Unidad documental simple HEY/4/5 - Letter to William from Samuel writing from Hull

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Letter to William from Samuel writing from Hull


  • 30 August 1831 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental simple

Volumen y soporte

1 item

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Nombre del productor

(19th century)

Historia biográfica

The Hey family were resident in York in the 19th century. The family was intermarried with the Gray family of Grays solicitors, York, and associated papers can be found in the business collection (reference GDC) and the family collection (reference GFP).

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Alcance y contenido

(He is with the Dikes, or Dykes, family, his sister Mrs. Thomas Dikes having died of Cholera Morbus. Brother William of Leeds is with him. They did not arrive till after the funeral which was not delayed - on account of inability to preserve body till after Monday.) Great uncle Richard (of Hertingfordbury which has just been visited) is much the same, intends visiting and will call on 'Hey of St. John's': he has sent (for you) a pamphlet on mathematical subjects, published in 'Philosophical Transactions'. Aunt Rebecca had slight attack of cholera. Samuel (his second son) has gone to Leeds; Margaret enjoys Tamworth (school): (her letters at Section V infra). Mr. Wawn is at Cottingham, where Mrs. Wawn's mother is dying. (This Mrs. Wawn was Wawn's second wife, whose mother was Mrs. Codd.)


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  • inglés

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