Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Kleiser, Cuthbert Joseph
16 Descripción archivística resultados para Kleiser, Cuthbert Joseph
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Card from Mr George Ward & family addressed to Mr C.J. Kleiser, 30 Portland Street. Expressing thanks for 'expressions of sympathy in this great sorrow.'
Letter to 'Dear Old Boy'. He has not heard from Klesier for some time and is concerned. Sent from Workington.
On headed paper 'Theatre Royal York'. Invitation to attend performance of 'The Rattlesnake' on 14 November (first night).RSVP Major Pennell
Letters from Llew J Hal of Scarborough, regarding a problem with a clock he had purchased from the Kleiser business.
Letters from Arthur H. Furnish, City Librarian at City of York Public Library. Four letters dated 20 January 1911, 16 December 1914, 21 January 1922, and 20 January 1923. Thanking Kleiser for various donations of materials including volume of theatre programmes and 'The Stage'.
Letter and memorandum regarding Kleiser's support of subscription fund for purchase of portrait of Tate Wilkinson. Includes stub noting receipt of subscription in amount of 5s from C J Kleiser.
Letter from Wallace Stiranak at Theatre Royal. Replying to Kleiser's letter of 19th April regarding missed bookings.
Letter from C. Douglas of Hanworth, Middlesbrough to Joseph Kleiser. Updating on news, asking after Joseph's wife. Discusses George Leeman and includes a newspaper cutting relating to Leeman from York Herald Feb 1876.