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Deed relating to two messuages
GDC/294/1 · Pièce · 5 September 1657
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

George Harland the elder of York, gentleman and Ellyn his wife and George Harland the younger of Helperby, gentleman and Sarah his wife to Francis Rhodes of York upholsterer of little messuages in Colliergate.


Sans titre
Geneological Papers
GRF/1 · Série · 1658-1927
Fait partie de Gray Family Papers

Papers relating to the family history of the Gray family including Robert Gray, William Gray and Johnathan Gray. Includes legal documents, letters, notes and pedigrees which trace the history of the family including those who married into the family.

Sans titre
George Leeman Property and Land Papers
GLP/1 · Série · 1660-1887
Fait partie de George Leeman's Deeds and Papers

Letters, notices, and other legal documents relating to property and land issues - leases and releases, mortgages, titles, deeds etc. Includes:
-List of property proposed as security. Loan of £3,600 at 4.5%. Valuation signed by Matthew Oates. Undated
-Letter from George Leeman to Mr Agar re properties owned by Leeman. Undated.
-Lease for 2 closes outside Layerthorpe Postern for 21 years from Marmaduke Jacques to William Cooke 29.09.1660
-Lease for 2 closes outside Layerthorpe Postern from Robert Jacques to Robert Beane 02.10.1665
-Abstract of titles to a close purchased by John Clough and George Townsend from William Justice,Esq. 23.11.1711-11.08.1777
-Lease and Release of a sum of £200 for a piece of land from William Bustire to George Earle 26.11.1762 and 27.11.1762
-Lease and Release for a close outside Layerthorpe Postern from John Clough & George Townsend to Jonathan Hopwood 03.04.1778 and 04.04.1778
-Lease and Release for a close near Monk Bar from William Clark to William Gray 09.10.1787 and 10.10.1787
-Lease and Release for a parcel of land, part of Hall Fields, from Hugh Pallisor & others to John Dales' Trustees 07.03.1793 and 08.03.1793
-Mortgage by Lease and Release for dwelling house outside Layerthorpe Postern between John Dale, Thomas Withers, and William Withers 18.04.1800 and 19/04.1800
-Lease and Release of houses and a close part of Stall Fields near York from Oswald Allen and Henry Eubank to Robert Atkinson 21.05.1810 and 22.05.1810
-Assignment of Mortgage from John Powell and his mortgagee to Miss Anne Cowling and others 21.04.1824. Also Reconveyance from Miss Anne Cowling to George Leeman 20.12.1855.
-Lease and Release for parcel of land on 'Sturgate Street' (possibly Stonegate) from William Champucy to Henry Stead on behalf of James Rusby (deceased) 04.01.1825
-Abstract of title deed of Jospeh Bearpark to a garden near York contracted to be sold to John Powell 1828
-Lease and Release from Joseph Bearpark to John Powell for piece of land in Groves Lane 01.10.1828 and 02.10.1828
-Lease and Mortgage for dwelling houses situated in Powell Place from John Powell to Thomas Hawkins 02.101828 and 03.10.1828
-Lease and Mortgage for dwelling houses situated in Powell Place from John Powell to James Gray 03.04.1829 and 04.04.1829
-Lease and Release for piece of ground near Hungate from John Smith to Robert Gill 08.10.1833 and 09.10.1833
-Lease for 5 years for piece of ground near Hungate from Robert Gill to John Powell 04.02.1834
-Lease and Conveyance for land near Garden Place from John Smith and Thomas Terry to John Powell and his trustee 12.09.1834 and 13.09.1834
-Conveyance for piece of land known as Bilton Street from Oswald Allen and James Allen to Richard Powell 03.10.1834
-Mortgage on 195 sq. yards approx. of Bilton Street from Richard Powell to George Leeman 24.11.1834
-Lease and Mortgage on property in Carmelite Street from John Powell to Mary Dewsbury 23.11.1834 and 24.11.1834
-Schedule of title deeds relating to properties in Carmelite Street, property of John Powell, mortgaged by him to Mary Dewsbury 24.11.1834
-Market Committee deeds regarding purchase of the Lockwood property 05.12.1834
-Copy of affidavit concerning purchase of the Lockwood property 24.01.1835
-Extract from General Meeting Book of the Market Committee - confirmation of purchase Mr Waite's property by the Committee 09.11.1835
-Conveyance for piece of ground in Church Street between the New Market Trustees and Mrs Hannah Musgrave (deceased) and her trustees Henry and James Richardson 07.12.1835
-Lease for 1 year for ground, tenements and dwelling houses situated in Patrick Pool and Church Street from Hannah Musgrave to George Leeman 18.01.1836
-Conveyance of piece of land from Hannah Musgrave and Ann Thompson to John Powell for several pieces of ground in Church Street 19.01.1836
-Transfer and Mortgage for hereditaments in Powell Place from John Powell to William Pape 13.02.1836. Also Reconveyance from William Pape to George Leeman 12.09.1835
-Affidavit of John Seymour, Esq. as to hereditaments formerly the estate of Henry Waite (deceased) 30.03.1836
-Valuation by Matthew Oates of properties owned by John Powell 25.08.1837
-Conveyance and Lease for 1 year of parcel of ground on Dundas Street from John Smith to John Powell 28.08.1837
-Conveyance from Robert Gill to John Powell for piece of ground on Garden Place 25.09.1837
-Release for piece of ground and buildings on Church Street from the City of York New Market Trustees to John Powell 27.11.1837
-Two copies of conditions of sale of an auction of land fronting onto Parliament Street (owned by George Leeman) 18.01.1838
-Two copies of conditions of sale of an auction of land fronting onto Parliament Street (owned by George Leeman) 23.03.1838
-Letter to Anne, Rachel and Catherine Cowling re mortgage of hereditaments in Powell Place 16.02.1839
-Copy of affidavit re purchase of the Waite property by James Richardson on behalf of the Market Committee 19.02.1839
-Valuation by Matthew Oates of properties owned by John Powell 30.08.1839
-Copy of declaration by James Richardson concerning properties named only as '2' and 'R', placed for sale by the Market Committee 14.10.1839
-Lease and Mortgage for houses and hereditaments in Parliament Street from John Powell (with assent of George Leeman) to George Chlomley, Esq. 21.10.1839 and 22.10.1839. Also Reconveyance from George Chlomley to George Leeman 18.12.1855
-Notice from George Leeman re his having purchased the equity of redemption of all John Powell's properties in mortgage to George Chlomley 17.12.1839
-Notice re mortgage agreement between John Powell, George Leeman, and Thomas Johnson 17.12.1839
-Schedule of title deeds and writings re dwelling houses and premises in St Sampson's Square, now occupied by Thomas Nettleton and William Banks, the property of George Leeman 21.04.1841
-Additional abstract title of Henry Martin Aitken to premises in Layerthorpe 1844
-Original mortgage document for parcel of land outside Layerthorpe Postern from Henry Martin Aitken to Rachel Wilson 03.04.1844
-Release of hereditaments in Bilton Street from Richard Powell to George Leeman 28.02.1846
-Supplemental abstract of title to property in Layerthorpe Postern between Henry Martin Aitken, Rachel Wilson, Wlliam Gray and Harrison Thomas 1847
-Schedule of deeds - conveyance of 2 dwelling houses outside Layerthorpe Postern between George Hopps, Charles Filney, William Fox Clark, George Leeman and James Allen 14.12.1860. Also Conveyance for all that piece of land in Layerthorpe between John Earle, George Leeman, and William Fox Clark 25.08.1860
-Letter re loan of £2,000 from George Leeman to Mr Crust and a list of properties owned by Leeman set against the loan 24.04.1867
-Copy of above letter 19.06.1867
-Abstract of title for 5 cottages in Middle Water Lane, contracted to be sold to the York Corn Exchange Company by George Leeman 02.03.1874
-21 year agreement for rent of a 'sett to work for china clay' in Cornwall from Rev F.C. Jackson, John Carlyon and Rev George Lambe to George Leeman 03.06.1874
-Letter from York Corn Exchange to George Leeman, making an offer for Leeman's properties on Middle Water Lane 19.10.1875
-Letter from York Corn Exchange confirming payment for 2 free-hold cottages owned by George Leeman which adjoin the Corn Exchange 12.11.1875
-Abstract of a title for 5 cottages on Middle Water Lane to be sold to the York Corn Exchange by George Leeman 1876
-Letter from Richardson, Gulch, & Co. to York Corn Exchange requesting abstract of title for sale of property on Middle Water Lane by Leeman to the Corn Exchange 14.02.1876
-Letter from George Leeman re properties on Middle Water Lane-deed to be sent over to be signed - 29.02.1876
-Conveyance of a reversion in a moiety of cottages in Middle Water Lane from George Thomas Leeman of Middlesex to George Leeman, Esq. of York 29.02.1876
-Copy of the above conveyance 1876
-Letter from Richardson, Gulch & Co. on behalf of George Leeman to York Corn Exchange - appointment made to examine the abstract and the requisition on title 04.03.1876
-Requisitions on title from George Leeman to York Corn Exchange 28.03.1876
-Letter on behalf of George Leeman to York Corn Exchange - request to see declarations which Corn Exchange promised would be made 08.06.1876
-Second letter on behalf of George Leeman to York Corn Exchange - confirmation of receipt of letter from the Corn Exchange and request for information on payment of succession duties on estate of George Leeman 28.12.1876
-Third letter on behalf of George Leeman to York Corn Exchange - request for confirmation of payment of succession duties on Leeman's varied distributions of his assets 29.12.1876
-Letter from George Leeman to the York Corn Exchane informing them that he will pay any succession duties in respect of Middle Water Lane properties 01.01.1877
-Memorandum of a mortgage on close of land at Layerthorpe from George Leeman to Rev Stephen W. Lawley 04.04.1879
-Balance sheet of Treviscoe China Clay Works in Cornwall 03.12.1881-21.08.1883
-Agreement re Treviscoe Clay Works after the passing of George Leeman 1883
-Agreement for the sale and purchase of land at Layerthorpe between Henry Tennant and the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the city of York 10.03.1887.

Sans titre
George Leeman's Deeds and Papers
GLP · Fonds · 1660-1887

This collection comprises various papers and deeds collected by and connected with George Leeman including those relating to property and land, legal and financial matters as well as family notices and records.

Sans titre
Bundle of legal papers
GDC/194 · Série · 29 March 1661-18 June 1880
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Includes copy of a counterpart lease, receipts, probate of the will of Mrs Hannah Telford, legal valuations, allotment of land to Reverend Edward Willan, and receipted account from the City of York Surveyor's office. Please see file and item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this series.

Sans titre
WRL/3/1 · Dossier · 20 February 1662-2 September 1774
Fait partie de Weatherill family

Includes two deeds which were co-located with the collection, presumably relating to lands owned later by the Weatherill family. One (1774) relates to property in Angram, whilst the other (1662) relates to property in Fossgate, City of York, held at the time by John Straker.


Legal papers
WRL/3 · Série · 20 February 1662-2 September 1774
Fait partie de Weatherill family

Includes two deeds which were co-located with the collection, presumably relating to lands owned later by the Weatherill family.


Bundles of legal papers
GDC/184 · Série · 11 May 1663-16 November 1830
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Includes papers relating to the estate of John Robinson Foulis, deceased, late of Heslerton, as well as legal papers relating to Mrs Mary King, John Thompson, William Meek, Richard Lucas of Casterton and John Peckitt. Also includes receipt from Edward Thompson, lease relating to land in Settrington, probate of the will of Edward Groves the elder, legal opinion of Recorder Johnson relating to various families and lands, and counsel's opinion relating to the title of Mr John Groves and others. The structure of this series has been maintained as found, although the inter-relationship between the bundles, if any, is unknown. Please see sub-series, file and item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this series.

Sans titre
GDC/184/3 · Sous-série · 11 May 1663-18 May 1829
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Includes receipt from Edward Thompson, lease relating to land in Settrington, probate of the will of Edward Groves the elder, legal opinion of Recorder Johnson relating to various families and lands, and counsel's opinion relating to the title of Mr John Groves and others. Please see item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this series.

Sans titre
Lease and release
WID/2 · Pièce · 10 July 1663-11 July 1663
Fait partie de Thomas Widdrington, Recorder of York

Lease and release in the name of Sir Thomas Widdrington, relating to the Manor of Hamilton alias Hambleton.


YPS/3/9 · Pièce · 7 December 1663
Fait partie de Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

LEASE, Wm. Straker of York, draper, Master of the Society of Merchant Taylors, and the Wardens and Assistants, to John Peck of York, merchant tailor,
the house and chambers called the Gatehouse with the garth and well adjoining their Hall and a garden on the backside of their Hall, formerly in the tenure of John Watson, dec.d and now of Ric Mason and Ric. Crootheir.
Reservation of the right of the Master Wardens and Assistants to walk in the garden on May Day, quarter day, election day and at the court held for the Lammas quarter between 1pm and 3pm. and for the whole society on Midsummer day between 9 o’clock and 12 o’clock and also of the right of the windows in the Masindew, other tenants adjoining the Hall, the company and their servants to fetch water from the well between sunrise and sunset. Term. 40 yrs. from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel last.

Conson. £22. Rent. 6s 8d p.a.
John Peck was to make all necessary repairs, main timber excepted.
Signed by Wm. Straker. Seal of the company wanting.

Acts and charters
GDC/375 · Dossier · 1665-1721
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

17pp handwritten in Latin and English Translation, dated '16 Charles Second'.. folio 10 refers to election of Sheriffs; folio 12 to election of an Alderman. Reverse of final page lists Acts dating from King George I and King George II concerning the River Ouse, and from King George II preventing abuses in weighing and packing of butter in the City. 1721/22 Act for the better preventing abuses committed in weighing and packing butter in the City of York. Printed with MS annotations.


Sans titre
Papers relating to Snainton
GDC/59 · Série · 1666-1727
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Includes marriage settlement, letter of attorney, leases and releases, bond, indenture and legal papers relating to an oxgang of land in Snainton. Also includes probate documentation.


Sans titre
Land to the use of Anne Whitehead
GDC/59/1 · Pièce · 27 February 1666
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

John Smith of Snainton, gentleman & Francis Skelton, yeoman & William Nicholoson of Brompton, yeoman & Alice his wife & William Hutchinson of London, yeoman & Frances his wife &Elizabeth Laycock of Brompton to Richard Whitehead of Kilham, yeoman & Anne his wife. An oxgang of land in Snainton to the use of Anne the wife of Richard Whitehead in fee. On the outside is written 'Wm Dove writings'.


Sans titre
GDC/228/1 · Pièce · 25 March 1668
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Lease of a farm at Thorpe by William Mann of Thorpe, Charles Mann of Leeds, Nicholas Lister of Rigton and Thomas Williamson of York to George Wrightson of Thorpe.

Sans titre
Legal answer of Robert Hitch DD
GDC/175/2 · Pièce · 1669
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

The answer of Robert Hitch, Doctor in Divinity, Dean of the Cathedral and Metropolitan Church of St Peters of York and Chapter of the same, defendant to the bill of complaint of Sir John Keeleinge, Knight and Lord Chief Justice of the court of Kings Bench, Sir Thomas Tirvill, Knight one of his Magesties Justices of his Magesties Court of Common Pleas, Sir Christopher, Knight one of the Barons of his Magesties Court of Exchequer, Sir William Wylde Knight, one other of his Magsties Court of Common Pleas, Sir John Maynourd, Knitght, his Magesties Serjeant at Law, John Fountain, Charles Halloway, Thomas Broome and John Serjeants at Law.

Sans titre
Copy of lease
GDC/201/1 · Pièce · 25 February 1669
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

A copy of the Dean and Chapter lease to Robert Mellish of Serjeants Inn, signed sealed and delivered by Charles Fairfax, John Neile, John Newsome and Robert Mellish.

Sans titre
Legal document
GDC/225/2 · Pièce · 2 June 1669
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Guy Marshall (son of Bryan Marshall, deceased) of Sicklinghall, husbandman, to Francis Thompson of Whixley, yeoman. Relates to a Mansion or dwellinghouse and lands at Thorp Underwood.


Sans titre
GDC/148/1 · Pièce · 6 July 1669
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Manor of Hatfield (near Doncaster). Robert Sedgwicke of Badsworth, gentleman, asks for land in the Manor and it was granted. Also includes an enlarged photocopy.


Sans titre
Bundle of documents
GDC/148 · Série · 6 July 1669-22 February 1812
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Includes assignment, agreement, legal summons, lease, bills and other legal documents. Please see file level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this series.


Sans titre
Leases, assignments etc
GDC/385 · Dossier · 1670-1879
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Includes lease from Jackson to Agar 1670; lease from Agar to Ambler 1685; document relating to Mr Greenbury's marriage settlement 1697; contract Mr Cotton daughter (?) to Mr Greenbury 1709; assignment Greenbury to Agar 1717. Also includes a schedule of Title Deeds of a site in Micklegate belonging to Messrs Raines and Co., 1879.


Sans titre
Search of lease
GDC/201/2 · Pièce · 1670
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

A search of the leases of Serjeants Inn in Fleet Street, London, where Robert Mellish has to surrender his lease to the previous lessees. This document mentions 'the late dreadfull fire, which happened in London'.

Sans titre
Hearth tax assesments
Y/FIN/2/1/3 · Dossier · 1670-1674
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

E80a: 1670 volume relates to the Wapentake of the Ainsty
E80: 1671 volume relates to the City of York.
M30.22: Account for the year 1665 (Lady Day)
M30.23: Account for the year 1665 (Michaelmas)
M30.24: List for the City of York, 1670
M30.25: List for the Ainsty, 1671
M30.26: List for York and the Ainsty, 1674.

Marriage settlement
GDC/59/2 · Pièce · 11 November 1671
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Settlement of one oxgang of land in Snainton on the marriage of William Stubbs the yunger (son of Richard Stubbs of Snainton) with Jane Skelton, daughter of Frances Skelton of Snainton


Sans titre
Legal papers
HDG/13 · Série · 1674-1902
Fait partie de Hardings drapers, High Ousegate, York

At present this collection only comprises one bundle of title deeds and associated documents relating to the Hardings premises at 26 and 27 High Ousegate, and 18 Coppergate.

Sans titre
Hardings drapers, High Ousegate, York
HDG · Fonds · 1674-2019

Includes invoice book, ledgers, property papers and plans, financial papers, photographs and glass plate negatives, examples of stationary, half-yearly catalogues, advertising signs and materials, fabric samples, printed books, papers relating to the incorporation of the company and its winding up, sales catalogues, legal papers, newspaper cuttings, third-party advertisements, Midland Bank coin bags, papers relating to the involvement of the Harding family with the Merchant Taylors Company, Econasign stencilling set and framed photograph of the premises under construction. Please see series level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this collection.

Sans titre
Y/LEG/2/6/1 · Pièce · 12 April 1675
Fait partie de York Civic Archive

Lease between (1) William Ramsden, Lord Mayor of the City of York and the Commonalty of the same city and (2) William Clarke, draper, for a term of seven years. Yearly rent £66.
". . . all that capital messuage or tenement called Tang Hall and also all that close closes or pasture of ground called Tang Hall pasture . . ."

JAR/1/3/3 · Pièce · 1676 - 1726
Fait partie de Raine Family Papers

Extracts from Archbishop's Papers at Bishopthorpe. This volume contains notes by a Vicar, Choral. Also includes a contract for York Minster organ, pew and great chair, and notes of books and papers lent by R. E. Smithson in 1882.

GDC/216/3 · Pièce · 1 January 1676
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

William Rokeby of Ackworth Park in the County of York, esquire and Ann Sedgwick of Badsworth (executrix and widow of Robert Sedgwick her late husband). This document appears to be an inventory which states, among other things.


Sans titre
Bundle of legal papers
GDC/211 · Série · 1678-1877
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Includes copy will of Mr Bowes, copy of the will of Ann Bowes of York, schedule of title deeds relating to Sergeant's Inn, Fleet Street, assignment of a messueage, deposit book for York Savings Bank, notice to quit, statutory declaration by Thomas Beale of York, memorandum and rental account. Please see item level descriptions for more detailed information about the contents of this series.

Sans titre
William Peckitt, York glass painter
PEC · Fonds · 1679-1797

The collection comprises a printed edition of John Guillim's 'Display of Heraldry' and correspondence and accounts relating to the business of William Peckitt.

Sans titre
Deeds relating to property in Jubbergate
GDC/341 · Dossier · 1679-1836
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Bundles 1 and 2 include a deed signed by John Carr, the architect as Lord Mayor of York (1770); also messuage in St Crux parish and another adjoining Layerthorpe Postern on the one side and St Cuthbert's churchyard on the other c.1757. Bundle 3 includes a document relating to the Punch Bowl public house (1814) which is also referred to in a document of 1836 (bundle 5). Bundle 4 comprises mainly leases and conveyances. A number of documents concern property held by the Dean and Chapter of York Minster. Two documents of 1833 are conveyances to the New Market Trustees / The Trustees under the New Market Act. Bundle 5 contains documents of 1836 refer to property on the corner of Jubbergate and Silver Street and in St Sampsons Square and Harthwaite Lane.


Sans titre
GDC/231/1 · Dossier · 10 June 1679
Fait partie de Gray, Dodsworth & Cobb, York solicitors

Lease of Burton Farm and Hall Farm by Isabell Mann of York, widow and Robert Mann of London, apprentice, to Roger Dawson of Thorpe Underwood, yeoman. The file includes a scrap of paper with same details.

Sans titre