Unidad documental simple HEY/4/19 - Letter to William at Keswick

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Letter to William at Keswick


  • 6 August 1833 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental simple

Volumen y soporte

1 item

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor

(19th century)

Historia biográfica

The Hey family were resident in York in the 19th century. The family was intermarried with the Gray family of Grays solicitors, York, and associated papers can be found in the business collection (reference GDC) and the family collection (reference GFP).

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Alcance y contenido

Illness and death of parishioner; other local news. William Fowler preparing for ordination. Obliged for portmanteau. John (nephew at Leeds) 'much improved by my home treatment of him'. Singing at St. Paul's much improved. They are 'so bumptious about their own doings. But it is John Hey'. (His own son Samuel had also assisted by acting as organist from August 1831 when there was an interregnum in the organistship). Trip, with 'the Governor' to Ilkley and Bolton Abbey: lodged in house with Jane (wife of nephew John Hey) and her sister Emily (Croser) 'a pretty, clever, sprightly girl as any I ever saw' (whom William himself was to marry six years later). Their brother taken ill. Sam (son mentioned above) came to fish (from Leeds). Home to Ockbrook on Friday (last). Nephew Samuel Hey was there with Robert Jarrat who is to marry Miss Corrie, niece of the Archdeacon of Calcutta. Met William Fox. Mr. Dikes and Wawn came to tea; Mr. Dikes for a fortnight, to help with the Missionary Meetings. William’s Midsummer College Bill is £49.14.5 Robert has slit his finger open on a hook.


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