Small photograph album containing portraits of various members of the Kleiser and Cundall families and other individuals. Includes 'J H Kleiser', 'Cyril (Kleiser)', 'C.W. (Kleiser)', 'Mrs Cundall'. 'Luke Cundall', 'Miss C Dussen', 'Mrs Rodwell', 'Eustace', 'Geo. Calvert', 'Lizzie Calvert', 'Maud', 'Mr and Mrs Bradshaw', 'Mrs Pool', 'George & Clark of L.W.', 'Mabel Hooke', 'Theo', 'Mrs Moore', and 'Paul'. Some spaces where photographs have been lost prior to deposit. Photographs are in black and white.
Kleiser; familyKleiser; family
9 Archival description results for Kleiser; family
Leather bound album with clasp containing black & white portraits of unidentified individuals, presumably including the Kleiser family, Klesier premises at Stonegate and Parliament Street. Assorted photographs of unidentified buildings, outdoor spaces and statues, perhaps from holidays. Some of the photographs have had colour added.
Kleiser; familyPhotographs of assorted locations apparently linked to the Kleiser and Cundall families. Includes photographs of locations in Scotland.
Kleiser; familyCorrespondence of other members of the Kleiser family relating to business and family matters. Includes file of empty envelopes addressed to various members of the family.
Kleiser; family11 empty envelopes addressed to various members of the Kleiser family, or unmarked. Includes an envelope addressed to Midland Bank, Parliament Street York
Financial documents relating to the Kleiser business and personal finances of members of the Kleiser family.
Note addressed to 'Miss Potter' from Thomas Craven Confectioners. Account in amount of £1/4s/4.5 d settled. To Ann Kleiser, Stonegate.
The Potters were related to the Kleisers by marriage.
Documents relating to members of the Kleiser family, genealogy of the Kleiser and related families, and non-financial documents relating to the Kleiser business.
Kleiser; familyNotes relating to the births, marriages, deaths of the Kleiser, Potter, and Cundall families. Includes notes on addresses linked to Kleiser and Cundall families.