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Descripción archivística
Y/UTL/1 · Sub-sub-fonds · 19th century-20th century
Parte de York Civic Archive

Includes balance sheets and accounts for gas companies.

General correspondence
Y/SOC/4/3 · Serie · 1927
Parte de York Civic Archive

At present this series only contains one offer letter for a council house, dated 1927. Please see item-level descriptions for more detailed information.

Melrosegate land: correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/9 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1945-1946
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning land in Rawdon Avenue vested in Housing Committee for a period of 21 years with option to renew - Plan of St Nicholas Tip site, Melrosegate for proposed Tarmacadam Plant

Y/SOC/4/2/87 · Unidad documental compuesta · Jul 1950-Sep 1951
Parte de York Civic Archive

Particulars of pre-WWII housing schemes prepared by City Engineer, 1919-1938, and of post-WWII Housing Schemes, 1944-1946. Report of Housing Committee to Sep 1950. Plan of Corporation Housing Estates.

Y/SOC/4/2/83 · Unidad documental compuesta · Dec 1950-Dec 1954
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing Committee concerning contracts with developer, for flats in Curzon Terrace; interior decoration of St Aeldred’s School; Branch Library Acomb; 62 houses Askham Lane East; Roads and drainage in Navigation Road; 4 houses Don Avenue and 30 Houses Moor Lane Estate - voluntary liquidation, Inventory of houses,1951 - Statements and final costs.

Y/SOC/4/2/81 · Unidad documental compuesta · Jul 1950-Dec 1958
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning Chapel Fields Estate development, layout, roads and drains, along with extracts from minutes of Housing Committee, 1950 - 1958 - Notification to owners of sites, 1951 - List of Tenders and contracts - Notes on visit to Ministry of Housing & Local Government, Leeds, 1952 - 7 copies of plan of Chapel Fields Housing Development

Y/SOC/4/2/78 · Unidad documental compuesta · Apr 1950-Jun 1951
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence with solicitors, extracts from minutes of Housing and Streets & Buildings Committees, Building & Planning Sub-Committee and plan, in connection with purchase by Corporation of sites 1,2 and 3 Leeman Road, Apr 1950-Jun1951.

Y/SOC/4/2/77 · Unidad documental compuesta · Sep 1950-Aug 1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and minutes of Housing Committee meetings, 1950-1953 - Proposed erection of 18 houses in Carr Lane - Plans of Compulsory Purchase Orders, 1950 - Roads and drainage 1951 - Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing Committee concerning erection of 12 houses in Carr Lane, 1952-1953. Includes plans.

Wardens of old people's dwellings
Y/SOC/4/2/76 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1964-1973
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning Municipal Aged Persons' Dwellings in Rowntree Avenue and St George's Place, 1964-1973 - Summary of information concerning aged persons' dwellings, 1971 - National Old People's Welfare Council, Gower Street, WC1: Role of Wardens in (Sheltered) Housing for Elderly (undated) - Notes on Warden Service 1972 - Draft copy 'Care of the Elderly and Handicapped', 1972 -Draft copy of 'Particulars & Duties of Wardens for Elderly Chronic Sick and Disabled', 1972 - List of private houses where old people known to live (undated)

Y/SOC/4/2/75 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1949-1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing committee, 1949­52 - Erection of 4 houses on Thornfield Avenue, Muncaster Estate - Correspondence 1949-1950 – Erection of 88 houses in Moor Lane -Correspondence, extracts of minutes of Housing Committee, Oct 1950 - Mar 1952 -Contracts -Erection of 116 houses on Moor Lane Estate, Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing Committee and Progress Reports, Dec 1949 - Apr 1952 - Contracts with builders - Erection of 50 flats on Askham Lane (East) - Correspondence, and extracts of minutes of Housing Committee, 1951 - 1953 - Progress Reports of Joint Sub-Committee, 1951 - Copy of undated Agreements.

Housing of agricultural workers
Y/SOC/4/2/74 · Unidad documental compuesta · Mar-Jul 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning housing of agricultural workers, with particular reference to Moor Grange Farm, Dringhouses, Mar - Jul 1947

Y/SOC/4/2/73 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1948-1955
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning shops on housing estates, March 1949­Aug 1955 - Report of Housing and Estates Manager relating to allocation of shops on housing estates, Dec 1948; Applications for a grocer's shop; a green­grocer and fruiter, a wet and fried fish and chips and a chemist's, (undated)

Y/SOC/4/2/72 · Unidad documental compuesta · May 1946-Sep 1951
Parte de York Civic Archive

Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1946 (Ministry of Health circular 118/46) - Correspondence May 1946 - Sept 1951 - City Treasurer's Report to Housing Committee, 1946 - City Treasurer's observations on combined scheme of rent collections and welfare work, 1946 - Minutes of Housing (Financial) Sub-Committee, 1947 Increase in rents, Apr 1947 - Revision of house rents (undated) Rent rebates, 1947 - Muncaster Estate rent collections, 1949 Calculation of rents on housing under construction, Mar 1948 - Rateable values, 1948 - Proposed increase in house rents, Mar 1948

Y/SOC/4/2/71 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1945-1971
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning erection of 216 houses on Tang Hall Housing Estate, also plan and agreement 29 Apr 1946 - Report on Stage l of proposed central area traffic scheme, Mar1945 - Correspondence concerning sites for development, 1971 - Sites and property recommended for sale (undated) Rent & Housing Act, Procedure Chart (undated) and plans.

Plans (Miscellaneous)
Y/SOC/4/2/7 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1932-1945
Parte de York Civic Archive

Plans, Town Planning, Acomb; Proposed 2-Bedroom type houses; Link Avenue; Proposed premises for doctor; proposed community hall; lay-out for Gale Lane Housing Estate; provisional sites Carr Lane; proposed revision of allotment areas; section of Tadcaster Road, Dringhouses

Housing Committee
Y/SOC/4/2/68 · Unidad documental compuesta · Nov 1952 - Aug 1954
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning vacant land off Viking Road, Carr Lane Estate, 1952-1954, and plan - Possible use as a School Playing Field, Mar 1954

Housing Committee
Y/SOC/4/2/67 · Unidad documental compuesta · Sep 1945-Jul 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Fire Hydrants on Housing Estates - Correspondence with York
Waterworks and National Fire Service, 1945-1949 - Plans for areas: Askham Lane (East Section), Muncaster and Rawcliffe Lane Estates

Housing Committee
Y/SOC/4/2/66 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1947-1955
Parte de York Civic Archive

Building Trade Contracts - Correspondence March 1947 - Dec 1955 - General Conditions Contracts, 1946 – Proposed Modification to York Corporation & Terms of Contract (Undated) - Acceptance of Tenders, July 1847 (Specimen Form of Tender) – Bonds for Housing Contracts, July 1948 (Specimen Form of Bond) - Conditions of Contract for Building Work, May 1950 - Observations on the Proposals (on comparative costs) contained in a letter dated 9.3.51 from an Assurance Co. April 1951 - Building Contracts, Release of Retention Moneys etc. 1951/52 -Building Industry Distributors, Oct 1952 - Specimen Form of Articles of Agreement

Y/SOC/4/2/65 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1945-1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and
extracts from Minutes of Housing Committee, including – Ministry of Housing memo re: Permanent Housing Programmes, June 1945 - Ministry
of Works CLA.4 : Re-opening of Retail Shops, 1945 - Ministry of Health circulars NEH/1/46: Clearing & Approval of Housing Sites; NEH/6/47 Supplies of Bricks: List of Brickmakers; NEH/4/47: Housing Programme; NEH/14/47: Timber Licences, Cement Supplies; NEH/22/47: Non-Traditional Houses; NEH/2/48: Housing Materials, urgent requirements; NEH/3/48: Housing Loans; NEH/4/48 : Iron & Steel Distribution Scheme; NEH/5/48: Housing, Submission of Layouts; NEH/6/48: Permanent Housing, Final Accounts; NEH/10/48: Housing Contracts; NEH/11/48 Housing Licensing; NEH/1/49: House Tenders, Submission of Documents; NEH/2/49 : Procedure for Clearance, Acquisition & Development of Sites; NEH/4/49: Timber for Housing, Economy in use of Softwood; NEH/1/50 and 5/51: Housing Programmes, Electricity Services; NEH/4/51: Housing Programmes, Laying of Gas Mains; NEH/1/53: Notification of Sale or Lease of Council Housing; NEH/9/52: Non-Traditional Housing

Correspondence with War Department
Y/SOC/4/2/63 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1941-1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence with War Department Ministry of Health and others, concerning military camps on Corporation land, 1941-49 - List of Camps, Aug 1945 - Camps required for housing: Fishergate-Paragon Road-Horsman Avenue, Kent Street and land at Melrosegate. - Ministry of Health circular 20/46: Conversion of Temporary Wartime Buildings to Housing use; claims for compensation for dilapidation under CD Act 1939 -Cemetery Road Housing Contract: Schedule of work on foundations, Feb 1947

Y/SOC/4/2/62 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1948-1955
Parte de York Civic Archive

Building Licensing, correspondence with Ministry of Health and others 1948-1955 - Building Materials, Housing Act 1945 -Ministry of Health circulars : 137/47, 108/48, 48/50, 57/50, 75/51, 21/52, 59/52, 70/52 and 24/54

Private Street Works
Y/SOC/4/2/61 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1949-1955
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts from minutes of Housing Committee, 1949-1955 - Private Street Works Act 1892, list of streets involved in York, Oct 1949 - List of Tenders, 1951 - Objections to charges by residents.

Muncaster estate land
Y/SOC/4/2/6 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1943-1944
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning purchase of land adjoining Estate for house building - Deed of Option, for the purchase of land.

Y/SOC/4/2/59 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1949-1952
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence and extracts from Minutes of Housing Committee concerning land adjoining 8 Holly Terrace, appropriated from Streets & Buildings to Housing Committee, 1925 - Erection of 4 flats and 4 2-storey maisonettes, 1949 - 1952 (includes plan) - Complaint by resident of nuisance.

Y/SOC/4/2/58 · Unidad documental compuesta · Jan 1947-Jun 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Erection of 94 houses in Rawcliffe Lane on Water Lane Estate with roads and sewers and culverting of Beck with Direct Labour - Tenders, extracts from minutes of Housing Committee , and correspondence 1947- 1949.

Y/SOC/4/2/57 · Unidad documental compuesta · Jul 1948-Nov 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Construction of permanent houses on Muncaster Estate; 4 residential shops; 7 bungalows and 7 old peoples' dwellings - Extracts from minutes of Housing Committee and correspondence, 1948-49.

Erection of houses on Muncaster Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/56 · Unidad documental compuesta · May 1948-Feb 1950
Parte de York Civic Archive

Erection of houses on Muncaster Estate: 22 houses, 84 flats - Extracts from minutes of Housing Committee, 1948 and correspondence May 1948 - Feb 1950.

Y/SOC/4/2/55 · Unidad documental compuesta · Dec 1947-Nov 1951
Parte de York Civic Archive

Construction of 100 Orlit Houses on Muncaster Estate, correspondence Dec 1947-Nov 1951 - Draft Articles of Agreement and Schedule of Conditions of Building Contract, 1948 - Report of meeting of a Deputation representing the Muncaster Estate Tenants Association and the Housing & Estates Manager, 1949 - Ministry of Health circulars 118/46 (Housing Act 1946) and 175/46 (Houses of Non-Traditional Construction) Orlit Houses, Brochure and 1947 Programme.

Y/SOC/4/2/54 · Unidad documental compuesta · Jan 1948-Aug 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Construction of 50 houses on Muncaster Estate, correspondence Jan 1948-Jun 1949. Allocation of further 50 houses, correspondence Mar 1948 - Aug 1949, with erection of fencing on Water Lane site.

Y/SOC/4/2/53 · Unidad documental compuesta · Nov 1948-Jan 1965
Parte de York Civic Archive

Construction of 16 dwellings in Alne Terrace, 8 houses and 2 blocks of 3 storey maisonettes, correspondence Nov 1948-Oct 1958. Dispute as to liquidated damage - report of City Architect, 16 Dec 1959. Correspondence concerning lack of progress and subsequent imposition of liquidated and ascertained damage, Jun1950-Jan 1959, and concerning delay in final settlement of account, Sept 1953-Jan 1965.

Askham Lane Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/50 · Unidad documental compuesta · Oct 1948- Feb 1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Askham Lane Estate, erection of 220 permanent houses, roads and Sewers (and 2 houses in Tennent Road) - Extracts from minutes of Housing Committee, tenders and correspondence with Ministry of Health, Leeds, construction firm and others, 1949-1953 - Moor Lane Estate, specification of electrical installation for lighting and power points for 116 corporation houses, 1950 - Construction of 164 dwellings, houses and flats, 1948-1951 - Construction of 62 houses in Gale Lane Oct 1948 - Jul 1950.

Housing of agricultural workers
Y/SOC/4/2/5 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1942-1943
Parte de York Civic Archive

Ministry of Health circular No.2766 : War-Time Emergency Programme (1942) - Proposed Accommodation in York: 2 cottages in Skelton and 2 in Flaxton; Summary of costs, 2 July 1943; Conversion of farm cottage, Bad Bargain Lane, into 2 houses with plan, Nov 1942-Jan 1943

Askham Lane Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/49 · Unidad documental compuesta · Sep 1948
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning Permanent Housing Contracts Nos.l & 2, Askham Lane Housing Estates, roads and drains.

Proposed housing site at Askham Lane
Y/SOC/4/2/48 · Unidad documental compuesta · Apr-Aug 1948
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning proposed housing site Askham Lane, Acomb, (110 houses) - Ministry of Health circular NEH/5/48

Apprenticeship Scheme
Y/SOC/4/2/47 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1944-1952
Parte de York Civic Archive

Scheme for Training Apprentices- Correspondence - Employed in building houses - Apprentice Master Scheme- Correspondence 1951 - 1952, 12 houses Gale Lane/Cornlands Road - Programme for 'Handing Over Ceremony of Last Four Houses', 1952 - 'Training the Apprentice Builder - Notes for Guidance', 1948 - Specimen Agreement Form MH/PC/1, 1945.

General correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/40 · Unidad documental compuesta · Jun 1943-Sep 1953
Parte de York Civic Archive

Application for land for Dringhouses Community Centre and Plan, Sep-Mar 1946 - Claim for compensation for torn clothing, 1951 - Claim that allotment is being used as right of way, 1946 (List of allotment tenants) - Correspondence concerning type of appliances supplied to corporation housing, 1947 - Correspondence concerning future site of Hewley's Hospital, St Saviourgate, York, 1947 - Correspondence concerning Council's share of cost of maintaining roads/private streets, Muncaster Estate, 1953 - Correspondence concerning rent increases, 1948 - Claims for compensation 1949 - Correspondence concerning construction of service roads on Carr Estate, 1949 - Correspondence concerning a rented site on Carr Estate for temporary church, 1948 - Correspondence concerning proposed Social Hall in Bur Dyke Avenue for Clifton Ward Labour Association, 1948 - 1951 -Correspondence concerning Council decision not to proceed with 'On ¬Site' housing on Moor Lane Estate, 1950 - Correspondence concerning unsatisfactory progress in erection of 6 lock-up garages at Crichton Avenue, 1950-1951 - Correspondence concerning proposed re-zoning of land adjoining Bur Dyke for housing purposes, 1949-1950 - Correspondence concerning extension of hearths in houses on Carr Estate to accommodate Yorkray Stove, 1950 - Correspondence concerning possibility of releasing housing occupied by War Dept., March-May 1950 - Correspondence concerning clearance of weeds etc. on Gale Lane School Site, Aug-Oct 1950 - Correspondence concerning alleged forgery of rent cards and possibility of making a charge for replacement, 1949-1950

Land in Burton Stone Lane
Y/SOC/4/2/4 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1941-1944
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning complaint with regard to waste land Burton Stone Lane

Y/SOC/4/2/37 · Unidad documental compuesta · Feb 1945-Jun 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence Feb 1945 - Jun 1949 - Report of visit to Site of Pre-Fabricated Permanent Houses (Howard Type) at Woolwich - 50 Howard Type houses to be built Carr Grange Estate, 8 Kingsway North Estate, - Consent to loan for 40 Howard Type houses - Claim for damage done to kerb on Carr Estate; settled out of court.

Permanent Housing, Acomb Hall Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/36 · Unidad documental compuesta · Feb 1946-Dec 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence February 1946 - December 1947 - 140 houses, Acomb Hall Estate; 6, Lindsay Avenue - Tender accepted - Consent to loan for 146 houses - Contract Guarantee, 1946.

Permanent Housing, Carr Estate
Y/SOC/4/2/35 · Unidad documental compuesta · Apr 1946 - Aug 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning 190 houses, Beckfield Lane - List of Tenders and consent to loan

Permanent Housing, Correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/34 · Unidad documental compuesta · Mar 1946-Aug 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence on the following: British Iron and Steel Federation [BISF]Houses to be erected on Carr Lane Estate by Birch & Sons Ltd -Schedule of Prices (Alternatives) No.l and Supplement: Basic Paint Prices, 1946 - 1947 - Consent to loans - Articles of Agreement for construction of 208 houses (superceded) - BISF, specification for supplies of structured steel framework, materials and fabrication, house Type A.1 - B.I.S.F. House Type A.1, schedule for prices for external work and variations in foundations; variation to schedule - Report on Conference regarding B.I.S.F. Houses.

Advance preparation of Housing Sites
Y/SOC/4/2/33 · Unidad documental compuesta · Jan 1944- Mar 1946
Parte de York Civic Archive

Ministry circular 14/44 and Ministry of Town and Country Planning War Agricultural Executive Committee; Allotments at Sites included: Acomb Hall Estate and Chapelfields, Ministry of Health: Note on proposals - Minutes of Housing Conference, Oxford, Conference of Representatives of Local Authorities, Guildhall, York - Statement issued by National Federation of Building Trade Employers with regard to Advanced Preparation of Building Sites (undated) Report on Meeting of Group Technical Sub-Committee, York Guildhall, York Group (York, Harrogate, Castleford and Tadcaster): Specifications for Concrete Roads, June 1944 - Ministry of Health, Post-War Programme 1944 - Precis of Housing Act 1936; Housing Act (Forms) Regulations 1937; Housing (Temporary Provision) Act 1944; Housing Act (Form of Orders & Notices) Amendment Regulations 1944 and circular 169/44: Carr Lane Compulsory Order and Schedule 1944- Notes on Interview with Ministry of Health, Leeds, 1944 - Correspondence with regard to land at Acomb, 20.2.45- Consent to Loan of £15,000 for purchase of land for housing,
of Health circular 7 - Acomb, Town and Country, 1945 - Draft Contract for land at Acomb, 1945 - Home Office circular letter concerning National Fire Service 3/1945 with regard to expenditure incurred by Local Authorities under Section 3 of Fire Brigade Act 1938- 71 acres of land at Acomb, Jun 1945 - Query concerning Cottage Garden Allotments, Carr Lane, Acomb, 1945 - Ministry of Health circular 36/46 : Use of German POWs and Memo 290 (Housing), and circular letter concerning Slabbing for temporary housing, Nov 1945

Y/SOC/4/2/32 · Unidad documental compuesta · Mar 1946 - May 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Technical Note on some types of permanent prefabricated houses - Claim for compensation for disturbance of tenancy, 1945 - Damage to permanent housing at Kingsway West 1946 - Housing: Cooking F -Complaint regarding allotment at Carr Lane -Application to open a fried fish shop and fishmongers on new Carr Lane Estate - List of Contractors, and State of progress in construction of 100 permanent houses - Northern Housing Council: Post-War Housing Programme, and supplies of materials - Claim and complaints - Permanent Housing Programme (completed or in course of construction) - Complaint regarding roof on Bishopthorpe Rd - Complaint regarding unsatisfactory repairs - General correspondence concerning permanent housing - Description of plans approved for work in Front Street, Acomb - Query concerning dangerous balconies in Woodlea Avenue - Requests for houses - City Treasurer: Consents to borrow and salaries of permanent staff, Jan 1947 - Ministry of Health: Housing Loans Housing Programme - Housing Programme in York - Stephenson & Son, Auctioneers & Valuers, Valuation of Tenant Right on land in Beckfield Lane, and Carr Lane - Statutory Rules and Orders 1947 NO.379: Housing Act (Equalization Account) Regulations 1947 - Estimated date of completion of 50 Howard Houses, Dec 1946¬April 1947 - Ministry of Health circular 36/47: Traditional House Building Costs, Returns of final costs to be made by Local Authorities, Applications for requisitioned house, on building Licences, August 1945 - Outstanding, Apr 1946 – Oct 1946 - Loans (undated) - Housing Loan - Housing Committee 26 Hobgate - Report March 1947 - Loan Sanctions York County Borough Schedule of Sanction - Press cutting ‘The Times’, Effect of shortages and bad weather on building programmes - Ministry of Health circular letter concerning Aluminium Houses, - Fencing to permanent houses - Housing and Estates Department: Shops on Housing Estates - Ministry of Health circular N.E.H.21/47 Erection of Houses, Use of Alternative Materials - Association of Municipal Corporations circular letter, Licensing of Building Work, and Housing, Direct Labour - Correspondence concerning offer to Corporation of property - Ministry of Health circular No.624 Specification for roads in housing and industrial estates, and circular letter concerning Girdwood Committee on house building costs - General details of Cochrane Street flats (undated) - Ministry of Health circular letter concerning Tenderers' Submission of Relative Documents, 1949

Factory made houses
Y/SOC/4/2/31 · Unidad documental compuesta · Dec 1944-Feb 1947
Parte de York Civic Archive

Factory made houses, Hob Moor Fields - Correspondence concerning land at Hob Moor, (with plans), Dec 1944 - Feb 1947 - Correspondence with regard to temporary housing at Kingsway West and Gale Lane - Consent to loan for purchase of 13 acres of land at Hob Moor (undated)

General housing Correspondence
Y/SOC/4/2/30 · Unidad documental compuesta · Aug 1946 - May 1949
Parte de York Civic Archive

Correspondence concerning: National Fire Service; 'Finish the Houses' Campaign; Land adjoining Tang Hall Beck; Analysis of House building costs; Opening of 600th House; Fencing of American bungalows; Motion with regard to Housing Programme; Review of Local Authority Waiting Lists.