Affichage de 7714 résultats

Description archivistique

Date of application (if given): 24 December 1874
Age of applicant: 54
Address: Millers Yard
Occupation (if given): Labourer
Dependents: Selina (wife, 50); Children Sarah Jane (13), Mary (4), John William (3)
Relief given (if documented): 3" Mutton 1s 6d
Ward name or number: Saint Saviour

Date of application (if given):
Age of applicant: 37
Address: Lodging with mother
Occupation (if given): None
Dependents: Children Thomas (12), Rhoda (9), Frederick (6), James (5), Ann (3), Elizabeth (2)
Relief given (if documented): Provisions 7s 6d weekly
Ward name or number: Saint Saviour

Age of applicant: 43
Address: Grays Buildings
Occupation (if given): Valet
Dependents: Kate (wife, 39), Frank, (child 5), Charlotte (child, 3), Kate (child, 2), John (child, 3 months old).
Relief given (if documented): 3 ounces of mutton.
Ward name or number: Holy Trinity, Micklegate

Age of applicant: 43
Address: Grays Buildings
Occupation (if given): Valet
Dependents: Kate (wife, 39), Frank, (child 5), Charlotte (child, 3), Kate (child, 2), John (child, 3 months old).
Relief given (if documented): 3 ounces of Beef mince.
Ward name or number: Holy Trinity, Micklegate