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Archivistische beschrijving

Hugh Bethell, Esq, and William Bethell, gent. of Ellerton, Co. York, to Thos Chator, gent. of Butterby, Co Durham. The remainder of a term of 21 years in the tithes of corn, grain and hay of Clifton, formerly in the tenure of John Thorne and now of Thos Chaytor. Reciting Letters Patent of 28 Feb 1584 leasing the tithes to Jas Kirton, Gent, for 21 years, and the latter’s assignment, dated 4 July 1584 to Hugh Bethell and Wm Bethell. The tithes had previously belonged to the Treasurer of the Metropolitan Church of York and been demised by the late Duke of Somerset to Sir Nich. Fairefaxe, Kt., and Wm Fairefaxe, his son. Parchment. Signed and sealed by Hugh Bethell and Wm Bethell.

Bundle of Receipts

For payments by Sir Wm. Robinson and Sir Tancred Robinson of land tax assessemnts, poor, church and highway dues for various properties in Clifton. (on the dorse of a receipt dated 10 Mar 1701/2 are Wm Etty’s receipts for the several sums of £25, £5 and £15 received by him in 1702 for work done at Sir Wm Robinson’s house).

Bundle of Receipts

Includes rent for Ascrigg Mill, land tax for lands in Clifton, Strensall, Towthorpe, Earswick, Haxby. Osbaldwick and Murton, tradesmen’s bills, grocer’s accounts, salaries of the Vicars of St Olave’s and Strensall, his sister’s (Mary Robinson’s) annuity, payment for a rampart at Walmgate Bar, carriage duty, fee farm rent, rents to the Vicar of Skelton and the Archbishop, glazing Osbaldwick church windows, repairing Skelton churchyard fence, repairing and leading the windows at Giles House without Bootham Bar, and for Sir Tancred Robinson’s monument made by John Carr.


From Rt. Bewlay at York. He had viewed the estate and valued every close according to the old survey. The closes had been divided since it was made. He thought the rents would remain at £515 2s 0d p.a. There were some bad tenants. Housing was in a bad condition as Sir Tancred (Robinson) would not spend money on repairs. He could not advise on how many years purchase should be offered. Land in Yorks. Had recently been bought 'more by humour than teal value'. And had risen from 20-27 to 33-40 years’ purchase. The map of Rawcliffe could only be amended after a new survey. Enclosed. Details of unexpired leases of the estate.

Copy letter

Wm Bowes to Mr Bewley re the value of Rawcliffe Manor. He consider 38½ years purchase, the price Sir Wm (Robinson) was asking Sir Thos. (Robinson) to be reasonable. Rawcliffe was in good condition and near York. Good lands in Yorks. Were selling at 35-40 years purchase. The land tax did not amount to 10d in £1, when that tax was 2s. no valuation had been made of the 200 acres of common, of which 3 or 4 tenants reaped the whole benefit. If the common were enclosed it would increase the value of the estate. Few estates worth £500 p.a. were 'less burthened with farm-houses'. Fewer than 4 would suffice if the lands were let to York Butchers. Expresses his regard for Sir Thos. Robinson and hopes he will be the purchaser. The manor would sell for more if it were advertised and probably more still if sold in parcels.


Rt Bewlay at York to (Sir Thos. Robinson), informing him of his meeting with Mr Bowes. As Sir Wm (Robinson) had no children, the estate would probably descent to Sir Thos’s son. The whole estate could be sold for 35 years purchase. Mr Bowes thought a great part of it would sell for 40 years purchase. The estate was very desirable by reason of the turnpike road would enable the and adjoining closes to be let to the York people for conveniency, for more than their real value. The housing was in poor condition. He had received £100 from Mr Worsley.

With the terms of their leases, and details of annual disbursements from the Rawcliffe estate. Land Tax when assessed at 4s. in £1 amounted to £40 16s and 3d and was paid by (Sir Wm Robinson). He considered it should be paid by the tenants. Rocliffe was bought from Wm Singleton in 1582, and belonged before then to the Ingleby’s.


From Sir Wm Robinson at York. He hoped Mr Bewlay and his principal Mr Brooks would accept his proposal of £4 p.a. for Rocliffe instead of £10 p.a. He was to receive their answer next morning before Commissioners met, and would return to Newby the following day. Postscript. He had agreed with Mr Bewlay and Mr Brook to pay £5 3s. 10d additional land tax and was going to the cockpit to acquaint the commissioners that there would be no interruption to the ….. Bill.


From Sir Wm Robinson at Soho Square, on the question of a qualification. He suggested putting Sir Thos. Robinson in possession of Rocliffe for £3,000, the value the latter put on the fee when he bought the reversion. The rentals had increased since them from £515 2s 0d to £539 12s 0d. Recommended him to continue Mr Ellis as his steward.


From Wm Bowes at York to Sir Wm Robinson at Park Place, London, informing him that the inhabitants of Walmgate were about to petition Parliament for an Act enabling them to relinquish their right of common in the town-fields of Foulford in exchange for land to be held in severalty. He suggested that such a scheme for Clifton would be most beneficial. Mr Ellis agreed that it would improve Sir Wm’s estate and enable the inhabitants of Clifton to get rid of the City’s claim which was 'always troublesome and sometimes expensive'. It would also enable the family to enclose Clifton and Rocliffe moors and to increase the rents of a great many valuable closes near York.

Last Michaelmas Term a son in law of Mr Bellwood discussed with him the stipend to be paid by Wm Robinson, which he alleged had been awarded to him by the Judges of Assize for reading the scripture at Marigate church. He expected the writer to remember that Wm Robinson had promised an allowance to his father in law. Suggests that he give him something “to stoppe hys mouthe”, and asks him to assist Thos. Scudamore.

Elizabeth Harling of York, widow and executrix of Peter Harling, innholder, deceased, oratrix, and Timothy Hudson of York, tanner, orator; William Knight, rector of St Trinity, Goodramgate, vicar of St Maurice & curate of St Michael le Belfrey and others unnamed, defendants. Timothy Hudson had been seised, in fee simple, prior to 1721, of a close containing 3 acres of meadow at the Bowtham end of Clifton, and had leased it to Peter Harling with a close of pasture containing 2 acres, whereon a house formerly stood. The latter close was used as pasture, 1721-5. Peter Harling held it until his death about 1 year ago. Although no tithes had been demanded from the close by the Dean and Chapter or by any curate of St Michael le Belfrey within living memory, Wm. Knight, for the last 7 years rector of St Trinity Goodramgate, and vicar of St Maurice and now also curate of St Michael le Belfrey by appointment of the Dean and Chapter, had brought an action against Peter Harling in the Ecclesiastical Court for non-payment of tithe of 3 acres of meadow. He claimed the penalty of the double value of the tithes of hay for 1721-25. St Michael’s church was not a rectory and had no rights of baptism or burial distinct from the Cathedral Church of St Peter. The rectory of St Wilfrid’s was united with St Michael le Belfrey giving it the reputation of a rectory.

As in CLY/3/1/12/1. Includes the statement 'N.B. this poor parson was drawn into this suit, by the Dean and chapter of York, obliging him to accept a Lease from them of these Tyths at £8 a year when they appointed him their Curate, tho’ they have had no right to these Tyths since the Dissolution of the office of Treasurer in the Church of York.' Paper. 14 sheets.

Of Elizabeth Harling, widow, and Timothy Hudson, tanner. They did not know the acreage of Eliz. Harling’s land nor that it was leased from Timothy Hudson. They leased the rectory of St Michael le Belfrey to Wm Knight, 6 June 1721, and the tithes thereof were due to them or their said lessee. Paper. 7 pages. Incomplete.

Of Wm Knight, Clerk, one of the defendants. He did not know how much land Eliz. Harling possessed in Clifton out of which he claimed tithe, but believed it to be more than 4 acres, as the land was let for £6 p.a.: he did not know the land to have been leased by her husband from Timothy Hudson. He had been Rector of St Trinity, Goodramgate, and St Maurice for 7 years; he was subchantor and one of the Vicars Choral, but not at the time when he leased the rectory of St Michael le Belfrey from the Dean and Chapter, 6 June 1721, about a fortnight after his induction as rector of St Trinity and St Maurice. Paper 12 sheets.


William Bowes, gent. of York, to Sir Tancred Robinson, Bart, of Newby, in £100. To indemnify the owners of lands and tenements in Clifton in the parish of St Michael le Belfrey against the executors of Francis Taylor, decd. They had entered a bond to pay his fees and disbursement in a cause between Eliz. Harling, widow, plt, an Wm Knight, clerk, dft. Concerning the payment of tithes. The fees had been paid before Francis Taylor’s death, after which Wm Bowes had succeeded him.

Copy Bill of Complaint

In the Court of Exchequer, of John Bellwood of York, clerk, vicar and curate of the rectory of St Olive’s parish. Claiming that on the Dissolution of St Mary’s Abbey a stipend of £6 was granted to the vicar of that church and his successors to be paid by the impropriator of the rectory. He was also to receive his diet and to be allowed to pasture his cattle on the common. The complainant had been admitted as vicar by Toby, (Tobias Matthew), Archbishop of York, 32 years previously. Sir Wm Robinson of Rawcliff, Kt. impropriator of the rectory had received tithe worth nearly £200 p.a. for 20 years, but for the last 14 years had refused to pay the vicar his salary of £6 p.a., provide his diet worth £20 p.a. or allow him to pasture his cattle on the commons of Rawcliff or Clifton, worth 40s p.a. Requesting a writ of subpoena against Sir Wm Robinson. Paper, 9 sheets.

By Sir Wm Robinson, Kt., dft. He did not know that John Belwood was Vicar of St Olive’s nor that a stipend, diet and right of pasture had been granted to the holder of that office since the Dissolution of St Mary’s Abbey. He did not know that such payments had ever been made or that the complainant had been appointed and admitted as vicar. He had been impropriator of the rectory for 22 years and had received the tithes worth about £100 p.a. the complainant had made no claims to the salary etc. until recently. Endorsed for Sir Wm Robinson at Mr Barker’s, a goldsmith near Charing Crosse. Paper. 9 sheets.

Confirming, after searching the records concerning St Olive’s, that Wm Wilkinson was curate and farmer of the small tithes, and received £6 p.a. Queen Elizabeth conveyed the profits in 28th year of her reign to Sir Christopher Hatton. He passed them to Sir Thos. Cromptom who, in 38 Eliz. obtained the annexation of St Gyles to St Olave’s with a yearly allowance of 5 marks in-lieu of £6. Whoever served the cure could expect only 5 marks and whatever the parish might give him.