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Communications with members
CHO/2 · Documento · 1972-1976
Parte de York Celebrations Choir

Includes newsletters to members, and arrangements for various concert performances, including at the Royal Albert Hall.

CHO/3 · Documento · 1971-1973
Parte de York Celebrations Choir

Includes one photograph taken in York Minster, and two copies of a photograph taken in Leeds Town Hall.

Sheet music
CHO/5 · Documento · 1970s
Parte de York Celebrations Choir

Includes sheet music for Zadock the Priest (two different published versions).

Widows' Pensions Appeal papers
CHP/4 · Documento · 1925-1926
Parte de Harry and Esther Chapman papers

The papers were compiled after the death of Harry Chapman of tuberculosis at Fairfield Sanatorium. The pension was disallowed on the basis that the disease was not caused by active service. Also includes papers relating to his burial.


War service papers of Ernest Johnson
CIN/5 · Documento · 1939-1945
Parte de Paper of Ernest Johnson, relating to St George's Cinema, York

Includes photographs of Palestine and Ernest Johnson on war service, as well as newspaper cuttings relating to the war (as well as one cutting relating to the French airmen leaving Elvington and the 1945 floods), cards, war service medal card, correspondence regarding Johnson's appointment to RAF wing command and a copy of 'War-time directory of Egypt.'

Sem título
Deus ex machina
CJG/1/14 · Documento · c.1940-c.1959
Parte de Clifford J Grant papers


Camp life
CJG/1/3 · Documento · c.1940-c.1959
Parte de Clifford J Grant papers


An alarmimg affair
CJG/1/4 · Documento · c.1940-c.1959
Parte de Clifford J Grant papers

Three versions.


Watchman's vigil
CJG/1/7 · Documento · c.1940-c.1959
Parte de Clifford J Grant papers


The wise men's journal
CJG/1/9 · Documento · 7672
Parte de Clifford J Grant papers

The story was also known as the Gate Helmsley Times.


CJG/2 · Documento · 1898-1960s
Parte de Clifford J Grant papers

Includes family photographs (most members unidentified), as well as photographs of the various business premises of William Grant in York. Also includes one image of the old premises of Andersons tailors. Some of the images are promotional postcards.


Newspaper cuttings
CJG/3 · Documento · 1930s-1940s
Parte de Clifford J Grant papers

Newspaper cuttings relating to the activities of Clifford J Grant and the family business.


Publications produced during the project
CLH/1/8 · Documento · 2017
Parte de Clements Hall Local History Group

Includes 'World War One in Clementhorpe, Scarcroft and South Bank' (2 copies), 'Scarcroft School, York in World War One' (2 copies) and 'Our Local Times: World War 1 in our area - it's effect and legacy' (1 copy).

Foot of fine

Between William Harryngton, gent, plaintiff and Robert Hall, merchant, and Jane, his wife, defendants. Concerning 18½ acres of land and 4½ acres of meadow in Clyfton, held by the said Robert and Jane for the term of her life with the reversion to John Blythman and Margaret his wife, as granted by the said William. (Latin)

Covenant to Stand Seised and Counterpart

Margery Weddell of Clifton, widow, and Robert Weddell, her son, gent to William (Scott) Stott, of York, merchant, to William Hodgson of Bowthome, yeoman, to the use of Margery Weddell, son of Margery and brother of Robert. 18½ acres of arable land and 4½ acres of meadow in Clifton lately belonging to Leonard Weddell and which he bought from William Harrington, Gent, (CLY/1/1/23). Endorsed witnesses to livery of seisin, 13 July 1611 (Latin)

Covenant to Stand Seised and Counterpart

Margery Weddell of Clifton and William Weddell, her son, to William Scott, merchant, and William Hodgson, gent., to the use of Margery Weddell for life, remainder of the use of Leonard Weddell of Clifton, her son, brother of William. Lands as in CLY/1/1/24 and CLY/1/1/25). Endorsed witnesses to livery of seisin, date as above. (Latin)

Letters patent

Queen Elizabeth to Richard Swayne, Esq. and Richard Ryves, Gent, both of the Middle Temple, London. The manor of Clifton with appurtenances in Clifton and York, of an annual value of £39. 7s 10½d, 24 hens and 300 eggs, formerly belonging to St Mary’s Abbey and lately in the tenure of various persons; Acton alias Ayon Close in Clifton in the tenure of Jas. Siddell and Alice his wife at an annual rent of 20s.; the profits of the court of the manor of Clifton, valued at 3s 4d p.a. and all appurtenances and manorial rights including the Court Leet, View of Frank pledge, lawdays, assize of bread, wine and ale, forfeits of felons, knights’ fees, wardship, marriage, escheat, relief and free warren; reserving to the Crown all advowsons and £7. 7s p.a. rent from 49 acres of meadow belonging to the manor. Also moiety of a tenement and ruined water-mill in Skeby (Skeeby) in the Archdeaconry of Richmond, of an annual value of 56s 8d. formerly belonging to the Priory of Egleston (Egglestone) and lately in the tenure of Robert Cooke; and the other moiety of the said tenement and water-mill, of an annual value of £56s. 8d. lately in the tenure of Margery Cooke. The premises to be held as of the royal manor of East Greenwich by common socage. Conson. £1418 12s 6d. Rent. £39. 18s 5d p.a. The document then receipts 15 other letters patent dating from 23 June 1578 to July 1591.

Lease and release
CLY/1/12/8 · Documento · 1 February 1696-2 February 1696
Parte de Robinson Family: deeds and papers of former estates at Clifton, Rawcliffe, Newby, Rainton and York

John Burton of Clifton, yeoman, and Jane his wife, Joseph Burton of Clifton, glasier, and Mary his wife, Richard Burton of York, brazier, and Elizabeth his wife, Matthew Gower of York, tailor and Jane his wife, and Mary Burton of York, spinster, to Sir William Robinson of Newby, Bart. 3½ acres of arable land in Fose Field, Clifton, adjoining the lands of Sir William Robinson on the north and south. The lane called the Horsefaire on the west and Whitecrosse Lane on the east. A fine was to be levied on the land before Easter next. Mary Burton was to seal and execute the deed on reaching the age of 21 years. Conson £42. Signed and sealed by the releasors.

Mortgage by lease and release

Anthony Beverley to Thomas Pickering. Relating to two closes in Clifton called Town End Close and Farr Pittlands, containing 10 acres, in the several tenures of John Brown and John Lee, as security for the payment of £150 with interest on or before 28 July next. Reciting the agreement dated 12 Jan. last, (as in CLY/1/14/2). It was hereby agreed that all the property on which the fine was levied should henceforth be held by Thomas Pickering as security for the repayment of the said sum. Signed and sealed by Anthony Beverley.

Lease and release

Thomas Pickering, Esq., Alderman of York, and Anthony Beverley of York, Gent, to Sir William Robinson of Newby, Bart. and Metcalfe Robinson, esq, his son and heir, Town End Close and the Farr Pittlands containing 10 acres, in the tenure of John Brown and John Lee. Reciting the mortgage of 28 Jan, 1708 as in CLY/1/14/4, whereon the principal of £150 and £25 interest was yet unpaid. Conson. £175 to Thomas Pickering and £95 to Anthony Beverley. Signed and sealed by Thomas Pickering and Anthony Beverley.

Lease and release

Elizabeth Fothergill of York, widow, Thomas Goodall of Clifton, Gent and Mary, his wife, to Sir William Robinson of Newby, Bart. A close called Tyle House Hole with two adjacent tofts, crofts or garths in Clifton, in the tenure of William Lockwood. Conson: £85. Signed and sealed by Elizabeth Fothergill, Thomas Goodall and Mary Goodall.

Draft lease and counterpart

Arthur, Lord Viscount Irwin in the Kingdom of Scotland to Sir William Robinson of Newby Bart, Abbot Mill Dam on the Foss, on the east side of the highway from York to Earsley Bridge, and the ground called Abbot Mill Dam Bank near the Foss, extending from the stone bridge near the dam northward to a close in the possession of Isaac Johnson of York, baker; and the ground called the Windmill Hill opposite the dam on the west side of the said land and adjoining a close belonging to William Robinson and in the tenure of Thomas Hawton, innholder. Term. 21 years. Rent. 12s. p.a. Endorsed not executed. Paper.

Lease and counterpart

William Robinson of York, Alderman, and William Robinson, his son, to Dorothy Daile of Clifton, widow, and John Daile, labourer, her son, a cottage in Clifton in the tenure of the lessees. Conson. £6 13s. 4d. Term 21 years. Rent. 8s. 8d. p.a. to be paid to William Robinson, sen. at his house on the Pavement, or if he should die, to his son, and suit of court and service at the manorial court of Clifton. The lessees were to do all necessary repairs, set thorn hedges, and plant 4 ash trees and 4 ‘wilfes’ (Willows) each year.

Lease and counterpart

Sir William Robinson of Newbye upon Swale, Kt., to Philip Eshe of York, Gent. Coverley Farm and Town End Farm, with a messuage, tenement and barn and a messuage formerly occupied by Henry Wood, deceased; Coates Close, Moore Close and Geldart Garth; and 4 closed called Bardike Closes in Newbiggin n the suburbs of York. Term. 21 years. Rent. £45. 13s 4d. p.a. The lessee was to maintain the property, except great timber, and to plant 10 ashes and 10 ‘wilfes’ yearly. He was not to cut timber except for repair of the premises. Endorsed. It was agreed between the parties that if Sir William Robinson wished to exchange any ground with Philip Eshe, William Gooderick, Thomas Goodaile and John Burton were to apportion it. Seal missing.

Lease and counterpart

Sir William Robinson to Mr Geo Gibson of York innholder. A messuage with an adjacent croft containing ½ acre; a close in 2 divisions called Fox Closes being part of the socars, or (Soacars) and containing 4 acres; another close containing 6 acres called the Seaven Lease, adjoining the Cross Fence which divides the common and the Forest of Gaulters; 2 acres of meadow or pasture in Foss Field and another close in 2 divisions called Gallowbroatt Close containing 15 acres, lately in the possession of Luke Goodall and now of the George Gibson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £27 4s p.a. Proviso as in CLY/1/16/105. Paper.

Lease and counterpart

William Robinson, to William Turner of York, innholder. Lands in the Little Millfield, Clifton, beginning at Pilly Close and adjoining Jas Lumley’s new hedge, and in the present occupation of Wm Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £36 p.a. The lessee was to repair the premises, and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years of the term. He was to be quit of all tithes due to Wm Robinson and all assessments other than constables’, church and poor rates.

Lease and counterpart

Sir William Robinson, to John Burton of Clifton, husbandman. 5 acres, 1 rood of land in the Bultynes, 3 acres 3 roods in Fosfield, 3 closes called Chappell Closes and a little garth in the tenure of the said John Burton. All the lands lay within Clifton lordship. Term. 21 years. Rent. £10 5s p.a. John Burton was to repair the hedges and ditches. He was not to plough and sow the 3 closes unless he paid 40 s. per acre. Ploughed in any one year; and was to pay all tithes and Church dues; except the tithes due to the lessor. Agreement reached before the sealing o the deed, that the final half year’s rent should be allowed to John Burton let to Sir Wm Robinson the Milestone butts for 28s p.a. and 3 leas and a frontstead in Wm Goodricke’s backside for 37s. p.a.

Agreement and counterpart

Between Mary Waide of Clifton, widow, and William Duglasse of Newby, gent for the assignment of her title to property in Clifton, leased from Sir Metcalfe Robinson, kt and Bart. Conson. £120. Rent. £8 p.a. to Mary Waide during her life. If the rent was increased this payment was to be proportionately reduced. Endorsed 9 Oct. 1686, Mary Waide assigned to Robert. Caris of Clifton, yeoman, in her interest in the annual payment therein mentioned. Paper.

Lease and Release

William Robinson of Rawcliffe, Esq., Mary, his wife, and Tankred Robinson, Gent, his brother, to John Witty of Beverley, Gent. A messuage called Thorne Tree in Castlegate, formerly in the tenure of Edward Grant, then of Christopher Tayler and now of John Witty, together with the place called the cockpitt. Conson £270 15s.

Letter and memorandum

Godfrey Heathcote at Chesterfield to Sir Wm Robinson expressing surprise that the latter should now appear to be insisting on a sole right to the manor and royalty of Rainton and the wastes, waifs and strays. He had always understood that the manor was divided equally between the Robinsons and the Duke of Devonshire’s family. Sir Wm. had not denied this in his last letter dealing with the proposed exchanged and enclosure of lands. The Duke’s title to the manor was derived from a royal grant to the trustees of the Countess of Shrewsbury, 44 Eliz. If Sir Wm brought an action against John Seward for taking up a stray beast, as Mr Ellis, his Steward, had threatened, he wood defend it on the Duke’s account. Enclosed. Memo. John Seward of Rainton had inpounded a Scotch Ox which he had found trespassing in his close and then sent it to the Duke of Devonshire’s bailiff at Baldersby. The bailiff had paid the messengers 1s for bringing it.

Bundle of Receipts

For payments by Sir Wm. Robinson and Sir Tancred Robinson of land tax assessemnts, poor, church and highway dues for various properties in Clifton. (on the dorse of a receipt dated 10 Mar 1701/2 are Wm Etty’s receipts for the several sums of £25, £5 and £15 received by him in 1702 for work done at Sir Wm Robinson’s house).

Bundle of Receipts

Includes rent for Ascrigg Mill, land tax for lands in Clifton, Strensall, Towthorpe, Earswick, Haxby. Osbaldwick and Murton, tradesmen’s bills, grocer’s accounts, salaries of the Vicars of St Olave’s and Strensall, his sister’s (Mary Robinson’s) annuity, payment for a rampart at Walmgate Bar, carriage duty, fee farm rent, rents to the Vicar of Skelton and the Archbishop, glazing Osbaldwick church windows, repairing Skelton churchyard fence, repairing and leading the windows at Giles House without Bootham Bar, and for Sir Tancred Robinson’s monument made by John Carr.

Deed to lead to uses of a fine

Also includes counterpart. To be levied by Chris Harbert, before the feast of St John the Baptist next, to John Manley and Thos Hemsworth, gent., to the use of the said Chris Harbert, then to the use of Ric. Harbart, his second son and the heirs male of his body begotten, in default thereof to Chris. Harbart, jun., his younger and the heirs male of his body begotten in default thereof to Thos. Harbert, his eldest son, and the heirs male of his body begotten, remainder to himself and his heirs. Concerning a messuage, garden and yard in the Pavement now in the tenure of Thos Harbert, and another messuage and stable there in the tenure of Isabel Leppington, widow, a messuage in Thursday Market in tenure of Thos Wrothe, a messuage in St Andrewgate in the tenure of Wm Horner, 2 messuages in Awdwarke in the several tenures of John Harkett and Mary Barker, a messuage with a garth in Walmgate in the tenure of Thos. Robinson, another messuage with a garth in Wamgate in the tenure of Bart. Shawe, a messuage with an orchard and garth without Walmgate Barr called the Ace Howse, in the tenure of Chris. Buttrye, a barn with a garth and 3 lands without Wamgate Barr and Haworth garths in the tenure of the said Chris Harbert.