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Notebook 'Heroes in Homer'
YPS/8/3 · Unidad documental simple · Early 19th century
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Notebook inluding lists and notes about characters in the Illiad. At the other end of the volume are written notes about Greek theatre. Also includes loose sheets with notes from Roman authors and a list of French Marshalls General.

Levy against John Lord
YPS/7/8 · Unidad documental simple · 12 February - 6 March 1816
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Levy for £41 12s 0d taken out on behalf of Richard Ayrton and William Heap assignees of the estate of John Lowcock, bankrupt, 12 February 1816, together with 32s costs of execution by Willis Farithorne and Clarke, for Heslop, 6 March 1816.

YPS/7/7 · Unidad documental simple · 1782-1814
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Three documents relating to the naval career of Nicholas Caesar Corsellis, including: a certificate appointing him Third Lieutenant of the ship 'The Triumph', 2 October 1782; a copy of a warrant from the Admiralty Office allowing him to retire with the rank of Commander with a pension of 8s 6d per day, 9 November 1814; and a commision appointing him to the rank of Commander as one of eighty Commanders appointed who were no longer able to serve due to age or infirmaty, 9 November 1814.

YPS/7/2 · Unidad documental simple · 1615 - c. 1717
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Two parchment rolls concerning deer on the King's land.

The first roll includes details on the numbers of deer, distinguishing stags, hinds, and other kinds of deer, in each forest, park and chase in April - May 1615, together with a note of the number of deer that died in the winter of 1614. The names of keepers of the forests and masters of the game are also given.

Details of the following forests, parks, and chases are included on the document: Forest of Galtres, Sherriff Hutton Park, Blansby Park with the Forest of Pickering Lithe, Forest of Pickering, Credling Park, Pomfret Park, Altoft Park, Park of the Hay, Bilton Park, Coverdale Chase, Bishopdale Chase, Mandlesse Park, Arkendale New Forest, Cotterdale Chase, Rydale Chase, and Hatfield Chase.

On the back of the parchment roll are later detailed notes about the history of the forests, parks, and chases has been written along with notes about their current state, possibly in 1717. These were possible done by Thomas Robinson, who has signed the back of the document. One the back is also written 'The gift of my kind uncle John Gibson'.

The second roll duplicates the details from the first for some of the forests, with additional rough notes and calculations. On the back of the roll are further notes in the same hand as those on the back of the first roll, including notes on the state of other forests in English with lists of the numbers of deer in those forests.

Shoemaker's Sales Ledger and Cash Book
YPS/6/9 · Unidad documental simple · c. 1800-1804
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Ledger principally showing customer debit accounts, but also including a cash book at the back of the volume. Also includes several loose bills accounts and correspondence. The ledger possibly belonged to David Mitchell, who is named as the sender of the loose bills and is named in some accounts.

Sales Ledger of William Lund, Currier
YPS/6/7 · Unidad documental simple · 1791-1818
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Ledger is described as Day Book of Mr. Lund, [currier, of York]. Mainly includes details of sales, in the form of debit and credit accounts, of hides, calf legs and seal skins. Includes an index to customers, mainly in Yorks, but also at Worksop and Nottingham.

Letter from A G at York
YPS/6/2 · Unidad documental simple · 11 May 1622
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Letter concerning security for money due to the writer upon his former bargain. He had been to see Mr. Fra. in Westmorland, who was willing to defer the meeting and that the money should be paid according to covenant.

YPS/6/16 · Unidad documental simple · c. 18th Century
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Poem entitled 'An Epitaph' describing the life of 'Margery Scot of Dunkeld in Scotland, Died February 28th Aged 125 years 1708'. The poem makes reference to political and social events ion Scotland, and is possibly an allegory rather than an epitaph for a real individual.

Engagement Diary of Mr. B. Cattley
YPS/6/14 · Unidad documental simple · 1884-c. mid 20th century
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Lists dinner parties attended and given between 1884 and 1899, with names of all guests.

A note has been written into the front of the volume reading 'This notebook was kept by Mr. B. Cattley who died at 54 Bootham, York, December 1902 where it was found in an empty cupboard. G.A.A.'.

Also includes a later note about the life of Bowden Cattley, which has been written on the back of a ticket for attendance at the visit of HM The Queen and HRH The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh to York on 28th June 1971.

YPS/6/1 · Unidad documental simple · 1602 - 19th century
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Includes original letter and later [19th century] transcription.

Letter states that he [Thornburgh] had sent £350 to be paid into Sir Thos. Tasbury’s office, as Mr. Scudamour, Her Majesty’s Receivor for the county had directed. The remainder of the money due for the accounts of Ireland he would bring to London when he came in about 20 days’ time.
Signed, Jo: Thornburgh.

Account book of the Curriers Guild
YPS/5/4 · Unidad documental simple · 1717-1788
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Volume covering 1717-1752, and showing receipts and disbursements, and later debit and credit columns. Also includes four bonds at the back of the volume, lists of those aprenticed and those turned over to new masters 1653-62, and the names of some of the officers of the guild, including the searchers and pageant masters.

Account book of the Curriers Guild
YPS/5/3 · Unidad documental simple · 1655-1715
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Includes receipts and disbursements, and later debit and credit columns. Also includes the names of some of the officers of the guild, including the searchers and pageant masters, and two loose pages from a later volume, with entries relating to the years 1779-1788.

YPS/5/2 · Unidad documental simple · [c. 17th century]
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Includes a copy of ordinances 1417-1675, with a list of bretheren admitted 1675-1698. The ordinances appear to have been copied at a later date in at least two separate hands.

Many of the pages in the volume contain scribbles and rough notes. A note on the first page reads 'From Mrs Hannah Horne ...'. It is not clear what this note refers to.

YPS/5/1 · Unidad documental simple · [c. 1525-1550]
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Also known as 'The Sykes Manuscript'. The play formed part of the cycle of York Mystery Plays, performed in York at the festival of Corpus Christi until their suppression in 1569. This manuscript is only one of two known contemporary copies of the play; the other is held at the British Library. The text of this copy has some variations from those found in the copy at the British Library. This play would have been performed by the Guild of Scriveners [Scribes].

The vellum cover of the play contains various rough notes.

A folder contains a typed transcription and translation, as well as photographs of the manuscript, is kept in the same box.

For a detailed analysis of the manuscript see A.C. Cawley,
The Sykes Manuscript of the York Scriveners’ Play in Leeds Studies in English and Kindred Languages, 1952. Cawley notes that the manuscript may have originally been held by the Corporation of York, before being donated to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society in the nineteenth century by a private individual.

YPS/4/2 · Unidad documental simple · 23 - 31 October 1775
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Signed and registered indenture whereby Edward Bearpark bound himself apprentice to Robert Lonsdale of York, carpenter and joiner, for 8 years.
He was to receive 1s. every Shrove Tuesday and £3 for his last year’s service.
Signed and sealed by Edward Bearpark and Robert Lonsdale.

YPS/3/9 · Unidad documental simple · 7 December 1663
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

LEASE, Wm. Straker of York, draper, Master of the Society of Merchant Taylors, and the Wardens and Assistants, to John Peck of York, merchant tailor,
the house and chambers called the Gatehouse with the garth and well adjoining their Hall and a garden on the backside of their Hall, formerly in the tenure of John Watson, dec.d and now of Ric Mason and Ric. Crootheir.
Reservation of the right of the Master Wardens and Assistants to walk in the garden on May Day, quarter day, election day and at the court held for the Lammas quarter between 1pm and 3pm. and for the whole society on Midsummer day between 9 o’clock and 12 o’clock and also of the right of the windows in the Masindew, other tenants adjoining the Hall, the company and their servants to fetch water from the well between sunrise and sunset. Term. 40 yrs. from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel last.

Conson. £22. Rent. 6s 8d p.a.
John Peck was to make all necessary repairs, main timber excepted.
Signed by Wm. Straker. Seal of the company wanting.

YPS/3/8 · Unidad documental simple · 26 December 1651
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

FEOFFMENT, Wm. Weddell of Earswick, Esq., Thos. Waite of Haxbye, gent., Fran. Swaine of York, gent. and Thos. Clarke of Earswick, gent, to Edw. Lund, Jun. of Wigginton, husbandman, a cottage in Wigginton in the occupation of Edw. Lund and a little garth adjoining it called the West Hall Garth, a little close called the Grasse Garth bounded by Keld Lane on W. and Shipton Close on E., 7 acres of arable land in the common fields of Wigginton in Edw. Lund’s occupation, half a little close of newly enclosed common, [being] the N. side of a close called the Larefoote Hill bounded by Robt. Stabler’s close on S. and John Arminson’s on N. and the S. side of another close of newly enclosed common, the half called the Lord’s part, containing 6 a., bounded by Thos Lund’s close on S. and a close in the occupation of Robt. Stabler on N. The premises were conveyed to the feoffors, 10 Apr. last by Edw. Lord Howard Baron of Eskrigg, by bargain and sale enrolled in Chancery.

Conson: unspecified.
Signed and sealed by the 4 feoffors.

Endorsed Livery of seisin of the same date.

YPS/3/7 · Unidad documental simple · 20 December 1647
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

BARGAIN & SALE, Peter Brownrigge, Kirkdighton, yeoman, to Wm. Yeoman, York, tanner, of half a close outside Walmgate Bar, on the south
of the street, now in the occupation of Jas. Fearne.
Conson: £35.

Endorsed, livery of seisin of the same date.
Signed & sealed by Peter Brownrigge.
BOND, for £70 for performance of covenants of the same date attached.

YPS/3/5 · Unidad documental simple · 24 August 1528
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

FEOFFMENT, Chris. Neleson of Rycall, gent, to Wm. Neleson, his son and heir and Anne Tenant, daughter of Ric. Tenant, dec.d, his intended wife, and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to the feoffor and his heirs. The manor of Skelton, 12 bovates of land and 2 closes called Corbrum and Lyngclose in Skelton, and a barn and 1 acre of land in Bowthom in the suburbs of York, in the tenure of John Wright and 1 barn and 1 acre of meadow in Bagargate in the suburbs of York in the tenure of Hy. Maltman

Signed and sealed by Chris. Neleson.

Endorsed 1. Livery of seisin, date as above.

  1. Endorsed on the close [Roll], 21 Nov. 20 Eliz. (1577).

Viewed the tofts for the plt. This deed examined with them.

Signed, Tho. Lascelles, Chr. Astye.

20 Hy VIII

YPS/3/4 · Unidad documental simple · 21 January 1357
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

GIFT IN FEE SIMPLE, John de Lasceles of Escrik to Sir Ric. de Tadecastre & Robt. de Barton, York, chaplain, of a messuage with appurtances in Fishergate
Abuttals given.

Witnessed: John de Langeton, Mayor of York, Wm. Ferrein, John de Acastre, Thos. de Strensale, bailiffs of the city, Wm. de Grantham, mercer, John Haunsare, John de Barton de Naburne, Robt. de Skelton, John de Rypon, John de Staunton, clerk.

Seal on tag: round, natural wax, 1”, armorial on a bend 3 lions rampant.

YPS/3/3 · Unidad documental simple · 23 June 1317
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

GIFT IN FEE TAIL, Ranulf le Hoser, citizen of York & Ellen his wife, to John de Wetewang, York, apothecary & Petri et his wife, daughter of Ranulf & Ellen, of a messuage in Micklegate.
Abbutals given.

Witnessed: Robt. Mek, mayor of York, Thos. de Alwarthorp, Nich. de Coloma, Ric. Toller, bailiffs of the same town, Thos. de Horneby, John Lorbatour, John Yarstallo, Thos. de Hillburgh, Roger de Pikeryng de Ebor, Clerk.

2 seals on tags: round, red, l" & ¾":

Text from the back of the deed: 'Die Jovis p.p.festum S.S. Petriet Pauli, 10 Ed. II, [1317 23rd June, at York]'.

YPS/3/2 · Unidad documental simple · [13th Century]
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections


GIFT IN FEE SIMPLE, Wm. de Rependon to Walter de Allespath, of all the land held by Walter, of Edith Witing.

Witnessed: Ric. de Aula, Robt. Vinetar, Hugh son of Martin, Hugh de Allespath, Thos. de Wilmhal, Mathew son of Gundree, Walter le Lorim’, Ric. Burgeis, Ric. Oxu, Roger de Allespath, & Wm. le Butt.

Seal on tag: hexagonal, green, 1" x 11/3"

YPS/3/17/5 · Unidad documental simple · 07 February 1680
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Indenture between Joshua Coulston of the one part and John Banks of the other part, relating to a lease from the Mayor and Commonality of the City of York. Includes a description of the extent and location of the land.

YPS/3/16/29 · Unidad documental simple · 21 December 1843
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Between James Monkman of Oldham in the County of Lancaster machine maker of the first part, James Cook of Colliergate in the City of York tinner and brazier of the second part, Robert Cook the elder of the same city tinner and brazier of the third part, Robert Cook the younger of the same city tinner and brazier of the fourth part, and James Richardson the younger of the said City of York gentleman of the fifth part.

YPS/3/16/27 · Unidad documental simple · Undated [cSeptember 1842-1843]
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Extract made of the will some time after the will was proved in September 1842. The extract relates to the bequeathing of property in Colliergate to James Monkman and his heirs and assigns. The property is described as being partly adjoining on and partly in front of the Old Sand Hill Inn, in Colliergate, now in the occupation of Messrs Ellis, tailors.

YPS/3/16/23 · Unidad documental simple · 04 June 1813-[c29 November 1830]
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Grant made on 4 June 1813 in favour of Henry Wade and his trustee. Grant made between Robert Fawsett [Fawcett] butcher of the first part, Henry Wade yeoman of the second part, William Gamble gentleman of the third part, and Nevill Feather tailor of the fourth part.

A note on the front of the deed notes that a memorial of the deed was enrolled at the High Court of Chancery on 14 June 1813, pursuant to an act of parliament made for that purpose.

A note written at the top of the deed in pencil records that 'Henry Wade the annuitant departed this life on the 29 November 1830 and was buried in Marygate churchyard, York. Henry Cawood'.

YPS/3/16/22 · Unidad documental simple · 04 October 1811-05 October 1811
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Between John Agar, clock and watch maker, on the first part, Henry Cawood, law stationer, on the second part, Robert Fawsett [Fawcett], butcher, on the third part, John Seymour, gentleman, on the fourth part, and William Gamble, gentleman, on the fifth part.

YPS/3/16/20 · Unidad documental simple · 18 May 1775
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Signed statement showing the Mr Agar must rebuild the party wall between his premises and the premises of Mr Bollans at his expense, those premises being situate on Colyergate [Colliergate]. The document has been signed by John Foster, Richard Raisin, Johnathan Fleming and Christopher Newstead, who had previously viewed the wall in question.

YPS/3/16/17 · Unidad documental simple · 09 May 1774
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Between John Wagstaff, needlemaker, and his wife Elizabeth Wagstaff, the only daughter of Archibald Creighton and Isabella Creighton both deceased and the widow of Henry Lightfoot the younger, and Thomas Hollins [Thomas Hollines], barber surgeon, on the one part, and John Agar, watchmaker. Lease for one year. This document would appear to be one part of a lease and release document.

YPS/3/16/16 · Unidad documental simple · 06 January 1772-07 January 1772
Parte de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

Transfer of the property from Archibald Creighton, merchant taylor, and his wife Isabel Creighton [Isabella Creighton] to Thomas Hollines [Thomas Hollins], barber surgeon. The release document has been signed and sealed by the Lord Mayor of York, Edward Wallis.