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Archival description
Y/HEA/1/2/5 · File · 1947-1954
Part of York Civic Archive

Health Service Staff Superannuation - Statutory Rules and Orders 1947 No. 1755, and Circular 148/47: NHS (Superannuation) Regulations 1947 - Ministry of Health: Superannuation Scheme for those engaged in the NHS - An explanation (1948) - Correspondence concerning one case - 4 Mar 1947 - Ministry of Health: Local Government Superannuation Act 1937 and Local Government Superannuation (Administration) Regulations 1946 – Correspondence with Department of Health for Scotland concerning particular cases, 1948-1950 - Ministry of Health circular letter on: NHS (Superannuation) Regulations 1950 with reference to Fulford Hospital, 22 Jun 1950 - Statutory Instructions 1952, No.1263: NHS (Superannuation) (Amendment) No. l Regulations 1952, and No.1264: NHS (Superannuation) (Amendment) No.2 Regulations 1952 – Ministry of Housing & Local Government circular letter on Local Government Superannuation Act, Sections. 10 and 11, and NHS (Superannuation) Regulations 1954, Parts III and IV

Y/HEA/1/2/4 · File · 1943-1947
Part of York Civic Archive

Pulmonary Tuberculosis Allowances - Correspondence: Apr 1943 - April 1945 - Programme for 26th Annual Conference, July 1943 City of York Tuberculosis Crusade, Annual Report for 1942/43 - Ministry of Health circulars 2334: Treatment of Ex-Service Men suffering from Tuberculosis, 21 Apr 1941 also Nos. 2341, 2741 and Memo 146/T (Revised); No. 2794: Mass Miniature Radiography, 15 May 1943 - Persons receiving treatment at the Dispensary after leaving Sanatorium - Ministry of Health circular 2894: Public Health (Tuberculosis) Regulations 1940, also 168/44 and Memo 146/T 1944 - Memo on Training in Tuberculosis Nursing, April 1945 - Meeting with Representatives of Ministry of Health on Training in Tuberculosis Nursing, 12 Jun 1945 - Ministry of Health circulars 127/45, 68/46: Tuberculosis Service Cases; 114/46: Tuberculosis Allowances, (Memo 266/T) Effect of Family Allowances Act 1945 - West Riding Medical Centre, Greenups Tce, Sowerby Bridge: Tuberculosis and the National Health Bill, June 1946 Memo 146/T (Revised) 1946: Arrangements with Ministry of Pensions and War Disabled - Ministry of Health circulars 222/46: Tuberculosis Allowances, Increases of Rates for dependent children (Dec 1946) and 207/46: Public Health (Tuberculosis) Regulations 1946 - Statutory Rules and Orders 1946 No.1965: Public Health (England) Tuberculosis Ministry of Health: Revision of Section l and Appendices to Memo 37/T: Revised clarification of Patients suffering from Tuberculosis (May 1947) Circular 182/47: Tuberculosis Allowance Scheme, Increase in Winter Fuel Allowance (Dec 1947).

Health Centres
Y/HEA/1/2/37 · File · 1950-1972
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence and associated papers. Includes map of neighbourhood units, community centres and health centres, 1947

Land at Boroughbridge Road
Y/HEA/1/2/32 · File · 1955-1957
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence with Joseph Rowntree Village Trust concerning acquisition of land as site for a Health Clinic. Trust feels unable to sell, Dec 1955 - Mar1957

Clifton Methodist Church
Y/HEA/1/2/31 · File · 1959-1961
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning possible use as a Maternity and Child welfare Clinic, and Draft Agreement, Feb 1960 - Feb 1961

Health Staff Matters
Y/HEA/1/2/30 · File · 1946-1950
Part of York Civic Archive

Health Staff Matters-Correspondence with National Union of Public Employees [NUPE] concerning salaries and compensation for particular employees

Y/HEA/1/2/3 · File · 1946-1949
Part of York Civic Archive

Ministry of Health circulars 230/46: Transfer of HQ Hospital Staff to Regional Hospital Boards (17 Dec 1946); 150/47: Requesting Information (23 Jan 1947); 16/48 Procedure (6 Feb 1948) and 13/48 Information required for Health Services, Superannuation Division, Records 17 Feb 1948 - Leeds Regional Hospital Boards regarding Transfer of Local Authority Staff, 24 Apr 1958 - Report on Items to be negotiated with Regional Hospital Boards before Appointed Day, 5 May 1948 - Ministry of Health circular 83/48: Transfer of Values payable to the Ministry, 7 Jun 1948 - National Association of Local Government Offices: Mental Health Service, Superannuation Regulations, 11 Jun 1948 - Ministry of Health: Local Government Superannuation (Policy & Local Government Schemes) Inter-change Rules 1948, 19 Oct 1948 - NHS ACT 1946 Mental Health Service (Circular 426/46, Secs. 28 and 51).

Y/HEA/1/2/29 · File · 1948
Part of York Civic Archive

Child Welfare Clinic at Clifton - Correspondence and minutes of Child Welfare Committee relating to St Saviourgate (Damage to skylight) to St George's Methodist Church (rent etc. of building), and to Huntington Road Infant Clinic (unsatisfactory conditions), April/May 1948

The Glen' Day Nursery
Y/HEA/1/2/28 · File · 1946-1951
Part of York Civic Archive

The Glen' - proposed Day Nursery, transferred from Layerthorpe Sunday School, and now known as Heworth Day Nursery correspondence with, and minutes of, Children Committee
Correspondence with York Incorporated (Church of England)Sunday School Committee concerning release of their Layerthorpe property, used as a wartime Day Nursery, Jan 1946 - Oct 1947 - decision made to build in grounds of 'The Glen' Residential Nursery, Jan 1948 - Consent to borrowing £8950 obtained 26 Jul 1950, and a further £1392 26 Aug 1950 - Suggested list of required equipment for a 50-place nursery at a cost of £167.11.4, and for basic nursery play materials, £283.4.2. (undated) - List of equipment required for Day Nursery to accommodate 45 children = £989.12.0 (23 Jun 1948)

Y/HEA/1/2/27 · File · 1939-1949
Part of York Civic Archive

Ministry of Health circular 2156 and NE Regional circular 40 - Correspondence regarding 13 and 14 Backhouse Street (Sept 1940); Eagle House, Fossgate (1942); 20 Lawrence Street (Nov 1940); 33a North Street (Dec 1940); 85 Brook Street (Dec 1940); 111 Micklegate (July 1941); 22 Skeldergate (July 1939); 72 Meeks Cottages, Dringhouses (Apr 1942); Vicar Row (Jul 1942); 1-4 Smith's Cottages, Clifton (Feb 1944); 2 Little Stonegate (Jul 1945) - Minutes of Health (Unhealthy Areas) Sub-Committee & Housing Committee meeting, 31 Oct 1940 - Extract from minutes of Health Committee meeting, 11 Jun 1942, regarding Eagle mouse Fossgate - Correspondence regarding George A Colley, Assistant Sanitary Inspector 4 Jul 1946, 1 Jun 1947 - 8 Dec 1949

Housing Act 1936
Y/HEA/1/2/26 · File · 1936-1951
Part of York Civic Archive

Condemned Properties, Demolition Orders - Extract from minutes of Health Committee, 14 Feb 1937
List of properties on which Demolition Orders have not been complied with (June 1939) - Agenda of Health (Unhealthy Areas) Sub-Committee meeting, 28 May 1946 regarding Demolition Orders (Houses listed) - List of Licence refused properties referred to Housing Committee as being unfit and on which various orders have been made (undated) - Report of the Standards of Fitness for Habitation Sub-Committee of the Central Housing Advisory Committee (1946) - Ministry of Health circular 90/49
Housing Act 1949, and Improved Grants leaflet - Extract from minutes of lousing (Rents and Tenants) Sub-Committee joint meeting with Health (Sanitary Services, Unhealthy Areas) Sub-Committee, 1 Mar 1950, regarding Re-Housing of Tenants - Extract from minutes of Housing Committee, 12 Feb 1951,
regarding Re-Housing of Tenants
Sketch Plan of General Arrangement of Electrical Equipment for Sub-Station at Yorkshire Herald Offices, Coney Street

Y/HEA/1/2/24 · File · 1943-1945
Part of York Civic Archive

Ministry of Health circular 2866 - Correspondent, mainly with York Diocesan Association for 'Moral Welfare', Oct 1943 - Aug 1945 - York Diocesan Association for Moral Welfare Annual Report for 1944 - City of York: Appointment of a Welfare Officer March/April 1944 - Welfare Officer's Report March - April 1944 - York Sheltering Home for Girls, Balance Sheet 1 Jun 1943 - 31 Mar 1944

Cancer Act 1939
Y/HEA/1/2/23 · File · 1939-1948
Part of York Civic Archive

Circulars and correspondence July 1943 - Jan 1950 - Ministry of Health circulars: 33,/47 9 Feb 1947); 1813 (May 1939); 1884 (Oct 1939); 2062 (July 1940); 2469 (Aug 1941); 2707 (Oct 1942); 2854 (Sept 1943); 108/44 (Sept 19'4); 123/44 (Sept 1944); 91/45 (June 1945) and 69/49 - Ministry of Health: Treatment of Cancer: Directions of Use of Records, Parts I and II - York Cancer Committee, Resolutions passed at Conference 8 Dec 1944 - Minutes of meeting of York Cancer Committee 23 Feb 1945 and 14 Dec 1945 - York Cancer Committee 1) General Outline of Problem (?March 1945); 2) Draft Agreement as to formation of a Joint Committee for the exercise of functions under Cancer Act 1939 (1944) and 3) Clerks Memorandum (undated) 'A Cancer Service for the Yorkshire Region' (undated) - City of York Annual Reports of Medical Officer of Health, Tuberculosis Officer etc. 1941 and 1943

Y/HEA/1/2/22 · File · 1946-1949
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence with Leeds Regional Hospital Board Aug 1947 - Feb 1948 - Ministry of Health circular 134/47: Administration of Hospital Services after Appointed Day; Agency arrangements with Local Authorities 8 Aug 1947 - Leeds Hospital Management Board Memorandum: Detailed arrangements in connection with Agencies (undated); Payment of Specialists (23 Jul 1948) and circular letter concerning Agency Arrangements, 31 Dec 1948 and 29 Mar 1949

Car Allowances
Y/HEA/1/2/21 · File · 1946-1948
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence and circulars concerning allowances 1946-1948 - National Joint Council's Recommendations as to provision of motor cars (Oct 1947) - Motor cars for Midwives, correspondence Nov 1948 - March 1949 - Ministry of Health circular 21/49 : Motor Cars for Domiciliary Midwives - Association of Municipal Corporations confidential letter 11 Nov 1948

Y/HEA/1/2/20 · File · 1950-1954
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence with York 'A' and Tadcaster Hospital Management Committee Jun 1950 - Jul 1951 Purchase of Petrol by Hospital Management Committee . Correspondence 16 March - 7 Jul 1954

Y/HEA/1/2/19 · File · 1948-1953
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence with National Union of Public Employees [NUPE] and Joint National Council for Local Authorities' Administrative, Professional, Technical and Clerical Services concerning dispute over wages, Nov 1949 - Jan 1953 - NUPE: Ambulance Clerk Telephonists wages rates 22 Nov, and Statement of Claim in York County Borough Council versus Telephonists (19 Nov 1952) and that submitted by York County Borough Council Appeal Committee (25 Nov 1952) - Resume of situation 11 Aug 1948 - 23 Jun 1952

Y/HEA/1/2/18 · File · July-October 1956
Part of York Civic Archive

General correspondence July- Oct 1956 - List of Local Authorities' Health and Welfare Services under NHS and National Assistance Act: Health Service Centre, Duncombe Place, Crombie Avenue Day Nursery, Ambulance Station, Heworth Day Nursery Sixth Avenue, and the Occupation Centre, 24 St Saviourgate (21 Jun 1954) Questionnaire for Local Authorities - Notes for guidance of Local Authorities on completing Questionnaire (July 1956)

Medical Attendants
Y/HEA/1/2/17 · File · 1948 - 1949
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning guardians of mentally defective patients out on Licence, June 1948 - Jan 1949 List of Patients and their Guardians from Claypenny

Y/HEA/1/2/16 · File · 1941 - 1945
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning visiting patients, Jul1941 - Oct 1945 - List of York cases in Whixley Colony, (Transferred from Brandesburton); List of York cases in Claypenny Colony (Transferred from Brandesburton) - Hadfield Hall visited 19 Mar 1942, 24 Mar 1944, 28 Sep [ 1944, 28 May 1945 and 28 Aug 1945; Claypenny Colony visited 21 Jul 1943 and 16 Aug 1944; Whixley Colony visited 10 Mar 1944

Y/HEA/1/2/15 · File · 1929 - 1939
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence with Yorkshire Association for Mental Welfare concerning . 1) Local Government Act 1929, Mental Defectives; 2) Mental Deficiency Acts 1913¬27 and 3) Grants to Voluntary Associations assisting or supervising defectives whilst not in care - Board of Control circulars 784, 819 and 330 (July 1932 - July 1937) - Mental Health Emergency Committee set up to advise Local Authorities, Sept 1939

Y/HEA/1/2/14 · File · 1941 - 1952
Part of York Civic Archive

Accommodation for mental defectives 1) NHS (Dissolved Authorities) Regulations 1948 Mid Yorkshire Joint Board for Mentally Defected dissolved 4 Jul 1948. 2) Cases for Whixley Colony: Refused admission - 3) Special Bus to Brandesburton Hall Institute, June - Aug 1948. 4) Clothing Allowance for Mentally Defective Children, 30 Jan 1951 - 22 Feb 1951. 5) Certification under Lunacy Act 6) Correspondence relating to a dispute.