Letter to 'Dear Old Boy'. Expressing sympathy re 'the agonizing time you have had.' Would be delighted to see Kleiser at Norwich or Workington, discusses benefits of a visit. Mentions Cyril (Kleiser) and his interest in trains. Updating on personal news. Thanks Kleiser for sending photograph and book.
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11 June 1927
Parte de Kleiser family collection
25 April 1928
Parte de Kleiser family collection
Letter to 'Dear Old Boy'. He has not heard from Klesier for some time and is concerned. Sent from Workington.
Parte de Kleiser family collection
Correspondence of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser reflecting his personal and business life and his interest in, and support of the theatre in York and further afield. With the exception of KLE/5/1/25, all correspondence is from other individuals to Kleiser. He is sometimes addressed as 'Joseph', 'Joe' or 'Mr J Kleiser', particularly in the more informal letters from friends and family. Indeed, he signs himself 'J Kleiser' in the single piece of correspondence sent by him to Mr Cahill (KLE/5/1/25).