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Archival description
Yorkshire slides
HMU/L/131/3 · File · 1996-1998
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes an unidentified churchyard or graveyard (very overgrown), labelled as Mary Sykes, and images from Wildworld, 1996.
35mm slides

Unidentified images
HMU/L/131/4 · File · 20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes images labelled lawn section, Emersons, herb garden before, herb garden, meadow, glade, butterfly, butterfly walk, and wildlife water bath. The images are possibly of York Cemetery.
35mm slides

Unidentified slides
HMU/L/131/5 · File · 20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes images labelled butterfly walk and wall pointing, as well as slides which appear to be taken in a cemetery (possibly York cemetery). The images are possibly of York Cemetery.
35mm slides

Copenhagen and York Cemetery
HMU/L/131/6 · File · 1990s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes images of Copenhagen, as well as British Rail trainees, York Cemetery showing a warden with a school group, Grey monument, staking trees, wild rose bed and honeysuckle arch (all York Cemetery).
35mm slides

Various slides
HMU/L/132/18 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Old cars, tractors and machinery - some at a show.
35mm slides

Various slides
HMU/L/132/19 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Old cars, tractors and machinery - some at a show.
35mm slides

Various slides
HMU/L/132/20 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Old cars, tractors and machinery - some at a show and Bolton Percy Gatehouse.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/1 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes Clifford's Tower and York Castle (prints and photographs), as well as prints of old York.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/10 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes All Saints Pavement; St Michael le Belfrey; St Olave's; and other churches.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/11 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York streets; daffodils, tulips; St Wilfrid's tympanum; and St Leonard's Hospital.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/12 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes Museum Gardens; Coppergate excavations (1981); and prints and photos of old York.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/13 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes prints at the Black Swan; trams; grave; bull's head at Castle Museum; and miscellaneous sculptures.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/14 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes various York churches, as well as Jacob's Well and a memorial stone (possibly Chartres).
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/15 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Museum Gardens, St Mary's Abbey and the hospitium.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/16 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes Roman and medieval artefacts at the Yorkshire Museum.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/17 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes general views of the city, and views of the river Ouse.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/18 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Individual buildings in York, including St William's College; Jacob's Well and Micklegate House.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/19 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the walls, Bars and streets of York, as well as signage.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/2 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes various images of York Minster; old photos of York (including an airship over York Minster); daffodils; the Roman wall and a plan of the Roman walls.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/20 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York pubs; streets; Merchant Adventurer's undercroft; St Mary's Abbey; and Clifford's Tower.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/3 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Images of York Minster, including prints; a plan of the precinct; photos (aerial) and images of men on the roof.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/4 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Images of Exhibition Square, including early photographs. Also includes images of the Coppergate excavations; a peacock and St William's Chapel.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/5 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Holy Trinity Goodramgate: exterior; interiors and flowers.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/6 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes All Saints North Street (print and photographs of the exterior, interior and windows); and views of other churches.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/7 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Bar walls in print and photographs (Monk Bar and Bootham Bar).
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/8 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Bar walls in print and photographs (Micklegate Bar and Walmgate Bar).
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/133/9 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

York Minster exterior; the Minster fire 1984; Royal Party with Archbishop Habgood; astronaut roof boss; the Merchant Adventurers' Hall; St William's College; and bears.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/135/1 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes ceiling bosses and stained glass from York Misnter, views of the interior feature of Treasurer's House and images of York Minster after the 1984 fire.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/135/10 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster central tower, Treasurer's House (Queen's Room, entrance and south front plus images of rooms), Holy Trinity Goodramgate (exterior and interior), York Minster south door and rose window, as well as Roman column, and three images of t
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/135/11 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Mansion House, York, portrait of George Hudson, Tudor building, Cliffords Tower, Kings Manor courtyard, Castle Museum costume, York Minster crypt, Red House from Duncombe Place, York Minster exterior, exterior tower of an unidentified church,
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/135/12 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster from the city walls, city walls in the Walmgate area, Minster Library exterior, Minster from Duncombe Place, Shambles, Station Gardens, fireplaces in an unknown building, statue of a Saxon figure, Kings Manor front entrance, tomb (po
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/135/13 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes Cliffords Tower, Castle Museum buildings (Kirkgate, Toulow Dip Factory, Kirkgate Post Office, King William Hotel, Electricians Shop, Lambert's Ironmongers shop, female prison, horse and carriage and Half Moon Court. Also includes images of Cliffo
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/135/14 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes Jacobs Well, Trinity Lane, watercolours and sketches of York Minster (by P Munn), the Star and Garter pub, the Windmill pub, the Garricks Head pub, the Fox, the Black Swan, the Hole in the Wall, Finkle Street, W P Browns store in Davygate, the Wh
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/135/15 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes a sketch of the Bird in Hand pub, statue of Minerva (High Petergate), rose window in York Minster, vista across the city from the Minster, river Ouse near Water Lane, Castle Museum frontage, stone figures on top of a city gate (possibly Monkgate)
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/135/16 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Castle Museum street organ, Guildhall from the river Ouse, coat of arms in the Stave Room at York Mansion House, gilded cabitane (possibly in York Mansion Houes), stocks in Holy Trinity Micklegate, Fulford Cross, Ouse Bridge, the Shambles.
35mm slides

Slides of York buildings
HMU/L/135/2 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes The Queen's Room, building exterior, saloon and lower hall at Fairfax House, the undercroft, entrance from street, main door, great hall, interior and building exterior at the Merchant Adventurers, and the interior and box pews at Holy Trinity, G
35mm slides

Slides of York buildings
HMU/L/135/3 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the library, dining room, drawing room and saloon in Fairfax House, the Victorian parlour, Jacobean Room, mobile organ, coaching house, stage coach, Half Moon Court, tallow dip factory, Punch & Judy show, street scene, Sheriff's coach and footmen
35mm slides

Slides of York buildings
HMU/L/135/4 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes Half Moon Court, hansom cab, lady and gentleman in 18th centry costume, Lamberts ironmongers shop, prison area, Jacobean Room, corner of street scene and Sheriff's coach at the Castle Museum, exterior of Clifford's Tower, entrance to the Parliame
35mm slides

Slides of York buildings
HMU/L/135/5 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Multangular Tower, Clifford's Tower, St Mary's Church, York Minster, 'Yorvik recaptured 2001', reconstructions of Jorvik and Viking centre streetscapes, the Shambles, York Minster West Front, Roman bath house, St Sampson's Square, unidentifie
35mm slides

Slides of York buildings
HMU/L/135/6 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Viking game hnefatafl, York Minster interior images, York Minster and the city walls, Jorvik disc brooches, streetscapes at the Jorvik Viking centre, Walmgate bar, Micklegate bar and York Railway station (dated 1877).
35mm slides

Slides of York buildings
HMU/L/135/7 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes Clifford's Tower, Castle Museum parlour, moorland cottage and Edwardian Street, York Minster exterior, crypt, RAF memorial, chapter house, undercroft, Roman wall and fresco, Treasury and stained glass of Edwin and Paulinus.
35mm slides

Slides of York Minster
HMU/L/135/8 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Images of York Minster, primarily of particular stained glass windows (including the Great West window and Great East window), and exterior images showing Bootham Bar and St Peter's gate.
35mm slides

Slides of York Minster
HMU/L/135/9 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Chapter House, Five Sisters window, Treasury, east end, South Transept fire, rose window, choir, west front, nave, lantern and astronomical clock.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/1 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

York buildings including Fairfax House; York churches; University of York Central Hall and the Dean's Park cloisters.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/10 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Old drawings of the bar walls and posterns; bridges and a view of York.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/11 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Old drawings of York churches; views of York; Clifford's Tower and prison.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/12 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York At Gallery; York floods (1979 and 1982); Barclay's Bank; Dean's Park cloister; and King's Manor doorway.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/13 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster and the Mansion House.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/14 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Judges Lodging; St William's College; Guildhall; Mansion House and Lendal Bridge.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/16 · File · 1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

York Minster fire: scaffolding; South Transept roof bosses, burned and new; and other bosses.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/17 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Images of York Minster, including the nave, choir, and chapels (including St Stephen's).
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/18 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster memorials and tombs: Bellasis - Medley.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/19 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

York Minster memorials and tombs: Savile - William of Hatfield and one unidentified.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/2 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Bars; walls and York Minster.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/20 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes unidentified York Minster memorials; altar cloths and kneelers embroidery.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/3 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes drawings of York - the Bars and walls; Clifford's Tower and the Multangular Tower.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/4 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Drawings of York, including maps; pubs; churches and York Castle.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/5 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Drawings of York, including buildings; river views; Blossom Street; Windmill and market.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/6 · File · 19th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Old photos of York, including streets; churches and individual buildings.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/7 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Drawings of York, including old photos of pubs, streets and Bar walls of York.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/8 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster; York streets; York buildings; and an 18th century chapel in Skeldergate.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/136/9 · File · 19th century-20th century
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York buildings; map of York defences; heraldic devices; aerial photograph of the prison; and images of the debtor's prison.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/1 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster carvings: choir screen and St Stephen's Chapel.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/10 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster exterior views; central tower; roof and stonework and images of the pinnacles having been removed.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/11 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster: west door; scaffolding; Chapter House; crypt entrance and Roman column.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/12 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes Lendal Bridge and Scarborough Bridge.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/13 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes Skeldergate Bridge; Clifton Bridge; Ouse Bridge (also showing Boyes) and the New Walk.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/14 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the River Ouse; Marygate Landing; Queen's Staith; King's Staith; early 20thC York Show + floods; 1979, 1982 and Castle Walls
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/15 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Mansion House and Judges Lodgings.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/16 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Theatre Royal; University of York; Barclay's Bank; York Castle Wall; Treasurer's House; railway station details; Big Peter and bellringers.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/17 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Minster Library view and windows; Minster crypt; Richard III exhibition; embroidery; and King Edwin Minster carvings.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/18 · File · 1967-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Minster flower festival 1967; Chapter House exteriors and interiors; Pinnacles; Minster policeman; and views from the tower.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/19 · File · 1970s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes the Minster stoneyard; model of an Anglo-Saxon; Minster tell-tale; Minster carvings and the East window.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/2 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Freemen processing; and miscellaneous buildings.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/20 · File · 1980's
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster South Entrance; lantern Tower; painting of York Minster; distant views of the Minster (and aerial view); and flying buttresses.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/3 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

York Minster windows, including the Five Sisters.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/4 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster stained glass: individual windows and the glass shop.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/5 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

York Minster Stained Glass: individual panels; the Great East Window; and the Rose Window.
35mm slides

York slides
HMU/L/137/6 · File · 1970s-1980s
Part of Hugh Murray archive

Includes York Minster West Window; Archbishop Dearey's tomb and kneelers; other memorials; and the South Transept boss.
35mm slides