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Archival description
York Court of Record
Y/ORD/5/4 · Series · 19th Century
Part of York Civic Archive

Records relating to the York Court of Record. Includes Cash Books, Appearance Book, Judgement Rolls Court Registers, Account Book etc.

Y/ORD/5/2 · Series · 1499-1971
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes minutes; plaint books; court books and papers; declarations, pleadings and other documents; recognizances; calendars of prisoners; and judgement papers

York Quarter Sessions
Y/ORD/4/7 · Series · 1946-1986
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes accommodation clearance registers, papers regarding billeting, annual reports, papers relating to atomic warfare, civil defence handbooks, general preparations for a nuclear attack, papers relating to the British Association, circulars, York Civil Defence Association, Civil Defence committee minutes, civil protection, competitions, conference papers, papers regarding Control Centres, correspondence files of Arthur Cooke (Civil Defence officer), general correspondence files, demonstration and protest papers, papers regarding Civil Defence equipment, evacuations scheme, exercises and training courses, mass experiments, financial papers (including insurance files), papers relating to the Fire Service, emergency feeding plans, Home Defence papers and correspondence, Head Office files, hospital organisation files, papers relating to Civil Defence in industry and infrastructure, inspection files, membership lists, copies of the Civil Defence Acts, year books, copies of the Civil Defence Officers Journal, Ministry of Health papers, minutes of the Civil Defence committee, papers of the Association of Municipal Corporations, reports and pamphlets relating to the nuclear threat, papers regarding nuclear tests, observations papers, premises files, publicity and recruitment files, papers regarding Hungarian refugees in York, remembrance files, staff resignation and transfer files, papers relating to the Scientific Intelligence Officers and Sector Controllers, shelter files, siren installation, staff papers, technical reconnaisance papers, correspondence with the Town Clerk, papers regarding Civil Defence vehicles, warden's files, the role of the Women's Voluntary Service, and the role of the Yorkshire Yeomanry.

Y/ORD/4/6 · Series · 1939-1949
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes civil defence publications, papers relating to wardens, ARP Emergency Committee agendas and minutes, Air Raid Precautions (ARP) correspondence, shelter files, instructions to civilians and papers regarding the welfare of citizens, fire service and fire prevention files, papers relating to the Women's Voluntary Service, papers regarding the billeting of workers, Ministry of Health files, papers regarding air raids and resultant war damage, papers regarding the Halifax bomber crash in York, staff registers, papers regarding training exercises, casualty lists, invasion committee papers, Operations Regional Comissioner correspondence, A.R.P Control Headquarters register of permits and papers relating to German chemical warfare explorations.

Y/ORD/4/5 · Series · 1897-April 1939
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes information about telephone company contracts, a dinner card, information booklets, notes on gas poisoning, papers relating to housing schemes, circulars and copies of the Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

Y/ORD/4/4 · Series · 1914-1918
Part of York Civic Archive

Great war notes and lists of men for Roll of Honour 1918
List of ex Prisoners of War from York incarcerated during the First World War

List of York men killed 1914 - 1918 and some correspondence from next of kin.

List of ex-Prisoners of War 1914 - 1919

List of repatriated Prisoners of War

Notes by City of York & District Family History Society on the York World War I Index

Y/ORD/4/2 · Series · 1809
Part of York Civic Archive

E86: Assessment made April 1596 for York's contribution to Ship of War to set forth from Hull.

E63: Book containing assessments, orders, warrants and proceedings relating to the civil war for the safety and defence (c.1645-)

E89: Fines and amercements for raising money for wars against France and Ireland (c.1660-1685)

E90: Contributions to royal aid and supplies in Walmgate ward parish (c.1660-1685)

E86A: Minutes of commissioners appointed under Acts of Parliament to raise proportions payable by City and Ainsty towards ships of war and disbanding of the army (c.1673-1678)

E91: Assessments made in City and Ainsty re: royal aid land tax for 1750-1777

E75: Militia accounts between the City of York, three Ridings of Yorkshire, Durham etc (1809)

Y/ORD/4/1 · Series · 1543-1809
Part of York Civic Archive

E64: Names of able bodied and their arms and horses (c. 1509-1547)

E41: Muster roll of 102 soldiers sent to aid in war against Scotland (1543) and list of able bodied in the City and Ainsty and their arms.

E47: Names of persons, horses, weapons, armour in City and Ainsty plus deer parks and horse breeding (1573)

E41A: Muster roll of men chosen to be soldiers in 1584 and 1587 plus an assessment upon the Ainsty towards the cost of two light horseman to serve in Ireland 1578

E47A: Names of persons in Ainsty with weapons (1666)

E87: Names of soldiers appointed by ordinance of 23 May 1648

E41C: Names of men enlisted to serve in land and marine forces 1708-1711

E125: Commissioners for York and Ainsty minutes re: apprehension of men for army and Navy 1744-1745.

E41B: Minutes, accounts, etc connected to raising militia against Scotland 1745

E42: Minutes of Lieutenancy re: raising additional militia pursuant to 1797 Act.

E42A: Names of ballot in pursuance of Militia Act 1806.

E43: Minutes of Lieutenacy re: cavalry pursuant to 1797 Act.

E92: Raising of forces for defence of city in 1745, orders relating to vagrants, carriages impressed for royal service 1805

Mayor and Commonality of the City of York
Y/ORD/1/4 · Series · 1795-1854
Part of York Civic Archive

Account books for individual prisoners held in York debtors prison, as well as books and invoices of small businesses. The account books often have the trial date at York Castle written on the cover. The final box in the series contains account books which are currently unidentified, although professions have been noted. Please note that this collection does not include account books for all debtors held in the prison.

The books are arranged alphabetically by surname, and include:
John James Anderson; William Armitage; James Barra; William Barwick; Henry Bell; Thomas Belt; Thomas Benn; James Binnington; David Brocklebank; John Cariss; Joseph Cole; Right Honorable John Dales (Lord Mayor); George Dalton; William Darbyshire; Austin Dawson; John Dawson; William Dobson; Thomas Dove; Thomas Fisher; John Harrison; Joseph Hepworth; John Heslington; Thomas Hesp; John Hick; Henry Holmes; George Hustwick (the elder); Henry Inglis; James Jackson; John Jackson; R Johnson; Marcy Kemp; HC (or Frances) Kilby / Kirby; John Robson Lambert; Charles Linfoot;
Thomas Luckhurst; William Mangles; John Masser(?); John Morton; Thomas Musgrave; George Nicholson; Robert Oake(s); James Oates; Richard Palfreyman; William Foster Percevell; R Perkins; George Pinder; George Pulleyn; John Rippon; Frances Robwson; Thomas Scowby; William Shiletto; Benjamin Sivres; Nathaniel Smith; Thomas Spaven; James Stone; John Stephenson; William Stoker; Thomas Taylor; W Turner; Robert Walker; William Whitwell(?); and James Wilson.

York Castle Chaplain's Books
Y/ORD/1/3 · Series · 1833-1867
Part of York Civic Archive

Day to day account of activities of the prison Chaplain, including a list of duties, visiting individual prisoners (including before execution), morning prayers, basic religious instruction.

  1. Aug 1833-Jan 1859
  2. Feb 1859-Oct 1867
Y/ORD/1/2 · Series · 1824-1863
Part of York Civic Archive

Day to day accounts of gaoler's activities at York Castle prison including attendance at quarter sessions, births in the prison, suicide attempts, disciplinary issues and punishments, arrivals and departures of prisoners including executions. From 1838 city felons were sent to the Castle prison, rather than the city prison.

Calendar of Felons
Y/ORD/1/1 · Series · 1785-1851
Part of York Civic Archive

Original published lists of felons convicted at the York Assizes and moved to York Castle for their sentences to be carried out. The lists include names, ages, details of their crimes and the sentence passed. All lists are numbered and arranged by date of the offence.

  1. 1785-99
  2. 1800-1819
  3. 1820-1841
  4. 1842-51

These records are retrived as binders, not individual items.

Deeds and Conveyances
Y/LEG/2/5 · Series · 1313-20th century
Part of York Civic Archive

This series of conveyances includes a number issued by the Corporation of York and others issued by third parties, relating to land and premises in the City of York area. Also includes property files such as commercial conveyances, purchases/acquisitions, title enquiries, commercial/business leases, deeds and title documents for various lands owned by City of York Council.

Y/LEG/2 · Series · 1583-1622
Part of York Civic Archive

This is a selection of the civic archive containing the records which are currently available for access only. Further historical and modern records will be added to this section as they are catalogued.

School Dental Service
Y/HEA/9/4 · Series · 1950s-1970s
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence and associated papers for the York School Dental Service. The papers mainly concern administrative matters such as staffing, statistics, equipment, training, the organisation of the service, and various aspects of dental health. Includes minutes of the Education Committee, some external committees, and printed promotional literature. Contains some correspondence from patients.

Y/HEA/7/1 · Series · 1939-1946
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises incoming and outgoing correspondence with the Air Raid Precautions Officer and other officials. Includes reports, notes and other associated papers.

Y/HEA/6/2/9 · Series · 1914-1946
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes reports from the Board of Control, The Incorporation of National Institutions for Persons Requiring Care and Control; The Royal Albert Institution in Lancaster; the Yorkshire Association for Mental Welfare; and the Mental After Care Association. Also includes minutes of the East Riding and York Joint Board for the Mentally Defective; a printed volume of medical PR actioners approved by the Board of Control; and copies of the Mental Deficiency Acts.

Mental deficiency papers
Y/HEA/6/2 · Series · 1914-1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises papers relating to the accommodation and maintenance of adults and children with learning disabilities ('mental deficiency').

Mental health care
Y/HEA/6/1 · Series · 1834-1935
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating primarily to the accommodation and care of patients with mental health issues. Also includes a small number of records concerning York City Asylum.

Y/HEA/5/3/4 · Series · 1933-1955 [with gaps]
Part of York Civic Archive

Details recorded include surname and address of patient; obstetric history of mother; nature of confinement; progress of infant; and age, work, and health of mother.

Stillbirths report sheets
Y/HEA/5/3/3 · Series · 1933-1952 [with gaps]
Part of York Civic Archive

Details recorded include surname and address of patient; obstetric history of mother; nature of confinement; condition of foetus; and age, work, and health of mother.

Y/HEA/5/2 · Series · 1906-1944
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises registers relating to the oversight and inspection of midwives following the Midwives Act, 1902

Diarrhoea enquiry 1880
Y/HEA/4/3 · Series · 1880-1882
Part of York Civic Archive

Papers relating to the Local Government Board enquiry carried out by Dr Ballard into deaths from diarrhoea in 1880. The papers include notes, statistics, summary reports and reports of individual cases in York.

Fever Hospital records
Y/HEA/4/10 · Series · 1860-1935
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises papers relating to the erection of and provision of accommodation at the Fever Hospital at Yearsley Bridge.

Y/HEA/3/7 · Series · 1885-1911
Part of York Civic Archive

Form of instruction from the Medical Officer of Health to the Inspector of Nuisances to visit and report on sanitary conditions of dwellings. Details recorded in the reports varies over time but typically includes name of infected person, age, occupation, disease and various details about their living conditions.
Note: not all volumes are indexed. See also Y/HEA/4

Registers of complaints
Y/HEA/3/6 · Series · 1939-1975
Part of York Civic Archive

Registers of complaint of nuisances and unsanitary conditions. Entries include date of complaint, situation of premises and brief description of complaint, name and address of complainant, date investigated and result (if any). Includes references to Assistant Sanitary Inspectors' report books. Indexed by street name.

Y/HEA/3/5 · Series · 1901-1956
Part of York Civic Archive

Records drainage improvements carried out in properties. Entries include situation of premises, name of owner and builder, a brief description of works, and a line sketch of drainage on the premises (note: the volume covering 1936-1956 does not include any sketches)

Y/HEA/3/4 · Series · 1923-1951
Part of York Civic Archive

Books recording routine inspections and inspections in response to complaints of unsanitary conditions in houses or other premises. Conditions inspected include privies, air quality, keeping of animals, offensive trades, and drains. Also record inspections of premises for overcrowding, and for sanitary conditions at the home accommodation of patients with infectious diseases. Indexed by street name at the start or back of each volume.

Y/HEA/3/3 · Series · 1904-1927
Part of York Civic Archive

Books recording inspections of nuisance complaints affecting dwellings. Nuisances inspected include privies, air quality, keeping of animals, offensive trades, and drains. Also records inspections of premises for overcrowding, and for sanitary conditions at the home accommodation of patients with infectious diseases. A small number of volumes include plans and this is indicated in the relevant item descriptions.
Indexed by street name at the start of each volume.

Y/HEA/3/1 · Series · 1910-1938
Part of York Civic Archive

Inspection records of the Sanitary Inspector, Department of Health. Records inspections of insanitary conditions in houses (including inadequate sanitary facilities and drainage); inspections of common lodgings houses; food sampling and analysis; and slaughterhouse and meat inspections. Books from 1933 onwards includes reports of overcrowding. Indexed by street

Y/HEA/2/4 · Series · c1880-1937
Part of York Civic Archive

Reports of the Medical Officer of Health to the Urban Sanitary Committee and later the Health Committee. Reports on average were fortnightly but could be more or less regular. Incudes notifications to the Town Clerk of cases of infectious diseases.

Y/HEA/2/2 · Series · 1885-1967
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes annual reports and special reports of the Medical Officer of Health in bound volumes. The volumes also include annual reports of various other officers assisting the Medical Officer of Health, including: the Chief Sanitary Inspector; the Inspector of Nuisances, the Public Analyst, the Canal Boats Inspector; the School Medical Officers; and from 1930 the Chief Medical Officer (Public Assistance).

Y/HEA/2/1 · Series · 1900-1964
Part of York Civic Archive

Loose copies of annual reports from the Medical Officer of Health. Some years include reports from the Tuberculosis Officer, the Inspector of Nuisances, the Public Analyst, Chief Sanitory Inspector, Medical Officer (Public Assistance), Canal Boats Inspector and Tuberculosis Crusade Committtee.

Medical Officer of Health
Health Education, images
Y/HEA/10/1 · Series · early 20th century
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises stand alone images relating to health education and health promotion. Includes lantern slides, glass plate negatives and photographs.

Staff diaries
Y/HEA/1/7 · Series · 1946-1966
Part of York Civic Archive

Diaries of staff involved in deliveries and pickups of patients, food and other items. Also records some cases of insect control.

Y/HEA/1/6 · Series · 1940-1958
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises records relating to staffing matters (including appointments)within the York Health Department. See also Y/ADM/5/13 for application and appointment files.

Town Clerk's 'H' files
Y/HEA/1/2 · Series · 1926-1974
Part of York Civic Archive

The Town Clerk's files relating to health and health services in York. Files comprise correspondence and associated papers. See also Y/HEA/1/3

Y/HEA/1/17 · Series · 1897-1910
Part of York Civic Archive

Legal cases pursued under the Public Health Acts and bye-laws.

Health Committee files
Y/HEA/1/1 · Series · 1940s-1970s
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises correspondence and associated papers of the Health Committee. An alphabetical index to the files is included in first box. Files have been weeded prior to deposit in the archive.

Royal Subsidies
Y/FIN/2/1/4 · Series · 1547-1582
Part of York Civic Archive

E48: Book of Subsidy granted to King Henry VIII and contributed by Persons, Corporations, Fraternities, Gilds etc, according to certain values, 1547-8;
E49 Book of Subsidy granted to King Edward VI, 1547-8 (bound with E48);
E50: Book of Subsidy granted to King Edward VI and Elizabeth I, 1550-1559;
E51: Book of Subsidy granted to Elizabeth I, 1563-1582.
E59: Assessment on the City and Ainsty, 1582;
E59a: Assessments on the City and Ainsty, 1585-1600

Chamberlains' vouchers
Y/FIN/1/3 · Series · 1719-
Part of York Civic Archive

The chamberlain's vouchers are the original tradesmen receipts, bills or invoices. The often contain greater detail of work done than the formal accounts and rolls.

1741-1742, 1744-1745
1744-1745, 1746-1747
1750-1751, 1753-1754, 1754-1755
1756-1757, 1758-1759
1765-1766, 1766-1767
1769-1770, 1772-1773
1784-1785, 1787-1788
1789, 1792-1793, 1795
1796-1797, 1798
1804-1808, 1810
1811, 1814, 1818

City of York Council, Receiver
Chamberlains' accounts
Y/FIN/1/2 · Series · 1446-1816
Part of York Civic Archive

The account books were the informal day to day version of the corporation accounts. Incomplete series.

1 (1446)
1A (1449 and 1480)
2 (1520-1525)
3 (1526-1528, 1535, 1538)
4 (1542, 1554)
5 (1559, 1565, 1584)
6 (1585, 1587, 1588)
7 (1591, 1593)
8 (1594, 1596)
9 (1597-1598)
10 (1599, 1600)
11 (1602-1603)
12 (1605-1606)
13 (1607-1608, 1610)
14 (1611-1613)
15 (1614-1616)
16 (1617-1619)
17 (1620, 1621, 1623)
18 (1624)
19 (1625-1627)
20 (1629-1632)
21 (1633-1636)
22 (1637-1639)
23 (1640-1645)
24 (1646-1651)
25 (1653-1654, 1656, 1658, 1661, 1663, 1664-1665)
25A (1655)
26 (1666, 1668, 1671-1672, 1679)
27 (1680, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1686, 1687)
28 (1688, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696)
29 (1697-1702)
30 (1703-1709)
31 (1710-1714)
32 (1715-1721)
33 (1722-1728)
34 (1729-1733)
35 (1734-1738)
36 (1734-1738)
37 (1744-1748)
38 (1749-1751, 1753-1754)
39 (1755-1759)
40 (1760)
41 (1761)
42 (1762)
43 (1763)
44 (1764)
45 (1765)
46 (1766)
47 (1767)
48 (1768)
49 (1769)
50 (1770)
51 (1771)
52 (1772)
53 (1773)
54 (1774)
55 (1775)
56 (1776)
57 (1777)
58 (1778)
59 (1779)
60 (1780)
61 (1781)
62 (1782)
63 (1783)
64 (1784)
65 (1785)
66 (1786)
67 (1787)
68 (1788)
69 (1789)
70 (1790)
71 (1791)
72 (1792)
73 (1793)
74 (1794)
75 (1795)
76 (1796)
77 (1797)
78 (1798)
79 (1799)
80 (1800)
81 (1801)
82 (1802)
83 (1803)
84 (1804)
85 (1805)
86 (1806)
87 (1807)
88 (1808)
89 (1809)
90 (1810)
91 (1811)
92 (1812)
93 (1813)
94 (1814)
95 (1815)
96 (1816)

Chamberlains' rolls
Y/FIN/1/1 · Series · 1398-1835
Part of York Civic Archive

The rolls were the formal audited version of the corporation accounts. Incomplete series.

Gypsies, public enquiries
Y/ENV/9/5 · Series · 1950s-1970s
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises files on enquiry into permanent caravan sites for gypsies. Also includes files with details of past temporary caravan sites in York.

Y/ENV/9/10 · Series · 1980-1983
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises files concerning the presence of Gypsies at the York Racecourse Ebor Festival. The files are primarily concerned with the establishment of temporary sites for gypsies for the duration of the festival.

Registers relating to vermin
Y/ENV/6/1 · Series · 1921-1974
Part of York Civic Archive

Registers of complaints received by the Health Department regarding rodents. Entries typically include situation of property; names of owner and/or occupier, nature of complaint and any action taken. Volumes indexed by street name.

Y/ENV/5/6 · Series · 1950-1959
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises results of analyses of milk samples carried out by the Public Analyst on behalf of the City of York. Samples are only identified by number, except for 1950 where the vendors are also identified.

Y/ENV/5/4 · Series · 1890-1954
Part of York Civic Archive

Includes quarterly and annual reports (and associated papers) of the Public Analyst to the Mayor and councillors of York. The reports record the number and nature food samples analysed, as well as a summary of results.

Diseases of animals
Y/ENV/5/17 · Series · c1865-1905
Part of York Civic Archive

Correspondence, circulars and associated papers relating to outbreaks of animal diseases.