Mostrar 4985 resultados

Termo de Assuntos Nota de âmbito contar Descrição arquivística contar Registo de autoridade
Subject access point 4 0 0
Subject access point 2 0 0
Subject access point 3 0 0
Subject access point 1 0 0
Subject access point 2 0 0
Civil registration 1 0
Poor rates 1 0
Tuberculosis 1 0
Infectious Diseases (Notification Extension) Act 1899 c8 1 0
Rural sanitary authorities 1 0
Smallpox 1 0
Insanity 1 0
Isolation Hospitals 1 0
Asylums 1 0
Children in care 1 0
Welfare 1 0
Poor Law Apprenticeships 2 0
Poor Law officers 1 0
Paupers 1 0
Public assistance 1 0
Poor Law Act 1 0
Public health 1 0
Workhouses 2 0
Poor Law Union 1 0
Poor Law Boards of Guardians 1 0
Yorkshire Fine Art and Industrial Exhibition 1 0
York City Watchmakers' and Jewelers' Association 1 0
York Institute of Popular Science and Literature 1 0
Jewelers;Silversmiths 1 0
Craven's Confectioners, York 1 0
London and North Eastern Railway Company (LNER) 1 0
Midland Bank, York 1 0
Kleiser, John Henry 1 0
Leeman, George 1 0
Forster Todd, W.A. 1 0
Comic Operas, London 1 0
Stiranak, Wallace 0 0
Stiranak, Wallace (York Theatre Royal) 1 0
York Art Gallery 1 0
Wilkinson, Tate 1 0
Kitto, H.S. 2 0
Potter; family 9 0
York Cemetery 1 0
Jewellers, Silversmiths 2 0
Hutchinson, Percy, York Theatre Royal 3 0
York Public Library 2 0
Furnish, Arthur, City Librarian 1 0
Kleiser; Louis Cyril (a.ka. Cyril) 1 0
Clergy, Catholic 1 0
Scotland 4 0
Cemetery, Fulford Road, York 1 0
Kleiser; business 2 0
Gallery First Nighters' Club 1 0
Frascatia Restaurant, York 1 0
York Opera House and Empire 2 0
Londesborough Theatre, Scarborough 1 0
Amateur dramatic performances, Scarborough 2 0
Scarborough Municipal School 2 0
School productions 3 0
Archbishop Holgate's Grammar School 1 0
Christmas, celebrations 3 0
York and District Adult School Union and Settlement 1 0
Shakespeare, William 1 0
Homestead, Clifton 1 0
Assembly Rooms, York 1 0
York Museum Gardens 1 0
Parish of St Clements 1 0
Pageants, York 3 0
Festival Concert Rooms, York 1 0
York Settlement 1 0
Cocoa Works York 1 0
York Community Settlement Players 1 0
York Opera House & Empire 1 0
York Operatic Amateurs 7 0
Amateur opera, York 9 1
York Opera House 6 0
Co-operative Hall, York 1 0
Amateur dramatic theatrical performances, York 3 1
York Everyman Theatre 3 0
Amateur theatrical performances, York 1 0
Art Gallery, York 3 0
Guildhall, York 2 0
Guild of York Players 2 0
York Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society 12 0
Amateur dramatic performances, York 22 0
Theatre Royal, York 2 0
Grand Opera House, York 1 0
Pantomimes 4 0
London 1 0
York Theatre Royal 16 0
Kleiser, Cuthbert Joseph 25 0
Cundall; family 12 0
Catholic clergy 1 0
Intercultural education

Usado por: Bicultural education, Crosscultural education, Multicultural education, Éducation biculturelle, Éducation multiculturelle, Éducation transculturelle, Educación bicultural, Educación multicultural, Educación transcultural

0 0
International education

Usado por: International cooperation education, International understanding education, Values education, Éducation à la compréhension internationale, Éducation à la coopération internationale, Éducation aux valeurs, Educación a la cooperación internacional, Educación en los valores internacionales

  • Education aimed at international understanding, cooperation, peace, human rights and fundamental freedoms. Do not confuse with education in international schools.
  • Éducation visant la compréhension internationale, la paix, les droits de l'homme et les libertés fondamentales. Ne pas confondre avec l'éducation des écoles internationales.
  • Educación encaminada a la comprensión del panorama mundial, la paz, los derechos del hombre y las libertades fundamentales. No confundir con la educación de escuelas internacionales.
0 0
Study abroad

Usado por: Cross-border education, Training abroad, Transnational education, Éducation transnationale, Enseignement transfrontalier, Formation à l'étranger, Educación a través de las fronteras, Educación en el extranjero, Formación en el extranjero

0 0
Industry and education

Usado por: School industry relationship, Relation école-industrie, Relation enseignement-industrie, Relación industria-educación

0 0
State and education 0 0
Educational indicators
  • Numerical data used as benchmarks in the formulation and monitoring of educational policy.
  • Données numériques utilisées dans la formulation et le suivi des politiques éducatives.
  • Datos numéricos empleados en la formulación y la supervisión de las políticas educativas.
0 0
Educational strategies
  • Conversion of policy goals into operational terms, including some indication of alternative paths to reach these goals.
  • Transformation d'une politique théorique d'objectifs éducatifs en termes opérationnels, comprenant des indications de solutions alternatives pour réaliser ces objectifs.
  • Transformación de los fines educativos de una política en terminos operacionales, incluyendo las soluciones alternativas para alcanzar esos fines.
0 0