Unidad documental simple CDG/2/7/7 - Postcard showing a 'Yorkshireman's Coat of Arms'.

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Postcard showing a 'Yorkshireman's Coat of Arms'.


  • c.1910 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental simple

Volumen y soporte

1 item

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor


Historia biográfica

Frederick Adolphus Camidge was born in around 1860, the son of William Camidge, Consulting Secretary of York Savings Bank and Methodist preacher. He was educated in Goole, became a solicitor in 1884 and a member of the law society in 1886.

He held positions as clerk to the school boards of Acomb, Haxby, Wigginton and Dringhouses, and was also clerk to the Escrick Rural District Council, Escrick Out-Relief Union and the Escrick Rating Committee.

Frederick Adolphus Camidge became a freeman of York in 1884. He held numerous public offices throughout his lifetime, and held the role of Sheriff of York in 1910-11.

Camidge was a well-known Freemason and was a Past Master of the York Lodge 236 and of the Zetland Chapter. He was also a lay lector at Holy Trinity Church in Micklegate, and had previously been a churchwarden at St Helen's Church.

Frederick Adolphus Camidge died in August 1947 in York.
Frederick Adolphus Camidge was son of William Camidge.

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Alcance y contenido

The postcard was sent to William Gordon Camidge as a birthday card.



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