Unidad documental simple MFP/8/1 - Letter from Mark Forth to his brother

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Letter from Mark Forth to his brother


  • 1 June 1792 (Creación)

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1 item

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Nombre del productor

(c1800 - present)

Historia biográfica

Joseph Munby, solicitor, was the son of Joseph Munby and Jane Pearson. He was born in 1804.. In 1827, he married Caroline Eleanor Forth . They had seven children:

  • Arthur Munby b. c1829
  • John Forth. Munby b. c1832
  • George Frederick Woodhouse Munby b. c 1834
  • Frederick J. Munby b. c1838
  • Joseph Munby b. c1840
  • Caroline Munby b. c1844
  • Edward C. Munby b c1846

Frederick Munby and his wife, Elizabeth, had two children:
-Beatrice b. c1867
-John Cecil bc1876

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Alcance y contenido

About his imminent departure from Liverpool on the ship The Mary of Liverpool. The Captain is called Curry and appears to be an agreeable man. Intends to do some shopping in Cork where they stop for provisions, as goods are cheaper. He wishes to know what kind of journey his brother had, and assures him that he hopes to have a better situation and to satisfy his friends. Mentions having clothes altered etc. here rather than the W. Indies because of the expense. Will also write to his brother Thomas before his departure.

‘Dear Brother,
I have had this Instant sent to me from Mr. Couplands a Letter Directed to Mr. Jos Hatton St. Vincent. I have also been with the Captain who Informs me - that he has got orders to sail on Sunday Morning if the Weather permits the ship to sail if so I shall not have the happiness of a Line from you before my Departure but if we do not sail until Monday you may depend upon a Line from me by Sunday Post. The Captain Informs me he had a Gentleman wanted to take his passage to Grenada, but he has not seen him this morning, if he does take his Passage it will be very agreeable to me, The name of the Ship The Mary of Liverpool Captain Curry who is a very agreeable person, we Stop a few Days at Cork to take in Provisions & Butter where I shall buy some Shoes where they can be got for half the Value they can be got here and it is my wish to go upon as prudential a plan as Possibly I can.
I have taken the Liberty of Sending Mrs. Forth a letter, I forgot to mention in the Letter that I intended Buying 4 Pairs of Thread Stockings also a Hat, I shall not go to a great Price but what I shall get here before my Departure I shall send you every particular of what I lay out from Cork, If we be Detained by Contrary winds some days longer I shall write to you different times.
I am very well in health and in good spirits but should be more so if I had the Happiness of a Line acquainting me with what kind of journey you had & how you found Mrs. Forth & all Inquiring friends, I can assure you that from the Success of our Proceedings so far I hope that I may soon be in a much better situation (in a! little time - crossed out) than ever I was & have the Opportunity of being a Comfort to my friends for I can assure you nothing shall be wanting on my part to give Satisfaction to any Friends.
We took an excursion yesterday across the River into Cheshire I am sorry to inform you that Mrs. Montrose caught Cold and had a very bad Night and continues very poorly they are very worthy People they Desire to be remembered to you and Mr. Abels family.
I mentioned in the Letter I send (sic) to Mrs. Forth that I had taken the small Cloaths and Waistcoat to a Taylor to make up as Taylors Work is so Dear in the West Indies and I was asking a Person Yesterday who had been resident near 7 Years in the Past near the Island I am going to, he says they charge for making a Fustian or other light Coat 3 Dollars which is 15/- in Value I thought it would be a considerable saving having them made up in this Part
I shall send Brother Thos. a few Lines before my Departure, you will please to give my kind Comps to Mr Abels & all Inquiring friends.
May Health & Hapiness attend you Dear Brother is the Sincere wish of your ever affectionate Brother & most Obdt. H'ble Serv,t
M. Forth’


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