Astronomical systems


Source note(s)


Hierarchical terms

Equivalent terms

Astronomical systems

  • UF Celestial bodies
  • UF Corps céleste
  • UF Objet céleste
  • UF Cuerpo celeste

Associated terms

Astronomical systems

2 Authority record results for Astronomical systems

GB0192-337 · Person · 1764-1786

John Goodricke was born at Groningen, in the Netherlands, on the 17th September 1764. His father (Henry Goodricke) was a British diplomat, his mother (nee Levina Benjamina Sessler) was the daughter of a Dutch merchant.

John was deaf from infancy: at theread more

Pigott family of York
GB0192-338 · Family · 1725-1825

Nathaniel Pigott (1725-1804) and Edward Pigott (1753-1825) were astronomers notable for their work with John Goodricke and the observation of variable stars.

Nathanial Pigott
Nathaniel Pigott was a gentleman of leisure, a noted amateur astronomer andread more