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Y/ADM/4/2/1 · Série · January 1915 - April 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

These letters of thanks were received from members of the armed forces from York on active service during the First World War, following the decision by the council to send each of them a present of a bar of chocolate for Christmas 1914. As a result the letters are more commonly referred to as the Chocolate Letters. The letters are individually numbered and arranged alphabetically by surname.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/4 · Pièce · 14 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Sapper William Ainsley of 32nd Signal Company, Royal Engineers, wrote from 25 West St, Brixton. He states that the design of the box lid is very artistic and that he will keep it as 'a souvenir of the war' and a 'memento of the interest and sympathy' shown by the Lord Mayor and Sheriff to their 'fellow citizens who have joined the colours at this critical time'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/10 · Pièce · 18 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private Horace Arnold, Service number 5597, of 3rd Troop, B Squadron, 18 Hussars, 2nd Cavalry Brigade, was serving with the British Expeditionary Force. He states he had news that the gift was being sent to 'all York men serving at the Front' and it is a pleasure to know the 'Lord Mayor and Sheriff think about the men of the City who are fighting for their country's honour'. He is expecting 3 days home leave on 20 January, and invites them to call on him at 9 Clement St, York. He ends with a PS 'Please excuse pencil'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/12 · Pièce · 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Gunner John Henry Bailey, Service number 23403, of Royal Garrison Artillery, wrote from Grenville Fort, Maker Heights, Cornwall. His York address was 11 Park Lane, Holgate. He states he would have liked to spend Christmas at home with his parents but 'duty before pleasure'. He adds that he is proud to be a York lad and is 'looking forward to a speedy termination of this cruel war'. He ends by saying he will prize the box as long as God spares him as 'one never knows what a day brings'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/23 · Pièce · 19 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private G Booth, Service number 2692, of Mechanical Transport, Army Service Corps, was serving with the British Expeditionary Force but wrote from 29, Union Terrace, Clarence St, York, where he was on furlough. He states that the gift touched him very much and he will cherish it to his last. He adds he sincerely trusts he 'may be spared to render further services to his King and Country and the old City' of his birth. He ends by saying he has been invalided home with rheumatism but is much better and is being sent to Aldershot on 23 January.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/26 · Pièce · 11 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private W A Bowles, Service number 6046, of B Squadron, Royal Scots Greys, was serving with the British Expeditionary Force. He states that it is a 'godsend' that York has not forgotten the soldiers who are 'undergoing the hardship and fatigue of active service for a good cause of their King and Country'. He hopes the 'Young Men of York have answered Lord Kitchener's appeal for Recruits' and that when in France they will keep up England's reputation against the 'Barbarians in deeds'. He ends by saying he hopes they will soon be victorious and 'the world will be rid of a Domineering Nation'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/46 · Pièce · 20 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Sergeant Archibald Clark, Service number S/22436, of Army Service Corps, 37 Depot Unit of Supply, was serving with the British Expeditionary Force. He states that the empty box will be returned to York to be kept by his parents as a memento and will always be 'highly treasured' by him.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/59 · Pièce · 3 March 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private John H Cotton, Service number 5769, of Railway Labour Company, Army Service Corps, IF PO 37 [?], was serving with the British Expeditionary Force in France. He states that he and his chums enjoyed the chocolate, which was the first they had tasted since leaving England, and that it was 'A.1. you see it was Rowntrees'. He adds that he is stationed with 23 men all doing railway transhipment work and is lucky to have a 'York chum' billeted with him. He ends by saying he will prize the box as a memento of the kindness shown to them.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/79 · Pièce · 26 April 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

The typed letter was written in York and signed by 7 men serving with the Army Pay Corps. They were Sergeant Charles F Franklin, Service number 3100, Private E J Biddick, Service number 3492, Private E S Sands, Service number 3720, Private Horace Gladstone Tootell, Service number 4002, Private S Chadney, Service number 3997, Private L I Ellis, Service number 3998, Private Eric William Edmands, Service number 4561 and Private P H Taylor, Service number 3716.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/87 · Pièce · 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Sergeant Charles F Franklin of Army Pay Corps wrote from Army Pay Office, 4, St Peters Terrace, Bootham, York. He requests a 'free gift box' as he has been serving in York since 3rd November 1914 and would like it as a souvenir of his time spent in the city.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/90 · Pièce · 3 February 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Lance Corporal Sidney Gibson wrote on behalf of himself and Private J Smith, York, both of 10th Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment, from Wareham, Dorsetshire, using YMCA headed paper. He states that his comrades were glad to enjoy the chocolate with him.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/94 · Pièce · 30 April 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Mortimer and Rachel Goodwill wrote on behalf of their son, Corporal Thomas Mortimer Goodwill. Their address was 116 Lowther St, York. Mortimer thanks the Lord Mayor and Sheriff for the kindly interest they have taken in the York soldiers during this 'terrible war'. He adds that that they hope and pray that their son 'with the other noble men who have gone out to fight our cause will come back safely and enjoy the kindly present'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/95 · Pièce · 12 February 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private A P Grant of Army Pay Corps, wrote from 9 De Grey Terrace, Clarence St, York. He states that his mother is having the box 'framed together with one of Queen Victoria's chocolate boxes (containing the original chocolate) which was sent out to South Africa' to an uncle of his.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/107 · Dossier · 18 February 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Leading Seaman Albert Joseph Hemenway wrote from HMS Grasshopper, c/o GPO Malta. He states his hope that God will spare them to bring the boxes home shortly so they can show their friends and relations what has made them cheerful. He adds that he started at 14 in the Cake Moulding room, joined the navy at 15¼, and has now served 12 years with 2 years 8 months still to do. His sister forwards the Cocoa Works Magazine and he has seen the Lord Mayor's photos in last month's. He encloses a black embroidered ribbon from the ship as a souvenir.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/129 · Pièce · 8 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Trooper W Lane of Yorkshire Hussars, wrote from Harlow, Essex. He states that he much appreciates the Lord Mayor and Sheriff's 'thoughtfulness in remembering the York men who are serving in HM's Forces'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/138 · Pièce · 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private Thomas McGlone, Service number 10045, of D Company, 10 Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment, wrote on YMCA headed paper from Wareham Camp, Dorset. He states that he has been stationed there since 16th September and that all his 'soldier chums from York' have received the gift except him. He asks to be sent one, 'not for the sake of the chocolate, but the honour of receiving one' from the Lord Mayor of the 'good old City of York'. He also includes his York address of 15, Portland Place, Layerthorpe.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/144 · Pièce · 15 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private Thomas Middleton of Army Service Corps, Bradford wrote from 51 Swinnerton Avenue, Leeman Road, York. He states that he will keep the box for remembrance and will frame it. He has cut out the container label to keep in his 'small booth' and will take it with him all through the war. He says he expects to be for 'Duty of War' soon and that he is confident of the success of the Allies. He adds that he is poor but would like to return a New Year's gift as a 'memento of this Great War'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/159 · Pièce · 14 February 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private John H Pawson, Service number 9986, of No. 10 Ambulance Train, Royal Army Medical Corps, was serving with the British Expeditionary Force. He states that the gift box was very much admired by men he showed it to. He hopes his brother Edward, of 109th Battalion, Royal Field Artillery, serving with the 23rd Brigade, also received the box as he is 'sure he would be proud to have such a gift'. He ends by signing himself 'A Proud Son of York' and gives his York address as 25 Wolseley St.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/166 · Pièce · 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private Edmund Skelton and Private Thomas Porritt of D Company, 2nd Yorkshire Regiment, were serving with 21st Brigade, 7th Division of the British Expeditionary Force. The handwriting suggests the letter was written by Edmund Skelton who states that such a gift from the old City is proof they are not forgotten by people at home. He adds that the boxes are not only appreciated now, but 'will be treasured by us (or ours) long after this war is over'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/167 · Pièce · January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Driver Eric Kilvington Potter of C Squad, Army Service Corps, attached to Yorkshire Hussars, wrote from the Talbot Hotel, Queen St, Scarborough. He states that it cheers the men up to know that their fellow citizens have not forgotten them. He adds that he has 'just come out of hospital through a kick in the face with a horse'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/177 · Pièce · 18 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Corporal Lawrence Shaftoe, Service number 54253, of 31st Signal Company, Royal Engineers, wrote from Baston on paper headed with the crossed out York address of Ashley Villa, Fulford. He states that, like the Lord Mayor and Sheriff, he is a Freeman of York and is glad that the city has in them 'such ardent supporters of its country's cause'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/179 · Pièce · 17 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

David Shearman of Army Service Corps, was on active service abroad with 4 Section, 7th Division, Ammunition Column. He states that they are having 'a rough time' but that he is 'quite happy to be able to do a little' for his King and Country with many of his fellow citizens, and hopes to be 'back again in York shortly victorious'. The Illustration is a photograph of German Prisoners of War in 1914 with a caption in French.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/193 · Pièce · 12 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Sergeant Robert Spink of 2nd York and Lancaster Regiment, was serving overseas. He states that it is good of the Lord Mayor and Sheriff to remember 'the York lads at the Front' and that he will treasure the box as a 'souvenir of the war'. The postcard is illustrated with a coloured picture of the flag of Great Britain.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/196 · Pièce · 22 February 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Corporal W T Stockdale, Service number 5716, of Army Service Corps, wrote from abroad. He states that he was 'born within the city walls in Tanner St', and will do his best to 'uphold the honour of the old city of York'. He adds he has enclosed a cutting from the Grangemouth News which shows that they 'sometimes enjoy life on active service as well as in peace time'. The undated cutting reports an event, presided over by Corporal Stockdale, when transport workers from the Port celebrated the birth of a Private's baby at a café with songs and melodeon music.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/201 · Pièce · 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

L Wilfred Taylor of 4th Public Schools Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, wrote from Ashstead, Surrey. He thanks the Lord Mayor and Sheriff for remembering him 'as having enrolled from York' and states his hope that the 'York contingent to the Army will perform a real and lasting part in this war against Prussian Tyranny'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/206 · Pièce · 14 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private John Edward Thompson, Service number 36295, of Royal Army Medical Corps, wrote from Married Quarters, Room 18, A Square, E Company, RAMC Depot, Aldershot. He states that Private J A Smith, who he mentioned in a letter the previous day, has still not received his gift. He adds that he is leaving for the Front in a day or two and will do his duty to the best of his abilities, knowing that the men are being thought about in the 'ancient City of York'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/208 · Pièce · 29 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

C Tickner wrote from abroad. He states that he will always be proud of the gift and hopes to 'return safe once more to dear Old York' and show it to his friends. The illustrations are a photograph of Admiral Sir John Jellicoe and a coloured picture of British and French 'Flags of Freedom'. The lyrics to 'God Save our Gracious King' are also included.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/210 · Pièce · 12 February 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

H Towse wrote on headed paper from HMS Natal, 2nd Cruiser Squadron. He states that since the start of the war they have had every reason in the fleet to be grateful to their Country for the spontaneous way in which people at home have 'answered the call' made by the heads of the cities to supply them with comforts. He adds 'it is still pouring in', but as a man of York he appreciates the kind thought that prompted the Lord Mayor and Sheriff to send the 'little token', and he will 'value it more than all else'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/218 · Pièce · 14 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private Robert Ward of 2nd Platoon, F Company, West Yorkshire Regiment, wrote from St Anthony's Fort, Falmouth, Cornwall. He states that it gives him pleasure to remember that, as a citizen of York, he has left behind him in the 'Grand Old City friends and well-wishers in the present conflict'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/233 · Pièce · 6 February 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Private F Wright, Service number 11447, of 1st Royal Dragoons, 3rd Troop, A Squadron, wrote from Silver St Barracks, Dunbar. He says it is difficult to know why more York youths are not joining up. He expected army life to be hard, but was 'surprised to find it the very opposite' as they have 'two half-holidays a week and are seldom on duty after tea'. The pay is good, they have excellent food and everyone is friendly so 'It is a gentleman's life'. But 'joking apart', they have the satisfaction of knowing that someday they will do their 'little bit with the rest'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/239 · Pièce · 13 February 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Gunner Henry Armitage of 9 Battery, 41st Brigade, was serving with the British Expeditionary Force. He states that he is pleased the men are thought of by someone else besides their families. He adds that the gift will remind York men of home and will be 'something to be proud of when this great trouble is over'. He is sure every man will do his best to uphold the 'honour of the Old City and King and Country'. He ends by asking for the writing to be excused as they 'have no pen and ink and no table to write on'.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/249 · Pièce · 14 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

H Eaton of Depot Staff, 6th Infantry Base, was serving with the British Expeditionary Force and wrote on YMCA headed paper from Harfleur, Le Havre, France. He states that he hopes they will soon be in 'that good old Town of York' again if 'God will spare' them.

Y/ADM/4/2/1/253 · Pièce · 7 January 1915
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Lieutenant George Herbert of Army Service Corps, wrote from Main Supply Depot, Sighthill Station, Glasgow. He states that the 'idea is well worthy of universal initiation had not the time passed' and asks for 2 more tins for his 'brother officers'. He expects to go to the Front within the next week and trusts he will have the 'force and true fighting spirit so characteristic of a Yorkshireman' and be a credit to his city of York. He ends by saying he is a Liberal and an admirer of the Lord Mayor's work as Chairman of the York Liberal Party.

Y/COU/5/5/3 · Série · 1931-1973
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

These volumes contain indexes.

21 1931-36
22 1936-41
23 1941-46
24 1946-49
25 1949-52
26 1952-54
27 1954-57
28 1957-60
29 1960-62
30 1962-64
31 1964-66
32 1966-68
33 1968-71

  1. 1971-74

Finance and General Purposes Hospitality sub-committee minute book
10a 1957-1966

Finance and General Purposes Mansion House sub-committee minute book
10b 1966-1973

Sans titre