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John Dixon, Jane his wife, and Millicent Wright, to Margery Goodricke, 2½ acres (overwritten as 3½) in Fosse Field, Clifton, (as in CLY/1/12/4). Appointment of William Goodricke, sen. and William Goodricke, jun. of Clifton, as attorneys to deliver seisin. Signed (with marks) and sealed by the feoffors. Endorsed. Livery of seisin, 24 Aug 1624.

Bargain and Sale

John Dixon of Scotton, labourer, Jane his wife and Millicent Wright of Clyfton, spinster, (the said Jane and Millicent being sisters and co-heiresses of Richard Wright, late of Clifton, deceased) to Margery Goodryck of Clifton, daughter of Thomas Goodryck, deceased. 2½ acres of arable land formerly in the tenure of Thomas Goodryck, and now of Margery, in one of the fields of Clifton called Fosse Field near Fosse Field gate, containing four lands, viz, 3 broad lands and a narrow land, lying between the lands of William Robinson on the north and those of William Goodrycke, jun, on the south and abutting on the white cross on the east and a headland near Fosse Field gate on the west. Conson, £20. Signed (with marks) and sealed by John Dixson, Jane Dixon and Millicent Wright.


Robert Metham of Clyfton, Gent, to Thomas Gotherike of Clyfton. A croft in Clifton of an annual rent of 6d, containing ½ acre near James Hutchinson’s croft on the north and a croft in the tenure of John Wells on the south and in the west part, abutting on the Mylne Field on the east part and a small way on the west part; one acre of land worth 12d p.a. in the Town End Fields of Clifton, situated near William Robinson’s land. On both parts abutting on the Tofts on the west and a milestone on the north; and one acre of land in Foss Field of an annual rent of 12d. near the White Crosson the north part and the lands of Robert Weddell on the south and abutting on the highway on both parts. All the property was part of the manor of Acom and Holegate, part of the possessions of Edward late Duke of Somerset exchanged, and lately in the occupation of Thomas Gothericke. Conson. £20. Term. 57 years. Rent. 2s 6d p.a.

Foot of fine

Levied between William Robinson, and Thomas Johnson, plaintiffs and John Burton and Jane his wife, Richard Burton, and Elizabeth his wife, Joseph Burton and Mary his wife, and Jonathan Burton and Mary, his wife, defendants. Concerning a messuage and 10 acres of land in Heslington and Clifton. Fine £60 (Latin).


Robert Metham of York, to William Robinson, Alderman. One acre of land in Luscon Carr, ½ acre in the Yngs Ends, ½ acre in Almes House Close or Longe Laires, ½ acre in the Town End Field near the New Close End between the lands of William Robinson on the east and west ½ acre in the Town End Field upon the Longe Waite lands between the lands of William Robinson on the east and west and ½ acre in the Ladie Milnefield upon the More Brottes between the lands formerly of Leonard Weddell on the south and those of William Robinson to the north. Robert Metham was to continue to hold one rood of land in the Lang Wandels in Clifton between the lands of William Robinson on the north and south sides, and ½ acre in the Milnefield near the Anbrie Garth. Signed and sealed by Robert Metham.

Bargain and Sale

Henry Best and John Wotton to Christopher Thorneton of Oswoldekirke, Co. York Gent. A farm house at the east end of Clifton, a croft and 35 acres of arable land and meadow in Clifton fields in the tenure of Thos. Smithson at £3 p.a. rent, being part of a former chantry. The property was leased to George Appleby, Gent, for 21 years at 60s p.a. rent by Letters Patent dated 17 June 1590, and granted to Henry Best and John Wotton as CLY/1/11/2. Reservation of the advowsons. To be held by common socage as of the Royal manor of East Grenewich. Conson; unspecified. Signed and sealed by Henry Best and John Wotton. Endorsed enrolled in chancery, 3 Nov 1601. (Latin).

Copy letters patent

Queen Elizabeth to Henry Best and John Wotton of London, Gents, among other premises (unspecified), a dwelling house or farm at the east end of Clifton, a croft and 35 acres of arable land and meadow in the tenure of Thomas Smithson, part of the lands of the former chantry and granted by Letters Patent, 17 June 1590 to George Applebye, gent, for 21 years at 60s p.a. rent. To be held by common socage as of the manor of East Greenwich. Rent. £7 19s 4d p.a. for the premises in Thyrne and Beverley, and 53s 4d for the messuage or ‘le grange place’ called Freerhowse. Conson. £1253 11s 10d. Subscribed. By writ of privy seal. Paper. 7 pages. (Latin)

Copy Lease of King (Philip ?) and Queen (Mary ?)

Firstly, to Thomas Smythson, the present tenant. (details of property now lost). Term 21 years. Rent £3 to the said Uldred and 2s to the heir of Robert Fons. Secondly, to Thomas Smythson jnr, a farm at the east end of Clifton and 35 acres in Clifton fields. Term 26 years. Rent 60s. p.a. Conson. £9. 6s. Signed by Edward Hastings and others. Paper. 10 sheets, the 1st of them missing. (Latin)

Bargain and Sale

Robert Seymer and William Blake, to William Robinson, alderman, of York. The manor of Clifton with appurtenances as granted to Richard Swayne and Richard Ryves by Letters Patent, 1 Aug 1600 and by them bargained and sold to Robert Seymer, 19 Feb 1605.6. (see CLY/1/10/4) reserving to the Crown all advowsons and £7. 7s p.a. rent from 49 acres of land belonging to the manor: to be held by common socage as of the royal manor of East Greenwich. Rent. £39 18s 5d p.a. to the crown. Signed and sealed by Robert Seymer and William Blake. Endorsed. Enrolled in Chancery 28 Feb. 1605/06.

Bargain and Sale

Richard Swayne to Robert Seymer of Stoke Wayke, Dorset, Gent and William Blake, vintner, of London, the manor of Clifton, Acton alias Ayon Close in Clifton, and the profits of the manor court as granted to Richard Swayne and Richard Ryves by Letters Patent, 1 Aug 1600 (see CLY/1/10/2). Rent. £39 18s 5d p.a. to the Crown. Conson. Unspecified. Signed and sealed by Richard Swayne and Richard Ryves. Endorsed. Enrolled in Chancery.

Abstract of Letters Patent

To Richard Swaine and Richard Ryves. The manor of Clifton, Ayon alias Acton Close in Clifton, the profits of the manor courts and both moieties of a tenement and ruined water-mill in Skeby; reserving to the crown all advowsons and £7. 7s p.a. rent from 49 acres of meadow lately belonging to the manor of Clifton. (as in CLY/1/10/2) but omitting the recital of previous Letters Patent). Rent. £39 18s 5d p.a. Conson. £148 12s 6d (sic). Paper. 3 sheets, 1 defective. (English).


Sir Edward Yorke of Rippon, Kt., to John Wells of Clifton, yeoman, the remainder of a term of years in 2 messuages, cottages and an acre of land and appurtenances in Clifton, leased to him by Letters Patent, 21 May 1593 viz: a messuage in Clifton in the tenure of Robert Wrighte; a messuage, cottage, and an acre of land in Clifton, formerly in the tenure of John Cartwrighte, then of John Harbarte, and leased to Dorothy Wells; and a cottage and garden in Clifton, formerly in the tenure of Mrs Ashbie and then of Robert Wrighte. Term and rents as detailed in CLY/1/9/1 Edward Yorke had assigned the property to William Robinson of York, Alderman, 9 Jan 1594, who re-assigned it to him the following day. Signed and sealed, (seal missing) by Edward Yorke. Endorsed John Welles’s covenant to pay Edward Yorke, £120 15s 2d.

Covenant to stand seised

John Dobson, senior of Clementhorpe, gent, to John Northe and Thomas Standevyn of York, gents, to the use of John Dobson, and Elizabeth his wife, remain der to the use of John Dobson, their son, and the heirs of his body, remainder to the use of Henry Dobson, another son, and the heirs of Edmund Dobson, a third son, and his heirs. 19 acres of arable land and 3 acres of meadow in Clyfton, which he had by the feoffment of William Thompson and Thomas Thompson, as in CLY/1/1/6, a messuage in Nedylergate, York, in the tenure of James Wylkynson, girdler, situated in width between the tenement belonging to the former chantry in St Crux Church and the tenement of Paul Atkyreke, and extending in length from the street in front to the King’s ditch behind. And a tenement, garden and dove-cot in St Lawrence’s parish without Walmegate Bar, which he had from John Seller, miller, and Margaret, his wife, by a deed, date 3 Dec 1545. Appointment of John Edmondson and Ric. Aneley of York as attorneys to deliver seisin. Signed and sealed by John Northe and Thomas Standeven. Endorsement: Livery of Seisin, 6 July 1551 (Latin). Memo. (in English) that seisin was not delivered of the lands in Clifton, only of the property in York, in the name of all the lands. So Henry Dobson, son and heir of John Dobson, entered the land in Clifton, and later sold it to John Redeman, who sold it to John Grene. (see CLY/1/1/10-15).

Bargain and Sale

William Thompson of Over Poppleton, husbandman, and Thomas Thomson, his son and heir, to John Dobson of York, butcher. 19½ acres of arable land and 3 acres of meadow in Clyfton, formerly belonging to Jennett Cotes, (or Cootes), widow, deceased. A bond of Statute Merchant in £100 to be void on the performance of covenants. Conson. £40. Signed and sealed (seals missing) by William and Thomas Thompson.


John Dobson, butcher, Sheriff of York, and Margaret his wife, to Robert. Newton of Clyfton, husbandman. Relates to 2½ acres of arable land and meadow in Clyfton and Roeclyff – 4 acres of arable land and 5 roods of meadow in the tenure of Robert Plumpton of Clyfton, 4 acres and a rood of arable land in the tenure of Jenkyng Cootts of Clyfton, and 3 acres of meadow in the tenure of Thomas Wilson, husbandman. Term: 21 years. Rent: 34s 1d p.a.

Feoffment to uses

Joan Cotes, and Wm Lyghtfote, to Thomas Vavasour, gent, George Gill, William Thomson and John Plewman, to the use of Joan Cotes for life, remainder to the use of Thomas Thomson son of William Thomson, and the heirs of his body, or, if the said Thomas Thomson should become a priest, to the use of John Thomson, son of William Thomson and the heirs of his body, remainder to Agnes and Grace Thomson, daughters of William Thomson, and their heirs. Property as in CLY/1/1/1. Appointment of John Symson, clerk, as attorney to deliver seisin. Endorsement: Thomas, John, Agnes or Grace Thomson and their heirs to make an annual obit in the church of St Nicholas in Mikylgate, for the soul of the said Jenatt (sic) Cotes, her husband, parents and benefactors, of an annual value of 3s 4d – 9d to the parish priest for mass, dirige, wax and offering 6d to the parish clerk for dirige and mass, 12d to 3 priests at the dirige, and the remainder to be distributed among the children and poor. (Latin. Endorsement in English).

Grant of rent charge

Sir William Robinson to Margery Weddell. An annuity of £43 consequent upon her surrender of a messuage in Clifton, Pepper Mylne Close and lands near the tile pits, part of the manor of Clifton leased to her by Letters Patent, 10 July 1590, at an annual rent of £4. 5s. 7d. The reversion of the messuage and lands had been purchased from the crown by Sir William Robinson. Signed and sealed (with a mark) by Margery Weddell.


Of lands in the lordship of Clifton belonging to Leonard Weddell – a detailed description of lands in Townend Field, Clifton Broken Mill Field, Fosse Field and the Layers, including Pepper Mill Flat, Clifton Ladie Mill Field and meadow in Clifton Ings, containing in all 53 acres, 11 poles. Surveyed by William Mason.

Bargain and Sale

Margery Weddell of Earswicke, widow, and Leonard Weddell of the same, gent, to Sir William Robinson of Newby, Co, York, Kt. 18½ acres of arable land, 4½ acres of meadow and one headland in the upper bottoms in Clifton containing ½ acre; part of a meadow in Clifton Ings containing 1 acre; another headland in the Laires containing ½ acre; and a piece of ground in the Tofts containing ½ acre, a piece of ground containing one rood in the said Tofts, all in Clifton and lately in the tenure of Margery Weddell or Leonard Weddell. Attached. Appointment of William Weddell of Earswicke, gent, and Philip Eshe of York, gent. as attornies to deliver siesing. Signed and sealed by Margery Weddell (with a mark) and Leonard Weddell. Endorsed witnesses to livery of seisin.

Certified copy of a decree of the Council of the North

On the case between Leonard Weddell of Cliftonne, plaintiff and John Gawthropp and Richard Fall of York, defendants, concerning the pasturage of sheep on Paney alias Paneley Crofts. The defendants, pasture master of Bowthom Ward, on 16 Nov. 1591 had impounded 96 sheep worth £24 belonging to the plaintiff and pasturing on Paneley Crofts. They claimed that the inhabitants of Bowthom Ward had had pasture rights there from time immemorial. The plaintiff alleged that he possessed by royal grant a tenement and Pepper Mylne Close in Clifton and by right thereof had pasturage in Paneley Crofts which he said were part of the manor of Clifton. It was established on enquiry by the Lord President and Council that Paneley Crofts were part of the manor of Clifton and that both had previously belonged to St Mary’s Abbey. They had passed to the Crown on the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Tenants of the manor of Clifton had the right of common pasture on Paneley Crofts. Judgement was given against the defendants and they were ordered to pay to the plaintiff 4d and 53s 4d costs. Signed and sealed by Ra Rokebye, 16 Aug 1593. Wafer seal.

Expemplification of a fine

Fine levied (Michaelmas Term 1585) between Leonard Weddell, plaintiff and William Inglebye, Esq, defendant. Concerning a messuage, two tofts, a garden, an orchard, 30 acres of land, five acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture and common pasture in Clifton and in the forest of Gawtres. Fine £40. Seal missing.


William Harryngton to Leonard Weddell. 18½ acres of arable land and 4½ acres of meadow in Clifton, (as in CLY/1/1/19 and CLY/1/1/23). Appointment of James Mudde and John Harberte, yeoman, as attorneys to deliver seisin. Conson £74. Signed and sealed by William Haryngton. Endorsed Livery of seisin, 14 Mar 1582. Attached: Bond of William Harrington, in £80, for performance of covenants. (Latin)

Bargain and Sale

John Blithman of Munckebreton, (Monk Bretton), County of York, Gent and Margaret his wife, to William Harrington of York, gent. 18½ acres of arable land and 4½ acres of meadow in Clifton, formerly the land of John Dobson of York, deceased and afterwards of Henry Dobson of York, then of John Readman lately of John Grene, father of the said Margaret, and now in the several tenures of Thomas Burton, Henry Grainger and James Cottrall. The lands passed to John Blithman and Margaret on the death of John Grene her father. (save for the rights of Joan Hall, her mother, widow of John Grene, for the term of her life). Signed and sealed by John Blithman and (with a cross) Margaret Blithman. Conson. Unspecified. Endorsed. Livery of seisin, 15 Dec 1581. (Latin)

Bargain and Sale

John Readman to John Grene. 19½ acres of arable land and 3 acres of meadow in Clifton, formerly of Joan Cotes, widow, deceased, then of John Dobson and lately of Henry Dobson, and in the several tenures of Hugh Burton and Robert Newton. John Readman obtained the lands from Henry Dobson, as in CLY/1/1/10. Consideration: £40. Seal on tag. Endorsed Livery of seisin, 5 June 1555 (Latin).

Bargain and Sale

Henry Dobson of Clementhorpe, yeoman, son and heir of John Dobson, deceased to John Redeman of Gate Fulforde, deceased to John Redeman of Gate Fulforde, gent. Relating to 19½ acres of arable land and 3 acres of meadow in Clyfton, in the several tenures of Hugh Burdon and Robert Newtonn, formerly belonging to Jenet Cotes and then to John Dobson. Henry Dobson covenants to make a sure estate in fee simple with warranty against him and his heirs, Anne, his wife, Elizabeth Hedon, wife of the late John Dobson, and John Dobson, jnr. and their heirs. consideration: £40. Signed and sealed by Henry Dobson.

Bargain and Sale

Anthony Eltofts of Byngley, Esq. to Joan Cotes of York, widow, and William Lyghtfote of York, chaplain. 28½ acres of arable land in Clyfton, 19 acres being in the tenure of Thomas Lambe, husbandman, and 9½ acres in the tenure of Robert Burton, husbandman, 3½ acres and ½ rood of meadow in Clyfton in the tenure of the said Joan Cotes and Thomas Lambe; ½ a tenement in Clifton in the tenure of Robert Clerke, weaver; ½ of another tenement in the tenure of George Esengwalde, labourer, and ½ a cottage in the tenure of William Smyth, labourer. Clause barring all claims of Maud Eltofts, wife of Anthony. Conson: £60. Seal on tag.