerly part of St Leonard’s Flatt near the gate of the ings. Sir William Babthorpe and Lady Francis were to make further assurances if requested. The premises were free from all claims except the lease granted to John Bell, 20 Oct 1564, for 21 years and whereof a rent of £4 p.a. was reserved. Conson £83 6s 8d. Endorsed ‘The house called Thornetree’.


William Robinson to John Witty a messuage called the Thorne Tree in Castlegate and the place called the Cockpitt. Term: 21 years. Rent: £7 per annum. Conson: £65 7s 6d. The lessee was to pay the hearth tax and other assessments, and to repair the messuage. Signed and sealed by John Wittie. Attached. Bond, in £100, of John Wittie for performance of covenants.

Bargain and Sale

William Branesbye of Thyrske, Gent, and Elizabeth his wife, to Francis Cooke of York Gent, a messuage, cottages, lands and appurtenances in Clyftone in the several tenures of William Beckwythe, draper, Ralph Bussey, Gent, and Richard Hindrowe, tailor. Conson. £56. 10s. Signed and sealed by William Brandesbye and (with a mark) Elizabeth his wife.

Bargain and Sale

Henry Goodricke of Clifton, yeoman to Metcalf Robinson of Rockliffe, esq. Property as in CLY/1/7/4, now in the tenure of Joan Gowthwhaite, widow (omitting the close formerly in the tenure of James Hutchinson). Henry Goodricke covenants to give further assurances of title on his return from beyond the sea and attainment of the age of 21 years. Conson £240, of which £60 had been paid.


Henry Goodricke to Metcalf Robinson, property as in CLY/1/7/11. Appointment of Francis Swaine of York, Gent, and William Wode of Rocliff, Gent, as attorneys to deliver seisin. Signed and sealed by Henry Goodrick. Endorsed Livery of seisin, 22 Sep. 1659. Attached: Bond in £500, for the performance of covenants.

Feoffment with livery of seisin

William Branesbye and Elizabeth his wife, to Francis Cook. Messuages, cottages and lands in Clyftone, in fulfilment of the agreement as in CLY/1/7/1. Appointment of William Kalame and Henry Metcalffe, drapers, as attorneys to deliver seisin. Signed and sealed by William Brandesbye and (with a mark), by Elizabeth his wife. Endorsed Livery of seisin, 27 May 1578 (Latin).

Exemplification of a common recovery

Suffered between Francis Cooke, demandant, and William Branesby, and Elizabeth his wife, tenants. Upon 1 messuage, 2 cottages, 2 gardens, 4 acres of meadow, 4 acres of pasture, and 10 acres of moorland in Clyfton. Seisin was delivered by William Farefaxe, Kt. 2 May. Fragment of seal on tag. (Latin).

Bargain and Sale

Richard Cooke of Edston, (Edstone), Co. York, gent, son and heir of Francis Cooke, gent, deceased to James Hutchinson, of York, innholder. A messuage in Clifton, in the tenure of Wm Roger, a barn, 2 closes of meadow or pasture, 1 acre of meadow in Clifton Ings, ½ acre of arable land in the Milne Field, ½ acre of arable land in the Ladie Milne Field, ½ acre of arable land in the Fos Field, and 1 rood of arable land at the Roodlinges; and a close of meadow and pasture in the tenure of the said James Hutchinson. Conson £67 3. 4d. Signed and sealed by Richard Coke. Endorsed. Livery of seisin, date as above.

Bargain and Sale

Richard Cooke of Edston, Gent, Thomas Cooke of Stillington, Gent. and Robert Cooke of Moxbye, gent, to James Hutchinson, of York, innholder. Property as in CLY/1/7/4. Conson. Not stated. Signed and sealed by Richard Coke, Thomas Coke and Robert Coke. Attached: Bond, in £134 6s 8d for performance of covenants.

Exemplification of a fine

Between James Hutchinson, plaintiff and Richard Cooke, Thomas Cooke and Robert Cooke, defendants. Concerning a messauge, a barn, 6 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 6 acres of pasture and common pasture in Clifton. Richard Cooke covenanted to warrant the title of James Hutchinson against any claim by Francis Cooke. Fine: £41. Fragment of seal on tag. (Latin)

Bargain and Sale

Christopher Gooderick of Roucliffe, yeoman, in performance of the will of John Hutchinson, (as in CLY/1/7/8), to William Goodrick of Thorparch, son and heir apparent of the said Christopher Gooderick (sic). Property as in CLY/1/7/4, formerly in several tenures of William Rogers and James Hutchinson, deceased and now of Henry Turner. Conson £60. Signed with a mark and sealed (seal missing) by Christopher Gotherick. Endorsed Livery of seisin, undated.

Bargain and Sale

Thomas Jackson of Bowthome, Alderman, to John Olyver of Clifton, labourer. A messuage in Clifton, and 2 closes on the back-side thereof, now used as one close, formerly in the tenure of Thomas Turner, deceased. and now of the said Thomas Jackson. Conson. Unspecified. Signed and sealed, by Thomas Jackson. Attached. Bond of Thomas Jackson and Tristram Jackson of Barmeby, Gent, in £100, for the performance of covenants.

Feoffment to uses, and counterpart

John Oliver, sen. of Clifton, yeoman, to Ralph Hirst of Sunley Cote, Co. York, Gent, John Midleton of Haxie, Gent, John Tireman of St Marygate, yeoman, and Thomas Tireman, his son, to the use of John Oliver, jnr, son of the said John Oliver, sen, and Isabel Prokter, his wife, remainder to the use of the heirs of their bodies, remainder to the use of John Oliver snr, and his heirs. A tenement, 2 closes and a barn in Clifton in the tenure of John Oliver, and formerly part of the property of Thomas Jackson, deceased. Endorsed. Livery of seisin. (Latin).


John Oliver of Clifton, yeoman, to John Edwardes alias Becke of Almonburle, gardener, (and Robert Northend of Clementhorp gardener, crossed through.). A house, a grass garth and Turner close in Clifton in the tenure of the said John Oliver. Conson. £6. Term. 21 years. Rent. £4. 10s p.a. (altered from £5). The lessee was to maintain the premises, to take garsell (fencing, brushwood) as necessary for maintaining the dikes, and to plant 50 pear and apple trees in the garth. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by John Edwards alias Beck.

Bargain and Sale

John Oliver of Clifton, yeoman and Isabell, his wife, to Sir William Robinson of Newby, kt. A messuage and 2 closes now used as one, in Clifton, formerly in the tenure of Thomas Jackson, deceased and now of John Edward of Clifton. Conson. £74. Signed and sealed by John Oliver and (with a mark) Isabel Oliver. Attached. Bond of John Oliver, in £140, for the performance of covenants.


Christopher Forde of Porestock (Powerstock), Dorset, yeoman, Isabel, his wife, and John Oliver of York, cordwainer, son of the said Isabel, to Sir William Robinson. Property as in CLY/1/8/7, now owned by Sir William Robinson. Signed and sealed (with marks) by Christopher Ford, Isabel Ford and John Oliver.

Copy lease by Letters Patent

Queen Elizabeth to Edward Yorke, Kt. Includes messuage, cottage and lands in Clifton, in the tenure of Edward Wrighte, formerly belonging to the chantry at the altar of St Saviour and St Anne in the metropolitan church of York, and part of the land and property leased to Milian Wrighte and Richard Wrighte by letters Patent, 22 July 1579, for 21 years at £4 p.a. rent. Also includes a messuage, garden and close in Bowthom in the suburbs of York, in the tenure of William Hill at 20s p.a. rent; a tenement, garden and 5 crofts in Clifton, part of the manor of Clifton, in the tenure of Rowland Tindall at 69s 1d p.a. rent. The aforesaid premises in Bowthome and Clifton, lately belonging to St Mary’s Abbey, were leased to Philip Turner and John Stevenson by Letters Patent, 5 May 1581, for 21 years at the several rents of 20s and 69s 1d p.a. A cottage, garden and 2 aces of land in Clifton in the tenure of James Ustache at an annual rent of 13s 4d, 2 hens and 20 eggs; 3 acres of arable land in Clifton in the tenure of John Boste at an annual rent of 6s.; 2 acres and a rood of land in Clifton in the tenure of Mrs Diatson at an annual rent of 5s; a cottage and 4 acres of land in Clifton in the tenure of Robert Makeblythe of an annual rent of 8s 11d, 2 hens, 20 eggs; a messuage, cottage and land in Clifton and an acre of land there, formerly in the tenure of John Cartwrite, and lately of John Herberte, of the yearly rent of 44s 9½d; all part of the manor of Clifton, formerly belonging to St Mary’s Abbey, and leased by Letters Patent, 26 June 1577, to Dorothy Welles for 21 years at the several annual rents of 13s 4d, 2 hens and 20 eggs, 6s 5d, (sic) 8s 11d, 2 hens and 20 eggs and 44s 9½d. In addition, relates to a cottage and garden in Clifton, formerly in the tenure of Mrs Ashley and now of Robert Wighte (sic), of an annual rent of 5s 6d, 2 hens and 20 eggs, and leased by Letters Patent, 28 Jan 1579, to Robert Wrighte for 21 years at an annual rent of 5s 6d, 2 hens and 20 eggs. Rents as in description of property. Paper, 17 sheets partially torn, (1st missing). Copy undated. Mid 17 century. (Latin).

Held by Wm Fairfax, Kt. The jurors affirmed on oath that Edw. Sandwyth had died seised of 2 cottages in Clifton, 10 acres of arable land and 1 acre of meadow there in Le Fetts (?), a small close in Clifton fields, 1 acre f meadow in Acam meadows, 10 acres of arable land in Clifton fields and a rood of land leading 'through le hall place', in the tenure of Thos. Kyddall, Widow Love, Agnes Sandwith, widow, and Robt Sandwith, bower. Thos Sandwith was the son and heir of Edw. Sandwyth and was therefore granted seisin. Marginal note: Fine for the land 23s. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by Oswald Metcalf.

Between Hy Newark, plaintiff and Wm Robinson, Esq., defendant. The King was formerly siezed in demesne as of fee of the Manor of Acombe alias Acom with appurtenances in Acombe, Howlgate, Bowthome, Clifton and Skelton. Certain of the lands and tenements were demisable by copy of Court Roll at a rent of £4 7s 7½d and were thus granted by Letters Patent of 19 June 10 James 1 (1612) to the plt. For 40 years. The dft. was seised of the manor of Clifton and was also possessed of all or most of the said premises of the manor of Acomb, which he had enclosed with other lands, removing the boundary stones, He refused to pay the rent of £4 7s 7½d. he had however paid 29s 2d as his share of that rent until 2 years ago, when he entered the property without surrender or admittance. The dft. replied that he was seized in fee of certain lands in Clifton but denied that rent was owed for any of them, He acknowledged, however, that he and his late father, Ald. Wm Robinson used to pay to the king 29s 2d p.a. as a free rent for certain lands in Clifton formerly belonging to the late Sir Wm Ingleby. He did not know for which lands this was paid, but it was not for any copyhold land. Only 29s 2d was in arrears and he was ready to pay this if the plt. could prove his right to it. It was ordered that the dft. should pay the plt. 29s 2d p.a. and also 20s costs. The court did not determine whether the land was freehold or copyhold.

John Robinson and John Wood, Lords of the Manor, granted to Wm Fairewethere a cottage in Clifton in the tenure of Wm Weaver, and forfeited by Cuthbert Sisson, Anne, his wife, John Mercer and Eleanor his wife. He paid a fine, did fealty and was admitted. (Latin)

Copy mortgage

Edmund Sandwyth of Fartheroppe, Co Linc., gent. to Wm Gooderricke and Robert Hodgson of Clilfton, both customary tenants of the manor of Acomb, to the use of Wm. Yole, a messuage, common of pasture and 21 acres of arable, pasture and meadow in the lordship of Clifton. To ensure the payment of £110 by Thos. Sandwith of Stainford to Wm Yole of Gartheroppe. Subscribed Wm Yole’s acknowledgement of receipt of £110, 24 May 1639.

Wm Williamson and Mary, his wife, John Adcocke and Eliz. his wife, surrendered to Wm Webb, Esq. Lord of the Manor, by the hands of Wm Goodricke an Robt Goodricke, 2 customary tenants, a cottage, house and garth in Clifton, ½ acre of arable land on Hobthrush Bed flatt, and ½ acre of arable land next to the double dyke, to the use of Metcalfe Robinson, Esq. He was granted seisin on paying 40s fine and performing fealty.

Held by Thos. Thomson, Gent., steward to William Webb, Esq., Lord of the Manor. The homage declared that Sir Wm Robinson, Kt., died seised of 2 cottages and 20 acres of arable land and ½ acre in the Fettees, a little close containing a rood leading by the hallplace, formerly the lands of Edmond Sandwith and his wife, 1 acre of meadow in the Ings. ½ acre of land in the Riddlands, ½ acre in the Tofts, 1 rood in the Long Wandleys, and 1 rood on the Short Wandleys, all in Clifton; 3 roods of arable land called Marshall Butts, 1 rood of arable land between the ways near the Cross in Clifton; and 1 acre of meadow in Acomb Ings called Clifton Acre. Metcalfe Robinson, Esq. was the son and heir of Sir Wm Robinson. He was granted seisin, paid £40 fine and received a copy in the name of Hy Newarke. Parchment.

The homage declared that John Lambert, late of Strensall, Gent, had surrendered a cottage in Clifton to Hy Newarke, Lord of the Manor, to the use of Metcalfe Robinson of Rocliffe, Kt., and Bart. The latter sought admission to the premises and was granted seisin after doing fealty and paying £6 fine. (Latin)

CLY/2/1/32 · Unidad documental simple · 30 June 1738
Parte de Robinson Family: deeds and papers of former estates at Clifton, Rawcliffe, Newby, Rainton and York

Held before Edw. Wilkinson, Gent, steward to Hy Masterman, Esq. Admission of Sir Tancred Robinson of Newby, Bart. to the lands and tenements held by the late Sir Wm. Robinson, his father, viz- 2 cottages and 20 acres of arable land, ½ acre in the Fettes and a close containing 1 rood leading by the Hall Place of Clifton, formerly the lands and tenements of Edmund Sandwith and Francis, his wife; 1 acre of meadow in the Ings at Clifton, ½ land in the Rid Lands, ½ acre on the Tofts, 1 rood on land Wandles, and 1 rood on Short Wandles, a total of 2½ acres in Clifton Fields, formerly the lands of Philip Ash and John Oliver; 3 roods called Marshall Butts, 1 rood between the ways near the Cross in Clifton and 1 acre of meadow in Acomb Ings called Clifton Acre, ½ in the Wet Lands, and 1 rood on the Wranglands north of Sandwith’s, formerly the lands of Margery and Leonard Weddall; a cottage and garth in Clifton, ½ acre on Hob Thrush Bed Flatt, ½ acre next to the Double Dykes, formerly belonging to Wm Williamson and Mary, his wife, John Adcock and Elizabeth his wife; a cottage, barn and garden in Clifton formerly of John Lambert. Sir Wm Robinson’s eldest son and heir, Sir Metcalfe Robinson had died without issue after his father, but before he could be admitted. Fine. £50. Endorsed Clifton, 4 cottages and 26 acres. Acomb 1 acre.

CLY/2/2/17 · Unidad documental simple · 26 March 1627
Parte de Robinson Family: deeds and papers of former estates at Clifton, Rawcliffe, Newby, Rainton and York

William Robinson, Esq, to Ralph Hirst and Wm Redman, Gent, the manors of Raynton, Newby, Norton (le Clay) and Aldfield and lands in Asenby, Cundall and ……. (blank). The feoffees to be seised of the lands after the levying of a fine until a recovery should be suffered against them, after which the properties were to be held to the use of Wm Robinson.


Between (1) Dame Frances Harrison and Thos. Harrison, Esq, her son and heir, with (2) Ald. Wm Robinson and Wm. Robinson, his son and heir, with the mediation of Sir Thos. Bellasis, Kt and Bart., Sir Richard Darley, Kt, Wm. Dalton, Esq, His Majesty’s Attorney before His Highness and the Council in the North and Ric. Osbaldeston, Esq. Councellor at Law, to convey the premises to Wm Robinson, Sen, for life, remainder to Wm Robinson, Jun in fee.

Deed to Declare the uses of a Recovery

Sir Metcalfe declares the uses of the recovery (see above) to be to himself and the heirs male of his body, remainder to his brother, Thos Robinson, Esq. for the life, remainder to Wm. (1st son of Thos.) remainder to the 1st son of the said Wm. and the heirs male of such 1st son, with remainders over to the 7th and every other son of the said Wm Robinson the eldest and his heirs male preferred before the youngest with the like remainder over to Tankred Robinson, 2nd son of Thos Robinson, for life and to his heirs male etc, remainder to the right heirs of the said Sir Metcalfe Robinson for ever. Proviso that Sir Metcalfe Robinson could at any time revoke or alter the deed and lease the premises with or without reservation of the rents.

Feoffments to Uses

Sir Wm Robinson and Metcalfe Robinson on Sir Wm Darcy, Kt., Conyers Darcy Esq. Sir Thos. Harrison and Wm Weddell, Esq., to the use of Metcalfe Robinson and Margaret Darcy, his intended wife, for life, remainder to their heirs male, remainder to the heirs male of Metcalfe by any other wife, remainder to the heirs male of Sir Wm Robinson, remainder to the heirs of Sir Metcalfe Robinson for ever.

Receipt for a Feudal Aid

Of 7 s. (paid for 2 carucates, a toft and 3 acres of land in Newby and 3 acres of land in Astenbie (Aisenby(held by Sir Wm Robinson, kt, by the 6-th part of a knight’s fee) for the knighting of the Lord Percy and the marriage of Lady Dorothy, eldest daughter of Henry, late Earl of Northumberland.

Feoffment enrolled in Chancery

Sir John Dawnay to Ald. Wm Robinson, the manor of Newby. Conson. £1500. John Dawnay covenanted that he and Thos. Dawnay would within 2 years convey to Richard Staveley, Thos. Bell, and Lancelot Burnet to the use of them the said John and Thos. By fine or recovery, the manor of Elnedmer alias Eldmer (Eldmire) near Topcliffe and all messuages in Elnedment and Crakall (Crake Hall).