Showing 113804 results

Archival description
Duplicate Letters Patent

From King James I. First is to Richard Wilboore, relating to a barn and 7½ acres if arable land in Doncaster, lately in the tenure of Thomas Fang and now of Robert Fang, and formerly belonging to St. Nicholas’s chantry in Doncaster. Term. 40 years. Rent. 25s p.a. and 9s 4d, part of the 16s payable for the provision of a sheep for the hospital. The second is to James Mudd, relating to a close near Foss Milnes in Clifton, formerly belonging to St Mary’s Abbey and now in the tenure of William Binkes. Term. 40 years. Rent. 10s p.a. and 6s. 8d for the provision of the said sheep. Reservation of great timber, mines and quarries to the crown. The lessees were to maintain and repair the premises and were allowed sufficient house-boote, hedge-boote, fire-boote, plough-boote and cart-boote. If the rents were 40 days in arrears, the lessees were to pay a fine of 18s. Conson. £17 10s. Seal. Missing. (Latin)

Copy conveyance

John Sandwith, eldest son and heir of Henry Sandwith, the eldest son and heir of Thomas Sandwith late of St Marygate, Gent, deceased and Francis Sandwith of Abbyford, Gent, to Humphrey Harwood of York. The frontstead, toft or site of a messuage, a garth and 2 gardens in the parish of St Olave, at the north east end of St Marygate near Bowtham, a parcel of ground adjoining the toft and formerly part thereof, in the tenure of William Hodgson, a house ‘rometh’ and sometimes a parlour adjoining the messuage and in the tenure of Helenor Mennell, a large orchard between the Almery Garth on the north and the gardens of St Marygate on the south in the tenure of the said Thomas Sandwith; another frontstead, toft or site of a burgage near Botham between the said frontstead at the end of St Marygate on the south east and the lands formerly of Thomas Jackson of York, Alderman, deceased towards the west and south and the house of Anne Beane, widow, towards the north and east lately in the occupation of William Hodgson. Another frontstead, toft or site of a great messuage and a garden between the land of John Wilkinson towards the east and the site of a house lately in the tenure of Stephen Smith on the west the fronsteads, tofts or sites of 6 houses in St Marygate, lately in the several tenures of John Bowling, sen. Thomas Stockwell, James Jackson, Edward Harker, John Bowling, jun. and Thomas Thorpe; one garden lying on the backside of those frontsteads, lately in the tenure of Robert Lovell; another frontstead, toft of site of a great messuage with the site of 3 stables and 1 orchard, between the said 6 frontsteads on the east and a frontstead or toft sometime in the tenure of John Hicks on the west, another messuage not yet built with an orchard adjacent, between the frontstead or toft, lately the lands of Edward Sands, deceased on the west and the lands lately of Percival Crawforthe, deceased on the east; the site where the house of John Beane and Anne, his wife, formerly stood, a garden adjoining the same, situated in St Marygate, and a parcel of meadow in Clifton to the river Ouse. Formerly in the tenure of William Drewe, deceased, containing 1 acre, commonly called Sandwithe Acre, which formerly belonged to St Mary’s Abbey. Conson. £160. Seisin was delivered the same date. Paper. 332 sheets, the last partially torn.

Bargain and sale

Humphrey Harwood of York, gent, to Metcalfe Robinson of Rawcliffe, Esq; 1 acre of meadow in Clifton called Sandwith’s acre near the Tyle Pitts and water sewer leading from Clifton to the river Ouse, in the tenure of the said Humphrey Harwood and formerly belonging to St Mary’s Abbey. Conson. £60. Humphrey Harwood and Elizabth his wife, were to make further assurances of the title within 7 years, provided they were not required to travel more than 10 miles. Signed and sealed by Humphrey Harward. Endorsed Witnesses to livery of seisin.


Thomas Raynes, Lord Mayor, and the Commonalty of York, to Thomas Harrison of York, Gent. A capital messuage lately erected in Mynt Yard, in the tenure of the said Thomas. Harrison. (see also M31.152). Term. 21 years. Rent. £32 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises, except the main timber. He was not to refuse to pay an assessments on the excuse that the house was outside the City’s jurisdiction. Signed and sealed by Thomas Raynes, Mayor. Attached. Schedule of goods belonging to the house.

Lease and release

Elizabeth Fothergill of York, widow, Thomas Goodall of Clifton, Gent and Mary, his wife, to Sir William Robinson of Newby, Bart. A close called Tyle House Hole with two adjacent tofts, crofts or garths in Clifton, in the tenure of William Lockwood. Conson: £85. Signed and sealed by Elizabeth Fothergill, Thomas Goodall and Mary Goodall.

Bill of sale

Samuel Smith of York, marriner, to Sir William Robinson of York, Kt. One sixteenth part of the pink (sailing vessel especially with narrow stern) called 'The Vine' of York, of the burden of 70 tons, now at Hull, and of which Samuel Smith was master, and one sixteenth of its appurtenances. Conson. £36.10s. Printed form. Signed and sealed by Samuel Smith.


Tobias Jenkins, Lord Mayor, and the Commonalty of York, to Sir William Robinson, Bart, the capital messuage lately erected in Mint Yard, in the tenure of Thomas Harrison. (see also CLY/1/15/13). Term. 21 years. Rent. £32 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises except the main timber. Signed and sealed by T. Jenkins, Mayor. Endorsed. Lease of Blake Street House. William. Robinson covenanted to expend £100 on the said house and at the end of his lease to leave all locks and bolts on the outer doors, 2 dressers in the kitchen, all racks and other shelves around the kitchen chimney and 2 iron cranes there and an oak dresser in the back kitchen.

Draft articles of agreement

Between Thomas Robinson of Allerthorpe, Esq, and William Robinson, his brother, and William Robinson, jun., by Rowland Wandesford. Thomas Robinson was to convey all his lands except those in Swainby and York to himself for life, with remainder to his first son and the heirs of his body and so to each successive son, with remainder to William his brother, for life, remainder to William the latter’s son and the heirs of his body, remainder to each successive son of William the father, and the heirs of his body. Remainder according to old Alderman Robinson’s will except that Lady Harrison was to have the premises before Christopher Robinson. Provisio that Thomas Robinson might lease the premises for 3 lives or 28 years. Thomas Robinson was to lease Swainby in trust for any term he wished to commence after. After the lease it was to remain to him and the heirs of his body with the remainder to his brother and remainders over according to their father’s will with the aforesaid alteration. A feoffment or to dispose of Swainby at his pleasure. The lands in York were to be settled upon Thomas Robinson for life and so to Mr Harrison in fee. William Robinson was to pay his brother £200 on the sealing of the indentures and £500 more at Michaelmas. Thomas Robinson was to give William a £1000 bond for repayment of the £700 within 6 months after the birth of his (Thomas’s) first son. Paper. 2 pages.

Draft lease and counterpart

Arthur, Lord Viscount Irwin in the Kingdom of Scotland to Sir William Robinson of Newby Bart, Abbot Mill Dam on the Foss, on the east side of the highway from York to Earsley Bridge, and the ground called Abbot Mill Dam Bank near the Foss, extending from the stone bridge near the dam northward to a close in the possession of Isaac Johnson of York, baker; and the ground called the Windmill Hill opposite the dam on the west side of the said land and adjoining a close belonging to William Robinson and in the tenure of Thomas Hawton, innholder. Term. 21 years. Rent. 12s. p.a. Endorsed not executed. Paper.


Sir William Robinson of Newby, Bart, and Metcalfe Robinson, Esq, his son and heir, to George Farrer of Gillygate, miller, the Windmill and Mill Hill at the lower end of the lane leading from Burton Stone in Clifton to the Horse Fair and all appurtenances including the sails, ‘Salewands,’ sailyards, millstones, cables, ropes, picks, hoppers and chests. Conson. £30. Rent. 3s 4d p.a. Endorsed Lease and Release of the Lady Mill. Signed and sealed by George Farrer.

Draft agreement

Thomas Robinson was to convey to William Robinson, his brother and William Robinson, jnr. Relates to the manors of Newby, Swaineby, Allathorpe, Awdfield and Cundall near Thorneton Briggs, and his messuage and lands in Raynton and Norton, before Christmas next. All except Swaineby were to be held to the use of Thomas Robinson and the heirs male of his body begotten, remainder to William Robinson, sen. and the heirs male of his body begotten, remainder to Francis Harrison, widow of Robert Harrison, Alderman and sister of Thomas Robinson, and the heirs of her body, remainder to Christopher Robinson of York, merchant, for life, remainder to William Robinson, his son, and the heirs male of his body begotten, or in default thereof, to the heirs male of the said Christopher, remainder to William Robinson of London, brother of the said Christopher and the heirs male of his body begotten, remainder to the right heirs of William Robinson, Alderman, late of York, father of the said Thomas and William Robinson. Proviso that Thomas Robinson might lease the premises (as above). Conson. £200 already paid a further £500, as agreed above. Marginal note: engrossed according to this draft. Paper. 24 pages.

Bargain and sale

William Robinson of York, alderman, and William Robinson, esq., his son, to Dame Frances Harrison of York, widow, and Thomas Harrison, esq, her son. The manors of Allerthorpe and Swaynebye, formerly belonging to William Robinson, alderman, deceased, father of the said William Robinson, the father, and Thomas Robinson of Allerthorpe, esq. deceased, son of the said Alderman Robinson, deceased. Made in performance of an agreement date 27 Mar. 1626. Signed and sealed by Frances Harrison and Thomas Harrison.

Relating to charters granted to St. Mary’s Abbey, York. 88 foolscap sheets, two of which are badly torn. Final pages are wanting. Confirming to the tenants, inhabitants and residents of his high court of St Mary’s the liberties, privileges and immunities which they enjoyed by the grants of William Rufus, Henry II, Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, Edward III, Richard II, Henry IV, Henry VI, Henry VIII, in as large and ample manner as when these possessions belonged to the Abbot of St. Mary’s (Drake, Eboracum’, p.599).


Robert, Earl of Somerset, knight, Laurence Whitaker, esq. and Henry Price, Gent., to Anthony Wagstaffe, citizen and mercer of London, the following fee farms as granted to Laurence Whitaker and Henry Price by Letters Patent, 21 Aug, 18 James I. (1620). Relates to land in the Clifon area, Hessay, Netherpopleton, Knapton, Brompton, Monckton and Overpopleton. Conson. £1933. Endorsed. 'For Sir Wm Robinson'. Paper. 20 foolscap sheets.


Sir William Ingram of York, knight, to John Ibson of York, gent, Thomas Ibson, his son, and John Singleton of York, the messuage called Ulleskelfe House in the Minster Garth, leased to him by Thomas Paske, D.D. prebendary of the prebend of Ulleskelfe, 7 Nov. 1638, for the lives of the said Sir William Ingram, Dame Katherine, his wife, and Arthur Ingram his son. Sir William Ingram had leased the messuage for the remainder of his term to Sir William Belt of York, knight, by a deed dated 1 Jan 1638/9. He covenanted to acquit the assignees from payment of tithes and dues and from any waste or loss arising from failure to repair the premises. Proviso that this assignment should be null and void on payment of 1s. by Sir William Ingram to the assignees. Endorsed Certificate of William Belt’s attornment by payment of 12d. Signed and sealed by W. Ingram.

Probate copy of will

Probate Copy of Will of Winifred, Viscountess Brouncker, desiring burial nest to her husband, the late Viscount Brouncker, in Christ Church, Oxford. A marble stone was to be placed on their graves, and white marble statues with the motto ‘We shall rise againe’ set in the wall. Bequeathing all her land to her son William, Viscount Brouncker; £200 to her executors for her funeral expenses; £40 to be distributed to the poor in Oxford at her burial; £5 each to Edward and Henry Leigh, her brothers; £10 each to Lady Milleson, Mrs Vanenden, Mrs Susan Addams and Colonel Wm. Winter and £20 to Mr Ric. Line; a ring worth £5 in money to Mrs Wye for her long and faithful service; 40s and a mourning garment to every servant with her at the time of her death. 2s a week for life to her sisters Elizabeth and Frances Brouncker; £100 to her eldest son, William Viscount Brouncker, to dispose of according to her instructions; her household goods to be valued and divided equally among William, Henry and Elizabeth, her children; half of the money due to her by her husband’s will from the late King as well as for the issues of jurors, to her son William, Viscount Brouncker another quarter to her son Henry. Appointment of her nephew and two sons as executors. Witnesses: Fran Huncker, Eliza Mason, Francis Fox. Probate was granted, 13 Aug 1649. Seal. (fragment only) on tag.

Lease and counterpart

William Robinson of York, Alderman, and William Robinson, his son, to Dorothy Daile of Clifton, widow, and John Daile, labourer, her son, a cottage in Clifton in the tenure of the lessees. Conson. £6 13s. 4d. Term 21 years. Rent. 8s. 8d. p.a. to be paid to William Robinson, sen. at his house on the Pavement, or if he should die, to his son, and suit of court and service at the manorial court of Clifton. The lessees were to do all necessary repairs, set thorn hedges, and plant 4 ash trees and 4 ‘wilfes’ (Willows) each year.


William Robinson of Rocliffe, Esq., to Christopher Lyones of Clifton. A messuage and farmhold in Clifton, with a barn and cottage lately in the tenure of George Hart and now of Thomas Oliver, lands lately in the tenure of Thomas Oliver, lands lately in the tenure of Thomas Tipladie and 10 acres of land lately in the tenure of Charles Clerke and now of the said Christopher Lyones. Term. 7 years. Rent £19. 5s p.a. to be paid at the lessor’s house in Rocliff. The lessee was to maintain the premises, main timber excepted, and to plant thorn hedges and 10 ashes and 10 willows yearly. He was to do suit and service at the court of William Robinson for the manor of Clifton, to help and lead with his draught and wains when required, to grind his corn at the lessor’s mill and not to convert any land to tillage or commit waste. Signed. (with a mark) and sealed by Christopher Lyones.


Sir William Robinson to John Spence of Gilligate, yeoman. The close called Hobthrush Bedds in the tenure of the said John Spence. Term. 21 years. Rent. £10 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the hedges and ditches and pay all assessments except those granted by Act of Parliament. He was not to plough the land without written consent. Paper. Signed and sealed by John Spence.


Sir William Robinson of Rocliffe, Bart., to John Rummans of York, innkeeper, a close called Inge ends divided into 3 parts, lately in the possession of William Dale. Term. 14 years. Rent £29 p.a. During the first 5 years, £1 p.a. was to be allowed to the lessee by Sir Wm. Robinson. The lessee was to maintain the hedges and ditches, and was not to plough any of the land during the term. He was to be exempt from payment of all dues. Endorsed. The lessee was to be allowed £5 p.a. for 2 years for laying 200 loads of manure on the land. Paper. Signed and sealed by John Romans.


Sir William Robinson, Bart., and Alderman of York, to Richard Harland, of York, innholder, 3 closes called Taylor’s farm and Heathers Close adjoining the Redd House or Milne Crooks on the N. and 1 close adjoining the R. Foss on the E. in the township of Clifton and in the tenure of the said Ric. Harland. Term. 21 years. Rent. £6 5s p.a. The lessee was to plough the land for 3 years only and to convert it all to meadow or pasture for the last 4 years. He was to pay all dues to the Church, the poor or the Constable, and the lessor all those payable to the king. Paper. Signed and sealed by R. Harland.

Robinson; family

Sir William Robinson of Newby, Bart., to William Jackson of Bowtham in the suburbs of York, Gent. A messuage in the occupation of John Summers, and 2 gardens and a croft on the backside of the messuage. Term. 21 years. Rent. 46s p.a. The lessee was not to fell any trees or convert the croft to tillage without written consent. He was to allow John Summers and Avice, his wife to occupy the messuage and gardens for the term of their lives. Sir Wm Robinson was to pay assessments imposed by Act of Parliament, except glass window money. Paper. Signed and sealed by Will Jackson.


Sir William Robinson and Metcalfe Robinson Esq., his sone and heir, to John Marsden, of Clifton, blacksmith, a messuage lately in the tenure of Michael Heblethwait with 2 crofts adjoining containing 1½ acres, Foss Field Close containing 9 acres, in the tenure of the said John Marsden, and Tann Close containing, 8 acres, in the tenure of John Askam of York, furrier. Term 21 years. Rent. £20 10s p.a. for the first 7 years. £20 10s p.a. for the last 14 years. The lessee was to maintain the premises and not to cut timber. He was to convert the land to meadow or pasture 3 years before the end of his lease or pay £5 p.a for every acre tilled. Paper. Signed and sealed by John Marsden.


Sir William Robinson and Metcalfe Robinson, to George Stephenson of Clifton, yeoman, a messuage and barn in the tenure of the Said Geo. Stephenson, together with a croft and garden; a cottage adjoining Wm Woodward’s house with a croft on the backside containing ½ an acre, also in Geo. Stephenson’s possession; 2 closes at the W. end of Clifton near the Ouse, called Old House Garths or Banck Garths, containing 4 acres; 1½ acres of meadow in Clifton Ings, and 3 closes called the Moore Broats containing 9 acres. Term 21 years. Rent. £21 p.a. The lessee was to repair the premises and not to fell timber, nor plough the land without written consent, under penalty of forfeiting £5 p.a for every acre ploughed. Paper. Signed and sealed by Geo. Stephenson.


Sir William Robinson and Metcalfe Robinson, to Jane Whittington of Clifton, widow, and John Renton of Clifton, yeoman. A messuage with a garth and croft, the pasture called Leaguer Close containing 3 acres, and half of the close of meadow called the Hungrells containing 4 acres, formerly in the tenure of Anne Hunter, spinster, and called Hunters Farm, and now in the tenure of the lessees; and the cottage in which Jane Whittington had lived for 30 years, with a garth, and also a croft at the back of Wm Woodard’s house, now in the possession of Jane Whittington and John Renton, and containing 1½ acres. Term. 21 years. Rent. £10 13s 4d. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/106. Paper. Signed and sealed by Jane Whittington (with a mark) and John Renton.


Sir William Robinson and Metcalfe Robinson, to Mathew Ryther without Monk Barr, yeoman. A barn recently erected in Bootham at the upper end of Chappell Close and adjoining the highway; and 4 closes containing 16 acres, formerly in the tenure of Chas. Crosby of York, glazier, dec.d then of Francis Wynne of York, innholder, dec.d and now of the said Mathew Ryther. Term. 21 years. Rent. £14 p.a. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/106. Paper. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by Mathew Ryther.


Sir William Robinson and Metcalfe Robinson, to John Armistead of York, baker, 2 closes called Gallows Closes in the possession of the said John Armistead, situated on the W. side of the lane near the forest gate leading to the Forest of Guatrey. Term. 21 years. Rent. £11. The lessee was to maintain the hedges, ditches and fences, not to fell any trees without permission, and to convert the land to meadow or pasture 3 years before the end of the lease or pay £5 p.a. for every acre under tillage. Paper. Sealed but not signed.

Lease and counterpart

Sir William Robinson of Newbye upon Swale, Kt., to Philip Eshe of York, Gent. Coverley Farm and Town End Farm, with a messuage, tenement and barn and a messuage formerly occupied by Henry Wood, deceased; Coates Close, Moore Close and Geldart Garth; and 4 closed called Bardike Closes in Newbiggin n the suburbs of York. Term. 21 years. Rent. £45. 13s 4d. p.a. The lessee was to maintain the property, except great timber, and to plant 10 ashes and 10 ‘wilfes’ yearly. He was not to cut timber except for repair of the premises. Endorsed. It was agreed between the parties that if Sir William Robinson wished to exchange any ground with Philip Eshe, William Gooderick, Thomas Goodaile and John Burton were to apportion it. Seal missing.


Sir William Robinson and Metcalfe Robinson, to John Houllgate of Clifton, gardener, a messuage in the possession of the said John Houllgate, with 2 little gardens containing 2½ acres. Term. 21 years. Rent. £3 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and not to cut any timber, except for fencing, without written consent. 3 years before the end of the lease he was to convert the land to meadow or pasture or forfeit £5 p.a. for every acre still in tillage. Paper. Sealed but not signed.


Sir William Robinson and Metcalfe Robinson, to Francis Goodrick of Clifton, yeoman, Shaffton Closes divided into 2 parts, adjoining the Forest of Gautry and containing 14 acres of meadow or pasture and another close of arable, meadow or pasture called Bull Butts containing 2 acres, both in the tenure of the said Francis Goodrick; and another close called Foss Field, lately in the possession of Ric. Harland of York, innholder, and now of Francis Goodrick, and containing 9 acres. Term. 21 years. Rent. £23 2s p.a. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/110. Paper. Sealed but not signed.

Robinson; family
Lease and counterpart

Sir William Robinson to Mr Geo Gibson of York innholder. A messuage with an adjacent croft containing ½ acre; a close in 2 divisions called Fox Closes being part of the socars, or (Soacars) and containing 4 acres; another close containing 6 acres called the Seaven Lease, adjoining the Cross Fence which divides the common and the Forest of Gaulters; 2 acres of meadow or pasture in Foss Field and another close in 2 divisions called Gallowbroatt Close containing 15 acres, lately in the possession of Luke Goodall and now of the George Gibson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £27 4s p.a. Proviso as in CLY/1/16/105. Paper.

Lease and counterpart

Sir William Robinson to Mr George Barnatt, draper, and John Winn, hosier, both of York, gentlemen. Tyle House Close, in 4 divisions, containing 10 acres of meadow or pasture, adjoining the S. side of the town of Clifton and at the W. end thereof, lately in the tenure of Wm Lockwood but now of the said Geo Barnatt and John Winn. Term. 21 years. Rent. £14 p.a. The lessees were to maintain the premises and not to fell timber. They were to convert the land to meadow or pasture 5 years before the end of the lease or pay £5 p.a. for every acre under tillage. Paper. Signed and sealed by Geo Barnatt and Jno. Wynn.


Sir William Robinson to Thos. Mellor of York, Gent. The Great Close, now in 4 divisions, containing 27 acres of meadow or pasture, adjoining Clifton Ings on the W. and the highway on the N.E. called Ings Ends, formerly in the possession of Goodall, lately of Mr Sam.l Waugh and now of the said Thos. Mellor. Term: 21 years. Rent. £27 p.a. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/115. Paper. Signed and sealed by Thos. Mellor.


Sir William Robinson to Thomas Mellor. A house with an adjoining garden and croft containing 1 rood of land, now in the tenure of the said Thos Mellor. Term. 21 years. Rent. £2 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and not to cut timber. He was to convert the land to meadow or pasture 3 years before the end of his lease, under penalty of £5. Paper. Signed and sealed by Thos. Mellor.


Sir William Robinson of Rocliff, Kt. to Henry Atkinson of York, barber, Gawle Close and a paddock in Rocliffe, lately in the tenure of Robert Goodrick, and Margery Close and Pepper Milne Close in Clifton in the tenure of the lessor. Term. 21 years. Rent. £16 p.a. The lessee covenanted to maintain the hedges, fences and ditches, and was to be exempt from the payment of all tithes and assessments except church and poor dues. Endorsed the lessee’s covenant to pay 40s for every acre ploughed during the last 7 years of the term. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by Henry Atkinson.


Sir William Robinson to Roger Chambers of York, butcher, relating to Gallobroat Close in Clifton in the present occupation of the lessor. Term 21 years. Rent £12. p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises, pay 40s. for every acre ploughed within 7 years of the end of the lease, and be exempt from all tithes due to William Robinson and all assessments except church and poor rates. Signed and sealed by Roger Chambers.


Sir Wm Robinson to Elizabeth Foster of Stonegate, York, widow. Relating to Wettland Close and the Lyttle Layre Close in Clifton. Term. 21 years. Rent. £14 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the hedges and ditches, and to pay 40s p.a. for every acre ploughed in the last 7 years of her lease. She was to be exempt from all assessments except those for the church and poor. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by Eliz. Foster.


William Robinson, Alderman, and William Robinson, his son, to Francis Lund of York, miller, relating to the windmill called Ladie Milne, in Clifton an acre of arable land lately in the tenure of Robert Wilson and another windmill lately in the tenure of Margery Weddell. Term. 21 years. Rent. £4.6s.8d. p.a. to be paid at Robinsons house on the Pavement. The lessee was to have two (? Omission) of the first year’s rent for buying 2 pairs of millstones and towards the repair of the mills; and to do suit and service at the courts of Roclif and Clifton. He was to grind the lessors corn before that of others at the customary rates. Endorsed Covenant of Francis Lund to deliver to the lessors at the termination of his lease, 3 doz. ‘milne picks’ (pointed or edged hammers used for dressing millstones), 2 iron gavelocks (crowbars or levers), 2 stone ‘chissills’, and all ‘saile clothes’, ropes and other implements, arks (large wooden bins for storing meal and necessaries belonging to windmills. Seal missing. Signed with a mark by Francis Lund. Attached is a bond of Francis Lund, miller, John Hawkins, tailor, and William Nolson, husbandman, in £40 for performance of covenants, and a bond dated 10 December 1615, of Richard Wilson and George Wilson, carpenters, in £40, as sureties for Francis Lund’s performance of covenants.


Sir William Robinson to Thomas Goodale the elder, of Clifton, husbandman, Gallowe Broate Close in Clifton in the tenure of Wm Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £13 p.a. Thomas Goodale was to maintain the hedges and ditches, pay all assessments except tithe, and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years of the lease. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by Thomas Goodaile.


Sir William Robinson to Robert Harrison of York, innholder. Relating to Wetland Close and Garbert Close in Clifton in the tenure of Wm Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent £15 p.a. The lessee was to repair the hedges, ditches and fences, and not to plough the land within 7 years of the end of the lease. He was to be exempt from payment of all tithes, etc. except church and poor dues. Signed and sealed by Robt Harrison.


Sir William Robinson to Thomas Johnson and Thomas Goodale, sen. of Clifton, husbandmen, the Upper Bottomes and Nether Bottomes of land being the street furlongs in Clifton. Term. 21 years. Rent. £56 p.a. The lessees were to maintain the hedges, ditches, and fences, and pay all tithes and assessments. For the last 7 years of the lease they were not to plough or sow the land. Signed (with marks) and sealed by Thos Johnson and Thos. Goodaile.


Sir William Robinson to William Moore of York, currier, the two new closes and Seven Leyes Close in Clifton, in the tenure of the said Wm. Moore. Term 21 years. Rent. £22 p.a. The lessee covenanted to maintain the premises and not to plough the land within 7 years of the end of his lease. He was to be exempt from payments of tithes due to Wm Robinson, and all assessments except church and poor dues. Signed and sealed by Wm Moore.


Sir William Robinson to Edward Sampson of York, butcher, two closes in Clifton called Wilson’s closes, in the tenure of Wm. Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £22 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and pay 40s. for every acre ploughed during the last 7 years of the lease. He was to be exempt from all dues except those assessed for the church and poor. Signed. (with a mark) and sealed by Edward Sampson.


Sir William Robinson, to Thomas Woodworth, Richard Allen, Ralph Oliver, Thomas Wells, Richard Browne and Peter Woodworth of Clifton, husbandman. The enclosed lands called the Tofts and Reddlands in Clifton, in the tenure of Sir Wm. Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £30. The lessees were to maintain the premises, not to plough or sow the land in the last 7 years of the term, and to pay all taxes. Signed (with marks) and sealed by all the lessees.


Sir William Robinson to John Bake of York, tailor, The Hither Seven Leas Close in Clifton. Term. 21 years. Rent. £5 p.a. The lessee covenanted to maintain the hedged, fences and ditches, and to pay 40s. fro every acre ploughed during the last 7 years of his lease. He was to be exempt from payment of all tithes etc. except constable’s church and poor rates. Signed and sealed. By John Bayocke. Rent £23 p.a.


William Robinson, Alderman, and William Robinson, his second son, to Thomas Roger of Clifton, wheelwright. A cottage, croft and garden in Clifton in the tenure of the said Thomas Roger and lately of William Mayson, and 2 acres of land in the tenure of Thomas Roger. Term. 21 years. Rent. 9s. p.a. Endorsed. Covenant of Thomas Roger to do gardening and other necessary work at the manor of Roclif as other tenants did for an ordinary wage. Signed, (seal missing) by Thomas Roger.


Sir William Robinson to John Fawcett of York, shoemaker, 13 acres of land in Fos Field in Clifton, from the Seven Leas Close to Mr. Asshes Flatt, in the tenure of the said John Fawcett. Term 21 years. Rent. £13 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and be exempt from all assessments except those levied by the Constable and for the church and poor. The lessee was to leave the land unploughed for the final 7 years. Signed and sealed by John Fawcett.


Sir William Robinson to Robert Britton of York, embroiderer. A house, garth and close, and 2 small closes adjoining the Horse Fayre, and the Tweene Street Close and 3 acres of land in the Hungrille, all being in the lordship of Clifton, and in the tenure of Robt. Britton. Term. 21 years. Rent £12 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and pay petty tithes and church dues, except the tithes due to Sir Wm Robinson. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by Robt. Brittane.

Lease and counterpart

William Robinson, to William Turner of York, innholder. Lands in the Little Millfield, Clifton, beginning at Pilly Close and adjoining Jas Lumley’s new hedge, and in the present occupation of Wm Robinson. Term. 21 years. Rent. £36 p.a. The lessee was to repair the premises, and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years of the term. He was to be quit of all tithes due to Wm Robinson and all assessments other than constables’, church and poor rates.

Lease and counterpart

Sir William Robinson, to John Burton of Clifton, husbandman. 5 acres, 1 rood of land in the Bultynes, 3 acres 3 roods in Fosfield, 3 closes called Chappell Closes and a little garth in the tenure of the said John Burton. All the lands lay within Clifton lordship. Term. 21 years. Rent. £10 5s p.a. John Burton was to repair the hedges and ditches. He was not to plough and sow the 3 closes unless he paid 40 s. per acre. Ploughed in any one year; and was to pay all tithes and Church dues; except the tithes due to the lessor. Agreement reached before the sealing o the deed, that the final half year’s rent should be allowed to John Burton let to Sir Wm Robinson the Milestone butts for 28s p.a. and 3 leas and a frontstead in Wm Goodricke’s backside for 37s. p.a.


Sir William Robinson, to James Lumley of Clifton, yeoman. A messuage in Clifton with a garth, orchard and croft in the tenure of the said Jas. Lumley, and the Tylehowse Close, the little house and garth on the hill top, 3 half acres of land in the Wranglandes, 5½ acres in the Little Mill Field adjoining the said messuage and Thickpenny garth hedge. Term. 21 years. The lessee was to maintain the premises, pay petty tithes, church dues and the poor rate and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years of the lease. Signed and sealed by Jas. Lumley.


Sir William Robinson to Richard Allen of Clifton. A house and garth, 2 crofts and 2 acres in Foss Field in Clifton, in the tenure of Richard Allen. Term 21 years. Rent. £5 p.a. and all assessments. The lessee was to maintain the premises, and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years. He was to be exempt from all tithes due to Wm Robinson. Signed (with a mark) and sealed (seal missing) by Ric. Allen.


William Robinson, Alderman, and William Robinson, Gent, his son, to James Howden of Clifton, miller. The newly built tenement in which the said James Howden dwelt, a backside and ½ acre of land in Clifton. Conson. 30s. Term. 21 years from the feast of St Martin in Winter, 1611. Rent. 30s p.a. to be paid at the lessor’s house on the Pavement. The lessee was to maintain the house and at the end of his lease to leave all doors, ‘chamber boardes’, locks, keys, glass, and other things which Wm. Robinson, sen. (interlined; or James Howden) set therein. He was to plant 6 young ashes, 6 willows and other ‘quicksettes’ in the hedgerows each year, and do suit and service at the court of William Robinson held for the manor of Roclife. Paper. Wafer seal. Attached is a bond of James Howden and Thomas Goodrick, Husbandman, to William Robinson, in £40, for performance of covenants.


Sir William Robinson to Thomas Hunter of Clifton. A house in Clifton with a garth and backside, ground called Marshall Butts and 2 acres on the Hungrells, in the tenure of Thos. Hunter. Term 21 years. Rent. £6. 14s 8d p.a. and all assessments. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/39. Signed (with a mark) and sealed (seal missing) by Thos Hunter.


Sir William Robinson to William Mann of York, innholder. St Ann Close in the tenure of the said Wm Mann. Term. 21 years. Rent. £8 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises, to pay 40s p.a. for every acre ploughed or sown during the last seven years of his lease, and to be exempt from all tithes and assessments except church and poor rates. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by Wm Robinson.


William Robinson, Alderman to John Burton of Clifton, yeoman, a messuage, barn and lands in Clifton, in the tenure of the said John Burton. Conson. £20. Term. 21 years. Rent. £15 p.a. to be paid at William Robinson’s house on the Pavement. The lessee was to maintain the premises, plant hedges and also 10 ash trees and 10 willow trees each year, and do suit and service at the lessor’s manorial court for Clifton. He was to work with his draught as required. Signed and sealed by John Burton.


Sir William Robinson to John Carter of Clifton, yeoman. Ash tree Close adjoining the Forest of Maltese and 4 acres 3 roods of meadow or pasture called Leaflet, near the Pepper Mill, in the tenure of John Carter. Term. 21 years. Rent. £8 16s 6d p.a. and all assessments. John Carter was to maintain the hedges and ditches and not to plough the land during the last 7 years of his lease. Signed (with a mark) and sealed by John Carter.


Sir William Robinson to Christopher Sympsone of York, cordwainer. The 2 Short Favill Noakes in Foss Field, in the tenure of the said Chris Sympsone. Term. 21 years. Rent. £6 p.a. The lessee was to maintain the premises and not to plough or sow the land during the last 7 years of the lease. He was to be exempt from tithes due to Wm Robinson and all assessments except church and poor rates. Signed and sealed by Chris. Simson.


Sir William Robinson to Anthony Midletone and Anthony Wilsone, of York, millers. The windmill called Ladie Mill and 1 acre approx. of land , in the present occupation of the lessees. Term. 12 years. Rent. £6 13s 4d. and all assessments. The lessees were to maintain the premises and be exempt from all tithes payable to Wm Robinson. Signed (with marks) and sealed by Anthony Midleton & Anthony Wilson.


Sir William Robinson to James Darke of York, cook. Easlrbridge (Yearsley Bridge?) Close, lately in the possession of Wm Robinson of York, baker, and now of the said Jas Darke. Term. 12 years. Rent. £4 10s p.a. The lessee was to maintain the close, to pay 40s p.a. for every acre ploughed during the last 7 years of his lease, and to be exempt from all tithes and assessments except church and poor rates. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by Jas Darke.


Sir William Robinson to John Adcock of Clifton. A house and garth, and a parcel of ground in the Hobthrushe Bed flat in Clifton, in the tenure of John Adcocke. Term. 21 years. Rent. £3 10s p.a. The lessee was to maintain and repair the premises, and not to plough the land within 7 years of the end of his term, but to use it as meadow or pasture. Signed, with a mark, and sealed (seal missing) by John Adcoke.


William Robinson, Alderman, and William Robinson, Gent., his son to William Goodricke of Clifton, husbandman. Relates to a messuage and 21½ acres of land in Clifton, lately in the tenure of John Graye and now of the said William Goodricke. Term. 10 years. Rent. £8 p.a. to be paid at William Robinson’s house on the Pavement. The lessee was to maintain the premises and plant 6 young ash trees and 6 willows each year and do suit and service at the manorial court of Roclife. He was not to plough up any more land than was then used for tillage without permission from the lessors. Paper. Signed and sealed (wafer seal) by William Goodricke. Attached. Bond of William Goodricke of Clifton and Robt Goodrick of Roclife, husbandman, in £100, for performance of covenants.


Sir William Robinson to William Gowthwaite of Clifton, a parcel of ground called Cweker Close and 1½ acres in the Double Dickes in Clifton, in the tenure of the said Wm Gowthwaite. Term 21 years. Rent £9. 10s p.a. The lessee was to maintain all hedges and ditches, and not to plough the land during the last 7 years to the lease. Signed and sealed (seal missing) by Wm Robinson.


Sir William Robinson to Robert Masson of Clifton, smith, a house. A garth and 1 acre of land in Fos field in the Lower Flat and a parcel of ground in the Short Wandhills, all in the lordship of Clifton and in the tenure of the said Robt. Masson. Term. 21 years. Rent; £5 p.a. and any assessments. Provisos as in CLY/1/16/58. Signed with a mark and sealed (seal missing) by Robt. Masson.