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Archival description
Accessions register
Y/EDU/5/3/8/3 · File · 23 September 1947-18 March 1955
Part of York Civic Archive

Also includes: list of maps and plans taken to art gallery; items on loan from art gallery; accounts; list of additional documents.

Volume of statistics
Y/EDU/5/3/7/9 · File · 1 October 1953-31 July 1971
Part of York Civic Archive

The statistics relate to visitors and issues. Also includes local library borrowing statistics 1968-1970.

Statistical records
Y/EDU/5/3/7/22 · File · 1893-1916
Part of York Civic Archive

Handwritten records of stock, fiction issues, juvenile issues, issues on other subjects, total issues and percentage of fiction.

Y/EDU/5/3/7/21 · File · 1923-1958
Part of York Civic Archive

Graph showing the rise and fall of issue: 1923-1948; table of issues: 1938-1939; the Library Association Public Library Statistics 1934-1935; and Public Library and Library Association statistics, 1958.

Y/EDU/5/3/7/20 · File · 1958-1968
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes the following: Ministry of Education Working Party reports and figures; figures on the use of libraries by non-residents; suggestion for the appointment of a full-time archivist; 1960 Library and Publicity Committee report on the photo-charging method of issuing books; report on library staff and grading; 1958 report on the Library Association Conference; Library and Publicity Staff - notes on suggested apoointments and regradings; summary of the Civil Information Service; care and maintenance of book stock; 1966 report on the Annual Conference of the British Records Association; report from the 1967 Library Association Public Libraries Conference; Inventory of the Gramaphone Record Library; documents on Delegation of Authority and Frequency of Committee Meetings; 1967 Summary of the City of York Archives Department; library opening hours and other attached notes; report on a Workshop of the Social Sciences held in the Russell Hotel, September 1968.

Events guides
Y/EDU/5/3/55 · File · November 1959-March 1977
Part of York Civic Archive

These guides were compiled by the City Information Service at the York Public Library, and detailed events held at the library premises and elsewhere in the city.

Annual reports
Y/EDU/5/3/54 · File · 1930-1973
Part of York Civic Archive

Incomplete series. Includes some reports for the Second World War period.

Overdue reminder cards
Y/EDU/5/3/52 · File · 22 December 1936-1 May 1937
Part of York Civic Archive

Two cards for books not returned within two weeks of their due date. The fine in each case was sixpence.

Y/EDU/5/3/37 · File · 22 August 2011
Part of York Civic Archive

The folder includes wallets and papers containing images of young infants engaging in reading activities, loose photographs and postcards from the aforementioned scheme, and a collection of newspaper articles from the local press.

York Public Library
Y/EDU/5/3/34 · File · 1980-1990
Part of York Civic Archive

Internal Senior Management Team papersk including agendas, minutes, notes to members, memoranda - for the Divisional Management Group, in the period 1980-1990.

York Public Library
File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/53 · File · 1950x1970
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence regarding the storing of construction equipment, the use of St Leonards Hospital and excavation of the city walls.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/52 · File · 1950x1970
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes correspondence regarding periodical subscriptions, microfilm conversion and requests for minutes.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/49 · File · 1968-1974
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes: 1968 letter and attached proposals for dealing with cases of local disasters; four memoranda from the Town Clerk regarding byelaws for bringing wheeled vehicles into the library and the founding of a tourist centre; directives regarding the electricity of cuts and the conservation of fuel in the winter of 1973; a collection of memoranda regarding the fuel emergency of 1974/three-day week; and a proposal and constitution for a York Arts Council.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/44 · File · 1958-1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes: report on local government agency arrangements between City of York Council and North Yorkshire County Council, a copy of the 1967 Local Government Alteration of Areas; two copies of document detailing the Public Libraries and Museums Bill; an estimate of library costs resulting from proposed boundary extensions; correspondence regarding capitation grants; documents detailing the 1958 Local Government Act and its likely effects on York's public libraries; and a further folder contining miscellaneous documents pertaining to local government restructuring.

York Public Library
File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/42 · File · 1946
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprehensive collection of correspondence relating to the National Association of Local Government Organisations (NALGO), including receipts, invoices, accounts, promotional materials, newspaper cuttings for wartime exhibition on local government services. Relates to the war effort more generally.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/41 · File · 11 November 1942-18 September 1945
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning the series of War Office grants received by the library in support of its provision of services to locally-based Forces men and women and interned prisoners. Includes some statistics for holdings, loans and service user/borrower numbers through the war.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/39 · File · 18 July 1944-19 July 1944
Part of York Civic Archive

Letter from Miss Aspden to R. Doherty at the Library, concerning arrangements for an evacuation scheme between Nonsuch County School and Queen Anne Secondary School, plus a reply.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/38 · File · April 1944
Part of York Civic Archive

Letters concerning a book, 'The War's Best Photographs', and a request for a copy of a picture depicting the bombed Guildhall York.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/37 · File · 1943-1945
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning the 'Through Polish Eyes' wartime photograph exhibition, which was hosted at the York Public Library during part of its tour in 1945.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/36 · File · 1943-1944
Part of York Civic Archive

Concerning the 'Salvage Book Drives'. Contains correspondence with the British Records association, expressing fears over the effects of the wartime effort to recycle paper; and discussing possible interventions in order to identify and preserve important documents. Also includes details of the library's work to distribute books to hospitals and among regiments.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/33 · File · 1941
Part of York Civic Archive

Folder containing correspondence regarding repairs, fittings and furnishings for the library including records from the 1941 War Damage Act.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/32 · File · 12 May 1941-20 December 1945
Part of York Civic Archive

Two sets of correspondence concerning library staffing during and just after the Second World War.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/30 · File · 25 June 1940-19 September 1940
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes a letter regarding the Control of Maps Order from Chief Constable Harry H. Herman, together with correspondence from Joan Hopper and attached newspaper cutting, dated 25th-26th June 1940, concerning fears over enemy spies using libraries and maps to plan an invasion.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/28 · File · 1940s
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes the following: 1943 note from M.E. Hurford to the city librarian accepting a proposal to earmark the Concert Hall of the Mount School as a 'post-raid administrative centre'; 1942 note on 'Raid Welfare Organisation' scheme to be held in the Reference Library; 1942 correspondence between the county and city librarians regarding free inter-lending between branches; assorted correspondence, terms of agreement, and accounts regarding schemes for cooperation and inter-lending between York and surrounding county libraries; related correspondence regarding the inter-availability of borrowers/readers tickets; assorted reproductions and facsimiles of correspondence relating to inter-lending etc.; correspondence and figures regarding service lists and lending to those working within the city of York; assorted figures, accounts and requests for information regarding readers/lenders from outside York; correspondence between city of York and Norwich Public Libraries regarding inter-lending agreements; assorted correspondence regarding subscription rates and fees for 'out of area' users; two tables including the following data regarding county councils in Yorkshire: population, book stock, stock per 1000 population, bookbinding and establishment expenses.

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/27 · File · 1939-1941
Part of York Civic Archive

Concerning the provision of books to foreign POWs; the removal in 1939 of irreplaceable bibliographical material from the Malet Place premises of the National Central Library to Bourne Lodge in Hertfordshire; and the subsequent destruction of Malet Place on Thursday 17th April 1941 in a fire resulting from enemy action.

Y/EDU/5/3/3/24 · File · 1935-1947
Part of York Civic Archive

A large collection of wartime correspondence to and from the York Public Library. Includes frequent mentions of war-work and wartime issues (esp. a publicity document with corrections dated 24/3/41, explaining the role of public libraries in the war effort). Also present are letters regarding loans of books to/use of library by local military units and internment camps alike, and requests for assistance in setting up Unit libraries. There are also several mentions of library-hosted entertainment for local Forces men and women, and requests for books relating specifically to war-work (munitions, nurseries). There are mentions of W.V.S. and A.R.P. work in/around the library; and of the various uses of the building as part of the war effort (for community work; welfare work; outreach; and emergency organisation, both as a Wardens' Post and, from letters dated January 1941, as an 'After Blitz' Organisation Centre'). A number of letters dealing with adaptations to the building, such as the installation of an emergency telephone and the addition of bomb-proofing materials (letter dated 23rd October 1942 from the City Librarian to the City Englineer); plus a number of mentions of rationing (fuel, staff uniform coupons). Later correspondence concerns the post-war cleanup, e.g. one letter dated 20th August 1945 discusses the removal of wire guards from the windows, while others deal with the removal of blackout fittings (11th June 1945), the closing of an Emergency Administrative Centre (28th June 1945), the disconnection of a wartime telephone (29th January 1946), the redistribution of surplus Civil Defence Equipment (4th February 1946), and the rehabilitation and resettlement of returning officers (26th October 1945)). One circular dated 15th October 1945 from the Ministry of Fuel discusses severe coal shortages for the first winter after the War. There are also more general letters from this period, concerning: exhibitions and events (many, but not all, of which are themselves part of the war effort); schools and educational outreach; user enquiries, suggestions and requests (e.g. for publishing advice, and the use of a lecture-hall); approaches regarding the purchasing and acquisition of new stock and furnishings; insurance; matters of health and infection control; inter-library communication, including with the Rowntree Library; personal correspondence between Frederick Cowles at Pendlebury and Raymond Doherty at York. Also present are a number of internal letters and other documents (notes concerning stock; a police report detailing a list of found books; financial and taxation matters; staffing matters; committee matters; Library inspection reports and conference reports; assorted library notices and publicity documents in proof; notes and notices concerning rationing esp. National Milk Cocoa; notes of library tickets and books issued to local Forces).

File of correspondence
Y/EDU/5/3/3/23 · File · 1896-1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes the following: 1896 letter from W. Morrell to A.H. Furnish regarding the Technical Instruction Committee; 1967 correspondence between a Mr Carl Vitz of Cincinnati and the city librarian; 1936 copies correspondence written by the city librarian informing of the death of A.H. Furnish; two York Public Library bookmarks including advertisements (circa 1939-45 - advertisements include references to the ARP); correspondence between the city librarian and a P.G. Gill regarding a thesis on the formation of public libraries; and notes on the Benn Figures relating to public libraries (1935)

Letter book
Y/EDU/5/3/3/14 · File · 23 October 1918-8 January 1919
Part of York Civic Archive

The contents mentions the First World War, its aftermath, and its effect on the city and the library. Also includes personal correspondence between the City Librarian and Mr Doherty, who was on active service, and some general correspondence. Indexed. Also includes a blank cheque.

York Public Library
Y/EDU/5/3/20/1 · File · 1946-1950
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence to and from the City Librarian regarding requests/changes to the temporary branch of Acomb Library, the purchasing of land, construction of the prefabricated building, and the terms of the lease from the Friends Meeting House.

York Public Library
Y/EDU/5/3/2/13 · File · 1980-1985
Part of York Civic Archive

Folder containing the minutes of the North Yorkshire County Library DOI

Reports and minutes
Y/EDU/5/3/2/11 · File · 1960-1973
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes agendas, reports and minutes for the Library and Friendly Relations Committee.