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Archival description
No 24 St Saviourgate York
Y/PPT/6/1/2301 · Item · July 1029
Part of York Civic Archive

Ground floor plan showing complete plot with lawn, plus plans of each of 3 stories plus basement - Drawing type: Floor plans
Drawing number (if any):
Scale: One inch: 8 feet
Size: Medium
Names: F.W. Spurr City Engineer York


YPS/3/1 · Item · [13th Century]
Part of Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

GIFT IN FEE SIMPLE, Ric. Maunsel, knight, to Ernaldus, clerk, 4. acres & 3 roods or land lying between Buschefeld & Littelthwait, an assart in Keshered, an acre & 3 roods in the land or Naburn called Swynne, and an acre & 3 roods above Langethwit.

Witnessed: Will de Palma, Hamo de Arnecliue, the parson or Acastre, John de Fulford, clerk, Hamo of the same town, clerk, Robt. Bustard, Henry Bustard, John de Cawude, John his son, Ric. Holdeberd, Henry Neue, Monay de Naburne, Ric. Pinchewere, Hugh Mus, Peter son of Hugh, Adam, clerk of Stransale.

Seal on tag wanting.

YPS/3/2 · Item · [13th Century]
Part of Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections


GIFT IN FEE SIMPLE, Wm. de Rependon to Walter de Allespath, of all the land held by Walter, of Edith Witing.

Witnessed: Ric. de Aula, Robt. Vinetar, Hugh son of Martin, Hugh de Allespath, Thos. de Wilmhal, Mathew son of Gundree, Walter le Lorim’, Ric. Burgeis, Ric. Oxu, Roger de Allespath, & Wm. le Butt.

Seal on tag: hexagonal, green, 1" x 11/3"

Y/ADM/1/1/62/2 · Item · 1312-1377
Part of York Civic Archive

There is no extant charter related to this seal surviving. Green wax, on red and green laces. Condition: ¼ of right side wanting. Impression: good. Noted in Birch, Volume 1, 181 p.23-4.

Great seal of Edward II
Y/ADM/1/1/62/1 · Item · 1312
Part of York Civic Archive

Possibly relates to charter Y/ADM/1/1/6. Green wax, on green and red laces. Condition: slightly chipped. Impression: very good. Noted in Birch, Volume 1, 147, p.21.

YPS/3/3 · Item · 23 June 1317
Part of Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

GIFT IN FEE TAIL, Ranulf le Hoser, citizen of York & Ellen his wife, to John de Wetewang, York, apothecary & Petri et his wife, daughter of Ranulf & Ellen, of a messuage in Micklegate.
Abbutals given.

Witnessed: Robt. Mek, mayor of York, Thos. de Alwarthorp, Nich. de Coloma, Ric. Toller, bailiffs of the same town, Thos. de Horneby, John Lorbatour, John Yarstallo, Thos. de Hillburgh, Roger de Pikeryng de Ebor, Clerk.

2 seals on tags: round, red, l" & ¾":

Text from the back of the deed: 'Die Jovis p.p.festum S.S. Petriet Pauli, 10 Ed. II, [1317 23rd June, at York]'.

YPS/3/4 · Item · 21 January 1357
Part of Yorkshire Philosophical Society Collections

GIFT IN FEE SIMPLE, John de Lasceles of Escrik to Sir Ric. de Tadecastre & Robt. de Barton, York, chaplain, of a messuage with appurtances in Fishergate
Abuttals given.

Witnessed: John de Langeton, Mayor of York, Wm. Ferrein, John de Acastre, Thos. de Strensale, bailiffs of the city, Wm. de Grantham, mercer, John Haunsare, John de Barton de Naburne, Robt. de Skelton, John de Rypon, John de Staunton, clerk.

Seal on tag: round, natural wax, 1”, armorial on a bend 3 lions rampant.

Y/ADM/1/1/62/5 · Item · 1399-1413
Part of York Civic Archive

There is no extant charter surviving relating to this seal. Green wax, on red and green laces. Condition: badly chipped. Impression: fair. Noted in Birch, Volume 1, 259, p.30.

Ecclesiastical Seal
Y/ADM/1/1/62/16 · Item · 15th century
Part of York Civic Archive

York: Hospital of St. Peter, afterwards of St. Leonard. Birch Vol.1, 4404. p.824. Red wax. Condition: chipped at bottom. Impression: very good.

First Great Seal of Henry IV
Y/ADM/1/1/62/3 · Item · 1407
Part of York Civic Archive

Relates to charter Y/ADM/1/1/11. Green wax, on red and green laces. Condition: good, slightly chipped. Impression: very good.
Note: reverse impression has addition of a quatrefoil between bottom cusps, not described in Birch. Noted in Birch, Volume 1,

First Great Seal of Henry IV
Y/ADM/1/1/62/4 · Item · 1407
Part of York Civic Archive

Relates to charter Y/ADM/1/1/10. Green wax, on purple laces. Condition: chipped. Impression: fair. Noted in Birch, Volume 1, 253, p.30.

Y/ADM/1/1/62/14 · Item · 1431
Part of York Civic Archive

Possibly relates to charter Y/ADM/1/1/15. Red wax. Condition: badly chipped at top. Impression: good. Noted in Birch, Volume 2, 5545.

Chamberlains' account book
Y/FIN/1/2/2 · Item · 1448-1491 [with gaps]
Part of York Civic Archive

Comprises Chamberlains' accounts 1448-1454 and 1480-1482. Also includes Wardmote Court records for 1491, ff. 136-139

Y/COU/3/4/1 · Item · 1461-1502
Part of York Civic Archive

This register of weavers' apprentices commences in the reign of Edward IV (1461) and, with omissions, continues to 1502. This book is significantly decayed with many entries being illegible.

Freemen (Unreformed)
Wardmote court book
Y/COU/3/11 · Item · c.1485-1497 and 1575-1586
Part of York Civic Archive

Proceedings of wardmote courts in the wards of the city including offences, penalties and fines. The first10 folios concen the years 1485-1497 (note these pages are imperfect and badly damaged in places). The bulk of the volume concerrns the years 1575-1586.

Freemen (Unreformed)

Robert Reynolde of Clyfton, husbandman, and Lancelot Holme of York, mercer, to William Hildyard, Esq, and William Key, both of York; and the heirs of William Hildyard, Esq, and William Key, both of York; and the heirs of William Hildyard, 20 acres of arable land and meadow in Clifton Fields, a toft, a small close at the west end of Clifton and an acre of meadow in Aikcam meadows, all formerly in the tenure of Anne Dove, widow, mother of Richard Plewman, and now of Robert Reynold; and a barn in Clifton in the tenure of Robert Reynold. Clause of warranty against the claims of Margaret, wife of Robert Reynold and Emmotte, wife of Lancelot Holme. Conson. £110 13 8d. Signed and sealed by Robert Reynold (with a mark) and Lancelot Holme. Endorsed witnesses to livery of seisin. (Latin)

Exemplification of a fine

Fine levied (Michaelmas Term 1582) between William Robynson, plaintiff and William Inglebye, defendant. Concerning 14 messuages, 14 tofts, a windmill, 14 gardens, 14 orchards, 400 acres of land, 100 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture, 10 acres wood, 300 acres heath, 100 acres ternary, 12d rent and common pasture in Clyfton, Rolf and Skelton and 4 acres of meadow in Atom. Fine: £260. Seal, partially defective. (Latin).