Stuk NVA/4/3 - Copy letter relating to the army career of Ken Smith


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Copy letter relating to the army career of Ken Smith


  • 19 June 1950 (Vervaardig)



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Ken Smith was a signaller in the 43rd Wessex Division of the Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry. Ken received his conscription letter at the age of 18 and joined the army for five years. He was a member of the second wave of allied forces who arrived on June 6th at Gold Beach during the Normandy Landings. During his time in France he fought on Hill One One Two and was injured by shrapnel from Tiger Tank shells at the age of nineteen. He was subsequently sent to a hospital in Brussels before being returning to a hospital in Wales to recover further. After recovering from his injury some months later, Ken served two years in Palestine and Afghanistan, (after the end of the Second World War) where he suffered from acute nephritis caused by injury from a mine that exploded under an armoured vehicle. Ken is now a member of the York Normandy Veterans Association.

Ken Smith died in April 2020 at the age of 95.
York Normandy Veterans Association
See Also - Normandy Veterans Association


Inhoud en structuur

Bereik en inhoud

Single sheet of typed paper received by Ken Smith from his regiment (the DCLI) prior to a cycling trip to Normandy. The information in the document shows where Ken Smith was in action, between 27 May 1944 and 8 August 1944.



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