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Archival description
Central Issue
Y/ORD/4/7/134 · File · 1952
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence concerninng products issued to York Civil Defence from the Director of Supply and Transport.

Local Purchase
Y/ORD/4/7/133 · File · 1952
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains details of products supplied to Civil Defence by local companies

Civil Defence Files
Y/ORD/4/7/132 · File · 1952
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains a list of Civil Defence sections and the colour of its indicator in the Civil Defence files.

Y/ORD/4/7/131 · File · 1952
Part of York Civic Archive

This file solely consists of a draft scheme for first aid repairs organisation.

Crash Plan
Y/ORD/4/7/130/6 · File · 1957-1962
Part of York Civic Archive

Items relating to the Crash Plan, including typed poem.

Crash Plan Copies
Y/ORD/4/7/130/1 · File · 1952-1953
Part of York Civic Archive

This file relates to the Civil Defence 'crash' plan - a strategy to 'reduce confusion' in an emergency situation.

Civil Defence Corps
Y/ORD/4/7/13 · File · 1964
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes plans for the mobilisation and deployment for operations of the Civil Defence Corps in the event of a nuclear war or attack.

Y/ORD/4/7/128 · File · 1962-1963
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence and information relating to a re-organisation of Civil Defence in this period. More specifically, the introduction of changes to stadardised tests and the like.

Home Office: Schools
Y/ORD/4/7/127 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence relating to staff colleges and schools, timetables; relevant receipts and Civil Defence forms for fee reimbursement.

Y/ORD/4/7/126 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

In this file there are correspondences relating to Civil Defence's interest in a particular book on the societal impact of a nuclear attack and, also, information regarding staff redundancies.

Y/ORD/4/7/125 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file includes correspondences relating to the routine test of York's carrier line broadcast system.

Y/ORD/4/7/124 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file includes correspondences, related to the National & Local Government Officers Association, which discuss reduction in government spending on Civil Defence and potential redundancy payments for staff.

Gas Undertakings
Y/ORD/4/7/123 · File · n.d
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains details on the Civil Defence officers connected to the North Eastern Gas Board. No date given.

Progress Reports
Y/ORD/4/7/122 · File · 1938-1951
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains progress reports on the strength of various aspects of the city of York's Civil Defence corps - such as shelters, ambulances and wardens. There is also collected information on operations/personnel required in an emergency situation and

Evacuation: Admin
Y/ORD/4/7/120/2 · File · 1951
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence relating to the issue of evacuation - such as, the Evacuation Conference of Nov. 1951 and details of designated evacuation areas and plans under the evacuation scheme.

Y/ORD/4/7/120/1 · File · 1951
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains a list of which local department are expected to deal with which incidents, in the event of an emergency. For instance, the education department would be in charge of the evacuation of school children. Also included is information on ca

Y/ORD/4/7/12/9 · File · 1951
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains minutes and agendas from and correspondence relating to York's Civil Defence Committee's meetings.

Y/ORD/4/7/12/5 · File · 1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Contains correspondence and details relating to the establishment committee.

Y/ORD/4/7/12/11 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains agendas and minutes of Civil Defence committee meetings in 1968.

Appropriation of Land
Y/ORD/4/7/118/2 · File · 1968-1969
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence and details relating to previous Civil Defence land on Bull Lane and Lawrence Street. Also included are maps of the former Civil Defence compound.

Y/ORD/4/7/118/1 · File · 1964-1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains a map of the proposed Civil Defence compound and rescue training area alongside correspondence related to the disposal of premises and the overall disbandment of Civil Defence in York.

Mansion House
Y/ORD/4/7/117/2 · File · 1963
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence and administrative information relating to Civil Defence events held at York's Mansion House. More specifically, minutes from meetings and programmes.

Washington Hall
Y/ORD/4/7/117/1 · File · 1963
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence and information relating to Civil Defence exercises and events organised at the Home Office's training centre in Lancashire - Washington Hall.

Civil Defence Review
Y/ORD/4/7/116/3 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence and petitions relating to the government's decision to disband the Civil Defence corps In 1968.

Municipal Review
Y/ORD/4/7/116/1 · File · 1967-1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file mainly consists of correspondence and information relating to the closure of the Civil Defence corps, alongside other other correspondence relating to the Working Party (Civil Defence).

Y/ORD/4/7/115 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file includes correspondence that is generally related to police training

Y/ORD/4/7/114 · File · 1952
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains advertisements for the Civil Defence exhibition and correspondence relating to this event.

British Railways
Y/ORD/4/7/113 · File · 1952
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence between the Civil Defence Officer and a representative of British Railways, often related to Civil Defence training

Fission Fragments
Y/ORD/4/7/112 · File · 1961-1963
Part of York Civic Archive

This is the first five issues of a 'national journal for scientific intelligence officers', produced by The Scientific Advisers Branch of the Home Office. It contains information relating to the suspected impact of nuclear disaster.

Civil Defence Association
Y/ORD/4/7/11/9 · File · 1960
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes papers about the annual dinner, as well as menu, correspondence, receipt for ticket printing and copies of invitations.

Civil Defence Association
Y/ORD/4/7/11/6 · File · 1954-1955
Part of York Civic Archive

Information about the Civil Defence Association annual dinners and other social activities, as well as expenditure and general meeting minutes.

Civil Defence Association
Y/ORD/4/7/11/18 · File · 1963
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains items and correspondence relating to the everyday running of the York Civil Defence Association - for example; committee minutes and accounts.

Y/ORD/4/7/11/15 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence concerning York Civil Defence Association - specifically, meetings and the group's proposed constitution.

Civil Defence Association
Y/ORD/4/7/11/14 · File · 1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence regarding social events. Also includes a transcript of the Sheriffs toast at the Civil Defence Dinner, balance sheet and committee meeting minutes.

Civil Defence Association
Y/ORD/4/7/11/10 · File · 1961
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence, committee meeting minutes, menu for the annual dinner, seating plan, childrens party list, and lists of income and expenditure.

Blank forms
Y/ORD/4/7/109 · File · 1967
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains blank conference/S.I.O logs and information on the expected impact of radioactive fall-out

British Red Cross Society
Y/ORD/4/7/108 · File · 1968
Part of York Civic Archive

This file consists of an invitation from the British Red Cross Society (York division) to the Civil Defence Officer and his response.

Y/ORD/4/7/107 · File · 1951
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence, engaging with Flaxton Rural District Counci, regarding issues such as Civil Defence instructors' courses.

Y/ORD/4/7/105/2 · File · 1952
Part of York Civic Archive

This file consists of a Home Office correspondence relating to Civil Defence (police) regulations in 1952.

Y/ORD/4/7/105/1 · File · 1951
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains details relating to a suggested syllabus for lectures given by the police to civil defence volunteers and a list of police boxes and pillars in the city.

Ambulance Service
Y/ORD/4/7/104/3 · File · 1952
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains correspondence concerning the Civil Defence ambulance service and issues such as overtime pay.

Casualty Service: Admin
Y/ORD/4/7/104/2 · File · 1951
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains documents on how York's casualty services (ambulance, first aid, hospital etc.) would be organised in the event of an emergency. Additionally, there is the usual correspondence relating to meetings surrounding the Civil Defence casualty

Ambulance: Admin
Y/ORD/4/7/104/1 · File · 1951
Part of York Civic Archive

This file contains general correspondence relating to the Civil Defence Ambulance Service as well as the service's progress reports from 1951, an agenda from Health Committee meetings and Ministry of Health Circulars (government policy) for the city of Y

Y/ORD/4/7/103/1 · File · 1949-1950
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence relating to the establishment of the Civil Defence institute as a "professional body". Additionally, this file contains details on the institute's members (past and present), balance sheets and expenditure statements for 1949 and rules and

Y/ORD/4/7/100/9 · File · 1958
Part of York Civic Archive

File consists of monthly narrative reports for the Women's Volunteer Service for the Civil Defence. Paperwork also includes suggested contents for nursing chests, locations of badges to be worn, 'One in Five' scheme material, pamphlet material for protect