Showing 58868 results

Archival description
GDC/184/3/2 · Item · 9 May 1735
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Lease for one year between Elizabeth Wastling of Settrington, widow, and Timothy Wastling of Settrington, yeoman, son and heir apparent of Timothy Wastling late of Settrington, of one part and Edward Preston of New Malton, gentleman of the other part. The lease concerns land at Settrington.

Grays solicitors
Legal opinion
GDC/184/3/4 · Item · 8 November 1785
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Case for the Opinion of Recorder Johnson concerning lands in North Deighton, Kirk Deighton, Cunnistrope, Clareton, Upper Dunsforth and Nether Dunsforth. Family names mentioned in the document are Faceby, Dawson, Mawhood, Waud and Bowes.

Grays solicitors
Opinion of legal counsel
GDC/184/3/5 · Item · 18 May 1829
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Counsel’s Opinion together with Instructions to Counsel as to the title of Mr John Groves and others, devisees in trust of Thomas Groves deceased, to James Shepherd , esquire and his trustee William Archbell.

Grays solicitors
GDC/187/1 · Item · 3 January 1834
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Mr Brook’s receipt for the title deeds relating to a close at Holtby sold to Mr Brook by Mr Warburton.

Grays solicitors
Court Record
GDC/189/1 · Item · 5 October 1790
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Court document of the Manor of Craike in the County of Durham concerning George Lloyd, of Manchester in the County of Lancaster, and William Waller Esquire, Captain to His Majesty's Third Regement of Dragoons, Tenants of the Manor of Craike surendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manor, whilst Joseph Armytage was admitted tenant. Joseph Armytage was also ordered to pay a fine that appears in the margain of the document as £1-4s-4d.

Grays solicitors
GDC/189/2 · Item · 6 October 1801
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Certificate of the Contract for Redemption of Land Tax in the County of Durham. The document relates to a messuage and several closes of land, an arable meadow and pasture land belonging to John Peckitt of Craike, Yeoman.

Grays solicitors
Draft bill of costs
GDC/189/3 · Item · 5 February 1806-June 1817
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Draft bill of costs to Mrs Trollope and others, owners of a farm at Fosham from Thorpe and Gray, covering work carried out by the solicitors.

Grays solicitors
GDC/189/4 · Item · 23 August 1875
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Letter by Charles Lettibridge to Gray, solicitor in York, referring to a marriage settlement that would pay out £30,000 to him and his co-trustees. He requests advice as to what steps to take next and points out that is important to be ready with a good investment so as to not lose interest on the money.

Grays solicitors
Lease and conveyance
GDC/19/1 · Item · 19 October 1799-20 October 1799
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Lease and conveyance of lands in the fields at Askham Richard by John Rennison of Askham Richard, yeoman & Thomas Jibb of Askham Bryan, yeoman (his Mortgagee) to George Morley of Askham Bryan, yeoman & Charles Sanderson of York, gentleman (his Trustee). Schedule goes back to 1721.


Grays solicitors
Release in fee
GDC/19/2 · Item · 15 June 1842
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Release in Fee disentailing an allotment, late parcel, of Buttacre Field in Askham Richard, and mortgage for a term by the same deed for securing £140 and interest by George Ward of Acomb, farmer to Richard Wellfoot of Acomb, gentleman (enrolled in Her Majesty’s High Court of Chancery 16 June 1842 Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 3rd and 4th William).


Grays solicitors
Further mortgage
GDC/19/3 · Item · 8 September 1842
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Further mortgage, by Appointment in Fee with a Trust for sale of an allotment late parcel of Buttacre Field in Askham Richard for securing £160 and interest by George Ward of Acomb, farmer to Richard Wellfoot of Acomb, gentleman and his trustee.


Grays solicitors
GDC/19/4 · Item · 27 April 1844
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Conveyance by George Ward of Acomb, farmer and others to Jane Preston of York, spinster. Buttacre Field in Askham Richard.


Grays solicitors
Letter from William Hick
GDC/192/5 · Item · 26 November 1862
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

The letter refers to his proposed purchase of land. He confirms that £17,500 being the vendor’s figure for sale was not acceptable but having made an offer of £13,500 he was prepared to stand by this offer providing the conditions etc are such as he or his solicitor would approve.

Grays solicitors
Bill of costs
GDC/192/8 · Item · 1878
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

From Joseph Robinson Plumber of 6 Little Stonegate relating to repairs on College Street properties between 1879 and 1880, totalling £5-17s-7d.

Grays solicitors
Letter from Robert Menzie
GDC/193/1 · Item · 6 January 1845
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Letter from Robert Menzie in Mumford Monroe County, State of New York, to William Gray, solicitor, acknowledging letter of 12 November 1844 regarding payment due to him following the death of his brother John Menzies. Date marks show it travelling from America to Liverpool and then to York.

Grays solicitors
Letter from John Menzies
GDC/193/2 · Item · 1846
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Letter from John Menzies in Wisconsin Territory, United States to William Gray, solicitor, acknowledging letter of 11 November 1845 and offering alterative method of payment which might be followed in payments due to John Menzies. Date marks show it travelling from America to Liverpool and then to York.

Grays solicitors
Inland Revenue Account
GDC/193/4 · Item · 13 February 1865
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Inland Revenue residuary account relating to the estate of Jacob Dowell of Helmsley, tailor, who died 4 June 1864. The account was exhibited by William Barton of Helmsley the executor and contains a list of debts of J Dowell which exceed his assets.

Grays solicitors
Copy valuation
GDC/194/10 · Item · 31 December 1845
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Copy valuation of articles bequeathed by the will of William Gray Esq, to William Gray his grandson. The document lists family portraits, prints and wine totalling £176-11s-6d.

Grays solicitors
GDC/194/7 · Item · 2 December 1803
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Probate of the will of Mrs Hannah Telford of the parish of Saint Martin cum Gregory, Widow. The executors of the will were John Telford and George Telford her sons, seedsmen and nurserymen. Her will was dated 9 July 1785.

Grays solicitors
Receipted account
GDC/194/8 · Item · 1833
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Receipted account for £8-17s-3d from the Governors of the York Lunatic Asylum at 10/- per week from 25 May to 24 August (13 weeks) for Edward Horseman.

Grays solicitors
GDC/194/9 · Item · 2 August 1842
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

An allotment of land at Osbaldwick given to Reverend Edward Willan, Clerk, as vicar of Osbaldwick and his successors.

Grays solicitors
Copy conveyance
GDC/195/1 · Item · 10 October 1781
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Copy conveyance of houses in Micklegate between Richard Sutcliffe of York, druggist and John Playter of York, coal dealer of the first part, George Beal of York, butter factor and Ann his wife of the second part and Daniel Bulmer of York, gentleman, father of the said Ann Beal of the third part. The document has been much amended in pencil.

Grays solicitors
Copy admission
GDC/195/2 · Item · 23 August 1790
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Copy admission for the Manor of Craike in the County of Durham, from Reverend Richard Lucas and Elizabeth his wife to George Lloyd and William Waller.

Grays solicitors
GDC/195/3 · Item · 12 March 1792
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Lease of a farm at Holdgate from Jeremiah Barstow of Wakefield to Thomas Burton of Holdgate, farmer, at £50 per annum for three years until the end of nine years.

Grays solicitors
Copy lease
GDC/195/4 · Item · 30 January 1796
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Copy lease of a farm at Holdgate by Jeremiah Barstow of York, gentleman to Thomas Burton of Holgate, farmer, for three years at £50 per annum to commence from Lady Day last past.

Grays solicitors
Transfer of Mortgage
GDC/195/8 · Item · 1 February 1840
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Conveyence by Richard Beal of 9 Blackmoor Street, Clare Market, London, cheesemonger, to John Walker the elder of York, confectioner, of one-sixth part in messuages and hereditaments in the City of York in Micklegate, in trust to sell for securing £30 and interest.

Grays solicitors
Ruling of Court Baron
GDC/197/1 · Item · 30 April 1556
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

The ruling of the Court Baron in the Manor and Prebend of Strensall on John Straker of Murton whos lands were to be split amongst his son Robert and wife Elizabeth after his death, followed by their male hairs. The entry fine was 6s-8d.

Grays solicitors
Ruling of Court Baron
GDC/197/2 · Item · 30 September 1583
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

The ruling of the Court Baron in the Manor and Prebend of Strensall on Robert Straker who came into the court and sought entry to the land that had belonged to his father, John Straker deceased, held in the tenure of Silvester Straker. The entry fine was 5s.

Grays solicitors
Ruling of Court Baron
GDC/197/3 · Item · 21 April 1588
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

The ruling of the Court Baron in the Manor and Prebend of Strensall on Robert Straker who came to court to take over the plot of his father, Johanes Straker deceased. The land consists of a messuage and two bovates in Murton. The entry fine was 16s-8d.

Grays solicitors
Ruling of Court Baron
GDC/197/4 · Item · 1627
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

The ruling of the Court Baron in the Manor and Prebend of Strensall on Roger Beverley and Richard Straker senior who hand over to the Lord one strip of land for the use of Richard Straker junior. This is allowed on payment of 6d.

Grays solicitors
Ruling of Court Baron
GDC/197/6 · Item · 1723
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

The ruling of the Court Baron in the Manor and Prebend of Strensall on the case of Ellana Wilberfoss of York, spinster, who held a close called Long Brecklands, consisting of four acres, lying near closes called Paddock Hill, Three Lands, Rowemire, Whinny Hills and Five Pasture Gates, as well as another close called Calf Close, consisting of two acres. These closes are in Ellurton in the Manor of Strensall. On her death the land goes to Henry Lofthouse of Upper Catton, Yeoman. This is allowed on payment of £1-2s-0d.

Grays solicitors
GDC/198/8 · Item · 3 January 1831
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Mortgage for securing £4,559-3s-8d and interest on a premises in Flawith between James Smith the elder of Leith, Scotland and Mary his wife of the first part, Thomas Smith of Leith, their eldest son, of the second part, James Smith the younger, their second son, of the third part, John Singleton of Great Givendale, of the fourth part and David Murray of Edinburgh, writer, of the fifth part.

Grays solicitors
Marriage settlement
GDC/2 · Item · 18 October 1707
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Marriage settlement on the marriage of John Stapylton of Myton in the County of York, Esquire and Mary Sandys of Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln, spinster (only daughter of Francis Sandys late of Scrooby in the County of Nottingham, deceased).


Grays solicitors
GDC/20/1 · Item · 30 December 1816
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Agreement relating to a Charity School at Newton Kyme between Thomas Lodington Fairfax of Newton Kyme, esquire and Reverend John Chaloner rector of Newton Kyme. Also to two closes of land at Bilborough called the Bowlands.


Grays solicitors
Bargain and sale
GDC/20/2 · Item · 6 July 1839
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Bargain and sale of messuage at Newton Kyme and of Bowlands at Bilborough for the foundation of a school at Newton Kyme by Thomas Lodington Fairfax of Newton Kyme, esquire to Thomas Fairfax of Newton Kyme, esquire & Reverend Thomas Hart Dyke of Long Newton in the County of Durham. Specifies terms for the school, school master and what is to be taught. Note on the back says “Null and Void”.


Grays solicitors
Marriage settlement
GDC/20/3 · Item · 23 November 1846
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Settlement on the marriage of Henry Collingwood Blackett of Sockburn Hall in the county of Durham, esquire and Theophania Fairfax of Newton Kyme, spinster.


Grays solicitors
GDC/20/4 · Item · 1 December 1859
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Covenant for production of Title Deeds by Robert Holtby of Rolsea in the County of York, gentleman to Thomas Fairfax of Newton Kyme, esquire & Others. Schedules go back to 1617. Mentions Hall Plumer of Stockton Hall.


Grays solicitors
GDC/200/2 · Item · 12 November 1716
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

William Brass formerly of Red Hall, Hornby, Yorkshire, yeoman, borrowed £60 from Anna Raper of Beadall, Yorkshire, spinster with a bond of £120.

Grays solicitors
Mortgage Bond
GDC/200/3 · Item · 22 June 1726
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

William Brass of Red Hall in the parish of Catterick, gentleman, borrowed £600 from Lady Elizabeth Stapylton of Aiscough in the parish of Leeming, widow.

Grays solicitors
GDC/200/4 · Item · 6 November 1746
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Indenture between Thomas Condon of Kilwick, Yorkshire, esquire and Charles Mellish Condon of Bagnall in the County of Notts.

Grays solicitors
Copy of lease
GDC/201/1 · Item · 25 February 1669
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

A copy of the Dean and Chapter lease to Robert Mellish of Serjeants Inn, signed sealed and delivered by Charles Fairfax, John Neile, John Newsome and Robert Mellish.

Grays solicitors
Search of lease
GDC/201/2 · Item · 1670
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

A search of the leases of Serjeants Inn in Fleet Street, London, where Robert Mellish has to surrender his lease to the previous lessees. This document mentions 'the late dreadfull fire, which happened in London'.

Grays solicitors
GDC/203/3 · Item · 17 June 1780
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Mortgage for £100 and interest from William Barker, late of Great Ouseburn but now of Mountain Mains in the County of York, yeoman, to Miss Catharine Rakes of Ripon. The document refers to Waterside Close and other land at Great Ouseburn.

Grays solicitors
GDC/203/4 · Item · 22 November 1781
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Mortgage for a further sum from William Barker, late of Great Ouseburn but now of Mounton Mains in the County of York, yeoman, to Miss Catharine Rakes of Ripon. Receipt page is dated 14 April 1791 and signed by Dorothy Atkinson, executrix of the will of the late Catharine Rakes.

Grays solicitors
GDC/203/6 · Item · 22 January 1794
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Receipt for £5-1s-10d paid by Edmund Robinson to John Darnbrough for legal services, including the fee for drawing and ingrossing a conveyance. Signed Peter Rigg, Clerk to Mr Darnbrough, Ripon.

Grays solicitors
Transfer of Mortgage
GDC/204/2 · Item · 27 October 1835
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Transfer of mortgage by William Leatham of Heath in the County of York, esquire and Joseph Taylor of Potternewton, esquire (the executors) to John Flintoff, formerly of Railey Fell in the county of Durham. The document is made out to to Mary Anne Flintoff of Leeds, spinster, and concerns the estate of Thorpe Hall at Thorpe Green.

Grays solicitors
Counterpart Lease
GDC/204/3 · Item · 1 July 1836
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Counterpart lease of lands in Earley between Francis Cholmeley of Brandsby Hall, esquire and Jonathan Elliott of the liberty of Earley in the parish of Sonning in the county of Berkshire, yeoman.

Grays solicitors
GDC/204/5 · Item · 2 November 1857
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Conveyance of lands at Thorpe Underwood by Harry Stephen Thompson of Kirby Hall in the county of York, esquire, to Edmund Robinson of Thorpe Green, esquire. The document includes a large map and two schedules of the property in question.

Grays solicitors
GDC/204/6 · Item · 1 August 1862
Part of Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Duplicate conveyance of freehold property at Mold Green in Dalton in the parish of Kirkheaton by George Lister Lister Kaye of West Huntington, esquire and Reverend Henry Torre of Thornhill in Yorkshire to Richard Sykes of Mold Green, butcher. The document includes brief map.

Grays solicitors