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Archivistische beschrijving

Messuage in Blake Street in tenure of John Wilkinson, shoemaker, and messuage in Lendall Street in tenure of Mary Lund, widow.
Principal: £100; £3 to be repaid on 30 Nov next and £103 on 01 Jun 1699

Signed and sealed by Thomas and John Dalton

Messuage in Finkle Street or Lendal, over against Mint Yard, late in the tenure of Madam Grace Carnaby.
Signed and sealed by Tim and Philadelphia Stevenson and Thomas Pickering, Mayor. Seal wanting.
Consideration: £70

Messuage in the street formerly called Footless Lane, now Finkle Street, and sometime Lendall Street over against the Mint Yard, in the tenure of George Gibson and adjoining a messuage lately in the possession of Mr Thomas Leppington and now Mr Neesome on
east and a messuage of William Alderson on west, and all other tenements in York whereof Margaret Hawkesworth, widow died, seised, made in pursuance of the award of John Mays and Peter Johnson, esquires, of 28 April last according to bonds of submission of Nicholas Suger, George Gibson and John Simpson. Signed and sealed by Nicholas Suger and George Gibson

Consideration: 5 shillings

Bequeathing to his grandfather, Henry Simpson, £20; to his brother in law George Gibson, £20; and to John Gibson 40 shillings

Appointment of his father in law, George Gibson as his executor. Witnesses: John Coulton, Robert Kitchin, Catherine Kitchin.

Proved in the Prerogative Court of York

Messuage in Blake Street, formerly in tenure of John Wilkinson, shoemaker, and now of William Huntley, and another messuage in Lendall Street formerly in tenure of Mary Lund, widow and now of Robert Nesome, subject to mortgage.

Consideration: £200

Signed and sealed by Darcy Dalton

As to the conveyance by George Gibson to the Directors of a house and ground for £230, taking the materials of the house at £60 in part payment, and clearing the ground of all rubbish, and having power to build upon a wall or pillars to be erected to the level of Mr Gibson's first floor at the expense of the Proprietors of the Assemby Rooms, with certain reservations as to lights. Signed Reuben Terry

  1. Deed to lead the uses of a fine:
    Consideration: £1250
    George Gibson, York, mercer and Mary, his wife
    Richard Farrer, York, esquire
    Several messuages in Lendal Street and Blake Street, York, now in the occupation of William Bluitt, innholder

  2. Fine
    Richard Farrer, plaintiff
    George Gibson and Mary his wife, deforciants
    Property in York (2 copies)