F. Burgins, Dispensing Chemist

Zona de identificação

Tipo de entidade

Pessoa coletiva

Forma autorizada do nome

F. Burgins, Dispensing Chemist

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nome

  • Burgins' Corner

Formas normalizadas do nome de acordo com outras regras

  • F. Burgins, Dispensing Chemist; 1800-2017

Outra(s) forma(s) de nome

    identificadores para entidades coletivas

    Área de descrição

    Datas de existência



    This company began trading in 1800, and by 1901 was operating from premises at 2 Coney Street, York. The business was taken over by the Wright family in 1934. In 1972 Jeremy Wright took over the business and transformed it into a perfumery. It was later purchased by June Yeo and her husband Leonard in 1997. When Mrs Yeo decided to retire in 2011, her former supplier Hanus Wolf bought the business and began trading in October 2011.

    The shop closed in July 2017.


    Estado Legal

    Funções, ocupações e atividades

    Dispensing chemist which sold medicines at 2, Coney Street.

    Mandatos/fontes de autoridade

    Estruturas internas/genealogia

    Contexto geral

    This company began trading in 1800, and by 1901 was operating from premises at 2 Coney Street, York. The business was taken over by the Wright family in 1934. In 1972 Jeremy Wright took over the business and transformed it into a perfumery. It was later purchased by June Yeo and her husband Leonard in 1997. When Mrs Yeo decided to retire in 2011, her former supplier Hanus Wolf bought the business and began trading in October 2011.\n\nThe shop closed in July 2017.

    Área de relacionamentos

    Área de pontos de acesso

    Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

    Pontos de acesso - Locais


    Zona do controlo

    Identificador de autoridade arquivística de documentos


    Identificador da instituição


    Regras ou convenções utilizadas

    International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) - Ottawa


    Nível de detalhe

    Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação

    Línguas e escritas


        Notas de manutenção