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Papers concerning a legal dispute between North Eastern Railway [NER] and the York Poor Law Union regarding valuation and rating of NER railway property for the purposes of the poor rate.

This material has not been listed to item level but the following summary box list provides an indication of content:

Box 1 [c 1899-1901]
Printed copies of arbitration between North Eastern Railway and York Poor Law Union

Box 2 [c 1898-1902]
Includes: extracts of rate books, surveyors' reports and proofs, notice of appeal to the York Assessment Committee, sketch of NER lines, documents concerning related cases.

Box 3 [c 1899-1900]
Includes: notices of objections to valuation lists, notices of Assessment Committee meetings, correspondence, agreements, contracts, notices of appeal against the poor rate.

Box 4 [c 1899-1903]
Includes: correspondence, rating estimates and valuations, documents concerning related cases

Box 5 [c 1900-1903]
Includes: correspondence and related papers regarding contracts with York Union.

Box 6 [c 1900-1901]
Includes: rating assessments, statements, rating valuations and estimates, proofs of reports from engineers, building particulars and valuations, correspondence.

Box 7[c 1899-1902]
Includes: correspondence regarding inspections by expert witnesses, proofs of reports from experts, building valuation, papers for related cases, estimates and valuations.

Box 8 [c 1901-1902]
Includes: rating appeals, instructions to counsel, papers relating to plaintiff accounts and claims, briefs to counsel, correspondence, proofs of reports from experts

Box 9 [c 1898-1902]
Includes: brief to counsel and respondents, correspondence, proofs of reports from experts, documents for related cases

Box 10 [c 1900-1903]
Includes: Notice of objections to valuation list, appeals against the poor rate, correspondence, proofs of reports from experts.

Box 11 [c 1899-1901]
Includes: correspondence, rating appeals, legal opinions and other papers.

Box 12 [c 1898-1902]
Includes: rating appeals, briefs for respondents, valuation and building particulars.

Box 13 [c 1900-1901]
Includes: NER timetables for 1901, briefs for respondents and counsel, valuations, documents for related case.

Box 14 [c 1898-1903]
Includes: correspondence, extracts from rate books, valuations

Box 15 [c 1898-1900]
Includes: passenger train alterations 1900-1901, briefs to counsel, correspondence, proofs of reports from experts, instructions to counsel.

Box 16 [c 1900-1903]
Includes: brief for defendants, analysis of plaintiff's accounts, assessments and valuations, correspondence.

Box 17 [c 1898-1902]
Includes: list of legal fees, correspondence, rating appeals, documents for related cases.

Box 18 [c 1899-1901]
Includes: correspondence, notices of appeal against the poor rate, valuations, documents for related cases.

Box 19 [c 1898-1900]
Includes: proofs of reports from experts, valuation lists, correspondence, notices of appeal against the poor rate, briefs for respondents.

Box 20 [c 1898-1900]
Includes: correspondence, notices of appeal against the poor rate, valuation lists, proofs of reports from experts.

Box 21 [c 1897-1902]
Includes: extracts from rate books, correspondence, briefs for respondents, accounts of plaintiff.

Box 22 [c 1898-1902]
Includes: correspondence, extracts from rate books, briefs to counsel, notices of appeal against the poor rate, valuations.

Box 23 [c 1900-1902]
Correspondence only

Box 24 [c 1898-1900]
Includes: proofs of reports from experts, valuations, statements, correspondence, documents for related case.

Box 25 [c 1898-1903]
Correspondence only

Box 26 [c 1900-1902]
Includes: proofs of reports from experts, bills of costs.

Box 27 [c 1899-1902]
Includes: instructions to counsel, reports, correspondence, documents for related case.

Box 28 [c 1900-1901]
Includes: briefs to counsel and respondents, correspondence.

Ledgers containing summary accounts for the Bishopthorpe Out-Relief Union and Rural District Council.

Includes accounts from individual officers (Treasurer, Vaccination Officer, Relieving Officers and other officials) as well as general accounts relating to the administration of the Union (and Council).

General ledgers: York Poor Law Union

Ledgers containing summary accounts for the York Poor Law Union.

Includes accounts from individual officers (Treasurer, Vaccination Officer, Relieving Officers and other officials) as well as general accounts relating to the administration of the Union.

Volumes prior to 1849 include summary parochial accounts which record amounts spent on relief in each parish. Parochial accounts from 1849 onwards are recorded in separate parochial ledgers (see PLU/12/3/1).

Published year books of the York Poor Law Union.

Information within the year books varies from year to year but may include: general regulations and standing orders governing the union; committees serving the Union and Out-Relief Unions; lists of elected Guardians and other officers including length of service; committees; lists of parishes within the Union; and workhouse dietaries.

Includes circular; lists of officers informed and availing themselves of the act; superannuation registers; certificates of service; nurses superannuation records; Registrars' declaration of fees, replies of offices and certificates of superannuated officers.

Comprises files for individuals who have successfully applied for positions at the York Poor Law Union and Workhouse.The content of each appointement file varies but may include the following: application form; correspondence from applicant; service certificates; references; report of particulars to Local Government Board; confirmation of appointment by Local Government Board; certification of medical fitness and other correspondence.

Rest centres were established during World War II. The purpose of the centres was to house individuals who became homeless as a result of enemy action.

The correspondence in these files primarily concerns the administration of the various centres throughout York.

Correspondence in both files is indexed.

Comprises general correspondence sent by the Public Assistance Officer of the Public Assistance Committee.

The correspondence concerns the general administration of the Poor Law by the York Public Assistance Committee. Included in this correspondence are letters concerning individuals who have applied for, or are receiving relief.

All files are indexed.

Comprises general correspondence sent by the Clerk of the York Poor Law Union, and, from 1930, the Public Assistance Officer of the Public Assistance Committee.

The correspondence concerns the general administration and application of the New Poor Law by the York Poor Law Union and Public Assistance Committee. Included in this correspondence are letters concerning individuals who applied for, or were receiving relief.

The letters are handwritten up to 1903, and typed from 1903 onwards.

Minutes of the Board of Guardians

Approved, bound minutes of the Board of Guardians of the York Poor Law Union.

The Guardians met weekly or fortnightly to discuss and approve a range of matters relating to the administration of the poor law.

The minutes may include references to named individuals if there was a reason for bringing an individual case before the Guardians .

Some volumes are indexed or partially indexed

PHO/5/318 · Subserie · c.2001-1 July 2004
Parte de Photograph and image collection

Eleven colour digital photographs showing building work on the site of the old Victoria House on Micklegate, York. The images were take as the building was being constructed, most likely in around 2001 (the existing building was demolished in 2001). Please see item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this subseries. Covering dates are from the date the photograph was likely to be taken to the last modified date.

PHO/5/317 · Subserie · 29 June 2004-1 July 2004
Parte de Photograph and image collection

Nine colour digital photographs showing work on a site in Spurriergate, on the corner of High Ousegate. The images were taken prior to redevelopment of the site. Please see item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this subseries. Covering dates are from the date the photograph was taken to the last modified date.

PHO/5/316 · Subserie · 21 June 2007-22 June 2007
Parte de Photograph and image collection

Thirty-six colour digital scans of photographs showing the site of the excavations at Hungate in June 2007. Please see item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this subseries. Covering dates are from the date the photograph was taken to the last modified date.

Digital photographs of York floods
PHO/5/315 · Subserie · c.1982-December 2003
Parte de Photograph and image collection

Seven colour digital scans of photographs showing flooding in North Street, Ouse Bridge, St George's Field and Tower Street. The exact date for the floods is unknown, however it is thought probably that the subject matter is the Winter 1982 floods. Please see item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this subseries. Covering dates are from the date the photograph was taken to the last modified date.

PHO/5/313 · Subserie · 2001-2002
Parte de Photograph and image collection

Large collection of York war memorials (First and Second World War) taken by archives volunteer Linda Haywood as part of her work on the UK War Memorials database. Some images appear to be digital scans of pre-existing photographs. Please see item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this subseries. The titles of the images have been taken from a database created by Linda Haywood as part of the indexing process. This Access database can be obtained from archivists on request and is located in the electronic accessions file.

PHO/5/312 · Subserie · 7 July 2002-14 August 2002
Parte de Photograph and image collection

Mark Whyman was Honorary Archivist to the Company of Cordwainers of the City of York. The photographs were taken in York Museum Gardens during the Mystery Plays on 7 July 2002. The date range for this collection ranges from the date the images were taken through to the last modified date. Titles were not generated by the original photographer, other than in a Word index to the files. The Word index has therefore been used to generate the file titles.

Slides of features in York churches
PHO/4/50 · Subserie · 1971-1980s
Parte de Photograph and image collection

35mm colour slides of church features. The provenance of these slides is unknown, but they are individually referenced and captioned. Please item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this subseries.

Slides of mountaineering
PHO/4/49 · Subserie · 1970s-1980s
Parte de Photograph and image collection

35mm colour slides of mountaineering and climbing in Yorkshire, the Lake District and the Alps. The provenance of the slides is unknown, and they are unlabelled with no captions. Slides have been catalogued as they have been found, with those in the same slide box kept together wherever possible. Photographs show travel, camping, climbing, mountaineering, music-making, apparently involving people called R and H. Sogar.

Financial & Business
PEN/4/2 · Subserie · 1855 - 1930
Parte de York Penitentiary Society

Documents relating to various financial and business matters of the York Penitentiray Society Ladies Committee.

PEN/4/1 · Subserie · 1845 - 1928
Parte de York Penitentiary Society

Meeting minutes from the York Penitentiary Society Ladies Committee

Sin título
Newspaper scrapbooks
OPC/1/1 · Subserie · September 1999-July 2014
Parte de Osbaldwick Parish Council

Scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings relating to the proposal to build Derwenthorpe, and subsequent issues. The scrapbooks are individually labelled in chronological order.


Minutes of committee meetings, with associated reports, papers, and correspondence. Papers principally concern agricultural wages, wage setting, wage disputes and other union matters. Includes papers concerning employment conditions and wages for people with disabilities employed in agriculture, including those injured at work.


Minutes of committee meetings, with associated reports, papers, and correspondence. Papers principally concern agricultural wages, wage setting, wage disputes and other union matters. Includes papers concerning employment conditions and wages for people with disabilities employed in agriculture, including those injured at work.


Minutes of committee meetings, with associated reports, papers, and correspondence. Papers principally concern agricultural wages, wage setting, wage disputes and other union matters. Includes papers concerning employment conditions and wages for people with disabilities employed in agriculture, including those injured at work.

Strike campaign papers
NAL/2/14 · Subserie · 1980-1989
Parte de National Association of Local Government Organisations (NALGO)

Various documents and leaflets about the Strike Campaign from NALGO members in 1989 concerning a pay 'offer' and the loss of negotiating rights. Also includes papers on Liverpool strike action between 1980 and 1982.