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Archival description
Layerthorpe improvement area
Y/PPT/2/1/9/12 · File · 1930-1932
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to the Layerthorpe No.1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 clearance areas.
Includes correspondence; public notices; notices to occupiers/owners of a clearance order; notices to occupiers to quit; copies of the Layerthorpe clearance orders and housing confirmation orders, 1932; lists of houses to be demolished; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; reports of the Chief Sanitary Inspector and the Medical Officer of Health; letters of objection; house inspection records; rough notes; and plan of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/9/11/2 · File · 1935-1936
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Kings Street; Tindall's Yard and Flats; and Air's Yard.
Includes correspondence; copies of the King Street Housing Confirmation Order, 1935; notices to quit; lists of owners/occupiers; and a copy of the King Street Clearance Order, 1935;

Y/PPT/2/1/9/11/1 · File · 1934-1935
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Kings Street; Tindall's Yard and Flats; and Air's Yard.
Includes the report of the Medical Officer of Health and house inspection records.

Y/PPT/2/1/9/10/3 · File · 1913-1939
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence, house inspection records and plans concerning claims. The house inspection records [dated 1913) are for 16--19 Dundas Place and 19 Palmer Lane].

Y/PPT/2/1/9/1/4 · File · 1935
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes schedules of the Aldwark; Fetter Lane; Skeldergate and King Street clearance areas. Also copies of public notices and a list of rents recommended by the Housing Act, 1930.

Slum clearance, Town Clerk
Y/PPT/2/1/9/1/3 · File · 1930-1933
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes suggested clearance areas; abatement of overcrowding papers; numbers of families and persons in each clearance area; extracts of health committee minutes; and summary of York's five-year housing programme, 1930

Y/PPT/2/1/9/1/2 · File · 1930-1940
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence, papers concerning rehousing of occupants in clearance areas; York's five year house building programme; the Cemetery Road Compulsory Purchase Order, 1936; the Regent Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1937; York's Overcrowding Survey of 1936; compensation claims for land in Gale Lane and Green Lane , Acomb; and the Housing Act of 1936.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/99/2 · File · 1936
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises compulsory purchase orders for properties in the following: Goodramgate (Cooper's Yard and Webster's Passage); Micklegate (Shilletoe's Yard); Skeldergate and Fetter Lane area; Swinegate; and Stonegate passages. Compulsory Purchase orders record the name/s of owner/s and condition of houses.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/99/1 · File · 1935-1936
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes orders and plans for the following areas: Fetter Lane; King Street; Walmgate (Merchantgate); Skeldergate; Walmgate (St Peter le Willows); Cooke's Yard (Lawrence Street); Walmgate (Albert Street).

Y/PPT/2/1/8/98 · File · 1972-1976
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Wood Street only.
Includes correspondence; copy of Wood Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1972; notices of completion of compulsory purchase; extracts of committee minutes; plans of the clearance area; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; newspaper cuttings; proof of evidence of the Senior Public Health Inspector; public notice of compulsory order; schedule of objections; schedule of lands;

Willow Street clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/97 · File · 1932-1938
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Willow Street and Green's Yard.
Includes Willow Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1937; correspondence; lists of properties and occupiers/owner; house inspection records; list of works to be completed; and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/96 · File · 1944-1963
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Whitby Terrace and Ann Street only.
Includes a copy of the Whitby Terrace and Ann Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1959; correspondence; summary of the clearance area; plans of the clearance area; objections; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; notifications of completion of conveyance; extracts from committee minutes; house inspection records;

Y/PPT/2/1/8/95/1 · File · 1934-1937
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence; house inspection records; lists of occupiers/owner; Ministry of Health printed notice; and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/94/8 · File · 1916-1928
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence; closing orders; house inspection records; recommended works; housing sub-committee reports; list of owners; notices of demolitions; plans of the area; and Walmgate District Report

Y/PPT/2/1/8/94/6 · File · 1935-1936
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence; ; notices of intention to cleanse houses of vermin; house inspection records; lists of owners/occupiers; and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/94/5 · File · 1935-1936
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence; lists of properties and owners/occupier; house inspection records; notices of intention to cleanse houses of vermin; plans of clearance area; and 2 black and white photographs of a passage in Merchantgate/Walmgate.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/94/3 · File · 1934-1935
Part of York Civic Archive

Include correspondence; plans of the clearance area; report of the Medical Officer of Health; lists of properties and occupiers; and house inspection records.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/94/13 · File · 1959-1960
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Walmgate only.
Includes a copy of the Walmgate (No. 2) Compulsory Purchase Order, 1959; correspondence; summary of the clearance area; plan of the clearance area; and objections.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/94/12 · File · 1954-1959
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence; schedule of lands; extracts of minutes; house inspection records and plans of No 1,2 and 3 areas. Walmgate No.1 district included; Margaret Street; George Street; Providence Place; Edwin Street; Richard Street and St Margaret' Place. Walmgate No. 2 district included Walmgate and Paver Lane; Walmgate No. 3 district included 106, 108 and 110 Walmgate.

Walmgate clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/94/10 · File · 1954-1955
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to George Street; St Margaret's Place; Edwin Street; Richard Street; Walmgate.
Includes house inspection records (some with small, scale plans of properties); notices for inspection of drains and subsequent reports of inspection; and plan of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/92 · File · 1962-1973
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Union Terrace and Clarence Street.
Includes correspondence; copies of the Union Terrace Compulsory Purchase Order, 1967 and schedule of lands; newspaper cuttings; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; extracts of minutes; notices requiring information as to ownership of properties; house inspection records; objections; Application for Confirmation of the Union Terrace Compulsory Purchase Order and Clearance Order, 1967; confirmation of the Compulsory Purchase Order and Clearance Order for Union Terrace from the Ministry of Housing; plans of the clearance area; notifications of conveyance of properties and completions of purchase; and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/9 · File · 1972-1976
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes a copy of the Carlisle Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1973; newspaper cuttings; correspondence; house inspection records (with small, scale plans of properties); plans of the clearance area; extracts of committee minutes; a notebook of rough inspection notes; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; notices of completion of compulsory purchase; and one booklet of black and white photographs

Y/PPT/2/1/8/88 · File · 1972-1975
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Beaconsfield Street; Belgrave Street; Clarendon Street; Rose Street; Sydney Street; and Studley Street.
Includes correspondence; coy of the Sydney/Beaconsfield Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1972; notices of completion of compulsory purchase; extracts of committee minutes; newspaper cuttings; plans of the clearance area; proof of evidence of the Chief Public Health Inspector; public notice of compulsory purchase order; list of properties and occupiers/owners; schedule of lands; house inspection records; and schedule of objections.

Swinegate clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/87/2 · File · 1936-1937
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes confirmation of clearance order; notices to owners/occupiers; objection; correspondence; copies of the clearance order, 1936; and plan of the clearance area.

Swinegate clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/87/1 · File · 1932-1938
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes Swinegate Clearance Order, 1936; correspondence; lists of occupiers/owners; and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/86/1 · File · 1937-1952
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Swan St (and Yards) and Cygnet Street.
Includes Swann Street and Cygnet Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1938; correspondence; notices to examine sewers/drains; clearance plans of the area; small drainage plans of properties; extracts from minutes;.

Swann Street closing order
Y/PPT/2/1/8/85 · File · 1914-1915
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes Swann Street Closing Order, 1914; correspondence; notices to execute works; and rough plan of properties.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/84 · File · 1936-1949
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes Stonegate (passages) Clearance Order, 1936; correspondence; lists of properties and owners/occupiers; newspaper cuttings (including article on the discovery of the Norman window); Ministry of Health printed notice; plans of the clearance area; and section plan of rear of Nos 36 and 38 Stonegate.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/82 · File · 1972-1976
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Skelton Street only. Includes correspondence; offers of accommodation; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; objections; proof of evidence from the Assistant Planning Officer and Senior Public Health Inspector; newspaper cutting; schedule of lands; notices of completion of compulsory purchase; house inspection records (some with small, scale plans of properties); and plans of the clearance areas.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/80 · File · 1934-1937
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes copies of the Skeldergate and Fetter Lane Compulsory Purchase Order, 1936; Notices to Treat; objections; correspondence; lists of properties and owners/occupiers; and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/8/2 · File · 1959
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises inspection sheets for the following streets in the Cambridge Clearance Area: Cambridge Street; Rosary Street; Oxford Street; Mount Ephraim; Eagle Street; Stafford Place; and Denton Terrace. Each report records the following: location of property, name of occupiers/owners; tenancy arrangements; house condition report (including floor and window area); and small scale plans of properties. Also includes plan of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/8/1 · File · 1959-1963
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes a copy of the Cambridge Street Clearance Order, 1960; correspondence; house inspection records; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; extracts of committee minutes; newspaper cuttings; reports of the Chief Public Health Inspector; lists of houses purchase by the Corporation; papers regarding objections; plans of the clearance area; and two books of black and white photographs.

Skeldergate clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/79 · File · 1934-1936
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence; lists of owners/occupiers; special reports on water closets; house inspection records; notices of objections; rough notes; plans of the clearance area; and small, scale plans of properties.

Shambles clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/78 · File · 1909-1953
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence; house inspection records; newspaper article on the Shambles; plans of clearance area; and plans of proposed restoration of the Shamble (including an elevation of the street and plan of properties, 1948).

St Maurice's clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/77/3 · File · 1937-1940
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes St Maurice's Compulsory Purchase Order 1937; correspondence; list of properties and occupiers/owners; rough notes; plans of clearance area and small, scale plans of individual properties.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/77/2 · File · 1934-1936
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes St Maurice's Road Clearance Area Order No 2, 1934; correspondence; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; house inspection records; ministry of health notice; plans of clearance area; small scale plans of properties;

Y/PPT/2/1/8/77/1 · File · 1920-1934
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes St Maurice's Road Clearance Area Order No 1, 1934; correspondence; list of properties and occupiers; scale plans of properties; and plans of clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/76/2 · File · 1931-1939
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes St Margaret's Compulsory Purchase Order 1938; correspondence; list of properties and occupiers/owners; house inspection records; notices to examine sewers/drains; and plans of the clearance area.

St Andrewgate clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/75 · File · 1935-1942
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes St Andrewgate Clearance Order, 1936; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; correspondence; house inspections records; and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/70/2 · File · 1932-1939
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes Regent Street Compulsory Purchase Order 1937; notices to execute works; correspondence; list of houses and occupiers/owners; plans of the clearance area and proposed houses.

Bootham Row clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/7/1 · File · 1934-1935
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence; plans of the area; newspaper cuttings; reports of the Medical Officer of Health and the Chief Sanitary Inspector; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; and one black and white photograph.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/67/3 · File · 1959-1960
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Percy Street only.
Includes a copy of the Percy Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1959; correspondence; summary of the clearance area; plan of the clearance area; and a statement of objection.

Percy Street clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/67/1 · File · 1938
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes Percy Street Clearance Order 1938; correspondence; plans of the area; list of owners/occupiers; list of properties and occupiers/owners; and plans of the area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/66 · File · 1929-1932
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes list of properties and occupiers; closing orders; correspondence; house inspection records; demolition orders; and plans of properties.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/65/1 · File · 1938-40
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes Paragon Street Compulsory Purchase Order 1938; correspondence; notices to inspect drainage and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/64/2 · File · 1961-1966
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Orchard Street and Jewbury.
Includes correspondence; copy of the Orchard Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1960; schedule of lands; notifications of completion of conveyance; objections; house inspection records; extracts of health committee minutes; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; plans of the clearance area; papers relating to objections; and black and white photographs of the area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/64/1 · File · 1960-1966
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Orchard Street and Jewbury. Includes extracts of committee minutes; and house inspection records (some with small, scale plans of properties); and one booklet of black and white photographs.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/62/3 · File · 1959-1966
Part of York Civic Archive

Incudes general correspondence; letters to occupiers; notifications of rehousing; reports to the Chief Public Health Inspector; notifications of conveyance of properties; schedule of lands in the clearance area; statements from the Chief Public Health Inspector; notices requiring information as to ownership of premises; papers relating to objections; extracts from committee minutes; and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/62/2 · File · 1964-1965
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to the following streets: Clement Street; Victoria Street; Hawthorn Place; Nicholson Terrace; Price Street; Spencer Street; Nicholson Terrace; and Lorriman's Buildings (Price Street).
Includes correspondence; copies of the Nunnery Lane Compulsory Purchase Order, 1963 and the Price Street Clearance Order, 1964; statements of principle grounds for the compulsory purchase order; notifications of rehousing; notifications of conveyance of properties; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; newspaper cuttings; and clearance plans of the area.

Nunnery Lane clearance area
Y/PPT/2/1/8/62/1 · File · 1953-1966
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to the following streets: Clement Street; Victoria Street; Hawthorn Place; Nicholson Terrace; Price Street; Spencer Street; Nicholson Terrace; and Lorriman's Buildings (Price Street).
Primarily house inspection records (with small, scale plans of properties); but also includes correspondence, closing orders; notices requiring information as to ownership; and some photographs for the following properties: Lorriman's Buildings; 14 and 22 Cygnet Street; 2 Caroline Street; and 18 Dove Street.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/59/2 · File · 1960-1961
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to Newbiggin Street and Garden Street.
Includes black and white photographs of the area (including one aerial photograph); house inspection records (with small, scale plans of properties); papers regarding objections; and plans of the clearance area.

Y/PPT/2/1/8/59/1 · File · 1955-1963
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence; a copy of the Newbiggin Street Compulsory Purchase Order, 1961; house inspection records; extracts from committee minutes; lists of properties and occupiers/owners; demolition/closing orders; schedule of lands; notices of conveyance of properties; newspaper cuttings; public notice of order; plans of the clearance area; and two black and white photographs of 19 Newbiggin Street.