Contains three printed rule books for the society (part 1 - Voluntary Section), dated 1912 and 1931. One edition included printed amendments to the rules. Also includes printed and signed rule amendment sheets, and a letter from the Registry of Friendly Societies concerning the amendment of society rules.
Two printed copies. One copy has been signed by Almyra Gray, Senior Stewardess and other members and is stamped as having been endorsed in 1912.
Two typed copies.
A printed copy of the The Friendly Societies Act, 1896, revised 1908
A printed copy of The Model Rules for Friendly Society as set out under the 1908 act
A previous version of the model rules
Correspondence between Almyra Gray, Senior Stewardess, and the Registry of Friendly Societies relating to rule amendments
Drafts for partial amendment of the rules, 1909, 1910.
Also includes a carbon copy of the handwritten Revenue Accounts for the Annuity Fund, 1909-1910, which has been inserted into the pamphlet.
Printed copy of revised rules with handwritten annotations.
Certified transcript of the rules as amended in 1832, signed by the Clerk of the Corporation of the City of York.
Printed paper poster copy of the society rules, as amended in 1807 to commence 1 January 1808.
This copy possibly belonged to a member, who has written 'Mary Bodcock aged 14 year, November 11th 1827' on the back of the poster, along with the dates that the quarterly fees were due.
Formal parchment/vellum presentation copy of the society rules, as amended in 1807 and enrolled at the Quarter Sessions, 3 May 1808.
Three copies of the printed booklet.
Printed pamphlets containing details of the amendments,
Printed booklet.
Contains written rules and orders for the governance of the society as constituted in 1788, and a revised set of rules and orders agreed in 1807. Each set of rules and orders is followed by the sigantures of honorary and general members. Volume was probably kept by the Senior Stewardess.
Formal and draft copies of the rules and orders of the society, as originally formulated in 1788 and as amended thereafter. Also includes a list of optional benefits for members, and a copy of the rules of the York Friendly Societies' Medical Association.
Printed report, including a balance sheet
Pamphlet outlining changes made to the management of the society following the report.
REMOVE SOME DUPLICATED. Six copies of the pamphlet produced by Almyra Gray concerning the history, rules, and adminstration of thw York Female Friendly Society.
Edition of the magazine.
Four copies of a flyer outlining the benefits of the society, and admonishing those who give up membership in favour of buying luxuries.
Two monochrome photographs and 10 colour photographs of the final members at the meeting, and with the society's banner, and a circular letter notifying former members that the meeting is to be the last meeting.
Includes a monochrome photograph showing the process in May 1976, with the names of those involved in the procession, and a colour photograph showing a birthday cake for the society.
Contains monochrome and colour photographs of society events and meetings, with newscuttings, documents, and photocopies of documents relating to the society's history. Includes information about the closing of the society in 1976 and subsequent annual meetings. Also includes some correspondence.
Three monochome photographic prints showing:
Edwin Gray and Almrya Gray with their daughter Faith [Helen Faith] Gray, c1895
Alymra Gray dressed in costume, c1890s
Helen Faith Gardener, only child of Edwin Gray and Almyra Gray, at Folkestone, 1910
Letter from the City Librarian, with a list prepared by the archivist.
Contains two letters: one from the Registry of Friendly Societies relating to the society's registration number; and one from St William's College relating to the renting of a room.
An edition of the Yorkshire Herald from 4 March 1912 containing a report on the society's annual meeting and on the effect of the Insurance Act
Newscutting from 1921 containing a report of the society's annual meeting
Letter, with typed information.
Papers created and compiled by Moyra Johnson, including newscuttings, a photograph of the final procession of the society and articles relating to the history of the society. Includes a copy of the 1902 pamphlet by Almyra Gray, 'A Women's Friendly Society' which has additional commentary attached by Moyra Johnson.
Court case concerning trusts and annuities in the will of Susanna Dudley late of Acomb. Includes Minutes of Order on Summons outlining the court judgement and a copy of an affadivid made by Almyra Gray, Senior Stewardess.
Includes christmas cards and letters of thanks sent to Miss Sylvia Gray and Mrs Moyra Johnson in thanks for the christmas cards and gift of £1 sent to remaining members. Also includes a number of christmas cards returned because the members had passed away. Four of these cards contain a one pound note. Also includes letters outlining that the 1983 payment will be the final payment to members from the remaining funds, and some letters about the final meeting of members in 1984.
Correspondence between Sylvia Gray and Moyra Johnson, with associated notes, receipts, and papers, relating to the administration of the remaining members and funds of the society after its closure in 1977. Includes lists of members with personal information and annotations noting changes of address and death of members.
Also includes a note from the Archive service noting the deposit of some records.
Correspondence with members concerning attendence at meetings, changes of address, and other administrative issues.
Includes two notes: a note of thanks to Mr Markham for his sermon, sent after the procession, 16 May; and a note of thanks to Mr Camidge for playing the organ at the Minster, during the Society’s procession, sent 17 May.
Printed circular letters.
Principally concerning the closing of the society, including a circular letter to members about the dissolution 1975, a list of final payments due to members at disslution, lists of members, and other associated correspondence and papers. Also includes an annual report and balance sheet for account for 1975.
Correspondence with members concerning attendance at meetings, thanks for christmas cards, and other society administration including the closing of the society in 1977.
Includes christmas cards and letters of thanks sent to Miss Sylvia Gray and Mrs Moyra Johnson in thanks for christmas cards sent to members. Also includes some correspondence with members about attendence at society meetings.
Correspondence with members relating to society business, the dissolution of the society, and attendance at the AGM.
Printed invite cards to society meetings, including those relating to the dissolution of the society.
Correspondence and associated papers relating to the administration of the society, including that relating to insurance, the management of funds, and the management of and payments to members.
Also includes photocopies of articles and a typed article. Also includes a handwritten article about the death of Sylvia Gray.
Correspondence and associated papers relating to the administration of the society, including that relating to insurance, the management of funds, and payments to members. Also includes a list of pension recipients in 1973, and a rought copy of a meeting agenda and minutes, 1973. Includes some letters from 1970 and 1974.
Green, red, and white ribbons and rossettes worn by members at annual processions.
Contains a society name placque and ribbons to be worn at annual processions.
Contains memoranda and minutes relating to the administration of the fund.
Includes three loose papers: a printed address 'To the younger members of the Female Friendly Society' outlining the benefits of membership and criticising those who give up membership in favour of buying new clothes; a letter from William Gray concering the private fund; and a cartified copy of a married from the State of Iowa, between William Hawes and Ann Fewster, 1877.
Memoranda relating to administrative matters, membership, and the payment of sick benefits, including lists of those in receipt of these benefits. Inlcludes a list of books kept by the Senior Stewardess (p.24) and, in reverse, an abstract of the Friendly Society Act, 1793.
Informal handwritten minutes of meetings held, with associated notes and memoranda, including those relating to funds and payments. Also incudes some loose associated papers, including correspondence relating to options for the winding up of the organisation.
Informal handwritten minutes of meetings held, with associated notes and memoranda, including those relating to funds and payments. Also incudes some loose associated papers, including correspondence relating to options for the winding up of the organisation.
Two exercise books containing rough notes, memoranda, and draft agenda and minutes relating to the administration of the society.
Includes minutes of committee of management meetings, and of other special meetings and related section meetings. Includes some minutes of the voluntary section meetings where this related to the work of the compulsory section.
Also includes printed annual reports of the Insurance Section, associated correspondence, some tickets for annual meetings, a copy of 'Model Rules for an Approved Society', and some news cuttings.
Minutes of committee meetings of the Compulsory Section, which was established following the passing of the National Insurance Act of 1911 which introduced compulsory health insurance for workers. The 'Compulsory section' was established to deal with members who qualified for the national scheme to allow the society to administer these benefits to them. The society became an Approved Society for the purposes of this administration.
Contains: minutes of meetings of the Committee of Management, with associated correspondence, balance sheets, papers relating to annual meetings, and some newscuttings. Includes newscuttings relating to the closing of the society in 1977, and a photograph and paper relating to the final meeting in 1984.
Contains: minutes of meetings; balance sheets for revenue and for General, Private and Annuity Funds; news cuttings containing reports of annual meetings of the society; printed annual reports; printed annual Accounts; leaflets for annual gatherings; and some associated correspondence.
Minutes of meetings of the Committee of Management, with associated papers.
Junior Stewardess's book. Includes some balance sheets relating to the General Fund, Annuity Fund, and Private Fund.
Junior Stewardess's book, marked as volume no. 2. Includes orders, rules, memoranda, and minutes of meetings held. This volume is described as a copy of the Senior Stewardesses book, however it is not clear whether this is a direct copy or whether information differs.
Towards the back of the volume two registers are included:
Donations to the Annuity Fund Instituted 1800
List of General Members
An index to the volume is also included at the back of the volume.
Volumes containing minutes of meetings, memoranda, and other notices realting to the organisation of the society, including the management of finances and the society's vairous funds.
These volumes are copies of those kept by the Senior Stewardess, however some information may differ.
Senior Stewardess's book. Includes some balance sheets for revenue and for various funds icluding the General Fund, the Private Fund, and the Annuity Fund.
Senior Stewardess's book, marked as volume no. 1. Includes orders, rules, memoranda, and minutes of meetings held. Also includes a list at the start of the volume outlining the history and development of the society since 1786.
Towards the back of the volume two registers are included:
Donations to the Annuity Fund Instituted 1800
List of General Members
A note about the centenary festival planned for 1888.
An index to the volume is also included at the start of the volume.
Volumes containing minutes of meetings, memoranda, and other notices realting to the organisation of the society, including the management of finances and the society's vairous funds.
Contains volumes of minutes, memoranda and other associated papers realting to the administration and organisation of the society. Early minute books in particular also include information about the management of the society finances and funds.
Typed list with annotations. Information foir each member includes a membership number, name, address, and date of birth.
Includes: a letters from the society concerning the payment of subcriptions as lump sum; a circular letter containing instructions to members; a printed copy of the rules of the York Female Friendly Society; a membership subscription payment card; and a receipt for the payment of twelve shillings and sixpence.
Includes: membership subscription payment cards: a pension payment receipt slip and a blank pension payment receipt card; pension payment summary cards; a blank slip for the claiming of sickness benefits; and a circular letter to members relating to the retirment of Miss Sanderson.
Personal papers from individual members, including payment cards and reciepts, membership subscription cards, correspondence, and other papers.
Also includes a list of committee members at the front of the volume.
Column headings for each entry of general members include: name of member, rates of subscription paid per quarter each year, address, year of entry, age at entry, free and annuitant, Grey Coat, and Remarks (Deaths, marriages, exclusions).
Also includes a list of committee members at the front of the volume.
Column headings for each entry of general members include: name of member, rates of subscription paid per quarter each year, address, year of entry, age at entry, free and annuitant, Grey Coat, and Remarks (Deaths, marriages, exclusions).
Also includes a list of Honorary members at the front of the volume.
Column headings for each entry of general members include: name of member, rates of subscription paid per quarter each year, address, year of entry, age at entry, free and annuitant, Grey Coat, and Remarks (Deaths, marriages, exclusions).
Also includes a list of Honorary members at the front of the volume.
Column headings for each entry of general members include: name of member, rates of subscription paid per quarter each year, address, year of entry, age at entry, free and annuitant, Grey Coat, and Remarks (Deaths, marriages, exclusions).
Also includes a list of Honorary members at the front of the volume. Labelled as (Voluntary Section) on the outside of the volume.
Column headings for each entry of general members include: name of member, rates of subscription paid per quarter each year, address, year of entry, age at entry, free and annuitant, Grey Coat, and Remarks (Deaths, marriages, exclusions).
Also includes two additional lists at the start of the volume: a subscriptions register for honorary members, and a list of officers inlcuding the names of the Senior Stewardess, the Junior Stewardesses, the Clerk, and the Trustees.
Column headings for each entry of general members include: name of member, rates of subscription paid per quarter each year, address, year of entry, age at entry, free and annuitant, Grey Coat, and Remarks (Deaths, marriages, exclusions).
Subscription Register of General Members, 1885-1894. Includes a subscription register at the start of the volume showing the name of the member, rates of subscription payments, and remarks.
Column headings for 1885-1892: name of member, rates of subscription paid per quarter each year and remarks.
Columne headings for 1893-1894: name of member, rates of subscription paid per quarter each year, address, year of entry, age at entry, free and annuitant, Grey Coat, and Remarks (Deaths, marriages, exclusions).
Column headings for each entry of general members include: name of member, rates of subscription paid per quarter each year and remarks.
Register showing personal information about members, and recording their regular subscription payments. Registers after 1912 do not include compulsory section members.
The front of the volume is labelled 'Annuity Fund, Junior Trustee, No. 3'.
Many pages have been removed from the back of the volume.
The front of the volume is labelled 'Annuity Fund, Senior Trustee, No. 2'.
The front of the volume is labelled 'Annuity Fund, Senior Stewardess, No. 1'.
Includes loose sheets at the back of the volume:
A printed pamphlet 'Better than Bread', c late 19th century
A handwritten note on various members' eligability for payments, c late 19th century
A list of some members showing address and age, c late 19th century
Lists of membership information listing member deaths, withdrawals, marriages, new members, and exclusions, c 1910s-1920
Three copies of the Register of General Members of the Annuity Fund, labelled Senior Stewardess no.1, Senior Trustee no.2, and Junior Trustee no.3. Although these registers are copies of one another, the information included for each member may not be an exact duplicate and therefore unique information may be included in each register.
Column headings included in each register: Time of admission; name; from what school; age; by what member reccommended; married and when; to whom married; became a widow; withdrawn and when; expelled and when; re-admitted and when; dead and when.
Column headings for each entry include: [date]; Name; Age; Parents; G.C. [Grey Coat]; Home Address; Occupation; Remarks; Attestation of Honorary Member.
Leather volume lablled no.2.
Columns headings in the regsiter: Year, month, and day of admission; name of the candidate; attestation of the honorary member who proposed the candidate for admission; name of the member; age; parentage; entry into the school; other circumstances which may tend to identify the members or person at a distant time; attestation of two members of the committee.
Many entries include later notes and edits relating to changes of circumstances for the members.
Leather volume lablled no.1.
Columns headings in the regsiter: Year, month, and day of admission; name of the candidate; attestation of the honorary member who proposed the candidate for admission; name of the member; age; parentage; entry into the school; other circumstances which may tend to identify the members or person at a distant time; attestation of two members of the committee.
Many entries include later notes and edits relating to changes of circumstances for the members.
Also includes two copies of reports on General and Private Funds, 1808.
Running registers of members of the society showing personal information about the candidates and their membership. Admissions registers no. 2 appears to be a copy admission register no.1, however the information included for each member is not an exact duplicate and therefore unique information is included in each register. It is likely that admission register no.1 was kept and maintained by the Senior Stewardess, while admission register no. 2 was kept and maintained by the Junior Stewardess.
Includes membership admission books, Annuity Fund membership registers, member's subscription registers, records from individual members, and a list of members before the dissolution of the society. Many of the registers include personal information about the members, including the names, date of birth, parentage, school attended, address, and subsequent changes in circumstances such as marriage.
Includes bank statements, payment slips, a checque book containing stubs showing payments made, and receipts.
Insurance policy drawn up for cover lasting December 1974 to February 1975.
Showing account balances and expenses for the society at 31 December 1973.
Seven cheque books containing stubs showing payments made, and one unused cheque book.
Also includes some cheques.
One cheque book showing payments made and one unused cheque book.
Three small account book showing deposits and withdrawals with the Trustee Savings Bank (TSB) and the York County Savings Bank. Also includes a letter requesting the account to be closed.
Debit and credit cash book showing general administrative expenses and payments made to members.