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Conveyance from Leonard Besson to Aldermen Lawne, Belt & others
Conveyance from Leonard Besson to Aldermen Lawne, Belt & others
Chamberlains' Roll
Chamberlains' Roll
A Relation of a Short Survey of 26 Counties (part relating to York)
A Relation of a Short Survey of 26 Counties (part relating to York)
Depositions of Witnesses taken at the City of York by virtue of a commission from the Court of Exchequer Chamber.
Depositions of Witnesses taken at the City of York by virtue of a commission from the Court of Exchequer Chamber.
Answer of John Wells, defendant, to Sir Wm Robinson’s Bill of Complaint
Answer of John Wells, defendant, to Sir Wm Robinson’s Bill of Complaint
Chamberlains' account book
Chamberlains' account book
Will of Peter Straker
Will of Peter Straker
Mayoral Precepts to the Constables of Clifton
Mayoral Precepts to the Constables of Clifton
Mayoral Precepts to the Constables of Clifton
Mayoral Precepts to the Constables of Clifton
Mayoral Precepts to the Constables of Clifton
Mayoral Precepts to the Constables of Clifton
Legal papers
Legal papers
Receipts and accounts of Sir John Gibson as Sheriff of York
Receipts and accounts of Sir John Gibson as Sheriff of York
Minute book
Minute book
Conveyance from Robert Benson to Stephen Watson and John Bradley
Conveyance from Robert Benson to Stephen Watson and John Bradley
Members of the Church of York
Members of the Church of York
Receivers' Roll
Receivers' Roll
Legal deeds relating to Straker
Legal deeds relating to Straker
Settlement by Thomas Herbert of his house in Micklegate
Settlement by Thomas Herbert of his house in Micklegate
Chamberlains' account book
Chamberlains' account book
Ingram's Hospital, Bootham
Ingram's Hospital, Bootham
Chamberlains' Roll
Chamberlains' Roll
Instructions to council sent by King Charles I
Instructions to council sent by King Charles I
Register Book of Leases
Register Book of Leases
Votes of both Houses of Parliament to confirme the same. Taken out of the Records of theTower. Also Two Orders of both Houses of Parliament.
Votes of both Houses of Parliament to confirme the same. Taken out of the Records of theTower. Also Two Orders of both Houses of Parliament.
Five Special Pages viz. Two Petitions of The Countie of Yorke. The One Presented to the Kins most Excellent Majestie at York the third of June 1642. The other, to the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled. With the Additionals thereunto annexed.
Five Special Pages viz. Two Petitions of The Countie of Yorke. The One Presented to the Kins most Excellent Majestie at York the third of June 1642. The other, to the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled. With the Additionals thereunto annexed.
A Declaration of The Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled. Concerning His Majesties Proclamtion Given at His Court at York, May 27th 1642.
A Declaration of The Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled. Concerning His Majesties Proclamtion Given at His Court at York, May 27th 1642.
A Declaration of the Several Votes and Resolutions Agreed Upon by both Houses of Parliament. Being in all 32.
A Declaration of the Several Votes and Resolutions Agreed Upon by both Houses of Parliament. Being in all 32.
An Abstract from Yorke of Seven Days Passage from 24th June to 5th July 1642
An Abstract from Yorke of Seven Days Passage from 24th June to 5th July 1642
A Royal Protestation Made by the Kings most Excellent Majestie. To the Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Barons, Gentlemen now assembled at Beverley in Yorkshire July 23 1642
A Royal Protestation Made by the Kings most Excellent Majestie. To the Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Barons, Gentlemen now assembled at Beverley in Yorkshire July 23 1642
Two Petitions Presented to the Kings most Excellent Majestie at Yorke, the fifth August 1642
Two Petitions Presented to the Kings most Excellent Majestie at Yorke, the fifth August 1642
Certaine Intelligence from Yorke
Certaine Intelligence from Yorke
A True and Full Relation of the Last Great Battell Fought upon Tuesday last in the Citty of Yorke by the Lord Fairfax, and Captain Hotham with 3000 Horse and foot, against the Earls of Cumberland and Newcastle with 5000 who were marching out of York with
A True and Full Relation of the Last Great Battell Fought upon Tuesday last in the Citty of Yorke by the Lord Fairfax, and Captain Hotham with 3000 Horse and foot, against the Earls of Cumberland and Newcastle with 5000 who were marching out of York with
The Parliaments Desire and Resolution Concerning The Prince Presented to His Majesty at York by the Lord Howard of Char.
The Parliaments Desire and Resolution Concerning The Prince Presented to His Majesty at York by the Lord Howard of Char.
Exceeding Joyful Newes from York being a True Relation of many Passages of great consequence happened very lately between His Majesty and the inhabitants of Yorkshire.
Exceeding Joyful Newes from York being a True Relation of many Passages of great consequence happened very lately between His Majesty and the inhabitants of Yorkshire.
The Answer of Both Houses of Parliament, Presented to His Majestie at York the ninth of May 1642
The Answer of Both Houses of Parliament, Presented to His Majestie at York the ninth of May 1642
List of Owners and Occupiers in the Parish of St Mary's, Castlegate
List of Owners and Occupiers in the Parish of St Mary's, Castlegate
Scrap of parchment signed by Louis (most likely Louis XIII of France)
Scrap of parchment signed by Louis (most likely Louis XIII of France)
A Second Discovery by the Northern Scout: of the Chiefe Actions and attempts of the Malignant Party of Prelates and Papists, Proctors and Doctors and Cavaliers that are now resident in Yorke.
A Second Discovery by the Northern Scout: of the Chiefe Actions and attempts of the Malignant Party of Prelates and Papists, Proctors and Doctors and Cavaliers that are now resident in Yorke.
Political tract used in a book binding
Political tract used in a book binding
Some more new Observations concerning the King and Parliament: Being Twenty Considerations of the dangerous estate the Kingdom now standeth in by reason of a Malignant Party
Some more new Observations concerning the King and Parliament: Being Twenty Considerations of the dangerous estate the Kingdom now standeth in by reason of a Malignant Party
His Majesties Declaration to both Houses of Parliament Martii 21 1641 Which he Likewise recommends to the consideration of all His Loving Subjects. In answer to that presented to Him at New-Market, the 9 of March 1641
His Majesties Declaration to both Houses of Parliament Martii 21 1641 Which he Likewise recommends to the consideration of all His Loving Subjects. In answer to that presented to Him at New-Market, the 9 of March 1641
His Majesties Message to Both Houses of Parliament April 28 1642. Concerning his refusall to passe the Bill for the Militia.
His Majesties Message to Both Houses of Parliament April 28 1642. Concerning his refusall to passe the Bill for the Militia.
Illuminated address given to William Camidge by the trustees of Trinity Chapel, Peckitt Street, York
Illuminated address given to William Camidge by the trustees of Trinity Chapel, Peckitt Street, York
Newes from the siege before Yorke
Newes from the siege before Yorke
Exact and certaine newes from the Siege at Yorke. And of many remarkable passages of our Armys in those parts, extracted out of diverse Letters which were sent by this last Post from Hull, to a Gentleman of Grayes-Inne.
Exact and certaine newes from the Siege at Yorke. And of many remarkable passages of our Armys in those parts, extracted out of diverse Letters which were sent by this last Post from Hull, to a Gentleman of Grayes-Inne.
A Petition to the Kings Majesty. Also A Glorious Victory, Certified in a briefe Ralation of the totall Routing of Prince Rupert. And the taking of all his Ordnance, Armes and Ammunition, bagge and baggage.
A Petition to the Kings Majesty. Also A Glorious Victory, Certified in a briefe Ralation of the totall Routing of Prince Rupert. And the taking of all his Ordnance, Armes and Ammunition, bagge and baggage.
A copy of a letter sent from Lord Fairfax to the Mayor of Hull
A copy of a letter sent from Lord Fairfax to the Mayor of Hull
A Particular List of Divers of the Commanders and Officers taken Prisoners at Marston Moore near York (otherwise called Hesham Moor).
A Particular List of Divers of the Commanders and Officers taken Prisoners at Marston Moore near York (otherwise called Hesham Moor).
A True Relation of the Late Fight Between the Parliament Forces and Prince Rupert Within Four Miles of Yorke with The Names of divers Commanders that were Slain and Wounded.
A True Relation of the Late Fight Between the Parliament Forces and Prince Rupert Within Four Miles of Yorke with The Names of divers Commanders that were Slain and Wounded.
A Letter from Generall Leven, the Lord Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester; To the Committee of both Kingdoms: And by them communicated to the Parliament. Concerning the great Victory it hath pleased God to give them over the Forces under the Command of P
A Letter from Generall Leven, the Lord Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester; To the Committee of both Kingdoms: And by them communicated to the Parliament. Concerning the great Victory it hath pleased God to give them over the Forces under the Command of P
The Articles of the Surrender of the City of Yorke to the Earl Leven, Lord Fairfax and the Earle of Manchester on Tuesday July 16 1644
The Articles of the Surrender of the City of Yorke to the Earl Leven, Lord Fairfax and the Earle of Manchester on Tuesday July 16 1644
Book of accounts and memoranda of the Weavers' Company
Book of accounts and memoranda of the Weavers' Company
A more Exact Relation of the late Battell Neer York. Fought by the English and Scotch Forces, against Prince Rupert and the Marquess of Newcastle.
A more Exact Relation of the late Battell Neer York. Fought by the English and Scotch Forces, against Prince Rupert and the Marquess of Newcastle.
Magnalia Dei ab Aquilone; Set Forth, in a Sermon Preached Before The Right Honourable the Lords and Commons, at St. Margarets Westminster, upon Thursday July 18, 1644 being the day of publike Thanksgiving for the great Victory obtained against Prince Rupe
Magnalia Dei ab Aquilone; Set Forth, in a Sermon Preached Before The Right Honourable the Lords and Commons, at St. Margarets Westminster, upon Thursday July 18, 1644 being the day of publike Thanksgiving for the great Victory obtained against Prince Rupe
Receivers' Roll
Receivers' Roll
Chamberlains' account book
Chamberlains' account book
Deed of gift
Deed of gift
Truths Discovery of A black Cloud in the North: shewing Some Antiparliamentary, inhumane, cruell and base proceedings of the Scotch Army against the well-effected in the North of England
Truths Discovery of A black Cloud in the North: shewing Some Antiparliamentary, inhumane, cruell and base proceedings of the Scotch Army against the well-effected in the North of England
Bargain and sale, with attached bond, relating to property in Walmgate Bar Without, York
Bargain and sale, with attached bond, relating to property in Walmgate Bar Without, York
Receivers' Roll
Receivers' Roll
Ferdinando Fairfax
Ferdinando Fairfax
Conveyance from Corporation of York to Robert Yeaman
Conveyance from Corporation of York to Robert Yeaman
Deed from Bentley to Spencely
Deed from Bentley to Spencely
Johan Blaeu Map of Yorkshire
Johan Blaeu Map of Yorkshire
Conveyance from John Hill and Uxor to John Williamson and John Noble
Conveyance from John Hill and Uxor to John Williamson and John Noble
Chamberlains' Roll
Chamberlains' Roll
Triplicate message signed and sealed by King Charles I
Triplicate message signed and sealed by King Charles I
Sergeant Thorpe. Judge of Assize for the Northern Circuit, his charge, As it was delivered to the Grand Jury at Yorke Assizes the twentieth of March 1648
Sergeant Thorpe. Judge of Assize for the Northern Circuit, his charge, As it was delivered to the Grand Jury at Yorke Assizes the twentieth of March 1648
Fine from Henry Baildon
Fine from Henry Baildon
Minute book
Minute book
Receivers' Roll
Receivers' Roll
Notes on Ingram House, Minster Close
Notes on Ingram House, Minster Close
Conveyance from Robert Benson and Uxor to Stephen Watson
Conveyance from Robert Benson and Uxor to Stephen Watson
Two receipts
Two receipts
Feoffment relating to land and property in Wigginton
Feoffment relating to land and property in Wigginton
The second Volume of Annotations Upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament [sic]
The second Volume of Annotations Upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament [sic]
Weddell's lands in Clifton
Weddell's lands in Clifton
Conveyance relating to the Minster (West End).
Conveyance relating to the Minster (West End).
Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament [sic]
Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament [sic]
Chamberlains' account book
Chamberlains' account book
Final Agreement in the Court of the Common Bench: Browne and Topham and Daggett
Final Agreement in the Court of the Common Bench: Browne and Topham and Daggett
Deed Poll under the hand and seal of Percival Levett being a revocation of the deed of uses to his sons
Deed Poll under the hand and seal of Percival Levett being a revocation of the deed of uses to his sons
Deed of feoffment relating to a mansion house lately built within the city walls near to St. Leonard's landing
Deed of feoffment relating to a mansion house lately built within the city walls near to St. Leonard's landing
Indenture of release relating to a mansion house lately built within the city walls near to St. Leonard's landing.
Indenture of release relating to a mansion house lately built within the city walls near to St. Leonard's landing.
Second Great Seal of the Commonwealth
Second Great Seal of the Commonwealth
Copy Accounts
Copy Accounts
Indenture of assignment relating to land adjoining the moat and ramparts near the city walls and St. Leonard's Hospital and the Mint Yard
Indenture of assignment relating to land adjoining the moat and ramparts near the city walls and St. Leonard's Hospital and the Mint Yard
Receivers' Roll
Receivers' Roll
Manor Court Roll
Manor Court Roll
Conveyance from Robert Benson and Uxor to Stephen Watson
Conveyance from Robert Benson and Uxor to Stephen Watson
Chamberlains' account book
Chamberlains' account book
Conveyance from Corporation of York to William Ryder
Conveyance from Corporation of York to William Ryder
An Act for an assessment for a Temporary supply towards the maintenance of the Amies and Navies of the Commonwealth
An Act for an assessment for a Temporary supply towards the maintenance of the Amies and Navies of the Commonwealth
Conveyance from Corporation of York to Edmond Giles
Conveyance from Corporation of York to Edmond Giles
Conveyance from Corporation of York to Robert Straker and Edward Nightingate
Conveyance from Corporation of York to Robert Straker and Edward Nightingate
Deed relating to two messuages
Deed relating to two messuages
Conveyance from Corporation of York to Thomas Williamson
Conveyance from Corporation of York to Thomas Williamson