Mostrando 68 resultados

Descripción archivística
NVA/8/3 · Unidad documental simple · 29 November 1944
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Certificate from the President of the Region of Basse-Normandy presented to Tom Dixon, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Normandy campaign.

HMS Vesper Association
NVA/8/1 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1994-2006
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Includes membership lists, correspondence, newsletters, photographs and newspaper cuttings. Also includes papers relating to the 'Z' class Destroyers Association.

Archive of Tom Dixon
NVA/8 · Serie · 1994-24 September 2014
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Includes papers relating to the HMS Vesper Association, papers relating to the York Normandy Veterans Association, certificate presented to Tom Dixon, and publication relating to the Normandy campaign retained by him.

NVA/6/3 · Unidad documental simple · 2014 - 2015
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Oral history recording and full printed transcription of an interview with Bert Barritt undertaken as part of the York Normandy Veterans Legacy project under the York: Gateway to History project during 2014-2015.

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Bert Barritt's Memoirs
NVA/6/1 · Unidad documental simple · 20th Century
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

A printed copy of Albert Barritt's memoirs of his time serving in France during the Second World War. Includes photographs of his visit to a chateau in France where he fought.

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NVA/3/3 · Unidad documental compuesta · 2014 - 2015
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Oral history recording and full printed transcription of an interview with George Meredith undertaken as part of the York Normandy Veterans Legacy project under the York: Gateway to History project during 2014-2015.

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Service records of George Meredith
NVA/3/1 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1941-1952
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Includes certificate of service, release book and army form for George Meredith. Also includes a Christmas greeting note from George to his parents during the War and a Thanksgiving Service 1945 booklet.

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Presentation plate
NVA/2/9 · Unidad documental simple · 20th century
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

The presentation plate is believed to related to a town on the Dutch / Belgian border liberated by one or two Coldstream Guards tank regiments, of which Dennis Haydock was a part.

Presentation tankard
NVA/2/8 · Unidad documental simple · 2004
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

The tankard was presented to Dennis Haydock, Coldstream Guards, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

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Archive of Dennis Haydock
NVA/2 · Serie · 1986-2015
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Contains programmes, correspondence, photographs, maps and drawings relating to Dennis Haydock's experiences during the Second World War. Also includes presentation tankard and plate, as well as dinner cards. Includes drafts and a copy of his memoirs 'Dennis Haydock Remembers'. Includes his record of service papers which is included with closed access material. Includes a list of members of the Normandy Veterans Association with contact details and a list of guests at the 1990 commemmorative event at Enschede with addresses both have been moved to closed access folder. Also includes an oral history interview and full transcription taken as part of the York: Gateway to History project in 2014-2015.

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Audio Visual Material
NVA/1/5 · Unidad documental compuesta · 2012-2014
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Includes CD's and DVDs of the presentation of the York Normandy Veterans Freedom of Entry to the City of York, 2012, two copies of BBC and ITV coverage of the York Normandy Veterans and funeral of member Roy Rowbotham, 2014, a digital copy of Dennis Haydock Remembers, three CD's of Radio York interviews and a CD of photographs taken during the interview of George Meredith for the York Normandy Veterans Legacy Project by Explore in 2014. Also includes copies of the BBC's D-Day commemoration coverage in June 2014 along with two letters from Ken Smith re: their donation as well as a VHS copy of 'A day in my life in the 1940s'.

NVA/1/4 · Unidad documental compuesta · 20th Century
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Contains photographs of members of the Normandy Veterans Association including Douglas Hawe, Ken Smith and Bert Barritt as well as group photographs of the Normandy Veterans Association at Huntington Mens Working Club and at their presentation of entry to the City of York in 2012.

Newspaper cuttings
NVA/1/3 · Unidad documental compuesta · April 2014-July 2015
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Includes newspaper clippings of the Normandy Veterans Association documenting their activities such as a school visit, fundraising, a visit to Normandy and the death of Roy Rowbotham.

D-Day 75
NVA/1/25 · Unidad documental compuesta · June 2019-July 2019
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Includes newspaper articles, commemorative programmes and papers relating to the 75th anniversary of D-Day commemorations, both in York and in France. Also includes commemorative programmes and papers relating to the Service of Remembrance held at St Lawrence Church, York, on 22nd July 2019.

NVA/1/22 · Unidad documental compuesta · 2017-2019
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

The play was written by playwright Helena Fox based on the testimonies of the surviving York veterans. Includes correspondence about the staging of the play in Autumn 2017, with details of funding received, and two copies of the published play.

Also includes promotional materials and one rolled poster for the re-staging of Bomb Happy in June 2019 at York Army Museum.

NVA/1/2 · Unidad documental compuesta · January 2012-2015
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Contains pamphlets, printed booklets and information relating to events attended by members of the York Normandy Veterans Association. Events include memorial services, choral matins at York Minster, a list of visits in 2014, a visit to Normandy in June 2014 and the presentation of the freedom of entry into the city of York. Also includes a special 70th Anniversary of D-Day commemorative booklet and an image of the York Normandy Veterans logo.

Meeting Minutes
NVA/1/1 · Unidad documental compuesta · January 2008-September 2015
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Contains monthly meeting minutes from 16th January 2008 until December 2015. Also includes meeting agendas for four meetings for June, July, October and November of 2014.

NVA/1 · Serie · January 2008-2020
Parte de York Normandy Veterans Association

Includes correspondence, newspaper cuttings, press material, photographs and audiovisual materials, orders of service for funerals and memorial services, and additional papers documenting the work of the York branch of the Normandy Veterans Association. Also includes paperwork specific to the creation of the play, 'Bomb Happy' by Helena Fox, commissioned by the Association and based on the archives.

York Normandy Veterans Association
NVA · Fondo · 1944-2017

Collection contains photographs, meeting minutes, and the personal archives of members of the Normandy Veterans Association along with DVD copies of broadcasted interviews with the veterans on local radio and television as well as coverage of the D-Day commemoration events in France, June 2014. Also includes a VHS copy of 'A day in my life in the 1940's'. The collection also contains pamphlets and souvenir booklets of events the veterans attended in England and France.

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