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White, Eileen
Personne · 1943-2023

Dr Eileen White was the daughter of Wilfrid and Dorothy White of Idle. White was an active local historian in both West Yorkshire (principally Bradford and Idle) and York. Her research interests in York centred on the Mystery Plays and the history of food, however her work covered many topics. In terms of period, her research was wide-ranging but generally focussed on the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
White died after a long illness on 28 September 2023.

Campaign for Real Ale, York
Collectivité · 1971-Present

CAMRA was set up by four men from the North West of England. The first CAMRA office was set up in St Albans at 94 Victoria Street but soon after outgrew this premises and moved to 34 Alma Road. In 1995 CAMRA moved to new purpose-built premises on Hatfield Road. Membership continued to grow and today stands at over 140,000. It has 200 branches across the UK.

Citizens Advice, York
Collectivité · 1939-Present

In 1938, the prospect of a second world war encouraged the government to establish a group to look at how the needs of the civilian population could be met during war time. This group suggested that Citizens Advice Bureaux should be established throughout the country. The first 200 bureaux opened in 1939 and were run by volunteers. They dealt with issues such as loss of ration books, homelessness, evacuation, missing relatives, prisoners of war and debt. Numbers of bureaux were halved in the 1950s but the service continued due to help from charitable trusts. From the 1990s, changes in the benefits system generated a large proportion of enquiries. Issues around debt, housing and employment are key issues bureaux currently deal with.

Collectivité · 1872-2007

The National Union of Agricultural Workers was the first successful national body for farm workers, presided over by Joseph Arch. It began as the National Agricultural Labourers' Union in 1872 before changing to the National Union of Agricultural Workers in July 1906. In 1910 they changed their name to the "National Agricultural Labourers and Rural Workers Union" and once again in 1920 to the National Union of Agricultural Worker (NUAW). This name then remained until they were amalgamated with the Transport & General Workers Union (TGWU) in 1982. NUAW membership was largely made up of farm agricultural labourers but also catered for non-farm workers such as those in forestry, market gardening, gardeners, etc. The union's stronghold was in Norfolk, Lincolnshire and Dorset with over 90% of agricultural labourers being in membership. In 1910 major strikes and disputes broke out in the Norfolk villages of Trunch, Knapton and St Faith's. At St Faith's, the 105 union men were on strike from May 1910 until February 1911 for 1 shilling a week extra. The union had its own journal called 'The Landworker'. The TGWU then became part of UNITE in 2007 after its merger with Amicus.
York and District Trade Council

Normandy Veterans Association, York
Collectivité · -Present

The Normandy Veterans Association was formed initially in Grimsby in 1981. Following this many local branches were developed with the York Branch coming into being in 1994. The first member was Herbert Atkin who lived in Lowther Street, York. By 1996 there were 63 members after which numbers started to decline with the last and 91st member joining the Branch in 2009. The National Association closed down in November 2014 following the 70th anniversary of D Day celebrations after which many local branches folded but the York Branch wish to continue for as long as possible. The group are now known as the York Normandy Veterans and there remain nine Veterans who are supported by Honorary Members and families.
See Also - Smith; Ken (1925-2020); Mr
See Also - Cooke; Ken (1926-Present); Mr
See Also - Haydock; Dennis (1923-2017); Mr

Cattley Ernest & Co
Collectivité · ?-?

Cattley Ernest & Co were timber merchants in Skeldergate, York, throughout at least the first half of the 20th century.

City of York Council. Leader
Collectivité · 1996-present

Selected from the majority party.
Chaired the Executive or Cabinet.

Hospital of St Thomas the Martyr
Collectivité · pre-1391-nineteenth century

Founded pre-1391. Transferred in 1478 to gild of Corpus Christi. Following dissolution of gild of Corpus Christi in 1547, hospital continued independently, then co-opted Lord Mayor and Aldermen as master and officers in 1552. Property transferred to Lord Mayor and commonalty of York in 1582-3, subsequently managed as a corporation charity.

Collectivité · 1986-1992

The National Licensed Victuallers Association was created in 1986 after a reorganisation of the National Union of Licensed Victuallers. It was dissolved in 1992 and replaced by the Federation of Licensed Victuallers Association.

Royal British Legion, York
Collectivité · 1921-Present

The British Legion formed in 1921 from the amalgamation of four other groups: The National Association of Discharged Sailors and Soldiers, The British National Federation of Discharged and Demobilized Sailors and Soldiers, The Comrades of The Great War and The Officers' Association. The first ever Poppy Appeal was held with the first Poppy Day on 11 November 1921. The charity gained a Royal Charter in 1925 and the Queen granted the Legion a "Royal" prefix in its title in 1971, the same year it celebrated its 50th anniversary. It extended membership to serving members of Her Majesty's Forces as well as ex-Service personnel in 1981. Presently, anyone can become a member of the Royal British Legion.

The Scout Association, York
Collectivité · 1909 - present

This collection contains material mainly relating to the St Paul's Scout Troop which started in 1909 as a group of five boys meeting behind a grocer's shop in Holgate.
The first Scoutmaster was Cecil S. Molyneaux, a teacher at St Paul's School. The troop met in St Paul's Schoolroom on Dalton Terrace and consequently re-named themselves 'St Paul's' Troop. The '1st' part of their name refers to the fact that they were the first registered Scout troop in the city. Molyneux was a gunner in World War I and was killed in action in 1917.
From 1920 - 1950, the Scoutmaster was W.G. Ineson. and from 1955, the Scoutmaster was D.N. Broadley.
The St Paul's Troop is thought to be the oldest in Yorkshire, and was the first registered Scout Troop in the city.
The Treasurer's House Troop, the 2nd Scout Troop to be registered in the City, is also mentioned in this collection.
The York and District Boy Scouts Association first appears in the City Directories in 1925, located at Civic House, Southlands Road, York. The President was Mr Frank Green.
By 1930 there were 21 Scout Troops across York and the surrounding areas. This included special Troops for handicapped boys (King's Manor (Blind)) and Troops affiliated with local schools, solely for boys attending that institution (i.e. Fulford School Troop). Most of these troops had Wolf Cub Packs attached.
In 1935, Arnold S. Rowntree was the President.
In 1949, the President was R.W. Willsdon.

J. & G. Oldfield Ltd
Collectivité · 1664-1970

Oldfield's Wine Merchants was established in 1664. The firm appears in the earliest published York Trades Directory in 1781. It last appears in the Directory of 1970.

Collectivité · 1960-present

The York & District Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers was formed on 2 October 1960 by a small group of textile teachers and weavers. The aims of the guild are to promote the three crafts of weaving, spinning and dyeing. The guild covers an area stretching from Hull to Leeds and Harrogate and up to Teeside.

The guild holds an annual programme of events and publishes a quarterly journal for members.

Munby & Scott
Collectivité · c.1665-2008

The Munby family were solicitors in York from as early as 1665. In 1878, Henry Venn Scott became a partner in the firm. From 1838, their offices were located at No. 18 Blake Street (which was actually No. 3 Blake Street up until the mid-1950s when the street was renumbered). The house in which their offices were located was originally built in 1789 for a member of the Woodhouse family, who were connected to the Munbys by marriage.

The business continued to provide legal services to York customers until 2008, when it merged with Langleys solicitors.
See Also - York Subscription Library

Health Committee
Collectivité · 1900-1974

Responsibility for health issues such as sanitary notices, inspection of food, slum clearances, health instiutions, public baths, air pollution. Acted through an increasingly large number of sub-committees such as environmental health, mental health, ambulance service, maternity etc. Business transacted relates to policy, management and named individuals.
Previously the Urban Sanitary District Committee (1872-1901). Instructed the Medical Officer of Health and the Chief Sanitary Inspector.

Robert Kite & Co
Collectivité · ?-?

Robert Kite & Co were a London-based firm of insurance brokers in the late 18th century and early 19th century, dealing with UK and colonial investments.

William Dove & Co, ironmongers
Collectivité · c.1850-1962

The exact opening date for William Dove & Sons has not currently been confirmed, but it was some point before 1862. The business became one of York's oldest firms of ironmongers, builders and plumbers. Originally based on the corner of Parliament Street, the business moved to Piccadilly in 1934.

By the time of its closure on 30 June 1962, the business occupied premises in Piccadilly, Fossgate and Lady Peckitt's Yard.

Teasdale, Hewitt & Holden
Collectivité · pre1896-?

Smithson and Teasdale had moved to 6 Lendal, next to Gray, Dodsworth & Co, some time before 1896. In 1934, when the company was styled Smithson, Teasdale and Hewitt, they moved to 3 St Leonard's, and stayed in that premises until after the Second World War. The firm later moved again to premises in Pavement, by which time the company was styled Teasdale, Hewitt & Holden.
Gray, Dodsworth & Co, York solicitors; Brown and Elmhirst, York solicitors