Includes small collections of photographs and other images relating to York. Includes photographic prints, photographic negatives, postcards, drawings, engravings, and other images.
Sem títuloYork
80 Descrição arquivística resultados para York
Includes small collections of legal documents and papers relating to properties and families connected to York.
Documents include:
Property records
Apprenticeship indentures
Wills and probate records
Marriage documents
Business records
Includes programmes for theatrical and musical performances in and around York, principally for choral music, light music, operas, and operettas. Many of the programmes relate to performances by amateur and community groups. These programmes were collected by Freda Freer during the course of her lifetime.
Information contained in each programme varies, but many of the programmes include some information about the society performing the production, information about the production itself, information about the performers and producers, lists of past performances by the society, lists of performances by other societies, and lists of other performances at the same venue.
Many of the programmes contain artwork on the covers and advertisements, in particular those for businesses based in York and for products and services relating to music and drama.
Material created and collected by the York Society of Magicians. The collection includes papers such as meeting minutes and material relating to society membership; as well as memorabilia, including programmes, scrapbooks, and press cuttings.
Sem títuloThis collection includes records created and collected by the Friends of Rowntree Park. The collection includes meeting minutes and correspondence, and material relating to the refurbishment and redevelopment of Rowntree Park including material relating to a National Lottery Fund bid. The collection also includes photographs of park events, newsletters from the Friends of Rowntree Park, and material on the history of the park.
Sem títuloNotes relating to the births, marriages, deaths of the Kleiser, Potter, and Cundall families. Includes notes on addresses linked to Kleiser and Cundall families.
Documents relating to members of the Kleiser family, genealogy of the Kleiser and related families, and non-financial documents relating to the Kleiser business.
Sem títuloNote addressed to 'Miss Potter' from Thomas Craven Confectioners. Account in amount of £1/4s/4.5 d settled. To Ann Kleiser, Stonegate.
The Potters were related to the Kleisers by marriage.
From Midland Bank branch, Parliament Street York. Purchase of share in LNER by L.C. (Louis Cyril) Kleiser of 30 Portland Street. Total £335 plus fees.
Financial documents relating to the Kleiser business and personal finances of members of the Kleiser family.
11 empty envelopes addressed to various members of the Kleiser family, or unmarked. Includes an envelope addressed to Midland Bank, Parliament Street York
Letter to J H Kleiser from Percy Hutchinson, manager at Theatre Royal York. Thanking Kleiser for his support of the theatre.
Correspondence of other members of the Kleiser family relating to business and family matters. Includes file of empty envelopes addressed to various members of the family.
Sem títuloLetter from C. Douglas of Hanworth, Middlesbrough to Joseph Kleiser. Updating on news, asking after Joseph's wife. Discusses George Leeman and includes a newspaper cutting relating to Leeman from York Herald Feb 1876.
4 empty envelopes from 1921, 1922, 1923 and 1928 addressed to C J Kleiser at 30 Portland Street, the Conservative Club. Includes postmarks from York, Scarborough and London. It is not clear if these envelopes are linked to the loose letters in the collection, or if the letters they contained have been lost.
Sem títuloList of productions of York Operatic Amateurs' performances by W.A. Forster Todd from 1903-1923. Does not expect there will be any further performances under direction of Mr Todd.
Sem títuloFrom J. Bannister Howard of Comic Operas Ltd of Fleet Street London. Regarding travels of Aladdin pantomime company through York, Bridlington, Peterborough, King's Lynn, Gusiborough and Lincoln, Next year will be 'Babes in the Woods.' Reply to Kleiser's earlier letter.
Letter from Wallace Stiranak at Theatre Royal. Replying to Kleiser's letter of 19th April regarding missed bookings.
Letter and memorandum regarding Kleiser's support of subscription fund for purchase of portrait of Tate Wilkinson. Includes stub noting receipt of subscription in amount of 5s from C J Kleiser.
Letters from Arthur H. Furnish, City Librarian at City of York Public Library. Four letters dated 20 January 1911, 16 December 1914, 21 January 1922, and 20 January 1923. Thanking Kleiser for various donations of materials including volume of theatre programmes and 'The Stage'.
Letters from Llew J Hal of Scarborough, regarding a problem with a clock he had purchased from the Kleiser business.
On headed paper 'Theatre Royal York'. Invitation to attend performance of 'The Rattlesnake' on 14 November (first night).RSVP Major Pennell
Letter to 'Dear Old Boy'. He has not heard from Klesier for some time and is concerned. Sent from Workington.
Card from Mr George Ward & family addressed to Mr C.J. Kleiser, 30 Portland Street. Expressing thanks for 'expressions of sympathy in this great sorrow.'
Small black and white photograph of the Kleiser premises located at 22 Parliament Street, on the corner with Church Street. Not dated, but the business was located here from 1878 to 1920. The premises is now occupied by Boots Opticians. Originally in envelope titled' Mrs Kleiser Parliament Street, York; Also a Photo of 22 Parliament Street.'
Sem títuloPhotographs of assorted locations apparently linked to the Kleiser and Cundall families. Includes photographs of locations in Scotland.
Sem títuloLeather bound album with clasp containing black & white portraits of unidentified individuals, presumably including the Kleiser family, Klesier premises at Stonegate and Parliament Street. Assorted photographs of unidentified buildings, outdoor spaces and statues, perhaps from holidays. Some of the photographs have had colour added.
Sem títuloSmall photograph album containing portraits of various members of the Kleiser and Cundall families and other individuals. Includes 'J H Kleiser', 'Cyril (Kleiser)', 'C.W. (Kleiser)', 'Mrs Cundall'. 'Luke Cundall', 'Miss C Dussen', 'Mrs Rodwell', 'Eustace', 'Geo. Calvert', 'Lizzie Calvert', 'Maud', 'Mr and Mrs Bradshaw', 'Mrs Pool', 'George & Clark of L.W.', 'Mabel Hooke', 'Theo', 'Mrs Moore', and 'Paul'. Some spaces where photographs have been lost prior to deposit. Photographs are in black and white.
Sem títuloMenu and toast list for 17th Annual Dinner of Gallery First Nighters' Club at Frascatia Restaurant. This Club seems to be linked to the theatre, as front page includes logo 'There's no place like home (for good acting).'
Sem títuloSouvenir programme for Looking For a Wife. No location is given, but play starred Mr Percy Hutchinson who was lessee of the York Theatre Royal, so this was probably the location. No date is given, but advert on inside back page for 'Brewster's Millions' 21st birthday suggests it dates from 1929. Includes photographs of Mr Hutchinson and leading ladies Renee Kelly, Olive Sloane, Mary Brackley, and Ena Douglas. Also includes adverts for various local businesses.
Sem títuloPromotional booklet for York Opera House & Empire. Includes programme for performance of The Geisha by York Operatic and Dramatic Society, week commencing Feb 18 1924, in aid of York County Hospital. Includes 'Argument' about 'The Geisha' and history of the Society. Also includes adverts for various local businesses. Cover is identical to KLE/3/34.
Sem títuloPromotional booklet for York Opera House & Empire under Managing Director William Peacock. Consists of adverts for assorted businesses.
Sem títuloProgramme for Archbishop Holgate's Grammar School performance of 'The Jacobite', Christmas 1897. No location given, probably at the school.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream by York and District Adult School Union and Settlement, at the Homestead, Clifton, York.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of 'Drake: A Pageant Play' performed in the Museum Gardens in York, in aid of V.A.D. Hospitals, Jul 27-28 1916.
Sem títuloProgramme for triple bill of plays - Gate of Dreams, Dear Departed, and Late Delivery, in aid of Fulford Church, at the Assembly Rooms York.
Sem títuloBook of Words for the Grand Pageant in the Parish of St Clements, York.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of Play Pageant Disinherited, Defence of the Church in Wales, at Festival Concert Rooms, York.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of Pygmalion by Settlement Community Players at the Cocoa Works, York. No date on programme.
Date inferred from rest of series.
Programme for performance of Les Cloches de Corneville by York Amateurs, at York Opera House. This date is handwritten on the front of the programme.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of A Country Girl by York Operatic Amateurs, at York Opera House.. Under direction of Mr W.A. Forster Todd
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of Iolanthe by York Operatic Amateurs, at York Opera House. Under direction of Mr W.A. Forster Todd.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of The Mikado by York Operatic Amateurs, at York Opera House. Under direction of Mr W.A. Forster Todd.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of San Toy by York Operatic Amateurs, in aid of the funds of the Military Charities of York, at York Opera House. Under direction of Mr W.A. Forster Todd.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of Duchess of Dantzix by York Operatic Amateurs, at York Opera House & Empire. Under direction of Mr W.A. Forster Todd.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of My Lady Molly by York Operatic Amateurs, at York Opera House. Under direction of Mr W.A. Forster Todd
Sem títuloProgramme for the performance of Overture by York Everyman Theatre, at the Co-Operative Hall, Railway Street, York,. Note that the year is not included on the front of the programme but 'forthcoming productions' on back page indicate this performance was in October 1925,
Sem títuloProgramme for the performance of The Shewing-up of Blanco Poset, preceded by The Twelve Pound Look, by York Everyman Theatre, at the Art Gallery, York.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of An Old Nativity Play by York Everyman Theatre, at the Guildhall, York.
Sem títuloProgramme for the performance of The Mask and the Face by The Guild of York Players, at the Art Gallery, York.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of The First Part of King Henry the Fourth by The Guild of York Players, at the Guildhall, York.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of The Gondoliers by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society in aid of York County Hospital, at York Theatre Royal. The Society performed The Gondoliers again in March 1929, see KLE/3/3.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of Merrie England by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in aid of York County Hospital, at York Theatre Royal.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of The Emerald Isle by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in aid of York County Hospital, at York Theatre Royal.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of Dorothy by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in aid of York Hospital, at York Theatre Royal. The Society performed Dorothy again in April 1913, see KLE/3/2.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of The Pirates of Penzance, by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in aid of York Hospital, at York Theatre Royal.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of The Rebel Maid by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in aid of York County Hospital, at York Theatre Royal.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of H.M.S. Pinafore by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, at York Theatre Royal.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of Killibegs by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, at York Theatre Royal.
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of The Gondoliers by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society in aid of York County Hospital, at York Theatre Royal. The Society had previously performed The Gondoliers in April 1907, see KLE/3/11
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of Dorothy by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society at York Theatre Royal. The Society had previously performed Dorothy in April 1904, see KLE/3/8
Sem títuloProgramme for performance of Highwayman Love by York Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society at York Theatre Royal.
Sem títuloThis series includes 37 programmes for theatre and operatic performances by various amateur theatrical and operatic groups, at various venues around York. There is also a menu for a dinner for the Gallery First Nighters' club. The collection was probably compiled by Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser (1855-1929) who had a keen interest in the theatre.
Sem títuloNotes on performances at various York venues
Three sheets of A5 paper listing pantomimes performed at the Theatre Royal and Grand Opera House York.
Notes on a total of 131 pantomimes performed at York and elsewhere.
Record of performances of various cultural performances including pantomimes, ballets, spectacles, sketches, operas and Shakespearian productions. Locations include York, Leeds, Bradford and London.
Lists Cuthbert Kleiser's visits to London, 1869-1911 and attendances at performances of plays and operas in York and Leeds 1872-1926.
Records theatre performances 1905-1909 and 'A Record of London Visits 1869-1911. Includes loose 'List of plays in this book for which information is sought'
Book listing theatre performances in a series of lists with various orders - chronological, alphabetical by title, by location. Includes lists of pantomimes. Locations include York, Leeds, Sheffield, Hull, Bradford, Wakefield, Scarborough, Birmingham, Newcastle, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Paris. Includes loose note at front stating that the volume was examined on the August Bank Holiday 1921 and found 'to be about correct' by Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser.
Performances of various productions in York, Leeds, London, Birmingham, Harrogate, Scarborough, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Blackpool, Douglass, Newcastle, and Paris. Includes pantomimes and ballets in York and Leeds. Includes visits to Savoy Theatre for operas and ballets. Has table of contents.
Lists performances of theatre productions at York, Leeds, and London. Information includes register number, title of production, notes and remarks, description, number of acts and scenes, authors, adapters and composers.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.
Diary of Cuthbert Joseph Kleiser, regarding daily events in York.