Showing 58868 results

Archivistische beschrijving

Thomas Robinson of York, esq. To Jonas Mascall, grocer, a messuage in the Pavement lately in the tenure of Theophilus Nesfield, draper, and now of Jonas Mascall, and the stable, garden and backside belonging thereto, situated between the house inhabited by Mr. John Taylor merchant on one side, and that where Mrs Wrightson dwelt and the common lane from Pavement in front and R. Foss behind. Term 21 years, from 10 Dec. last. Rent. £18 p.a. to be paid on 10 June and 10 Dec. at Haxby’s tomb in St Peter’s. If the rent was 10 days overdue the lessor was to have the right of re-entry. The lessee was to make all necessary repairs, the main timbers only excepted, and pay all taxes and assessments. Proviso that if Jonas Mascall re-let the premises without Thos Robinson’s consent, the latter was to have the right of re-entry. If Thos Robinson refused his consent, Jonas Mascall could terminate this lease at the next rent day. Attached. Schedule of fixtures to be left in the hose by the tenant. Signed and sealed by Jonas Mascall.


Sir Wm Robinson of Newby, Bart., to Robt. Willson of York, grocer, a messuage, stable and garden in the Pavement (as above), now in the tenure of the said Robt. Willson bounded by the house where John Nevil, merchant, dwelt on one side and the house where Eman, Justice, merchant, dwelt, and the common lane from the Pavement to R. Foss on the other. Term. 11 years form Lady Day last. Rent. £18 p.a. to be paid to Michaelmas and Lady Day at Haxby Tomb in St Peter’s. The lessor was to have the right of re-entry if the rent was 10 days overdue, and the lessee was to perform all necessary repairs, except to the main timbers, and pay all assessments. If the premises were re-let, the new lessees were to make all the said payments. Attached. Schedule of fixtures to remain in the house. Signed and sealed by Robt Wilsonn.

Bargain and sale

Robert Paycocke, merchant and Eliz. his wife, to Chris Harbert, ald.n and merchant, and Eliz. his wife. The messuage and garden inhabited by the said Robt Paycocke and Eliz, situated on the Payment in the parish of the Holye Crosse or Crux with all appurtenances including doors, locks, keys, partitions, floors, pavements, wainscotts, ceilings, windows, glass, shelves, gantries, ovens and ‘arelomes’. The premises lay between the land of Chris Harbert in the several tenures of Peter Wylkyngson and Chris. Harbert on E. and the land of Wm Allan Ald.n in the tenure of Robt Harper, haberdasher, and merchant, on W. and in length from the Pavement to the R. Foss. Conson. £150. Signed and sealed by Robt. Paycok and Eliz Paycocke.


Sir Wm Robinson of Newby, Bart., to Fran Hewitt of York, grocer, a messuage, stable and garden, in the Pavement, (as above), now in the tenure of Fran. Hewitt, situated between the tenements inhabited by John Hewitt, merchant, and Eman. Justice, merchant. Term. 21 years from Lady Day last. Rent. £18 p.a. Covenants as above. Attached. Schedule of fixtures.

Bargain and sale

Robert Paycocke and Eliz., his wife, to Chris. Harbert and Eliz. his wife the messuage and garden as above. Conson. £160. Eliz Paycocke had sworn before the Mayor that she executed the deed of her own free will. Endorsed. Livery of seisin of the same date. Signed and sealed by Robt Paycok, Thos Harryson, Lord Mayor, and Eliz Paycocke. (Latin)

Exemplification of a Fine

Levied in the Easter Term 1583 between John Manley, gent and Thos Hemsworth, gent, plaintiffs and Chris Harbert, gent defendant. Concerning 10 messuages, 10 shops, 8 gardens, 2 orchards and 20 acres of land in St Andrewgate, Awdwarke, Wamgate, Haworth garths, Thursday Markett and the Pavement. Fine. £240. Seal wanting. (Latin)


Chris Harbert and Richard Harbert, merchant, his son, were before Whit Sunday next to convey to John Readman of Water Fulfurthe, esq., and Wm Kalam, John Metcalf, and Robt. Harryson of York, gents., to the use of Chris Harbert for life and afterwards to the use of Ric. Harbert and Jane, his wife, daughter of Wm Robinson, alderman, and the heirs of their bodies begotten, and in default thereof to the right heirs of the said Ric. A house in the Pavement in the tenure of Thos Harbert, another house there in the tenure of Jas Godson, a house in Coppergate in the tenure of John Hodgshon, a house in Thursday Markitt in the tenure of Thos Wrathe, a house in St Andrewegaite in the tenure of John Plummer, a house in Awdewarke in the tenure of Reynalde Hewton and Jane Harbert, a house in Walmegaite in the tenure of Thos Robinson, a house and orchard called the Ace Howse without Walmegaite Barr in the tenure of Chris Butterye, a house and barn with a garth and close without Walmegaite Barr in the tenure of Geo Jackson, ground called the Heworthe garths without Walmegaite Barr in the tenure of the said Chris Harbert and 1½ acre of meadow in Fulfurthe Ings. Proviso that if both Chris and Ric. Harbert died before her and she had one or more sons, the said Jane was to pay £10 p.a. from the premises to such son or eldest if there were more than one, until he was 21 years of age. The trustees should then be seised of the premises in Coppergate to the use of that son and the said Jane was to pay him £6 p.a. issuing from the other premises. Conson; £300 paid to Ric. Harbert by Wm Robinson as his daughter’s jointure. Signed and sealed by Chris Harbert and Ric. Harbert.

Endorsed. Livery of seisin, 4 June 1590. Memo. That Thos Robinson, the tenant of the premises late in the tenure of George Jackson, John Fisher being tenant of the premises late in the tenure of Thos Wrathe and Jas Godson, did severally attorn to this grant. Signed and sealed by Chris Herbert and Ric. Harbert (Latin)

CNR/6/10 · Stuk · 1963-1968
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/11 · Stuk · 1968-1972
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/12 · Stuk · 1974-1976
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/13 · Stuk · 1976-1978
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/14 · Stuk · 1972-1974
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/15 · Stuk · 1978-1980
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/2 · Stuk · 1930-1953
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/3 · Stuk · 1940-1949
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/4 · Stuk · 1943-1947
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/5 · Stuk · 1949-1954
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/6 · Stuk · 1949-1957
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
CNR/6/8 · Stuk · 1958-1970
Part of York Coroner's records

This volume contains very basic summary information about coroners inquests held in York in the period, including name, date of inquest and cause of death. In cases where we do not have a surviving inquest file for a death, the individual entries are listed in this series.

Zonder titel
Share transfer ledger
COL/1 · Stuk · 1838-1842
Part of York Collegiate School

The volume includes an index of the names of individuals transferring shares in the school during the 19th century. There are very few entries.


Minute book
COM/2/1/3 · Stuk · Apr 1833-Feb 1846
Part of York City (Improvement) Commissioners

Handwritten minutes. Includes at front of volume 1.handwritten standing orders at front of volume

  1. abstract of accounts (26 May 1842-25 May 1843)
Minute book
COM/2/1/4 · Stuk · Mar 1846-Aug 1850
Part of York City (Improvement) Commissioners

Handwritten minutes. Includes the following insert from the front of the volume: Report adopted at meeting of 4 July 1849 regarding gas charges [printed]

Minute book
COM/2/3/2 · Stuk · Jun 1836-Nov 1849
Part of York City (Improvement) Commissioners

Handwritten minutes of various committees reporting to the City Commissioners. Includes two letters pasted into front of the volume concerning a proposal to rename Jubbergate.

Minute and report book
COM/2/3/3 · Stuk · Feb-Jul 1850
Part of York City (Improvement) Commissioners

Handwritten minutes and reports of various committees. Includes the following committees: Foss Navigation Committee; Rate Committee; Peter Lane Improvement Committee; Mr Musham's Accounts Committee; Paving Committee; North Street Improvement Committee; Drainage Committee; Gas Committee; and Audit Committee.